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Messages - Painmace

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 31
French rank for cavalry :puke:

Merry christmas  ;D Nice blog glad you're following suit with pushing replacing kicking

We had it first, and you know that. We had it in first Alpha build in 2016.
I think cRPG had it first

Already looks much better than all other similar games out there in EA

Looking forward to the event on Red and Blue. As Jupiter put it, it's so bad that it's good.

Surprisingly enough, it was rather fun. A bit loud but fun.

Another week another battle

I just wanna smash me some soft Anglo-Saxon skulls :D
Goddamn, alright...

Great fun with the cavalry this Sunday

08/04/18 - 32nd Ending Ceremony


Looking forward to the cavalry company  8)

Congratz on the new company :D

Thank you  ;D

Regiments / Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« on: March 29, 2018, 02:53:33 pm »

The 32nd Regiment of Foot is one of the longest standing regiments in the NW community.
Created back in 2011 as regiment part of the Mount and Musket mod, we have carried the legacy and history of a bygone age.
Known for our discipline, respect and organization we strive to stand out amongst the many.

Join us and take part in one of our four distinct companies. Play as either a line infantryman, skirmisher, artillerist or as the latest addition, cavalry.

If you are interested enlist here: or add on Steam

Looking forward to the cavalry company  8)

Wiener will take over soon enough...

Yeah, with dem chat commands ma dude  ;D

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: March 28, 2018, 06:43:08 pm »
This is only meant as an update to expand our class list. The 32nd are forming a new company of cavalry

- Regiment Name : 32nd Regiment of Foot
- Faction : United Kingdom
- Class : Cavalry (new addition to the regiment)
- Based : EU / NA
- Thread Link :

Looking forward to the cavalry company  8)

Did you guys know that 30 years ago the amount of memory in an average phone (8GB) would have cost $2,400,000.
I think a phone would have been of that kind would have been worth more back then  ;)

Not funny, danish-man got no humour

This weekend ill actually be able to participste in the ”March of Rome” mod that i really wanted to play the first time.

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