~ 1st Battle of Manassas Campaign ~
~ Introduction ~
Good day gentlemen,
I´m glad to introduce you to the "1st Battle of Manassas Campaign"! This is mainly based on the "Gettysburg Campaign" for the "Secession" mod and somekind of a resumption. The campaign is based on a mix of the regimental interaction on the campaign map and of the face to face combat ingame. Players shall be given the feeling of taking part on the real battle of Manassas, due to the fact that all their actions influence the progress of a real huge battle with lots of regiments, organized in armies, beeing lead by a general.
The most important point of this campaign shall be teamplay and this is heavily needed, because a side can only win, if all regiments work together and make this campaign to a great experience of civil war combat.
The campaign will not start that tomorrow but as soon as possible. I am still figuring out possible time for the combat day and thinking about some features that could be added. If there are any suggestions please let me know.
Brigadier General Feldsau
69th New York State Volunteers, Irish Brigade, Union Army
~ Rules ~
Every regiment which signs up has to choose one side, either the Confederacy or the Union. In the campaign we have to main functions: The campaign map and the battle map. On the campaign map the regiments move around. If they meet an enemy regiment it comes to a fight on the battle map (ingame). The regiments have to work together to beat the enemy on both maps so the whole campaign will give you a realistic feeling of acting in the American Civil War.
The factions can win the campaign either by destroying every enemy regiment or by holding enough victory points. You gain victory points by winning battles and holding important positions on the campaign map. There is always shown a counter of the current victory points of each side.
The structure of a turn
This is an example how this could be:
Monday - The new map with all corrected positions of all regiments, news and an overview of all results is posted on the forum. From now the regiments can send me their movement.
Thursday - Deadline for the movement sending. Execution of the movements and announcing of the battles at the combat day.
Sunday - Combat day, when every regiments does its fight (or not, if a regiment has no contact to an enemy).
Moving on the Campaign Map
You move over the campaign map by using moving points. Every regiments gets 7 movment points each round and has to pm me until a certain day, how they move in this round. I will move them then on the campaign map like they want to. If they don´t meet any enemies, they will be put on that place they would like to. If they meet any enemies, the movement has to wait for the result of the battle. If nothing is send to me, I assume that the regiment doesn´t want to move but I please you, that if you don´t want to move, you write me that aswell.
However cavalry may walk over the map with 10 moving points, to simulate the horses and the speed.
Meeting the enemy
Every regiment has a radius of two hexagons. When an enemy regiment gets into this it comes to a battle which includes every regiment which is within the radius of the meeting regiments. This means that both regiments meet in a linebattle at the combat day and determine a winner. After that the winner may advance his sought way and the losers has to retreat in another direction with 5 movement points.
Battle Map
This will be the main part of the campaign. Every week there is one combat day, when the battles from the campaign map will be fought. It is possible that there are serveral battles in one week and they all take place at the combat day. The rules for the linebattles are the same like in a normal Secession linebattle. The regiments play best of 5. It is possible for a regiment to retreat. In this case there won´t be a lb but the retreating regiment gets a penalty. The same case is when a regiment doesn´t attend to the combat day. At every linebattle there has to be a neutral admin which organizes the lb and notes the result of the linebattle.
Strenght of a Regiment
Regiments can be completly defeated by loosing all their men. In the beginning every regiment has 300 men. With every men who has been killed in combat the regiment looses one men on the campaign map. Due to that every linebattle has to be watched by an admin who notes the kills of each round.
Retreating also reduces the amount and soldiers in a regiment, with every retreat the regiment gets a penalty of 20 men.
Balancing, class choice and member amount
Due to the fact that every regiment has a different amount of members, there will me limits and a minimum number. The minimum is 5 men while the limit is 15. No regiments may bring more or less than these numbers but it is possible that there is a fight in which one regiment has 15 members and the other one has only 5. The minimum for irregulars is at 4 and the minimum for artillery is at 3. And it is also important that every regiment has to take its default class. So a cavalry regiment may not take infantry in a linebattle or indians.
The artillery is a special unit. They only move with a speed of 4 movement points so they´re really slow. But they have a big range so their radius has five hexagons. To reach a battlefield they just need to have one of the other regiments withing their radius. The artillery is also the only unit which may decide if they want to go into battle if an enemy regiment gets into their radius. This doesn´t work if they get into a radius of an enemy unit.
Victory Points
Your faction gains five victory points for each won battle but it doesn´t loose any points if you loose a battle. You also gain victory points by holding important positions marked with a star. Thoses stars have a radius of two hexagons, and the faction, which has more regiments within this radius, is the owner of this important position. Your faction still owns the important point, when no regiment is in the radius of it but you conquered it before. The worth of each position can be found in the second post.
How to sign up?
Fill in this form and send it to me either in this thread or as an pm.
approximate number in the linebattles:
Side (CSA or USA):
Did you understand the rules and will you stick to that?:
More stuff will be added soon! These are the basics you need to know. So map and thread are still WPI!