Quite glad you guys have cut contact with them, probably for the best of both sides. As for the conditions musik maybe in your opinion they were not bad but from his perspective they were clearly not acceptable. I have been informed by members of both parties and while the conditions were a bit exaggerated by both sides they would be, in my opinion, unacceptable for a regimental leader to accept either set of conditions. However they were yours to set and I understand your reasoning to restrict his powers coming from your backround with him.
He agreed to the terms and conditions. We gave him a chance to object and debate the conditions. He had no objections and agreed to the conditions set forth by the general staff.
Hendawg Forgotful was going through some emotional distress for reasons I would rather not disclose; he was quite impaired and was in no state to be making such a decision. His decision would have been quite drastic and his snap decision provides evidence to his failure to properly process just exactly what he was doing. Incompetent parties are grounds for contact termination and would be quite easy to argue that at the time he was more than slightly impaired.
Well, like I said, we have it on file and you are free to read it. There wasn't really any conditions that hindered him. He proved to be very unstable by some actions and threats to personal detriment if we didn't let him in. Plus, he read the terms, and ACCEPTED. Now he accuses me of DDOSING his TS server, even though I have know idea how to do that, and said I asked for Admin, even though it's a 12 slot TS, lol. It's not just my opinion the terms were more than generous, even the rest of his regiment thought the terms were good.
All I have seen is the moderator trying to censor our forum posts, they snipped the one where I said the 9th left and why. Don't know why it was snipped, as it is called public knowledge, and they censor it? Bad form