Author Topic: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "Les Braves" [EU/NA] - MUG SHOTS  (Read 393898 times)

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Offline John Price

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"Brave 18th, I know you: No enemy can resist you" - Napoleon Bonaparte

18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "The Brave"

Napoleon's decree of 1811 entitled only five of the 88 active French line infantry regiments to display seven battle honors on the reverse of their tricolore flags. The 18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne was one of the units so honored. As early as the campaign of 1796-97, the 18th Line's stalwart fighting qualities were noticed by the future Emperor of the French. At that time, Napoleon allowed the regiment to place the slogan "Brave 18th, I know you: No enemy can resist you" on their flag. This distinction marked the beginning of an illustrious and tragic regimental history.

The 18th Line participated in the encirclement and capitulation of Ulm on 20 October 1805 as a part of Victor Levasseur's brigade in Claude Legrand's 3rd Division, IV Corps d'Armee commanded by Marshal Nicolas Soult. On 2 December the regiment was heavily engaged on the field of Austerlitz. The 18th and 75th Line held the Pheasantry and the north part of the village of Sokolnitz, key to the French right flank, against overwhelming numbers of Russians and Austrians from the Allied Second and Third Columns. In his report, colonel Vautre of the 18th credited his regiment with "piercing the enemy columns three times", seizing five Russian flags and carrying off a like number of cannon. As a result of the 1805 campaign, the 18th Line won its first (Ulm) and second (Austerlitz) battle honors.

18e Gaming Community, where it started almost 10 years ago.

The 18e was created during mid 2012 as "Clan Dragonfyre" on the Persistent World mod. We then decided to move onto NW as it was released as the 46th (South Devonshire). Shortly after the 46th's sister regiment, the 56th decided to merge with what members we had left and created the 83rd with John Price (Chriseh) at the helm, who was 3rd in command of the 46th. This regiment lasted for around 5 months after being extremely successful bringing 60-85 members per event for around 3 of those months. We had a rough start to Season 2 of the Napoleonic Wars League which lead to an argument between detachment leaders about our participation. However Price wanted to keep going which lead to the split of the 83rd Cavalry and part of the Rifle companies. However after a week of hard practice we brought in our first competitive win against the 25th Kings Own lead by Easy-E. A Mount & Musket veteran regiment. So Price took the decision to reform the regiment, into a competitive line + artillery only regiment, the 18e. Focusing on improving our individual skills with a new structure boasting 2 exceptional leaders. Price, leader of the 83rd and Pluto as his right hand man, former Major of the 2ndCSG lead by Spartan and Sjt of the 83rd.

The first week went exceptionally well. Beating the best French speaking regiment at the time, the 75e, with a convincing 7-3 during our NWL match and bringing a fantastic 42 attendance. The regiment continued as the 18e from January of 2013, till mid 2015 where we took a small break. To return in October of 2015 and has been running ever since. After 2+ years since the last one we recently took a small break again for 2 months from November 2017 till January of 2018 coming back in full force to pull in a convincing victory at NWL Season 9! Video of the deciding match against 15thYR.

What can you expect from joining the 18e

We are a 9 Year standing community which boasts an excellent officer core and great group of players. We do 5 events a week and 1 fun event. None of our events are technically mandatory, however if you are free you are of course encouraged to turn up, with the exception of league matches during specific time frames. The 18e consistently brings 15-35 attendance depending on the event. We are a relaxed regiment that does not mind a chat during events and enjoying ourselves. However Price's (leader) only rule is that when someone is speaking, not just an officer, nobody is to talk over them. This keeps the teamspeak clear and relaxed without sounding like 30 children screaming at each other down the microphone. We play plenty of other games such as EU4 in our spare time and despite being an old community, we always welcome new players.

Rank Structure

               L'état-major du régiment                                                   Compagnie de Fusiliers                                           Petit état-major du Régiment 
          (The headquarters of the regiment)
                                                    (Center Company)

- Colonel

- Cmdt

- CdB

- Capitaine

- Lieutenant

- Sous-lieutenant
- Adjudant-Chef

- Adjudant

- Sergent-Major

- Sergent

- Eleve sous-officier

- Caporal Fourrier-Premier

- Caporal Fourrier

- Caporal

- Fusilier Veteran

- Fusilier

- Cadet

- Premier Porte Aigle

- Tambours

- Flûtiste


L'Etat-Major du Régiment

Colonel. John Price [Chriseh]

Aide-de-Camp. Hunter

SLt. Ajax


Adjutant-Chef. Peppe Baguette

Sergent. HazaFTW
Sergent. Midnight
Sergent. Skitty
Sergent. RagingMozart

Eleve Sous-Officer. Knezevic
Eleve Sous-Officer. Riot

Commissioned Officers: 3
NCO's: 7
Enlisted: 35
Active Strength: 43
Active Reserves: 0

Attendance: 15-20

Compagnie de Fusiliers

Caporal. Bluemoon

Fusilier Veteran. Knightmare

Fusilier. Alfred Pennyworth
Fusilier. Arminius
Fusilier. BabyG
Fusilier. Bloodraven
Fusilier. Boboy
Fusilier. Cain
Fusilier. Chris Tennant
Fusilier. Chyorny
Fusilier. Dannylc
Fusilier. Dave
Fusilier. Dayerino
Fusilier. DeWitt
Fusilier. DeXteR
Fusilier. Deadkiller
Fusilier. Domba
Fusilier. DubScience
Fusilier. Fossi
Fusilier. Frankie
Fusilier. Freedom
Fusilier. Godfreid
Fusilier. Harris
Fusilier. Henrikson
Fusilier. Issa
Fusilier. Killershark
Fusilier. Kubus
Fusilier. Kirky
Fusilier. KoZhiN
Fusilier. Kroglog
Fusilier. Lawrence
Fusilier. Lost
Fusilier. MsEricson
Fusilier. Poker
Fusilier. Rashka
Fusilier. Sanders
Fusilier. Scottish
Fusilier. Seanamus
Fusilier. Skull
Fusilier. Stryker
Fusilier. Varys
Fusilier. Xbox640

Compagnie de Artillerie

Caporal. Markus Artemis

Fusilier. Bigly
Fusilier. Cabbage
Fusilier. Cake
Fusilier. Klahk
Fusilier. MadDog
Fusilier. Maximus
Fusilier. Mittens
Fusilier. Moron
Fusilier. Kaiser
Fusilier. Suros

Compagnie de Cadets

Cadet. Coyoteman
Cadet. Sails


« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 12:27:05 am by John Price »
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2018, 04:24:31 pm »




18e Thursday 3v3 15/05/2019
Ants on a pyramid 15/05/2019
The horde charges the pyramid! 15/05/2019
Puff of white smoke and bye 3pp 09/05/2018


Nice volley vs 5th 01/03/2018
Nice Melee 13/01/2018
Nice Volley 02/01/2018
NWL vs K-KA 25/06/2017
30v30 vs 17e 09/03/2017
1v1 vs 12pp 25/03/2017
Nice 1v1 vs 1y As always 17/04/2017
What our dismissals are actually like 28/05/2017
1v1 vs 93rd 05/02/2017
Back From Christmas Break 03/01/2017
Pluto Godmode 14/01/2017
1v2 vs 63rd & 15thYR 15/02/2017


37 Attendance 02/04/2016
37 Attendance 02/04/2016
36 for NWL vs  66th 26/02/2017
PRAISE THE CRYPT! 20/10/2016
Huddle in the 17e Crypt 02/03/2016
Nice Line for Todays 1v1 08/10/2016
Training Screenshot 17/06/2016
37 Attendance 02/04/2016
Nice Melee 06/04/2016
Skrim Fun Event 03/04/2016
35 Attendance for 3v3 02/07/2016
NA Company Event 18/04/2016
Watching the battle 06/08/2016
Not trolling if it works! 17/08/2016
Pieter ontop of his grave 10/09/2016


46th, the original Price reg 15/06/2013
The infamous 83rd before the 1v10 21/10/2013
33rd + 83rd 24/01/2014
45 Man Line 09/02/2014
37 Attendance for first 18e Training 24/02/2014
18e+17e (Posh)+14pk vs 15thHuss+3rdFG+94th 16/03/2014
18e vs 73rd 31/03/2014
14e Sunday Event 25/05/2014

Mug Shots
If you see these men, keep your children safe.

Col. John Price - 10 Years Served

Adj. Peppe - 9 Years Served

Sgt. Midnight - 5 Years Served

SgtMaj. Fruitocin0 - 5 Years Served

SLt. SpicyDwarf - 4 Years Served

CplFo. Bidbig - 4 Years Served

Cpl. Dayerino - 5 Years Served

FusV. Poker - 8 Years Served

Cpl. CowPunch - 4 Years Served

Sgt. Hepty - 3 Years Served

FusV. Jake - 10 Years Served

CplFoP. Janne - 4 Years Served

AdjCf. Ronan6793 - 6 Years Served
Some say he invented memes...
« Last Edit: June 08, 2022, 09:30:49 am by John Price »
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2018, 04:24:53 pm »
Price has made a modpack for his past regiments that are open for all to use.

•   84e -> 18e Grenadiers (white)
•   42nd -> 92nd Highlanders
•   New Musket, Cannon and Pistol sounds
•   Closed Reticule
•   Changes banner on 3rd page, 3rd along top to 18e Banner

You may find screenshots down bellow.

Download link for the pack: 18e Mod Pack

18e, replacing 45e and 84e

18e Fusilier Company
18e Grenadier Company


« Last Edit: March 30, 2021, 04:25:15 pm by John Price »
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.


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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2018, 04:25:53 pm »
post here first cuz u rigged page 100 !!!!  :'(

Offline Knightmare

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2018, 04:34:31 pm »
ez first page

Offline SpicyDwarf

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2018, 04:35:34 pm »
Single widow. Parent to 14 Uzbekistani children.
spicy's leadership won us nwl
his leadership won us a trip to being banned from like 5100 events smh

Offline ArchWolf

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2018, 04:37:31 pm »

Offline fruitocino

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2018, 04:56:22 pm »
Must be satisfying to start a new thread on the 1st of January

Offline Freedom

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2018, 05:06:16 pm »
I miss all the good things

Offline Adam_Reid

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2018, 05:59:00 pm »
y union Jack instead of Saltire beside ma name, FeelsOppressedMan

Offline Ricky.

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2018, 06:03:14 pm »
y union Jack instead of Saltire beside ma name, FeelsOppressedMan
+1, get it fixed.

Offline Sanders

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2018, 06:43:25 pm »

Offline LiquidSkorpion

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2018, 07:01:43 pm »
New year new thread. How gay

Offline Caskie

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2018, 09:40:41 pm »
Good luck