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Messages - Vertildr

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 27 28
Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: NA Open 3v3 Tournament
« on: April 23, 2019, 05:05:01 am »
Team Name: 102eCheflivgardive
Players (1 Sub Max): Camden, Twitch, Prod. Sub: Davy Jones
Leader's Steam profile:
Do you agree to the rules above?: Yeet

Steam Name: Vertildr
In-game Name: Camdenj56
Do You Agree To The Event Rules?:yesh

Community Name : Camdenj56/Vertildr
North or South side? : North
Do you agree to the rules? : Yes
Would you want to be a Captain / Assistant Captain? (Y or N) : N

Events: NA / Re: 93rd's Thursday Linebattle
« on: December 28, 2016, 03:28:03 am »
Regiment's Name: 1stSH
Regiment's Leader: Jock MacGregor/Pooba
Estimated Attendants: 13-20
Do you accept our rules?: Yes
Have you booked our Teamspeak?: Yes

o b o i ii  ii ii

My TS and NW servers are based off these and they work great :)

Regiments / Re: 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne [NA]
« on: September 01, 2016, 05:13:33 pm »
I Will return one day!!!
are you tho?

Regiments / Re: 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne [NA]
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:00:16 pm »

Events: NA / Re: Generic Sunday Seige (21st Hosts!!!)
« on: August 27, 2016, 09:55:48 pm »
o rip just saw that kek nvm

Events: NA / Re: Generic Sunday Seige (21st Hosts!!!)
« on: August 27, 2016, 09:55:21 pm »
Regimental Name:102e
Minimum - Maximum Attendance: 6-12
Regimental Leaders Steam Link:
Permanent or One Time Attendance:  once for now.

Regiments / Re: 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne [NA]
« on: August 26, 2016, 04:11:24 pm »

Regiments / Re: 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne
« on: August 26, 2016, 12:22:04 am »
Caporal/Caporal-Fourrier are not NCO ranks, but they are high enlisted ranks from my knowledge, so technically ESO (Eleve Sous-Officier) should be above them.

Otherwise, good luck!
Ok Thanks :)

Regiments / 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne [NA]
« on: August 25, 2016, 11:57:16 pm »
102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne

Welcome to the 102e!

General Information

History Of The 102e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne

Iniitially, the Regiment served in the Army of the Center, at Metz. Following the Battle of Valmy on 20 September 1792, the Regiment was assigned to the Army of the Ardennes. In 1793, the Regiment saw action in the Meuse campaign. In 1794, itdd underwent its first amalgamation (17 May), under the Levée en Masse, and became the 2nd battalion 59th Demi-Brigade of Battle, with the 4th battalion, Volunteers of Paris, also called 'l'Oratoire and the 7th battalion of the Rhône-et-Loire, in the Army of the Moselle. In 1797, the Regiment was part of the Armée de Sambre-et-Meuse. In 1798, as part of the Army of Germany and the Army of Mayence (Mainz), the Regiment saw action in the Rhineland. In 1799, as part of the Army of Mayence, it was transferred to the Army of the Danube, under the general command of Jean-Baptiste Jourdan; the Regiment was part of the I Division, under the immediate command of Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino, and participated in action at the Battle of Ostrach (20–21 March 1799), and the Battle of Stockach, 25–26 March 25–26, 1799. On 25 September 1799, the regiment fought at the Battle of Zurich.

Battle Honours
Valmy 1792d
Zurich 1799
Wagram 1809

Ex serviture libertas

Event Schedule

Monday: That Monday Linebattle 7:30 Est

Tuesday: Old Guard Linebattle 7:30 Est

Wednesday: Nothing

Thursday: InterReg 1v1/Training 8:00 Est

Friday: Off/Dank Movie Night

Saturday: Nr9 Event 7:30 Est

Sunday: Off

Supérieur Officers
Colonel (Col)
Chef de Battalion (CdB)

Captain (Capt)
Lieutenant (Lt)

Supérieur NCOs
Adjudant (Adj)

Assistant NCOs
Eleve Sous-Officer (EsO)
Caporal-Fourrier (CplFo)
Corporal (Cpl)

Première Guard (PGrd)
Veteran Guard (VGrd)
Guard (Grd)
Junior Guard (JGrd)

Première Fusilier (PFus)
Veteran Fusilier (VFus)
Fusilier (Fus)
Junior Fusilier (JFus)

Soldat de Première Classe (SoP)
Soldat de Deuxième Classe (SoD)
Soldat (So)
Cadet (Cdt)

If you would like to join the 102e Add: Double, Fatipo, Twitch, Or Camden on steam or come to our TS3:

Roster [21]

Supérieur Officers [1]
Col Ron Richards (Double)

Officiers [1]
Cpt Fatipo

Supérieur NCOs [1]
Adj Twitch 

Assistant NCOs [2]
CplFo Camdenj56

Enrôlé [16]
PGrd Grandpa
PGrd Vinny
Grd Davy
Grd Hawkince
JGrd Vengeance
JGrd dragonslayer
PFus Theropaz
PFus Packrat
Fus Ottman
JFus N0p0inter
SoP King HerrDurd
SoP Gordon Ramsay
SoD Major Mexico
So Phantasmal
Cdt Il_Piede
So Codered

Mapping / Re: [MAP] Aluqah's Map (Training&Naval Siege)
« on: August 23, 2016, 05:14:40 pm »

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