Author Topic: RIP North and South (Take 2)  (Read 16272 times)

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Offline Windflower

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2019, 06:31:12 am »

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

Offline Moraine

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2019, 09:53:29 am »

Offline Hinkel

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2019, 11:45:32 am »
O and Hinkle you never made North and South it was made long before you ever went near it, you added content and a very small amount, it was the other guys outside of the main dev team who added the most.

Thank you for your input Baz.
I still have the very first version of North and South on my disk (release was 2012, same year as NW), it was made by Nytech and me, so WE (also Mailman was a big help in the beginning) are the main dev team and founders of the mod for NW. Even Olafson and Vincenzo could proof that (old forum files and conversation about the new mod installer for NW). I have no idea whats up with "When Hinkel took over"? I never joined a dev team, since Nytech and me started this mod for NW. Like I said, I still have the very first version of the mod on my disk, the installer, the files and such.

Before NW got released, I was part of the secession mod team, but Nytech and me switched to NW, once it got released and started to work on North and South. You could also ask Azrooh (old secession mod member) as well as other veterans of NaS.
I have no idea, why you say that North and South was made long before and not by me? The mod was originally made by Nytech and me, thats a fact.
You can have a look at the progress at moddb and have a look at the old articles:

Yes, we used a bunch of stuff from other mods (with permission), for example of another mod I were part of (The Blue and the Grey for Empire Total War). The first uniform models were original made by Primergy, who worked on the Blue and the Grey and North and South (for NTW) with me. He can also proof that. 
The dev team changed in 2014/15 and Parrot joined the ranks. There the uniforms changed again, which were now made by DocM, for me.

We also used the weapons of the Secession mod, which original were made for the Wild West MP mod.
And yes, I am very much aware that you made flags for North and South, which are still in the mod :)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 12:50:30 pm by Hinkel »

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2019, 12:41:37 pm »
I agree with Goomba. Hinkel, you created a beautiful mod. Regardless how you acquired all of those "assets", it was still a great mod to enjoy.

I am still very much proud of North and South and always looking back at the development time.
Seems you are a bit salty about "how you acquired those assets". They were shared by other mods (buildings and map props most of them), the uniforms were made by Primergy (you can see his work in North and South for Napoleon Total War). His uniforms were part of the mod from the first version in 2012 until 2014/15.

When we started to work on a new version with Parrot and Kanade, Docm (L'Aigle) provided the new look of the uniform, which I payed for. These uniforms and variations of it are part of the current mod version.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 12:54:13 pm by Hinkel »

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2019, 07:11:25 pm »
O and Hinkle you never made North and South it was made long before you ever went near it, you added content and a very small amount, it was the other guys outside of the main dev team who added the most.

Hello Baz,

could you maybe provide some proof that supports your claim that Hinkel (and I) never made NaS? Instead of spreading accusations and false info, which you are doing with your statement, you should think about what you want to tell. Because right now I can only tell that you are lying.

I joined a Regiment that played Secession back in the days (~2011) and I really loved that mod. I loved it that much that I got in touch with Azrooh (Head coder for the mod and one of the main devs) and asked him how I could help improve it.

I started to make buildings and walls so we could implement the same system mmrussia3 (aka. Mount 'n Musket)had. After some time I met Hinkel, and he asked me if we want to make a ACW mod for NW as soon as it releases. So we worked on implementing models from ETW mods and others, for which he had full permissions since Hinkel was in also a Main Dev in most of them, I was the guy who imported nearly everything, rigged everything, made new stuff, made a lot of animations (some of which are also used by other mods, like my musket reload) and did a lot of code work, while Hinkel was the brain and knew what had to be at the right spot. Regiment names, naming and other decissions, Community work, Videos and Pictures etc. basicaly a good combo, since I knew what I was doing, and so was he.
Ask NW Dev Vincenzo, I annoyed the poor guy every free hour I had to ask stuff about the code, since we also got permission to use source code and installer code that wasn't available for everyone at the time.

We never joined a Dev Team. Infact, and poor Hinkel can proof that, I was the one blocking new members since I had my own workflow and did not need another guy messing with code or brf work. Only small donations or little work was accepted.

I had vacation from school at the time and was working on NaS day and night. And god damnit I will not accept a statement like yours for something Hinkel and I put a lot of our time in!
The Updater (Which was something special for a mod) was also made by me. reverse engineer it and you will see my name everywhere in the Code. Hinkel had also the good idea to put our names into the Credits, which you can click on in the Menu. Both of our names are on the top since version one back in 2012
Try to find a Version which came out before our. Guess what, you won't find anything.

Since I kind of went silent after some years ,beeing busy with life and school (but also disliking what happened to the community, some people will remember the LB crisis where only the Armys had large LBs and everything outside of an Army was pretty much doomed to fail) I had to leave NaS behind. But I never officially left the Dev Team. I was always ready to work again if help was really needed.

But NaS was my first big mod I spent a lot of time working on (So did Hinkel!), and I will always love it. It gave me much insight into the whole modding topic and helped me as a proof of work for my modding work over at Arma 3. And as such I find it really saddened that people like you throw random statements into the world.

My message may seems a bit cluttered, but I just came from uni and saw what you wrote here. And I can't accept that.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 07:17:41 pm by Nytech »

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2019, 07:44:52 pm »
When 2nd Division didn't mention the Eastern Iron Brigade and all their banter in their declaration of independence

>Francis: I'm gonna revive the North and south community
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 07:54:25 pm by michaelsmithern »
Your mom gay

Offline Mailman653

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2019, 09:01:44 pm »
I haven't been around this community in several years since the end of development of Bello Civili so I can't comment on the status of community for M&B and N&S. I can comment on some of the development of N&S. I started modding N&S for my own personal use though eventually the mod grew to the point where I got in touch with Hinkel to try to bring back the mod (at this time Hink had stepped away for a while and was no longer working on it), eventually we collaborated and worked to bring back the mod and I personally helped in some of the iterations there after.

With that being said, I agree with what Hink and Nytech has said previously about the mod and permissions and such, I can personally attest to Hink trying his hardest to try to secure things for us, talking to the people who needed talking to and in a few cases when we didn't get permission for something, we'd remove it, simple as that. Could there been misunderstandings along the way? Of course, people work hard for what they create and want the proper recognition but as I stated above, Hinkel always tried his hardest to secure us the assets and if there was something we couldn't use, it would be removed.

And to say that we've only added a handful of things and spent very little time on it is preposterous. We would literally spend hours a day working on this mod, sometimes all I'd do is wake in the morning, work on the mod and then go to sleep at night. All of this was our choice and our time expecting little to no compensation other than the satisfaction of providing the community with something fun which we too had fun making.

I won't comment on WoR as I personally haven't worked on that project.

I'll just conclude with, N&S has been around a long time with a very long development history which has been enjoyed by hundreds of people over the years. I understand the passion behind something that you love to play. Enjoy the game, enjoy the mod, play other games, critique and praise when it is due but don't make assumptions about the people who worked hard and spent countless hours on making something for the community because at the end of the day, we didn't make N&S for ourselves, we made it for all of you. 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 09:17:55 am by Mailman653 »

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2019, 01:41:55 am »
Right I just have to say, I got North and South right when it came out and even joined a regiment for the first time in my life, and the then 7th Cavalry current 32nd in everything else will always be one of the best gaming of my life. The moment I heard about War of Rights I was excited as all hell. Greatest tragedy on earth is I can't afford a machine that runs the thing but by God it is one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure to play and that all came from a really small modding team on a really small expansion of a really small game. If you can't feel pride in that and only criticise then that's on you, but I am so incredibly proud of the team and all they've done for us. If you want to criticise then sure, do so, but please do so from a place of love because without this lot you'd still be in Napoleonic doing fucking all v bots

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2019, 12:11:27 pm »
 ::) drama in 2019

Offline Duke Of LongTree

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2019, 05:51:50 pm »

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Offline Hinkel

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2019, 09:30:01 pm »
::) drama in 2019

Oh yes, I am sorry.
I am not allowed to defend myself, if some guys are talking shit about me or the mod. Spreading out false information.

At least you don't have to spend money for a Netflix subscribtion, to get some good drama ;)

Offline Moraine

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2019, 11:08:52 pm »
::) drama in 2019

Oh yes, I am sorry.
I am not allowed to defend myself, if some guys are talking shit about me or the mod. Spreading out false information.

At least you don't have to spend money for a Netflix subscribtion, to get some good drama ;)
bruh chill no one said anything about you defending yourself the whole thing is just stupid lol.

Offline Phil The Thril

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Re: RIP North and South (Take 2)
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2019, 04:41:59 am »
::) drama in 2019

Oh yes, I am sorry.
I am not allowed to defend myself, if some guys are talking shit about me or the mod. Spreading out false information.

At least you don't have to spend money for a Netflix subscribtion, to get some good drama ;)

bruh chill no one said anything about you defending yourself the whole thing is just stupid lol.

I'm enjoying this thread idk about you guys
Nice Guy. Tries Hard. Loves The Game.