Community Name: Liquid
Steam Profile (Link Please): 3eVolt
Why do you want to be a Moderator? Seeing as how this will probably be one of the last tournaments in this game, I want to make sure it goes off without a hitch so that all regiments involved can enjoy the league and have fun with their members. As a Mod, I will work closely with the staff of the tournament to make sure there are never any problems within matches or potential problems that arise outside matches.
Why do you think you would be a good Moderator? I've been involved in many tournaments in the past year and a half and I know how a successful one runs. I want to bring that knowledge to NAPL and make sure it runs smoothly.
Admin Experience: TNWL Referee, NAPL Referee, NANWL Referee, Multiple group fighting tournaments (Including most of Dan's), A shit ton of official and unofficial 1v1s, Administrator for multiple linebattles, Administrator for NA Groupfighting, Countless Regimental servers
Did you read all the rules thoroughly? Yes
Will you admin fairly and unbiased? Yes
Community Name: Liquid
Steam Profile (Link Please): 3eVolt
Why do you want to be a referee? Besides helping a league or tournament run well, the most important part of the tournament are the referees who help run the individual matches. Unlike many others, I enjoy making sure the 1v1s run well by reffing matches so that the regiments involved can decisively agree on who fairly won.
Why do you think you would be a good referee? Been reffing matches for about a year and a half and have been involved in major tournaments, where I have actively participated as a referee.
Admin Experience: See above
Did you read all the rules thoroughly? Yes
Will you admin fairly and unbiased? Yes