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Messages - No0B

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 67
UwU OwO Furry Power forever!!!!

Steam ( Noob
Team Name: 1KL
Players: Noob - 10923 | Jazz - 1360728 | Antidote- 1853041  | Substitute 1 - GUID
Did you read and accept the rules? Yes
Will get the guids later before the tournament. Might also get a sub.

Your keeping it running as one man army.

Off Topic / Re: It’s all mine
« on: June 20, 2023, 04:55:27 pm »
Hey as the sole user of FSE now that the certificate expired and there’s no one to contest I now nominate myself Community Representative of NA, Admin of NA Events, & Sole Owner of NA Side of FSE

Rules: no souljaboy (unknown source requested)
Personally I'm down based on this rule alone.
Sadly we're back now

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: June 07, 2023, 10:43:54 am »
new cs2 patch:

you can now refund accidental buys such as grenades, weapons, etc

also you can create a loadout, so basically you can play with a1 and a4 on CT
I am not sure how I feel about the gun selection changes but loving the fact that we can sell back our stuff.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: May 18, 2023, 06:07:58 pm »
Heroic faze seems like a finals matchup, sucks to see them face off first
Watching live but if Faze brings this back would be insane

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: April 09, 2023, 07:32:19 am »
Team Liquid on mirage just beat like it was Supreme players facing Novas

Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: 74th Pennsylvania Infantry (Recruiting)
« on: March 13, 2023, 05:36:33 am »

What’s up with all these weeb avatars
I've always had this one

Name: cow
GUID:i have no idea
Steam link:
Do you want to be a captain?: yes
Would you be willing to take a leadership role if you are drafted into League 2?: 11
Do you accept and agree to all of the rules?:
Btw what happened to the 65y NA ?

Name: Noob
GUID: 2234913 if I forget to switch keys 10923
Steam link:
Do you want to be a captain?: no
Would you be willing to take a leadership role if you are drafted into League 2?: no
Do you accept and agree to all of the rules?: yes
I want to be with Jazz & Antidote in L2 willing to play with almost anyone really in L2 though

Signing up for friends if you need proof message on discord at Noob#4487

Name: Antidote
GUID: unknown has like 10 keys might be 1853041
Steam link:
Do you want to be a captain?: no
Would you be willing to take a leadership role if you are drafted into League 2?: no
Do you accept and agree to all of the rules?: yes

Name: Jazz
GUID: 1360728
Steam link:
Do you want to be a captain?: no
Would you be willing to take a leadership role if you are drafted into League 2?: no
Do you accept and agree to all of the rules?: yes

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