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Regiment Name: 77th Turkish RegimentClass you wish to play as: LineEstimated Amount of players: 10-25Steam URL of at least two contacts: Theoden andWoonDo you want to come weekly?: Weekly
Division,s Name: 3te Schlesische Artillerie BattalieRegimental tag: [3teSAB]Bat*I_Rank_Name and [3teSAB]Bat*II_Rank_Name and [3teSAB]ResvBat_Rank_NameEstimated Attendance: 8-20class: LineNation preference: PrussiaRegiment Leader's Steam [Link]: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144026405/ or https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069342287/Regular Attedance or Not: weeklyDo you agree on all rules?: yes
Regiment name: Artillerie Regiment Nr.4 zu BerlinEstimated Attendance: 6-10class: ArtilleryNation preference: PrussiaRegiment Leader's Steam [Link]: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Balvald or https://steamcommunity.com/id/AgliFSE thread: https://www.fsegames.eu/forum/index.php?topic=40006.0Regular Attedance or Not: regular if possibleDo you agree on all rules?: yes we do
Regiment Name: Royal Regiment of ArtilleryClass you wish to play as: LineEstimated Amount of players: 10-15Steam URL of at least two contacts: https://steamcommunity.com/id/exflyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/LordBismark_/Do you want to come weekly?: WeeklyI agree to the Event rules
Regiment Name: 5e regimentClass you wish to play as: LineEstimated Amount of players: 8-15Steam URL of at least two contacts: [5e]Napo Do you want to come weekly?: Weekly for momentI agree to the Event rules
Regiment name: 4. Pułk PiechotyEstimated Attendance: 8-15Class: LineNation preference: Any/FranceRegiment Leader's Steam [Link]: https://steamcommunity.com/id/koxxuspolFSE thread: Gonna send it laterRegular Attedance or Not: RegularDo you agree on all rules?: Yes we do
Is it possible for the RRA to get reserve spots for Artillery and Cavalry?Arty: 1 Cannon 4-6 menCav: 8-10, Hussars
Regiment Name: Königlich Sächsisches Nr101Class you wish to play as: LineEstimated Amount of players: 8-15Nations: 1st France 2nd PrussiaSteam URL : https://steamcommunity.com/id/Rob_Akeno/Do you want to come weekly?: Weekly I agree to the Event rules