Community Name: GlukTheWalrus
Steam Profile (Link Please): 58e
Why do you want to be a referee?: I like being a ref and being a part of the competitive scene
Why do you think you would be a good referee?: Reasons
Admin Experience: Former NANWL Ref, Former TNWL Mod, Former Garde Imperiale Event Host, Event Host of the 1er Grens Melee Tournament Seasons 1-3, Former Admin of Nappy's Serious RP, Admin of Public Duel NA, some other stuff that i can't remember atm.
Did you read all the rules thoroughly?: Rules aren't posted yet, kek, but yeah, as soon as i know what they are.
Will you admin fairly and unbiased?: Yes
If you're interested, i would like to offer my services as a moderator/organizer. I helped setup TNWL if you recall and as you know, i'm setting up my own league tournament at the moment for the top 2 regiments in NA. However I truly believe that you are right and that there should be a league dedicated to newer regiments and I want to help.