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Topics - Unitater

Pages: 1
41stNY Sunday Linebattle Rotational Event


Event Time: Sundays 8:00PM EST
Event Hosts:

Description: The event will last for one hour from 8pm EST to 9pm EST. Each round will be 12 minutes, with a respawn at the 6 minute mark. The event will be a pure linebattle. All Regiment Representatives are expected to join our Discord server by 7:45pm EST and give numbers. Info will be given 5 mins before the event starts.

Specialty applications be done on the 41st Discord (see link above) in the #Sunday-event-sign-ups channel, as well as this FSE thread. At 7pm EST before the event each Sunday, we will open specialty applications at which point specialties will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

Established at the start of game release in 2022, this will be a Sunday event for BCoF. Since this game is new and in development, our rules will continue to evolve and are very flexible to regimental feedback. We will provide as best a linebattle experience as we can.

Event Structure:
This event as of the release of the Age of Napoleon (AoN) will be a rotational event, alternating between BCoF native and AoN every week. The AoN ruleset is slightly different, to reflect the constraints of that era, so please review the rules below. The rotation will remain for as long as we see that there is a demand in both AoN and BCoF. If the popularity of one eclipses the other, we will commit to that era.

1: AoN Linebattle (with specs)
2: BCOF Linebattle (with specs)
3: Repeat

General Rules:

Obey all commands given by admins. | No Intentional team killing. | No ramboing. | No spamming chat/voice. | No using slurs in your username, chat or voip. | You must have appropriate regimental tags or be kicked. | VoIP is enabled during the whole event, but soundboards are prohibited.

All specialty unit caps are subject to admin discretion and may be reduced during events.

Linebattle Rules: BCoF Native

Any line or Sharpshooter unit failing to reach 3 members must retreat to a friendly line infantry unit and be absorbed into their numbers. These skirmishers then have to form up in close order formation. If no line unit remains then retreat to arty or charge. No Ramboing.

No Firing out of Line (FOL), Reloading out of Line (ROL)and Reloading on a Charge (ROC).

Garrisoning buildings is allowed, but max one line per building. Lines that are garrisoning or attacking a garrisoned building are allowed to FOL and FOC, when assaulting a garrisoned building and FOC/FOLing you must be in a reasonable range of the building to FOC/FOL. Sharpshooters and artillery can also garrison.

Beyond houses, troops may garrison any manmade cover such as fences, trenches, etc. Stones/Trees do not count. When garrisoning these objects, a reasonable spacing is expected.

An “all charge” will be called by the Admins at admin discretion depending on time and players alive. Firing on Charge (FOC) will be allowed during the round, but disallowed when all charge is called.

There will be a respawn wave at the 6 minute mark.

Linebattle Rules: Age of Napoleon
The rules for the AoN portions are listed in this document:
In short, these are the following rule changes from BCOF Native:
Rule of 3: When either team drops below 3 members, relevant team rules are turned off.
FoC is disallowed during the duration of the event.
Pistols may be fired on the charge, but not reloaded.
Crouching is allowed as long as the entire unit crouches, if 1 man is standing it will be considered crouching out of line (CoL)  and the entire line is forfeit to a slay
Officer Aim (OA) is discouraged
No using buckshot with the pistol

Unit Linebattle Rules:

Line Infantry
Minimum of 3 people in a line.
Must maintain shoulder to shoulder spacing unless entering melee or a rout. Officers may break out of line, but have to stay close. Not allowed to crouch in combat except for double rank formation, or behind a fence.
1 Music/Flag unit is allowed per regiment.
1 Medic is allowed per regiment.
Maximum of 2 officers per regiment. 
Specialists such as officers, medics, flags, and musicians must remain close to the line.

Minimum of 5 people in a line. Maximum of 15 in a line. Maximum of 1 officer.
Maximum of 5 man spacing is allowed. Allowed to crouch at all times including combat.
May RoC/RoL/FoL/FoC.

Maximum of 12 people and 2 cannons (max per team). No Whitworth or Gatling guns allowed.
If there are more than 1 artillery regiment on a team, they will share the 2 gun cap.
The artillery crew must stay near their cannon at all times.
Artillery Guards must maintain a maximum of 10 man spacing from an active cannon. (An active cannon is a cannon being aimed, pushed, or reloaded).

Must be attached to Artillery maximum of 2. Build points will be set to 600.

[b]Regiment name:[/b]  
[b]Regiment leader and Steam (or Discord) Profile:[/b] 
[b]Average attendance:[/b] 
[b]Do you understand the rules?[Y/N]:[/b]

Specialty Applications
[b]Regiment name:[/b]  
[b]Role Requested:[/b] 
[b]Average attendance:[/b] 

Admin Applications
[b]Steam (or Discord) profile:[/b]  
[b]Associated regiment:[/b] 
[b]Do you acknowledge that you fully understand all the rules and will obey and enforce them?: [/b]
[b]Previous event admin experience (if any):[/b]

Thanks to NickyJ for the template

Events: NA / 41stNY Sunday ACW Linebattle
« on: February 09, 2022, 02:30:13 am »
41stNY Sunday ACW Linebattle


Event Time: Sundays 8:00PM EST
Event Hosts:

Description: The event will last for one hour from 8pm EST to 9pm EST. Each round will be 12 minutes, with a respawn at the 6 minute mark. The event will be a pure linebattle. All Regiment Representatives are expected to join our Discord server by 7:45pm EST and give numbers. Info will be given 5 mins before the event starts.

Specialty applications be done on the 41st Discord (see link above) in the #Sunday-event-sign-ups channel, as well as this FSE thread. At 7pm EST before the event each Sunday, we will open specialty applications at which point specialties will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

Established at the start of game release in 2022, this will be a Sunday event for BCoF. Since this game is new and in development, our rules will continue to evolve and are very flexible to regimental feedback. We will provide as best a linebattle experience as we can.

General Rules:

Obey all commands given by admins. | No Intentional team killing. | No ramboing. | No spamming chat/voice. | No using slurs in your username, chat or voip. | You must have appropriate regimental tags or be kicked. | VoIP is enabled during the whole event, but soundboards are prohibited.

All specialty unit caps are subject to admin discretion and may be reduced during events.

Linebattle Rules

Any line or Sharpshooter unit failing to reach 3 members must retreat to a friendly line infantry unit and be absorbed into their numbers. These skirmishers then have to form up in close order formation. If no line unit remains then retreat to arty or charge. No Ramboing.

Buckshot as well as Buck and Ball ammunition is prohibited. If you are using it and kill someone they will be revived and you will be slain.

No spamming flares.

Officer Aim (OA) is discouraged, but not banned.

No Firing out of Line (FOL), Reloading out of Line (ROL)and Reloading on a Charge (ROC).

Garrisoning buildings is allowed, but max one line per building. Lines that are garrisoning or attacking a garrisoned building are allowed to FOL and FOC, when assaulting a garrisoned building and FOC/FOLing you must be in a reasonable range of the building to FOC/FOL. Sharpshooters and artillery can also garrison.

Beyond houses, troops may garrison any manmade cover such as fences, trenches, etc. Stones/Trees do not count. When garrisoning these objects, a reasonable spacing is expected.

An “all charge” will be called by the Admins at admin discretion depending on time and players alive. Firing on Charge (FOC) will be allowed during the round, but disallowed when all charge is called.

There will be a respawn wave at the 6 minute mark.

Unit Linebattle Rules:

Line Infantry
Minimum of 3 people in a line.
Must maintain shoulder to shoulder spacing unless entering melee or a rout. Officers may break out of line, but have to stay close. Not allowed to crouch in combat except for double rank formation, or behind a fence.
1 Music/Flag unit is allowed per regiment.
1 Medic is allowed per regiment.
Maximum of 2 officers per regiment. 
Specialists such as officers, medics, flags, and musicians must remain close to the line.

Minimum of 5 people in a line. Maximum of 9 in a line. Maximum of 1 officer. Members over the limit may go as noncoms and pick up rifles.
Maximum of 5 man spacing is allowed. Allowed to crouch at all times including combat.
May RoC/RoL/FoL/FoC.

Maximum of 12 people and 2 cannons (max per team). No Whitworth or Gatling guns allowed.
If there are more than 1 artillery regiment on a team, they will share the 2 gun cap.
The artillery crew must stay near their cannon at all times.
Artillery Guards must maintain a maximum of 10 man spacing from an active cannon. (An active cannon is a cannon being aimed, pushed, or reloaded).

Must be attached to Artillery maximum of 2. Build points will be set to 1000.

[b]Regiment name:[/b]  
[b]Regiment leader and Steam (or Discord) Profile:[/b] 
[b]Average attendance:[/b] 
[b]Do you understand the rules?[Y/N]:[/b]

Specialty Applications
[b]Regiment name:[/b]  
[b]Role Requested:[/b] 
[b]Average attendance:[/b] 

Admin Applications
[b]Steam (or Discord) profile:[/b]  
[b]Associated regiment:[/b] 
[b]Do you acknowledge that you fully understand all the rules and will obey and enforce them?: [/b]
[b]Previous event admin experience (if any):[/b]

Thanks to NickyJ for the template

Events: NA / 2ndHan Saturday Linebattle
« on: January 13, 2019, 03:09:34 am »
    General Event Information:
    • We plan for the event to take place on Saturdays, from 8pm-9pm EST. The first Linebattle will be on Saturday January 19th of 2019.
    • The server information (name and pw) will be given out on the 2nd Hannover Teamspeak for regimental representatives. The 2ndHan TeamSpeak IP is: Feel free to message Crusader or Ginga Josh for assistance.
    • Be on the 2ndHan teamspeak by 7;30EST for your numbers, information will then be given out at 7;45-50EST.
    • Signup for specialty slots will open 9pm EST the night of the event (after it is concluded) for the following week on FSE. Please read the spec limit rule under the general rules.

    General Rules:
    • Any person who breaks the rules will be subject to slay, kick, or ban if the offense is serious enough to warrant it.
    • Admins may change spec caps should event attendance merit it.
    • Do not teamkill on purpose, troll, spam racial slurs or chat. Admin decisions are final.
    • Pistols will be considered melee. You may fire once with the pistol during melee, but may not reload.
    • Remain in a line formation when moving out.
    • Do not Fire out of Line (FoL), or Fire on the Charge (FoC). If any member of your line is in melee, your line cannot fire. No crouching when reloading.
    • When an allcharge is called, do not delay. No firing on the allcharge.
    • 3 people is the minimum for a line. If you fall below 3, please join a friendly line.
    • Lines can use a maximum of half man spacing.
    • Maximum of 2 officers per line
    • Each reg/brigade is limited to 2 spec slots, though they must sign up individually for each. If there is a spec role unfilled by 8pm EST the night of the event, a regiment with 2 specs if they can handle the numbers may choose to take the empty slot.
    • When the one team is driven to 3 people or below, all rules are void (i.e. FoC/FoL/RoC/RoL are allowed).
    • If your regiment is assigned a BBG server, do NOT use racial slurs on that server.

    General Rules for Cavalry:
    • Max of 15 cav (this includes the 2 officers). No mixed cav allowed (must all be same unit)
    • If two or less players remain, they must dismount
    • If it is a ranged unit, i.e. dragoons, they must line up to fire
    • As with everyone else, they cannot fire on the charge, or allcharge.
    • Dismounted cavalry must act as line infantry (if less than 3 must find a line)
    • Cavalry must dismount if going into a charge with less than 3.
    • Cavalry can have a maximum of 2 officers. A general may substitute for one officer.

    General Rules for Skirmishers:
    • Maximum of 15 players
    • May fire on the charge.
    • Maximum of 5 man spacing, but must maintain cohesion.
    • No musketoons
    • May crouch and take cover behind items
    • May fire in melee (FoC), but may not reload until out of melee.
    • Must be an actual skirmisher unit.
    • Cannot fire in allcharge
    • If lights are chosen, the max spacing is 3 men.

    General Rules for Artillery:
    • Artillery may choose EITHER 2 Cannons or 2 Howitzers.
    • Maximum of 12 arty personnel.
    • Arty guard cannot act as skirmishers unless within 15 paces of an active cannon. If outside 5 paces, or no active cannons, must act as line infantry.
    • An artillery piece is active if and only if it is being loaded, aimed, or fired.
    • 2 sappers maximum. 250 bps for each team. Do not spam bps (this includes making only normal defenses, no towers/crazy forts, etc)
    • Only the arty reg may act as arty guard (being like skirms within 15 paces of the active cannon). No other reg can act this way.
    • Artillery guard must play the artillery guard unit to take advantage of artillery guard rules.
    • Artillery may not fire during the allcharge.

    Event organizer information:


    Regiment name:
    Regiment leaders steam:
    Estimated attendance:

    Events: NA / 2ndHan Friday Linebattle
    « on: January 13, 2019, 03:09:12 am »
      General Event Information:
      • We plan for the event to take place on Friday, from 8pm-9pm EST. The first Linebattle will be on Saturday January 19th of 2019.
      • The server information (name and pw) will be given out on the 2nd Hannover Teamspeak for regimental representatives. The 2ndHan TeamSpeak IP is: Feel free to message Crusader or Ginga Josh for assistance.
      • Be on the 2ndHan teamspeak by 7;30EST for your numbers, information will then be given out at 7;45-50EST.
      • Signup for specialty slots will open 9pm EST the night of the event (after it is concluded) for the following week on FSE. Please read the spec limit rule under the general rules.

      General Rules:
      • Any person who breaks the rules will be subject to slay, kick, or ban if the offense is serious enough to warrant it.
      • Admins may change spec caps should event attendance merit it.
      • Do not teamkill on purpose, troll, spam racial slurs or chat. Admin decisions are final.
      • Pistols will be considered melee. You may fire once with the pistol during melee, but may not reload.
      • Remain in a line formation when moving out.
      • Do not Fire out of Line (FoL), or Fire on the Charge (FoC). If any member of your line is in melee, your line cannot fire. No crouching when reloading.
      • When an allcharge is called, do not delay. No firing on the allcharge.
      • 3 people is the minimum for a line. If you fall below 3, please join a friendly line.
      • Lines can use a maximum of half man spacing.
      • Maximum of 2 officers per line
      • Each regiment is limited to a maximum of 1 specialty per event.
      • When the one team is driven to 3 people or below, all rules are void (i.e. FoC/FoL/RoC/RoL are allowed).

      General Rules for Cavalry:
      • Max of 15 cav (this includes the 2 officers). No mixed cav allowed (must all be same unit)
      • If two or less players remain, they must dismount
      • If it is a ranged unit, i.e. dragoons, they must line up to fire
      • As with everyone else, they cannot fire on the charge, or allcharge.
      • Dismounted cavalry must act as line infantry (if less than 3 must find a line)
      • Cavalry must dismount if going into a charge with less than 3.
      • Cavalry can have a maximum of 2 officers. A general may substitute for one officer.

      General Rules for Skirmishers:
      • Maximum of 15 players
      • May fire on the charge.
      • Maximum of 5 man spacing, but must maintain cohesion.
      • No musketoons
      • May crouch and take cover behind items
      • May fire in melee (FoC), but may not reload until out of melee.
      • Must be an actual skirmisher unit.
      • Cannot fire in allcharge
      • If lights are chosen, the max spacing is 3 men.

      General Rules for Artillery:
      • Artillery may choose EITHER 2 Cannons or 2 Howitzers.
      • Maximum of 12 arty personnel.
      • Arty guard cannot act as skirmishers unless within 15 paces of an active cannon. If outside 5 paces, or no active cannons, must act as line infantry.
      • An artillery piece is active if and only if it is being loaded, aimed, or fired.
      • 2 sappers maximum. 150bps for each team. Do not spam bps (this includes making only normal defenses, no towers/crazy forts, etc)
      • Only the arty reg may act as arty guard (being like skirms within 15 paces of the active cannon). No other reg can act this way.
      • Artillery guard must play the artillery guard unit to take advantage of artillery guard rules.
      • Artillery may not fire during the allcharge.

      Event organizer information:


      Regiment name:
      Regiment leaders steam:
      Estimated attendance:

      Servers / BBG Public Duel NA *Admin Apps CLOSED*
      « on: June 20, 2018, 04:13:34 am »


      BBG Public Duel NA

      This is a friendly place for people to practice their dueling skills against other infantrymen.

      What is it?
      Duels are a 1v1 engagement, and help to foster important skills necessary to become better at melee as a whole. All are free to come and practice!

      Server Rules
      Our rules are very simple:
      1. Do not troll, be it through actions, exploits, or spamming chat. Please try not to disturb the other players.
      2. Do not use Racial Slurs.
      3. No recruiting, with the exception of BBG Regiments.
      4. Do not interfere with duels.

      Contact Information

      Head Administrator

      Community Administrator

      Admin List:
      Awesome Cool Snake

      Ban/Unban Requests
      Ban Request:
      Ban Request:

      Unban Request:
      Unban Request:
      Why should you be unbanned?
      User ID #:

      Admin Application:
      How long have you played on the server?:
      Current weekly hours on the server?:
      How active can you be?:
      Current Regiment/Clan:
      Admin experience:
      Any Active Admins that can be a referral?:
      Why do you want this role?:

      Groupfighting Teams / Fruit Fighters: Stay Fresh
      « on: June 01, 2018, 12:19:01 am »

      Yo! We Fruity

      Welcome to the Fruit Fighting Team! We fight other Groupfighting Teams or Regiments in North America. We do allow some EU Members but our main goal is to win and have a good time. Our current days for events will most likely be tuesdays and thursdays, and we will prioritize finding a groupfight. Though if that is not possible, we will flip to our Legion de Fruit tags, where we can have fun at a linebattle.

      ChooseYourFruit_Name | Any Banner
      [LDF]Fruit_Name | Any Banner

      Teamspeak IP:


      Mango - Unitater

      Captains: 1
      Members: 45
      Total : 46


      BabyBanana - Phil
      Pineapple - S0UL
      Orange - Allenby
      Coconut - VetroG
      Melon - Vlad
      Orange- Allenby
      Papaya - Horse
      Grape - Burger
      Kiwi - Matro
      Apple - Aurum
      Strawberry - James
      Pitaya - Pedro
      Cherries - Firezz
      Jackfruit - Rms16bot
      Peach - Mattboiiii
      Lemon - Hundar
      Mangosteen - DireWolfe
      Watermelon - BabyJ
      Durian - Yoloswag
      Currant - ForsakenWolf
      Plum - BillTheButcher
      Pomegranate - Badger
      Pear - Winters
      Blueberry - Ghostrider7811
      Grapefruit - Cytiuz
      Uglifruit - BandManager
      Cucumber - Pickle
      Pecan - Anthony
      Potato - Russianfury
      Kumquat - DrunkenSpartan
      ChomChom - Knives
      Olive - Maple
      GreenApple - KnightofSaintJohn
      Avocado - Toucan
      Honeydew - Havoc
      Tomato - Fives
      Marijuana - Chantakey
      AvocadoIceCream - Fireboy
      Sushi - Puppytron
      Helicopter - MATT
      Clementine - Charles
      Lychee - Hellomoto
      Rice - Yoshie
      GayPeople - Krastinov
      Cherimoya - Movement
      Raspberry - Janneu
      Kiwano - Zappy

      Fruit Fighting Record
      4 Wins
      1 Losses
      1 Tie

      Fruit Competitive Record

      • 8-15 vs 98e
      • 10-10 vs LSS (French Groupfighting Team; done Half on NA/Half EU)
      • 20-18 vs All-Stars
      • 20-10 vs 6teSLR
      • 15-11 vs Atomic (WPC)
      • 15-9 vs Bootylicious Groupfighting Team


        General Event Information:
        • We plan for the event to take place on Mondays, from 8pm-9pm Eastern time. The first Linebattle will be on Monday January 22nd of 2018.
        • The server information (name and pw) will be given out on the Reddit Brigade Teamspeak for regimental representatives (
        • Be on the Reddit teamspeak by 7;30EST for your numbers, information will then be given out at 7;45-50EST.

        General Rules:
        • Any person who breaks the rules will be subject to slay, kick, or ban if the offense is serious enough to warrant it.
        • Admins may change spec caps should event attendance merit it.
        • Do not teamkill on purpose, troll, spam racial slurs or chat. Admin decisions are final.
        • Pistols will be considered melee. You may fire once with the pistol during melee, but may not reload.
        • Remain in a line formation when moving out.
        • Do not Fire out of Line (FoL), or Fire on the Charge (FoC). If any member of your line is in melee, your line cannot fire. No crouching when reloading.
        • Officer aim is allowed, though discouraged.
        • When an allcharge is called, do not delay. No firing on the allcharge.
        • 3 people is the minimum for a line. If you fall below 3, please join a friendly line.
        • Any line can occupy a building or structure, and fire out of formation when garrisoning it. Note it must be a manmade structure (buildings, sapper works) not trees or rocks.
        • No musketoons or cav muskets (applied to line infantry and artillery).
        • Lines can use a maximum of half man spacing.
        • Please be courteous to other regiments. Reg Leaders are expected to enforce all rules for their regiment.
        • Maximum of 2 officers per line
        • Each reg/brigade is limited to 1 spec to allow all regs to have a chance at spec slots.
        • When the one team is driven to 3 people or below, all rules are void (i.e. FoC/FoL/RoC/RoL are allowed).

        General Rules for Cavalry:
        • Max of 14 players (If more, they must form their own infantry line), plus the 2 officers (so 16 in total)
        • If two or less players remain, they must dismount
        • If it is a ranged unit, i.e. dragoons, they must line up to fire
        • As with everyone else, they cannot fire on the charge, or allcharge.
        • Dismounted cavalry act as light infantry, and so will follow light infantry rules.
        • Cavalry must dismount if going into a charge with less than 3.
        • Cavalry can have a maximum of 2 officer.

        General Rules for Skirmishers:
        • Maximum of 15 players
        • May fire on the charge.
        • Maximum of 5 man spacing, but must maintain cohesion.
        • No musketoons
        • May crouch and take cover behind items
        • May fire in melee (FoC), but may not reload until out of melee.
        • Must be an actual skirmisher unit.
        • Cannot fire in allcharge
        • If lights are chosen, the max spacing is 3 men.

        General Rules for Artillery:
        • 2 cannons allowed maximum. No howitzers or rockets.
        • Maximum of 12 players.
        • Arty guard cannot act as skirmishers unless within 15 paces of an active cannon. If outside 5 paces, or no active cannons, must act as line infantry.
        • 2 sappers maximum. 150bps for each team. Do not spam bps (this includes making only normal defenses, no towers/crazy forts, etc)
        • Only the arty reg may act as arty guard (being like skirms within 15 paces of the active cannon). No other reg can act this way.
        • Cannons may fire their last shots within 15 seconds of the allcharge commencing, but not after that.

        Event organizer Steam links:


        Regiment name:
        Regiment leaders steam:
        Estimated attendance:


          General Event Information: Please forgive the formatting, I am quite new to this.
          • All rules are subject to change, as this is fairly uncharted territory. We will be accepting community feedback in shaping this event.
          • We plan for the event to take place on Mondays, from 8pm-9pm EST. While we plan for the first event to take place on Monday, December 11th, though this may be subject to delay if technical issues arise.
          • The server information (name and pw) will be given out on the 15e Teamspeak for regimental representatives. The 15e TeamSpeak is:

          Download Link:

          Regarding balance:
          • Since the balance is inherently skewed in favor of the British rather than the Zulus, we would like to keep a 2:1 ratio of Zulus:British. If this fails to sufficiently give the Zulus a fighting chance,
             we may add bots to the Zulu team in an effort to balance the battle.

          Regarding Battle Style
          • We plan to test both pitched land battles and siege battles (for both teams), to find which ones work the best. Again, these first few weeks will be a bit experimental - involving trial and error to adjust the rule-set,
             so please bear with us.

          General Rules
          • Any person who breaks the rules will be subject to slay, kick, or ban if the offense is serious enough to warrant it.
          • No team killing, trolling, ramboing, spamming, delaying, or trash talking (this includes slurs). All admin decisions are final.
          • Garrisoning buildings will be allowed, and you may fire out of line when inside. Otherwise, please remain in a line of at least three. If your line goes below 3 members, find another line.
          • Pistols, since they are revolvers in this mod will NOT be considered melee. Do not fire during melee.
          • Cavalry must dismount under 3 players.
          • Remain in a line formation when moving out.
          • Do not fire or reload out of line.
          • Shotguns or Winchester carbines are not allowed.
          • If your regiment is doing a detachment that has a person cap, the remaining reg members must form their own lline.
          • No sappers allowed unless artillery (1 sapper per arty reg). No sappers on sieges.

          Rules for Skirmishers/Light Infantry
          • Maximum of 8 combatants
          • You can spread out within 5 man spacing.
          • You can crouch
          • You can move in a "blob"
          • NO firing in melee.

          Rules for Cavalry
          • Maximum of 8 players.
          • Shotguns or Winchester rifles are not allowed.
          • Must remain together
          • Must dismount if less than 3 members alive.
          • Dragoons may fire weapons off horseback but only when halted and in a line formation with 3 men spacing
          • No firing on charge, OR during melee.
          • Dismounted cav act effectively as light infantry.

          Rules for Artillery
          • Maximum of 7 players.
          • Arty guard may fire as light infatry if UNDER 4 players. If above 4 players, arty guard must act as a line. If under 4 and acting as light infantry, the cannons must be active (firing, loading, or manning).
          • 1 Artillery piece Maximum: either howitzer OR cannon.
          • No rockets allowed.
          • Building Points will be limited to 100 per team.
          • 1 sapper maximum.

          Rules for Zulus
          • Rules for firing on charge and line formations do not apply to the Zulus. However, there is still NO reloading on the charge. If you fire on charge, you must carry through the charge.
          • There will be 2 zulu sharpshooters per line.
          • Remain in a cohesive formation, though not necessarily a line

          Event organizer information:


          Regiment name:
          Regiment leaders steam:
          Estimated attendance:
          Desired Role (if other than infantry):

          Pages: 1