Author Topic: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]  (Read 152449 times)

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Offline John Price

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18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« on: August 19, 2017, 02:56:43 pm »

"Brave 18th, I know you: No enemy can resist you" - Napoleon Bonaparte

18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "The Brave"

Napoleon's decree of 1811 entitled only five of the 88 active French line infantry regiments to display seven battle honors on the reverse of their tricolore flags. The 18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne was one of the units so honored. As early as the campaign of 1796-97, the 18th Line's stalwart fighting qualities were noticed by the future Emperor of the French. At that time, Napoleon allowed the regiment to place the slogan "Brave 18th, I know you: No enemy can resist you" on their flag. This distinction marked the beginning of an illustrious and tragic regimental history.

The 18th Line participated in the encirclement and capitulation of Ulm on 20 October 1805 as a part of Victor Levasseur's brigade in Claude Legrand's 3rd Division, IV Corps d'Armee commanded by Marshal Nicolas Soult. On 2 December the regiment was heavily engaged on the field of Austerlitz. The 18th and 75th Line held the Pheasantry and the north part of the village of Sokolnitz, key to the French right flank, against overwhelming numbers of Russians and Austrians from the Allied Second and Third Columns. In his report, colonel Vautre of the 18th credited his regiment with "piercing the enemy columns three times", seizing five Russian flags and carrying off a like number of cannon. As a result of the 1805 campaign, the 18th Line won its first (Ulm) and second (Austerlitz) battle honors.

18e Gaming Community, where it started 6 years ago.

The 18e was created during mid 2012 as "Clan Dragonfyre" on the Persistent World mod. We then decided to move onto NW as it was released as the 46th (South Devonshire). Shortly after the 46th's sister regiment, the 56th decided to merge with what members we had left and created the 83rd with John Price (Chriseh) at the helm, who was 3rd in command of the 46th. This regiment lasted for around 5 months after being extremely successful bringing 60-85 members per event for around 3 of those months. We had a rough start to Season 2 of the Napoleonic Wars League which lead to an argument between detachment leaders about our participation. However Price wanted to keep going which lead to the split of the 83rd Cavalry and part of the Rifle companies. However after a week of hard practice we brought in our first competitive . A Mount & Musket veteran regiment. So Price took the decision to reform the regiment, into a competitive line + artillery only regiment, the 18e. Focusing on improving our individual skills with a new structure boasting 2 exceptional leaders. Price, leader of the 83rd and Pluto as his right hand man, former Major of the 2ndCSG lead by Spartan and Sjt of the 83rd.

The first week went exceptionally well. Beating the best French speaking regiment at the time, the 75e, with a convincing 7-3 during our NWL match and bringing a fantastic 42 attendance. The regiment continued as the 18e from January of 2013, till mid 2015 where we took a small break. To return in October of 2015 and has been running ever since. After 2+ years since the last one we recently took a small break again for 2 months from November 2017 till January of 2018 coming back in full force to hopefully pull a win from what seems to be the last season of NWL (Season 8 ) before Bannerlords release.

What can you expect from joining the 18e

We are a 6 Year standing community which boasts an excellent officer core and great group of players. We do 5 events a week and 1 fun event. None of our events are technically mandatory, however if you are free you are of course encouraged to turn up, with the exception of league matches during specific time frames. The 18e consistently brings 15-35 attendance depending on the event. We are a relaxed regiment that does not mind a chat during events and enjoying ourselves. However Price's (leader) only rule is that when someone is speaking, not just an officer, nobody is to talk over them. This keeps the teamspeak clear and relaxed without sounding like 30 children screaming at each other down the microphone. We play plenty of other games such as EU4 in our spare time and despite being an old community, we always welcome new players.

Rank Structure

               L'état-major du régiment                                                   Compagnie de Fusiliers                                           Petit état-major du Régiment 
          (The headquarters of the regiment)
                                                    (Center Company)

- Colonel

- Cmdt

- CdB

- Capitaine

- Lieutenant

- Sous-lieutenant

- Adjudant-Chef

- Adjudant

- Sergent-Major

- Sergent

- Eleve sous-officier

- Caporal Fourrier-Premier

- Caporal Fourrier

- Caporal

- Fusilier Veteran

- Fusilier

- Cadet

- Premier Porte Aigle

- Tambours

- Flûtiste


Roster & 1v1 Record

L'Etat-Major du Régiment

Col. John Price

SLt. SpicyDwarf


AdjCf. Peppe

Adj. Louis Davout

Sgt. Hepty
Sgt. Lost Knight
Sgt. Fruitocin0

ESO. Jean Louis (Caskie)

Commissioned Officers: 2
NCO's: 6
Enlisted: 60
Reserves: 130 ish
Active Strength: 68

Attendance 20-30

Compagnie de Fusiliers

CplFo. Janne
CplFo. BidBig
CplFo. Kroglog
CplFo. Sanders

Cpl. Dayerino
Cpl. Blake
Cpl. Midnight
Cpl. Domba
Cpl. Freedom
Cpl. Kozhin
Cpl. Nika
Cpl. Frankie

Fus. Kofod
Fus. MattyC
Fus. Snapp
Fus. Crowley
Fus. Toffee
Fus. Knightmare
Fus. Godfreid
Fus. James
Fus. Chris Tennant
Fus. DeWitt
Fus. Barvit
Fus. Corey
Fus. Liquid
Fus. FatCat
Fus. Ragner
Fus. Talono
Fus. Will_Miss
Fus. Poker
Fus. William Price
Fus. Bohl
Fus. Issa
Fus. Spin/Kirky
Fus. Killershark
Fus. AsianP
Fus. Comrade Rashka
Fus. Eternal
Fus. Daibob
Fus. TMC

Compagnie de Cadets

Mus_Cad. Adam
pA_Cad. Ricky

Cad. Porkins
Cad. Greg
Cad. Fartacus
Cad. Kage
Cad. Julien
Cad. NickyJ
Cad. Shadey
Cad. Xenoyia
Cad. Smallest
Cad. Henri
Cad. Anton Chigurh
Cad. Achilles
Cad. Water
Cad. Posh
Cad. Jim
Cad. Krastinov
Cad. Brett
Cad. Luckygit64

1v1 Record

Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Losses: 0








« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 03:41:39 pm by John Price »
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2017, 02:56:57 pm »

18e Screenshots

First 18e Training 40 attendance :3
Older 18e ss
84e Siege - Les score un Pluto
18e+14e :3
18e on top 3rdFG LB
Nice Friendly with the 78th! OP Shooting today wtf
Noice 72nd event!
79th pls stop chasing us!
29 for NWL! I only told 20 to show up..
sit da fooq down
Big loines
Good first half

74th Screenshots

6te you arent welcome here D:
Good shots again!
Pew Pew!
Looks longer than it is :(
Gotta learn to make it straight! xD
Fantastic scores all round!
All lined up for dismissals!

Seal Clubbing 63e scrubbadubs
Whats that Carol? Lelelelelv
Seal Clubbing spaniards
All lined up for the 63e thursday LB
8teLeib Screenshots

8teLeib + 5pp 9 - 0 25th + 23e(25/01/2015)
Lovely Shooting :D
Good scores :3
Dismissals :3
NWL 1v1 against the 5aDiv :)
8te Topping scoreboard at a 3v3!
8te Topping our first event we hosted!
4 Kills on the dirty headglitchers!
51st aint running this time! #1
51st aint running this time! #2
51st aint running this time! #3
Nice melee
Nr7 Gren Screenshots

Great first training
Good shots vs 66pp :)
Toooo Much pew pew for them xD
GG Those scores for Nr7 xD
3-7 to 15thYR. Every round was very close! Shame!
Lovely LB vs 8pp for NLC.
Spartans pls be gentle with my butthole

Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2017, 02:57:13 pm »
Price has made a modpack for his past regiments that are open for all to use. This Includes a new reticule, better sounds and better textures for the main UK and French units. Along with a few  minor banner changes.


45e -> 18e Fusiliers
84e -> 18e Grenadiers (white uniforms)

33rd  -> 28th Regiment Centre Company
Coldstream Guard -> 28th Gren Company

You may find screenshots down bellow.

Download link for the pack: 18e Mod Pack

18e, replacing 45e and 84e

18e Fusilier Company
18e Grenadier Company


Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline Freedom

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2017, 02:58:57 pm »

Offline Blaze

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2017, 03:00:16 pm »
[5th] alax has changed their name to I give up fuck this.
Blaze has a small peepee, but atleast he doesn't ban me like a manchild

Offline Grela

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2017, 03:03:30 pm »
i love u John

JSC 2013-2015 (Fus) | 64RegGal 2016-2018 (Col)| 1erBG 2018-2020(Col) | 5to 2020 (Cpt)

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JSC 2013-2015 (Fus) | 64RegGal 2016-2018 (Col)| 1erBG 2018-2020(Col) | 5to 2020 (Cpt)

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2017, 03:07:44 pm »
i love u John
My disciples range between 1000 to 10,000

Cannot be stopped, we hawt
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline SpicyDwarf

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2017, 03:20:18 pm »
>Creates new thread
>Doesn't update roster
>disband inc
Single widow. Parent to 14 Uzbekistani children.
spicy's leadership won us nwl
his leadership won us a trip to being banned from like 5100 events smh

Offline Knightmare

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2017, 03:20:28 pm »
1st page yey

Offline John Price

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2017, 03:38:35 pm »
>Creates new thread
>Doesn't update roster
>disband inc
Who cares, nobody joins this reg anyway
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline Phillyz

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2017, 04:17:27 pm »
Sad times. :(

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Re: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "les Braves" [EU/NA]
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2017, 04:42:24 pm »
padawan should replace chicken as captain, he has every ability a true leader should possess, a good voice, skill, experience & dedication. Padawan has all of these things and the only reason he wasn't allowed into team spain was cause chicken was afraid of him since he truly knew how much of a danger padawan could be to his spot.
padawan is no padawan any longer, he is a MASTER now and i would be AFRAID to fight him with team NL since he can 1v10 us easily!