Aside from the problems with the server, there are major problems with the event itself.
1. Events become first come, wins. Ways to fix (some for admins, some for devs)
- A way to fix this is for admins to add custom "objectives". An example
Objective: France must take mid trench and hold it for 5 minutes. France must then assault and steal some artillery, if this fails Germany may have a chance to attack.
(This is a very good objective, some high creative thought would be needed for better one. I am not very creative)
- Smoke Grenades, it they cant see you they cant kill you.
- Moving whilst crouching for Sturmbatallion and bomb squads, so they can actually attack without dying too easy.
2. Ramboing is rife.
- Ramboing is quite hard to distinguish from non ramboing.
The only way to fix this that I know of is to had a few extra admins.
Feel free to add ideas or thoughts. I will update this as I play events and do not think this is a completed list.
I think custom objectives is what is needed for events to work in this mod.
Even conquest but re-worked could be an option,
For Example:
France has to capture a flag (trench) and they meed to hold it for a certain amount of time while the Germans have to try and take that flag back within the time frame and France are unable to advance because of a invisible wall or something.
Something as simple as that will be sufficient.
In this mod I don't think ramboing should be a problem. I mean if it trench warfare then 1 person should be no problem. (My opinion).
Tbh the reason that wouldnt work is because the defending team would have to be retarded to lose. Also rambo rules should stay the same. Screw having some 13 year old run off with a sniper and wipe a trech just because he cba to stay with his unit/ cant listen to his commander..