Author Topic: Player Biography, post yours now!  (Read 79981 times)

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Offline Carson

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #120 on: June 16, 2015, 04:19:40 am »
When did you start playing MM/NW?I started playing in early January 2013
What regiments have you previously been in?24th,21e,15thYork,1te,30th
Have you done anything notable?I used to admin the 27th Siege server when it was up and also a few events and groupfighting matches. I can say I helped lead a pretty successful regiment for a year and a half. Beat Theodin when he was bad.
Current Regiment/rank?3eVolt as a Cadet

15e Chef de Bataillon
USMC Captain |30th Captain | 3eVolt Soldat de Première | 1te Garde Lieutenant | 15thYork Serjeant | 21e Soldat | 24th Private

Offline Theodin

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #121 on: June 16, 2015, 02:30:58 pm »
When did you start playing MM/NW?I started playing in early January 2013
What regiments have you previously been in?24th,21e,15thYork,1te,30th
Have you done anything notable?I used to admin the 27th Siege server when it was up and also a few events and groupfighting matches. I can say I helped lead a pretty successful regiment for a year and a half. Beat Theodin when he was bad.
Current Regiment/rank?3eVolt as a Cadet
I don't remember dat
I remember Lice, Bird, and Panda all reking me, but not you

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Carson

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #122 on: June 16, 2015, 06:30:52 pm »
When did you start playing MM/NW?I started playing in early January 2013
What regiments have you previously been in?24th,21e,15thYork,1te,30th
Have you done anything notable?I used to admin the 27th Siege server when it was up and also a few events and groupfighting matches. I can say I helped lead a pretty successful regiment for a year and a half. Beat Theodin when he was bad.
Current Regiment/rank?3eVolt as a Cadet
I don't remember dat
I remember Lice, Bird, and Panda all reking me, but not you
Early 15thYork days

15e Chef de Bataillon
USMC Captain |30th Captain | 3eVolt Soldat de Première | 1te Garde Lieutenant | 15thYork Serjeant | 21e Soldat | 24th Private


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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #123 on: June 16, 2015, 08:00:21 pm »
When did you start playing MM/NW? 2013

What regiments have you previously been in? Kelly's Rangers, 63e, Nr19, 1erLigne, 3eVolt, 18th, GzF, 18e, Nr37, 58e

Have you done anything notable? Ritz407 is my cat

Current Regiment/rank? 58e Cornlel

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #124 on: June 16, 2015, 09:26:59 pm »
When did you start playing MM/NW?   Late 2012 I think

What regiments have you previously been in? IN ORDER NA: 55th, 19thIJA, 17th, 1stRM, 1erSuisse, 2eSuisse, SPM, 73rd, 3DM, 35th, 2ndRSG, Nr3, 16e, 2ndRSG, 3DM, 1stRM, 7thKGL, 72nd, 1erLV,
EU: 15th, 32nd, 33rd, 3rd, 4e, 3teSL, 5te

Have you done anything notable? Lead on of the most disciplined regiments in NA, sucked Andee's dick a lot, other than that nothing too special

Current Regiment/rank? 1erLV, SgtMaj (2IC)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 08:44:24 pm by FancyPants »

Offline Walko

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #125 on: June 17, 2015, 10:58:40 pm »
I'm bored;

When did you start playing NW?

M&B from release (first one), but NW must have been about 2 years ago.

What regiments have you previously been in?

Here we go again*Reg hopper*; EU; 17e (7 months), 3rdFG (3 months), KKA (2 months), 91st (2 months), 16e (1 month), 78th (1 month), 14e (1 month), 23e (2 weeks), 1stKGL (1 month), 24e ( 1 month), 19e (1 month), 57e (2 months_ and 77y (4 months).

NA; 12th (4 months), 54th (6 months) and 5th (2-3 months).

Have you done anything notable?

Won, came 2nd and came 3rd in plenty of tournaments (on more than NW, and also not just infantry, also captaining the 2015 GB team). Hosted tournaments/events such as the NWWC, [FG]Tournaments and the 3rdFG Linebattle. Admined many prestigious servers such as Groupfighting (all of its little rivals too) and 3rdFG Humans vs Bots. Made a couple regiments which never lost a 1v1, but never lasted long, also made a melee clan [FG] probably the 2nd best EU melee clan ever (after FFE), that lasted about 5 months until I had no time to lead it. Got the top posts on FSE (pls go outside Herishey). Lastly been NCO in 17e, 91st and 3rdFG (2 of the best EU regs possibly?). Also been a Lt in 78th before Tyrion went ham.

Current Regiment/rank?

Currently 4e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne as Fusilier.

Jerk your dick a little harder
Pointy stick champion

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #126 on: June 18, 2015, 02:58:28 am »
lol im shipping you my dakimakura with your face on it

Offline Walko

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #127 on: June 18, 2015, 04:50:44 am »
You keep jerking too but I wasn't quoting you babe
Pointy stick champion

Offline Amit_

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Re: Player (Auto)Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #128 on: June 18, 2015, 06:11:55 am »
When did you start playing MM/NW?

Warband in 2010, sometime after it came out. Napoleonic Wars: June 2012, shortly before the Steam Summer Sale.

What regiments have you been in previously?

60th Rifles 44th (East Essex) 22nd (Cheshire) | 1st Royal Marines

I joined the 60th Rifles [EU/NA] in May 2013; my first foray into finding a regiment was successful. My NA leader, Menelaos broke our company off to create the 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot [NA] in late June 2013. I followed him there, taking up the role of clerk/adjutant and reaching the rank of Serjeant for a short time. We disbanded in late January 2014. Many of us weren't ready to stop playing together, though, so we formed the beginnings of the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment of Foot [NA] on January 23rd, 2014. We are dubbed the "Red Knights".

So, I've only ever applied to a single regiment and played the game almost daily for over 3 years.

Have you done anything notable?

That's not really for me to say. Possibly things for the regiments I have been in, but not much that the public would know of. We try to keep ourselves distanced from the main community for obvious reasons, but remain friendly to people who are friendly and courteous to us.

Update (03/01/2016): In July 2015, I helped the 22nd to win first place in the Twitch Napoleonic Wars League (TNWL), becoming the champions of the Semi-Pro League ($200 cash prize). Additionally, the 22nd became one of the founding member regiments of The Seventh Coalition, a social group that was formed by several regiments. Their goal was to bring other like-minded regiments together to promote friendly relations and social activities, free from toxicity. At present time of this writing I am filling the role of a moderator for the sixth season of the North American Napoleonic Wars League (NANWL). Despite the various issues I have with the league, I am proud of the work that I've put toward it and am dedicated to making sure that all possible optimizations are made for the next season of the NANWL.

Update (03/13/2017): I was officially given control of running NANWL in July 2016, but had been making preparations for Season 7 as early as May 2016, before the end of Season 6. I'm currently the head administrator of NANWL Season 7 and have put into place all or almost all of the optimizations that I deemed necessary to improve the league. All changes were thoroughly discussed and debated by 5 moderators that openly applied for the position. I have made no large decisions without consulting every member of the moderation team. We run this league together, not from the top-down. To remove any conflict of interest, I am not involved in any regiment that is participating in NANWL. With the new measures put into place for staff to communicate with each other, such as the NANWL Discord server, running Season 7 is honestly a breeze compared to Season 6.

Current Regiment/Rank?

Captain and leader of the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment of Foot [NA]. Our original leader and my co-founder of the regiment had to leave due to activity issues in February 2014, so I've served as the administrator and leader of the regiment since. cOre, who was my co-leader until August 2016, also led the regiment with me since February 2014. Bilbo Teabaginz served as our 2nd in command until August 2014. In September 2014, Farmer, our lieutenant from the 44th (East Essex), joined us as our new XO and has now attained the rank of captain as the leader of our rifle company detachment. BillyBurnesMcGurne, an old serjeant we had in the 44th, also joined us as our serjeant major at the same time. He excelled at the role, eventually attaining the rank of lieutenant. Along with our NCO staff, we lead the regiment together and consult each other in all major happenings of the regiment. This is something we wanted to make sure happened so that the disconnect we experienced between officers and NCOs/rankers in the 44th didn't happen again.

Update (10/07/2016): In July 2016, I joined the 1st Royal Marines, led by George V, primarily to participate in Season 2 of the Twitch Napoleonic Wars League since the 22nd is no longer interested in competitive NW. I attained the rank of warrant officer with the 1stRM, playing with them on the days that the 22nd does not have events scheduled. A large part of my decision to join the 1stRM was the merging of a significant portion of the former 6teSLR into the 1stRM by Hesse. Hesse and many of the members from the former 6teSLR are friends of mine and I enjoy their company. That has now expanded to others in the 1stRM.

Musings on "double-regging".
Some people have criticized me as being a "double-regger", but fail to provide solid reasons to back up their negative viewpoint. There is nothing inherently wrong with being part of multiple regiments. The negative connotation of "double-regger" stems from the belief that the person would not put forth their full effort of participating in both regiments. This is a very real concern and almost certainly is the case most of the time, especially when the schedules of both regiments conflict. This, however, is not the case with me.  My agreed upon schedule with the 1stRM does not conflict in any way with the 22nd's and my attendance with the 1stRM is better than the majority of its own members. Beyond my presence, I have provided the 1stRM with the same services that I have my own regiment: TeamSpeak organization, attendance/roster records, in-game initiative & discipline, general advice and above all else: friendship.

I invite anyone who wants to fact check this to contact George V.

I have successfully run my own regiment for over 3 years and never, as an individual, left any of my previous regiments. I am probably one of the few people in the NA community that has earned the right to join another regiment, free of criticism. It is quite rich when people who have left and joined other regiments many times try to claim that they are more dedicated than me because they do a lot for their current regiment. They are hypocrites and should not be judging others when they have a less than stellar record of their own.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 07:17:03 am by Amit_ »
Who the fug am I? Read up here.

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #129 on: June 18, 2015, 06:23:00 am »
When did you start playing MM/NW?
I think April 2012. Not sure though.
What regiments have you previously been in?
15e, 44th, 63e.
Have you done anything notable?
Doubt it.
Current Regiment/rank?
Fek off.

Offline Dom13WorstNW

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #130 on: June 18, 2015, 06:48:29 am »
When did you start playing MM/NW? July 2012

What regiments have you previously been in? 2ndQR, 1stRGJ, 2e, 1stNOG, 12e, Nr37, 12th, 71st and others im probably forgetting

Have you done anything notable? Became worst NW   :P

Current Regiment/rank? Corporal in the 12th East Suffolk - [12th]Cpl_Dom13WorstNW Some rank in the 18th


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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #131 on: June 18, 2015, 08:32:56 am »
You keep jerking too but I wasn't quoting you babe
tells someone to keep jerking while calling them babe,

Now im not against gays but tis not the forum for such talk plz

Odesláno z mého HTC One dual sim pomocí Tapatalk

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #132 on: June 18, 2015, 09:04:45 am »
This is the gay homosex dating forum. Are you lost?

Offline Nick Lazanis

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #133 on: June 18, 2015, 11:13:40 am »
I'm bored;

When did you start playing NW?

M&B from release (first one), but NW must have been about 2 years ago.

What regiments have you previously been in?

Here we go again*Reg hopper*; EU; 17e (7 months), 3rdFG (3 months), KKA (2 months), 91st (2 months), 16e (1 month) ,78th (1 month), 14e (1 month), 23e (2 weeks), 1stKGL (1 month), 24e ( 1 month), 19e (1 month), 57e (2 months_ and 77y (4 months).                                     

NA; 12th (4 months), 54th (6 months) and 5th (2-3 months).

Have you done anything notable?

Won, came 2nd and came 3rd in plenty of tournaments (on more than NW, and also not just infantry, also captaining the 2015 GB team). Hosted tournaments/events such as the NWWC, [FG]Tournaments and the 3rdFG Linebattle. Admined many prestigious servers such as Groupfighting (all of its little rivals too) and 3rdFG Humans vs Bots. Made a couple regiments which never lost a 1v1, but never lasted long, also made a melee clan [FG] probably the 2nd best EU melee clan ever (after FFE), that lasted about 5 months until I had no time to lead it. Got the top posts on FSE (pls go outside Herishey). Lastly been NCO in 17e, 91st and 3rdFG (2 of the best EU regs possibly?). Also been a Lt in 78th before Tyrion went ham.

Current Regiment/rank?

Currently 4e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne as Fusilier.

What about the 8Lr Q_Q

Offline Walko

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Re: Player Biography, post yours now!
« Reply #134 on: June 18, 2015, 02:52:01 pm »
You keep jerking too but I wasn't quoting you babe
tells someone to keep jerking while calling them babe,

Now im not against gays but tis not the forum for such talk plz

Odesláno z mého HTC One dual sim pomocí Tapatalk

This is the gay homosex dating forum. Are you lost?

Pointy stick champion