Author Topic: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry  (Read 2718 times)

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Offline sirdur13

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7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:20:25 pm »

This regiment is part of the Army of the Shenandoah
2nd "Georgian" Brigade

About us
We are a more serious regiment when it comes to activity and trainings. You have probably seen training videos for other regiments where people are dancing in unison, or having mass fist fights. This is not one of them. At our training we train formations, discipline and combat skills. In order to remain an active member of this regiment you are required to make it to at least one training per week under normal circumstances so that you actually learn something and keep your skills honed.

Our interest is in being the most professional regiment around and thanks to the skills and experience of our officers this is definitely possible. If you are able to act in a mature manner during trainings and events, if you ACTUALLY want to learn how to fight with the best of them, and if you like the idea of a disciplined and organized fighting unit, then you have found the correct regiment!

Ranks of the Regiment
Colonel (COL):He is in charge of the entire Regiment. The god who giveth us our supper and alloweth us life...etc.
Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL): Lieutenant Colonels are expected to be able to use the regimental formations with ease and effectiveness, and without error.
Ensign (ENS): Officer in training, we falls in as a ranker when he is not needed but when he is needed as second in command, then he will do so.
Sergeant Major (SGM): Sergeant major is a non-commissioned rank, and is the most superior none commissioned officer, and in our ranking system.
Sergeant (SGT): Sergeants are the elite troops of the regiment. Mistake is not part of their vocabulary. This is the highest non-officer rank.
Corporal (CPL): Corporals have advanced their melee skills to an elite status. They hardly ever miss-block, they can chamber in normal combat situations, they can feint attack effectively.
Private (PVT): A Privates is expected to be able to follow our regimental rules and show good discipline. This includes showing up to all training and events OR tell an officer they will not show up.
Recruit (RCT): Recruits are in a trial period. This is when both the Recruit himself and the regiment can see whether or not they like one another.
Supernumerarie (SPN): These are, members of which are in a way inactive, they do not need to say if they will show up to training, and will remain in this rank until further notice from them. They can show up to reinforce us during events or random play, but better expect to be treated as a recruits for the time they remain this rank.

-In the case of two members holding the same rank, seniority determines who is in charge. Seniority will be shown on the roster, whoever is higher up has seniority.

Lieutenant Colonel:








Drunken Enlistee! = Red Coloured
How ranks apply
-First officer: The highest ranking officer present is the First Officer. He is in charge of giving orders and ensuring that the lower ranks do their jobs correctly.
-Second officer: The second highest ranking officer present is the Second Officer. He is to stay alive and notify the First officer of any enemy movements. He will take over if the First officer is killed or in anyway unable to lead.

-First Sergeant: He is in charge of keeping the discipline and may use physical force to keep it! (punching, kicking, stabbing, killing etc.) Fear the second officer!
-Second Sergeant: He is to take the First Sergeants position if he is unable to continue his job.

-Other officers: All other officers present, sergeant and higher, are NOT allowed to use physical force to keep discipline, but should vocally tell players when they are doing something wrong and help the First Sergeant to catch soldiers who are doing something stupid or being undisciplined.

So what DO we expect from our members?
1. You must obviously be willing to use Teamspeak in order to hear orders and be a real part of the group.
2. You must be able to attend at least one training per week under normal circumstances.
3. When not attending trainings or events you are required to set your status to not attending on our website calender. (How this works will be made clear enough and takes only a few seconds)
4. During line battles and training you must be able to keep relatively quiet.

What do we give to new members?
1. Training in range, melee, and formations.
2. A group of people ready to join onto random games, or a mod on mount&blade warband with you.
3. A group of officers, that are willing to hear you out on what you have to say, and are experienced in leading people. (Over 3 years of leading regiments on mount&musket, and Napoleonic Wars.
4. The ability to do line battles, and the sort.

The Rules
-Be kind! Don't descriminate against or insult others. We are here to have a good time and we pride ourselves on being an international regiment. Open your mind and learn something!
-Do not cheat or do annoying things on the server. Examples: Fake surrender, running away as the last man alive on your team, arguing with people in the game chat. As a member of this regiment your actions reflect on us, don't be an idiot, we will destroy you.
-We use Teamspeak, we are a close regiment and we expect our members to be on Teamspeak with us when playing mods with us. Most of us are on Teamspeak when playing other games as well.
-Stay informed! We expect our members to check this forum regularly.
The Discipline Standards
-Soldiers who do not meet our disciplinary standards will be removed from the regiment. This is our number one requirement for members. If you are given a direct order that goes against this list that is the only time it is ok.
-Believe it or not, kicking, punching, stabbing, or killing team members, in training, or on a public server is bad for discipline. I shouldn't have to say this, if you think this is ok, leave the regiment and save us all some time. The first and second officers are the exception to this rule in order to better enforce discipline as stated above.
-Showing up at trainings is important. If you are not going to show up to an official training you have to inform us about it.
-Following orders without question or complaint. We know your all military geniuses and that your ideas are fool-proof, but your suggestions have no place on the battlefield unless you ask respectfully and very rarely. Too many people having better ideas and second guessing command in battle is obviously not good. Feel free to make suggestions on this forum or via personal messages all you want.
-Being respectful and kind to your fellow members is important. We are not here to argue and insult one another in our free time. Being an ass to people will not get you far in this regiment, or allow you to stay in it for that matter.
-It is important to keep talking on Teamspeak to a minimum during Trainings and Events. People want to hear the orders clearly and leave the training/event without a headache. Be smart about your use of Teamspeak during these times.
-Our regiment is international, we have lots of members from around the world. As such we use English to communicate with each other both on our taleworlds forum and on Teamspeak. If you want to speak otherwise please use steam or use a private message on taleworlds. We are a friendly regiment, try your english, nobody will be mean to you.

-Names should follow this structure, both on Teamspeak and in game: 7thGA_Name_RANK
-All Recruits and higher must use the Regiments banner (see below):

Training times!
Thursday at 20:00 CEST
Saturday at 20:00 CEST

How do you sign up?

Boring way to sign up:
Make a post on this thread with the following:
1. Character Name
2. Steam ID
3. Country of Origin? (Where do you come from?)
4. How old are you?
5. Why do you want to join us?
6. You have read and understood the rules, and discipline standards of the regiment, and accept them.

Epic prestigious way to sign up!
To do this you will need to save this image onto your computer and edit it with paint:
Then follow the instructions on my example application:
Then please post the answers to the following questions under your post!
1. In game name
2. Steam name
3. I have read the rules
4. You agree with the fact that you are joining a regiment that plays different mods, and willing join into all?
Congratulations your epic!  :)

How to contact us
Andreas, steam id: sirdur13
You can also find us in teamspeak 3 server, under the channel name of (Regiment de Dragons de L'impératrice)

RISK Mod, our regimental taleworlds topic:,249393.0.html
Napoleonic Wars regimental taleworlds topic:
"Pardon one offense, and you encourage the commission of many."
Publilius Syrus

Offline Primetarget

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 05:46:55 pm »
Reporting for duty, Sir!

Offline sirdur13

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 10:47:53 pm »
Reporting for duty, Sir!

Yes, now we have to find out what the hell the differences are between this forum and taleworlds!  :-\
"Pardon one offense, and you encourage the commission of many."
Publilius Syrus

Offline ThePatriot

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 05:32:18 pm »
Drunken Enlisteee


Offline MrLyle

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2012, 08:45:15 pm »
Good luck, Gentlemen.  ;)
The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself.

Offline Dblo

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2015, 05:21:10 am »
What is your ingame name?: William_Reb
What is your steamname?: dblo77
Desired name: William Smith
What is your age?: 13
Where do you live? (Timezone + Country): EST/USA
Why would you like to join the 1st Georgia?: Because I live in the great state of Georgia and I would like to be apart of this reg!
Are you going to BE ACTIVE? (meaning attending linebattles): I will be on every day except every other weekend because i see my dad then.

Offline Dblo

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Re: 7th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2015, 05:21:32 am »
What is your ingame name?: William_Reb
What is your steamname?: dblo77
Desired name: William Smith
What is your age?: 13
Where do you live? (Timezone + Country): EST/USA
Why would you like to join?: Because I live in the great state of Georgia and I would like to be apart of this reg!
Are you going to BE ACTIVE? (meaning attending linebattles): I will be on every day except every other weekend because i see my dad then.