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Messages - Koxxus

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Forum Games / Re: Change One Word
« on: August 25, 2018, 05:01:31 pm »
weed bag

To all of event players!

This is the schedule for upcoming event:
18.00 - Meeting of Commanders, setting whispers
18.30- Meeting of non-affiliated players
18.45- Opening the server
19.00 - Start of the event

If you cannot be on the meeting, there needs to be the NCO/ 2ndIC of your regiment

In addition, event maps can be downloaded from the The_Deluge_Reloaded server. Downloading the map will help the server optimization.

If there will be a mapchange between two phases, you need to leave the server, and rejoin after 5 minutes, to let it be changed without problems.

Teamspeak's address for meeting: Pass: 3029

Free line and arty spots lads!

The info about event will be on new TS: 10 mins before 7pm.

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Mark's Skins re-upload Thread
« on: August 22, 2018, 06:10:20 am »
Gotta 71st on my PC, sadly, without specular and bump. If ya can make it you have them ready to play.

EDIT: Looking forward to see 1er Marins, 45th and 28th  here to download lads.

Link to 71st textures without bump and speculars [needs edit in openBRF]:

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Conquest [EU]
« on: August 21, 2018, 07:53:48 pm »
Regiment Name: 1er Regiment de Tirallieurs
Expected Attendance: 10+
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly, but we'll start from next week
Leader's steam profile link: Kincaid got me
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Ye

Regiment Name: 7thRM
Regiment Leader's Steam Link: 
Preffered Nation: Britain
Numbers attending: At Least 5
Class: Line , we tend to go marines
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yeah


The event trailer is here!

Remember to be at 5pm GMT on Hakkapeliter teamspeak on officer meeting. The password for the teamspeak is 3029

1. Name of regiment: Viagra_Ganczarska
2. Amount of players: ~5
3. Preferred side (Khanate/ Commonwealth):Khanate
4. Unit in first phase:Light Tatar Cav
5. Unit in second phase:Rich_Tatar_Warrior
6. Contact to leader: You got me

Sorry, the server is atm full.

Don't you make your own skins? ???

Well, i'd try to make them, but I dont have much time. Thats why i asked Alistair

Also, i have a request: can you make the 31e Regiment d'infanterie legere?


From the left: sarge, voltigeur, tambour (replace the trompetter with him) and oficer

Beautiful! Can you also give us regiment de hibernia?

Regiments / Re: [3pp_XW] 3. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego [PL]
« on: August 17, 2018, 08:03:02 pm »
Nice to see your post on fse finally

Regiment Name: The [Empire]
Regiment Leader's Steam Link: You Got Me Already
Preffered Nation: Russia and only Russia
Numbers attending: 15 line inf
Class: Line and Cav (if possible)
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes, mabye, I guess so, yes  8) ;D

Regiment Name: 47e Régiment d'Infanterie
Regiment Leader's Steam Link: 
Preffered Nation: France
Numbers attending: 15 line 5 arty
Class: Arty and Line
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

Both accepted!

Les bumpes

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