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Topics - DA_26thNC_GP_Pvt_Marmite_

Pages: 1
North & South: First Manassas / Is this mod even alive?
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:49:22 pm »
I stopped playing this game around 2017-2018, and I heard that the DA/UB had disbanded, and everyone left. What has even happened?

I made a tutorial for my fellow North and South community. OBS is a very good program and its very helpful. here is the link!

I am recording videos for my regiment, the 52nd New York and today we made a video for the OB event. Hope you guys like it!

North & South: First Manassas / Tips and Tutorials for Melee
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:04:20 am »
I made a video for tips on how to melee,   Hope you guys enjoy it! Forgive me on the static, OBS acts pretty weird when I record, but my mic is good and brand new!

Pages: 1