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Messages - Roy1012

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Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: Old Dominion Minutemen [NA]
« on: June 13, 2022, 09:30:50 am »
Thank you all for the good luck and kind words! We are really enjoying the game and look forward to the next events!

Regiments (Game Clans) / Old Dominion Minutemen [NA]
« on: June 11, 2022, 10:50:10 am »

Hello there! The Old Dominion Minutemen (Shortened to ODM) is a regiment founded by myself, Sharpe, Ratboy and Rommel. We are a fictional regiment based off of volunteerism in the state of Virginia in 1861, haphazardly formed to support the war effort and defend our native state. Originally intending to be a small regiment which just had a little fun at events, after our community showed much more interest than we expected, we decided to begin opening recruitment to outsiders and expanding to more than just a single line. Due to this, we will be adhering to a strict level of discipline, despite being a militia-type unit. This is why we are proud to announce we are currently working on expanding into both sharpshooters and artillery in the coming weeks! Eventually, we hope to have two lines (Coy H and B), artillery (Coy X), Sharpshooters (Coy S) and cavalry, if it is added to the game.

Meet the Leaders

Colonel Roy

Colonel Roy is the leader of the regiment and a veteran of a thousand battles. He began leading in 2012 on Napoleonic Wars, and since transitioned to Persistent World, where he led the largest group in North America, House Blackfyre. He has been working hard to build a community of friends and brothers, and now they wish to play Battle Cry of Freedom!

Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe

Lt. Col Sharpe led the prestigious Royal Green Jackets on Napoleonic Wars, and came across Roy during his leading of House Lannister on Persistent World. He is also known for leading the Knights Templar/Crusader States on Life is Feudal. He will be monitoring the Sharpshooters when our detachment is created.

Major Ratboy

Major Ratediah has assisted Roy as the co-founder and second-in-command of House Blackfyre since its founding, and is thus an irreplaceable part of the regiment. He will be monitoring the Artillery when our detachment is created.

Captain Rommel

Rommel, despite being quite unknown to leading, has a vast knowledge of the weaponry and formations of the civil war on account of his re-enactment experience, and thus was a natural choice in helping lead. He will be monitoring the Line detachments when the second has been created.


Our schedule is currently as follows:

However, we are often open to various things on Mondays, whether that be trainings, 1v1s (friendly/casual only at the moment, competitive will only be ready in the coming months), groupfighting and the like.


Want to join the ODM? Perfect! You can join in the following ways:

1. Add any of our leaders on steam. Their links can be seen by clicking on the links in their names in the first section's second sentence.
2. Join our discord through the following link:

Note: We operate out of the discord of House Blackfyre as it is part of the same community in which the ODM exists. You are not required in any way, shape or form to join House Blackfyre in order to be part of the ODM!

Regiment Name: Old Dominion Minutemen (ODM)
Class (Line, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Line
Expected attendance: Probably 10-15, just started.
Regiment leader's Steam name:
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: Yes

Events: NA / Re: 41stNY Sunday Linebattle Rotational Event
« on: May 17, 2022, 01:53:47 am »
Regiment name:  Old Dominion Minutemen (ODM)
Regiment leader and Steam (or Discord) Profile:
Average attendance:  Not sure, just started the regiment, probably 15-20, but could be +/-
Do you understand the rules?[Y/N]: Yes!

Events: NA / Re: Saturday Line Battle
« on: February 27, 2021, 01:00:30 am »
26p arty

Events: NA / Re: Saturday Line Battle
« on: February 26, 2021, 08:17:50 pm »
Regiment Name: 26p
Expected Attendance: 10-14
Regiment leader's Steam URL:
Do you have read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

We are requesting artillery.

Events: NA / Re: A Tuesday Linebattle
« on: November 05, 2017, 12:50:44 am »
Regiment Name: 40th B company
Specialty Desired: Skirms/lights
Date Applying For Specialty (MM/DD): 11/7

Regiment Name: 40th C company
Specialty Desired: cavalry
Date Applying For Specialty (MM/DD): 11/7

Regiments / Re: 40th Somersetshire Regiment of Foot
« on: October 30, 2017, 03:50:03 pm »
Thanks for the good lucks. And as Sharpe said it's far from dead, there were 180-190 at a siege event last night, and other events get similar numbers.

Regiments / 40th Somersetshire Regiment of Foot
« on: October 30, 2017, 03:25:56 am »

History of the Regiment
American Revolution
The regiment landed in Boston for service in the American Revolutionary War in June 1775. It was evacuated from Boston in March 1776 and went to Halifax from where a detachment was sent to Georgia to gather rice for the army in June 1776. It saw action at the Battle of Long Island in August 1776, the Battle of Fort Washington in November 1776 and the Battle of Princeton in January 1777. It was in combat again at the Battle of Brandywine in September 1777 and the Battle of Germantown in October 1777.In November 1778 the regiment embarked for Barbados and took part in the Battle of St. Lucia in December 1778. The regiment was then based in Antigua until June 1781 when it returned to Staten Island and then took part in the Battle of Groton Heights in September 1781: Major William Montgomery, commanding the regiment was killed in the assault. In August 1782, the regiment took a county title as the 40th (the 2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot. The regiment embarked for home in November 1783.

Napoleonic Wars
The 40th was part of the force that attempted to capture Buenos Aires in 1806. After two years back in Britain, it was deployed to Spain and Portugal in what would become the Peninsular War, thus being one of only three regiments to serve throughout the entire Peninsula campaign. Briefly sent to Canada in 1814 during the War of 1812 (1812–15) it was soon recalled upon the ending of that conflict.The regiment later took part in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo in January 1812, the Siege of Badajoz in March 1812 and the Battle of Salamanca in July 1812[59] as well as the Battle of Vitoria in June 1813. It then pursued the French Army into France and fought at the Battle of the Pyrenees in July 1813, the Battle of Nivelle in November 1813 and the Battle of Orthez in February 1814 before also taking part Battle of Toulouse in April 1814.

In 1815 the regiment was rushed to join with Wellington’s army just before the Battle of Waterloo commenced. Initially placed in reserve, they were later in the day moved to the centre of his line to a position near La Haye Sainte. They held firm all day and helped drive off Napoleon’s final massed infantry attack, ultimately losing 170 killed or wounded, including their commanding officer Major Arthur Rowley Heyland.

Rank Structure

Commissioned Officers



Non-Commissioned Officers

Serjeant Major



Lance Corporal







Line Company Roster

Commanding Officer: Captain Roy

Sergeant Major Meli
Sergeant Simon
Sergeant Sitvek
Sergeant Sofo
Corporal Gavin
Lance Corporal Applesauce
Private Dovakhiin
Private Arnolds
Private Jackujoey
Private Magmar
Private Lindhros
Private Shadow
Private Hedge
Private Gilbert

Commisioned Officers : 1
Non-Commissioned Officers : 5
Current Enlisted : 9
Total Strength : 15


Light Company Roster

Commanding Officer:Captain Sharpe

Corporal Geeman
Corporal Rommel
Lance Corporal Murtagh
Private Bloxzor
Private Godrod
Private Coldstream
Private Wilson
Private Brother EDD
Private michael
Private keldo52
Private Daniel
Private Firebullet
Private Johnson
Private Hagman
Private Sluggo
Private Grenier
Private Silentsword
Private Dick
Private Rjaval
Private Jeager
Private Aegon

Commisioned Officers : 1
Non-Commissioned Officers : 2
Current Enlisted : 29
Total Strength : 22


Cavalry Company Roster

Commanding Officer: Captain Jake

Lt. Ratboy
Private Hancok
Private Donrekt
Private Pope_Jon
Private Twinkle
Private Mamabear
Private JJboyson
Private Nub
Private Mitch
Private Harding
Private Raggy
Private Duran
Private Hedge
Private Peaches
Private Memeserker
Private Milky
Private Lucifer
Private Beefy

Commisioned Officers : 1
Non-Commissioned Officers : 0
Current Enlisted : 17
Total Strength : 18



Recruit Roster

Current Recruits : 0

If you're interested in joining us, simply fill in the form featured below and post it as a reply to this thread or add one of the Regimental Staff/Company Officers.
If you want to join add 1 of the following Officers on steam & respond to this thread using the correct format

Steam Name:
Ingame name:
Will you be active?:
Do you have Teamspeak?:
Previous Regiment Experience:


Events: NA / Re: A Tuesday Linebattle
« on: October 30, 2017, 02:45:51 am »
We're moving over from another mod, so these numbers are just estimates, we're not sure how many people will be moving over with us, so please be patient as our numbers will inevitably improve throughout the following weeks. We'd like this to be a weekly event, and if the specialty classes are filled for whatever reason, our detachments will happily play either artillery or line.

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire
Regiment Leader's Steam Link: Roy
Expected Attendance: 12-16 Company A, 12-14 Company B, 10-14 Company C
Do You Agree To The Rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire Company B
Specialty Desired: Lights or Skirmishers
Date Applying For Specialty (MM/DD): 10/31, but every Tuesday after this

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire Company C
Specialty Desired: Cavalry
Date Applying For Specialty (MM/DD): 10/31, but every Tuesday after this

We're moving over from another mod, so these numbers are just estimates, we're not sure how many people will be moving over with us, so please be patient as our numbers will inevitably improve throughout the following weeks. We'd like this to be a weekly event, and if the specialty classes are filled for whatever reason, our detachments will happily play either artillery or line. You can contact me in regards to all three detachments.

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire Line
Leaders Steam(URL): Roy
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Have you read the rules: Yes.
Do you have the TS bookmarked? Yes.

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire Lights
Scheduled Event Date: Every Wednesday
Specialty Desired: Skirmishers
Estimated Attendance: 15

Regiment Name: 40th Somersetshire Cavalry
Scheduled Event Date: Every Wednesday
Specialty Desired: Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 8-12

Events: NA / Re: 54th Friday LineBattle
« on: October 29, 2017, 05:26:41 am »
Regiment name:  40th Somersetshire Infantry
Regiment leader and Steam Profile:  Roy
Average attendance:  Expecting 10-15
Regiment thread or Steam Group:
Do you under the rules?[Y/N]: Yes.

Regiment name:  40th Somersetshire Cavalry
Regiment leader and Steam Profile:  Jake
Average attendance:  Expecting 8-12
Regiment thread or Steam Group:
Do you under the rules?[Y/N]: He has.

Regiment name:  40th Somersetshire Lights
Regiment leader and Steam Profile:  Sharpe
Average attendance:  Expecting 14
Regiment thread or Steam Group:
Do you under the rules?[Y/N]: He has.

Events: NA / Re: 54th Sunday Siege
« on: October 29, 2017, 05:22:59 am »
Regiment name:   40th Somersetshire
Regiment leader and Steam Profile:  Roy
Average attendance:  20-40, will be explained tomorrow as its our first event.
Regiment thread or Steam Group:
Do you under the rules?[Y/N]: I assume that's understand the rules, and yes.

Regiment Name: The Militia
Leaders Steam(URL):
Estimated Attendance: 10-12
Have you read the rules: Yes
Do you have the TS bookmarked? Yes

Events: NA / Re: [8pm EST] BWG Campaign Event [SATURDAYS 8 EST!!!.]
« on: July 10, 2016, 03:22:33 am »
Due to previously unseen things that came up we were not able to show up today, I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and hope you'll be able to look past it and let us come next week.

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