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i saw this new "awards" feature and im wondering what they are, what they do and how you get them  :P

Ideas for awards:

Historical Writer - Writes historical sections in history with sources and all that jazz
Donating - For donating
Contributer - actively promotes the game and such
Napoleonic Wars - Copy of NW purchased
Battle Cry of Freesom - BCoF purchased
Technical support helper - posts frequently and resolves tech problems

Dynamic badge - This changes as you rank up on the forums over time.

Soldier- Reach the rank of Private
Officer - Reached the rank of Leuitenant.
Tactician - General rank reached
Grandmaster - Max rank reached

Yes, there are acutally 2 Medals. One for deo, and one for Donators. However, we cannot automatically assign them to Donators, atm. We will probably work on that in the future, since I think that it is a great feature.

Money was a stretch...but I'm not giving you one of my organs or limbs. I love you anol but not that much  :-[

Lol.. 8)


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