Aren't most of the NA's in 18e just part of a different group for NA side events?
Regiment Name: 41st (Invalids) Regiment of Foot
Leader's/Contact's Steam Profile (Link Please):
41st JakesterApproximate Numbers: 15-25
Do you promise to not drop out until after about week 5?: no garuntees
Did you read some of the rules thoroughly?: this is an rgl right?
Community Name: Jakester
Steam Profile (Link Please):
41st JakesterRegiment: 41st
Why do you want to be a referee?: I want to ensure that these matches get done and help out.
Why do you think you would be a good referee?: I am unbiased,
Admin Experience: Many casual linebattles, NANWL Ref, plenty of 1v1s
Did you read all the rules thoroughly?: Yes, although concerned about some of the ones which are crossed out, and thus would like to be apart of the discussions.
Will you admin fairly and unbiased?: Affirmative.