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Topics - 33rdKincaid

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Commander Battle Campaign [Map]
« on: November 04, 2023, 10:03:36 pm »

Rules & Sign-ups Thread  |  Territories  |  Campaign Map  |  Current Points  |  Troop Table  |  Casualties  |  Maps List


Welcome to the Napoleonic Wars Campaign Event, coordinated here on FSE, played in commander battle and hosted by the 33rd Regiment of Foot. For this event the details of the campaign and the movements of each factions troops will be recorded on this thread, whilst sign-ups and conversation regarding the rules will take place on a separate thread (link below). Individual actions & battles will be fought in Commander battle mode on NW when troops come into contact on the campaign map below.

The idea is to pitch organised groups of players against each other in an interesting way, as all players will be assigned to larger battle groups which must work together as bot counts per player will be relatively small. Individual actions & battles will be fought in Commander battle mode on NW when troops come into contact on the campaign map. Each player signed up will represent a small company of men, which are then organised into larger groups to make up each factions forces.



1.   Lisbon(Fort)
2.   Santarem
3.   Setubal
4.   Coruche
5.   Abrantes
6.   Leiria
7.   Coimbra
8.   Viseu
9.   Porto (Fort)
10.   Braga
11.   Chaves
12.   Almeida
13.   Sabugal
14.   Castelo Branco
15.   Coria
16.   Marvao
17.   Evora

18.   Zafra
19.   Badajoz (Fort)
20.   Albuera
21.   Caceres
22.   Plasencia
23.   Cuidad Rodrigo (Fort)
24.   Vitiguindino
25.   Villa Nova
26.   Braganca
27.   Tabara
28.   Zamora
29.   Salamanca
30.   Bejar
31.   Talavera
32.   Almaraz
33.   Guadalupe
34.   Almaden

35.   Pozo Blanco
36.   Valdepenas
37.   Cuidad Real (Fort)
38.   Los Naval morales
39.   Tomelloso
40.   Toledo
41.   Guadarrama
42.   Alba de Tormes
43.   Medina del Campo
44.   Valladolid
45.   Lerma
46.   Aranda
47.   Segovia
48.   Ayllon
49.   Siguenza
50.   Ocana
51.   Madrid (Fort)

Campaign Map

Peninsular Campaign 1810 (Jan-Mar 2024)

Italian Campaign 1796 (Nov-Dec 2023)

Current Points:


Troop Table

1st Division | Gen. Craufurd (Uganda)
(2) 43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot
(2) Royal Horse Artillery, Chestnut troop
(2) 1st KGL Hussars
(2) 2nd KGL Heavy Dragoons

2nd Division | Gen. Bumblebonce
(1) 23rd (Royal Welch Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot (Footguard)
(1) 24th (Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot

3rd Division | Gen. Sobel
(2) 2nd KGL Hussars
(2) 5th KGL Foot (the Fighting battalion)
(2) 3rd KGL Artillery (C. von Rettberg's)

2nd Division | Gen. Bumblebonce
(3) 60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot

1st Division | Gen. Craufurd (Uganda)
(3) 95th (Rifle) Regiment of Foot

3rd Division | Gen. Sobel
(3) Brunswick Rifles (The Owls)

1st Division | Gen. Craufurd (Uganda)
(1) 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot
1st Division | Gen. Ascential
(3) 2e régiment d'infanterie légère
(3) 47e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
(3) 22e régiment Chasseurs à Cheval
(3) Regiment d’Artillerie

2ndDivision | Gen. Nams
(3) Artillerie à cheval de la Garde impériale

4th Division | Col. Matues
(3) 102e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

2ndDivision | Gen. Nams
(3) 1er régiment de voltigeurs de la Garde impériale
(3) Artilleurs de la Garde
(3) Régiment de cuirassiers de la Garde
(3) 5-éme Régiment de Cuirassiers
(3) Fusiliers-Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale (Footguard)

3rd Division | Gen. Rabixel
(3) 19e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
(3) 24e Chasseurs-à-Cheval Regiment
(3) 2e Regiment d’Artillerie-à-Cheval






Casualties (currently out of play)



Maps List


Terrain Type


1-3Flat Plains (Morning)
4-6Flat Plains (Day)
7-9Flat Plains (Night)
10-12Hills Plains (Morning)
13-15Hills Plains (Day)
16-18Hills Plains (Night)
19-21Forest Plains (Morning)
22-24Forest Plains (Day)
25-27Forest Plains (Night)
28-30River Plains (Morning)
31-33River Plains (Day)
34-36River Plains (Night)

Terrain Type


37-39Flat Steppe (Morning)
40-42Flat Steppe (Day)
43-45Flat Steppe (Night)
46-48Hills Steppe (Morning)
49-51Hills Steppe (Day)
52-54Hills Steppe (Night)
55-57River Steppe (Morning)
58-60River Steppe (Day)
61-63River Steppe (Night)

Terrain Type


64-66Fort (Morning)
67-69Fort (Day)
70-72Fort (Night)
73-75Mountains Snow (Morning)
76-78Mountains Snow (Day)
79-81Mountains Snow (Night)

Events: EU / Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« on: November 04, 2023, 01:33:45 am »

Campaign Map  |  Troop Organisation  |  Weekly Schedule  |  Movement  |  Engagements
Skirmishes  |  Battles  |  Victory Conditions  |  Scripts & Credits  |  Sign-up


Welcome to the Napoleonic Wars Campaign Event, coordinated here on FSE, played in commander battle and hosted by the 33rd Regiment of Foot. For this event the details of the campaign and the movements of each factions troops will be recorded on a separate thread (link above), whilst sign-ups and conversation regarding the rules will take place here. The idea is to pitch organised groups of players against eachother in an interesting way, as all players will be assigned to larger battle groups which must work together as bot counts per player will be relatively small. Individual actions & battles will be fought in Commander battle mode on NW when troops come into contact on the campaign map. Each player signed up will represent a small company of men, which are then organised into larger groups to make up each factions forces.


1.1 - Sign-ups can be as little as a single player or as large as a Division, when the event starts troops will be organised into the following denominations:
.....Companies, individual players
..........Battalions, infantry groups of 3 companies*
..........Squadrons, Cavalry groups of 3 companies*
..........Batteries, Artillery groups of 3 artillery pieces*
...............Divisions, Mixed groups of 3-6 Battalions/Squadrons/Batteries
....................Corps, Mixed groups of 2-3 Divisions
(*referred to in short as Battle groups)

1.2  Infantry Battalion sign-ups can include a light company who can skirmish if they are at full compliment (3 companies/players). In every other type of battle group all companies therein must be the same.

1.3  Cavalry squadron sign-ups please keep the ratio between Lights and Heavies 1:1, same goes for Infantry in relation to Footguard Battalions.

1.4  Company players will be ranked as Captains, Battle group commanders as Majors/Colonels, Division commanders as Generals and Corp commanders ranked as Field Marshals.

1.5  For group sign-ups we do not require rosters with named players; The number assigned to each group must be exact however so that when that group participates in a battle the regiment or group of people responsible knows how many players it can bring along at maximum. These players do not have to be the same everytime. We simply request that if a regiment is signing up  that they sign-up with a total number they feel they are likely to be able to field on the event day.

2.1 On the campaign map (fse) each week will represent a turn of play for each team, both having the opportunity move.

2.2  Friday - Sunday: Commanders communicate the moves of their divisions/battle groups.

2.3  Monday: Moves and resulting engagements for that week announced on thread and groupchat.

2.4  Thursday: Event day where @19:00UK all engagements will be played if possible. If your battle groups are not in action you can stand-in for any available garrisons instead or take a week out of the fighting.

2.5  Any Battle groups which have been under-strength for at least one whole turn (not had casualties in that turn) will have the opportunity to replenish 1 company at the end of the turn, provided they are connected to a fort via friendly territory; divisions which are cut-off and are not connected to a fort through friendly territory cannot re-supply and will not replenish lost companies.


3.1  The smallest denominations of troop that can maneuver independently are Battle groups (Battalions/Squadrons/Batteries).

3.2  All troop types can move two territories per turn, however if the first territory of their move causes an engagement then they must stop in that territory.

3.3  If two opposing, adjacent armies intend to move into each others territories, then the force with the greater numbers moves and the other does not; ie. the army with the lower numbers gets to defend and does not move.

3.4  Troops that have not moved (or forced not to move) during a turn are considered to have had time to prepare their defences and are considered 'fortified'. Defenders who are fortified may also choose to spring an ambush for the first round if they wish. In subsequent rounds they can revert to using their defences.

3.5  Some territories also have their own dedicated garrison (marked by crossed muskets - forts also have them) that cannot move; if the territory is attacked then any of the players on the defending faction can choose to stand-in for these units during a battle. They will not take casualties and are available to use by whichever faction controls the territory when attacked (4.2 for garrison details).

3.6  If at the end of movement enemy troops are in the same territory they are considered engaged. Unengaged Troops in territories adjacent can choose to reinforce them with a slightly delayed arrival to the battle (they may join from the 2nd round).
4.1  If one team does not wish to fight they may retreat to an adjacent friendly territory, forfeiting the contested territory to the other team. The attackers can opt to pursue the enemy and the defenders must fight a rear-guard action (see section 6.6).

4.2  If an attacked territory is only defended by a 'Garrison' (not players) then any troops on the defender faction may choose to stand-in for garrison troops and play an engagement like normal. Garrisons cannot move so if a defending army has a garrison to bolster their numbers they may consider themselves 'fortified'. Default Garrison size is 6 players, which can be played as whichever two battle groups the defenders wish to.

4.3  Each territory has an assigned terrain type that the defender can choose to fight on, each of these terrain types then has 3 custom maps which the defender can choose from. The attacker however has the advantage of being able to choose at what time they attack, choosing between morning, day or night map types.

4.4  The final part to consider with map selection is if the defender can 'fortify' the position (if they haven't moved that turn or if a garrison is present); if this is the case then the map chosen for the engagement can be edited by a mapper on the defending faction or a default fortified map can be used, the defenses that can be included are as follows:
  -  Stakes (12x)
  -  Cross stakes (8x)
  -  Earth mounds (8x)
  -  Large Trench Lines (4x)
* it is the defending teams responsibility to prepare a fortified map in time for the event unless they wish to use a pre-existing map on the server.

4.5  For engagements in territories where there are forts the defender has the option to play on specific fort maps. These maps have 4x meshed ladders to scale the walls and one gateway. If however the attacking force consists of at least one full battery of artillery then a variation of the map can be played that has a meshed breach aswell.


5.1  A 'skirmish' takes place when the engaged units in a territory number less than 30. If this number is exceeded then the engagement can be expanded into a 'battle', using multiple servers.

5.2  Upon resetting both teams have 1 minutes (2 for sieges) to untangle themselves from the spawn and deploy their troops parallel to their own map edge. Once this minute has elapsed troops can engage.

5.3  The primary rule is that all battle groups (Battalions, Squadrons & Batteries) must stay together at all times. All other basic rules are enforced by the server itself, preventing rambos and spread-out orders for Line infantry.

5.4  Officers are permitted to leave their units within reason, but only to scout since the server will not permit them to deal any damage when far away from their company.

5.5  Skirmishes are resolved in 3 rounds, win 2 rounds to secure 'victory' and force the enemy to retreat. Winning 3 rounds represents a 'decisive victory'.

5.6  A defeated army will lose either 1 company from all its Battle groups for the next campaign turn in a 'standard' defeat or lose 2 companies from each Battle group for being defeated 'decisively'.

5.7   Rounds where neither side is willing to engage can be resolved with an all-charge if absolutely necessary (at least 10mins into the round)

6.1  When the number of engaged players in a territory exceeds 30, the most senior officers on each team can decide whether they wish to fight a pitched battle with either one or two additional servers.

6.2  With both 2 and 3 servers involved the participating troops must decide where they are going to deploy. Battle groups swapping servers between rounds is permitted but they can only participate if they join the server in time to spawn in or they must wait until the next round.

6.3  3 rounds must be fought in all servers to determine an overall result.

6.4  A majority of rounds won overall results in a 'Victory' (4 wins for 2 servers, 5 wins for 3 servers) and one additional round past majority a 'Decisive Victory' (5 wins for 2 servers & 6 wins for 3 servers). There is the possibility in a 2 server Battle for a draw (3-3) to occur, should this could be the case keep all players on both servers until both have fought 3 rounds, then have both servers go 'Live' at the same time; the first server to win a round determines the overall winner.

6.5  As with skirmishes, casualties will be determined (1-2 companies per Battle group) depending on whether the Victory was decisive or standard (see section 5.6).

6.6  If the attackers are victorious in a siege battle all defenders are considered casualties regardless of whether the victory was 'decisive' or not.

6.7  If the defenders choose to retreat and the attackers wish to pursue then a 'rear-guard action' will take place. In this case each side of the engagement chooses up to 3 battle groups to take part in a small skirmish. Once fought the retreating force moves to a friendly territory but both sides still determine casualties using the normal rules for those battle groups involved.

7.1  Victory when the Campaign comes to a close will be based on Territory ownership, some territories being worth more points than others:
  -  Basic Territory (1 points)
  -  Garrison Territory (2 points)
  -  Fort Territory (3 points)
  -  Home Territory (5 points)

7.2  The Campaign can come to a close upon an agreed point by the participants.

8.1  Wüstenkrieger has kindly offered use of scripts he had to hand to enhance this campaign and the commander battle gamemode it will use, details on these will be listed here later. All servers & maps used are courtesy of the 33rd Regiment of Foot.

8.2  Troop reskins will be employed to make the units appear authentic to the campaign and period we play for the campaign.

Sign-up Templates

(Single member sign-up)

[b]Name:[/b]  [i]intended in-game name[/i]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Faction:[/b]  [i]UK,Spain,Portugal,France[/i]

Battle group
(3 players - Battalion/Squadron/Battery)

[b]CO Name:[/b]  
[b]CO Steam ID:[/b]

(minimum of 3 battle groups)

[b]CO Name:[/b] 
[b]CO Steam ID:[/b]

[b]#1 Regiment:[/b]

[b]#2 Regiment:[/b]

[b]#3 Regiment:[/b]


Events: EU / 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 11 years!
« on: May 19, 2023, 12:56:06 pm »

| 4th June 2023 | 19:00 - 20:00UK |

In celebration of our 11 year anniversary the 33rd will be hosting another large scale event as has become tradition, we will be basing the event upon the iconic battle of Waterloo. We will be hosting approximately 3 servers, aiming to accommodate between 500-600 people for an event lasting around an hour. Our event will capitalise on past experience of running the event and include the Flag-spawning gamemode, which has become so popular among the wider community.

The 19th and 92nd have graciously offered to host and administrate a server each in addition to our own, reducing the lag of the event and allowing a wider range of regiments to participate - massive thankyou to them!

The concept of the event is to have each of the three servers focusing on a different portion of the battlefield; the flag-spawning gamemode will be used the majority of the time, with slight variations of each map which will lean towards either defending the farmhouses in each sector or the areas surrounding them. As before there will be more specific RP rounds occurring half way through and at the end of the event, to break things up and give some context. Initial balancing across the servers and assigning of classes will be performed by us as hosts, since the flag-spawning mode requires each regiment to occupy one unit each. There is the possibility that some regiments may require moving at the events start as team numbers become clear, but we will try to avoid this if possible.

Regiments will generally be accepted on a first come first served basis, special classes however will be distributed evenly among those who have requested them when we are full and priority will be given to regiments occupying slots within existing events (Existing Sunday Event participants).

| The Event at a glance |

Approximately three separate event servers (160-200 players each) to play out the battle, each focusing on a different area of the battlefield.

Flag-spawning (Flag-bearer) gamemode keeping your members engaged in the action, on a 15 second respawn timer.

Rounds won will go towards a central score board which will determine the winning faction at the end of the event.

Map Selection for each server will consist of 2 specific maps to that server, plus two RP round maps to be used half way through the event and at the end.

This is a 'Double Rank' event for lines however due to the nature of the flag-spawning scripts, your members will be back in to the heart of the combat in a matter of moments!

| Server 1 |

The right flank of the Allied position is the first to be heavily engaged, with Jerome's divison attacking the orchard in front of Hougoumont farmhouse at 11:30.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Prince of Orange's Blunder, with the 5thKGL moving to the centre of the battlefield, in an attempt to relieve the encircled farmhouse of La Haye Sainte...

Prince of Orange's Blunder
| Server 2 |

The centre of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with D'Erlons corps advancing across the plain to hammer through the allied line in one swift blow.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Charge of the Union Brigade, with the Scots Greys charging across the field through D'erlons corps and attacking the French guns...

Charge of the Union Brigade
| Server 3 |

The left of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with the right wing of D'Erlons corps encountering numerous defended farmhouses, including Papelotte.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out D'Erlons attack in greater detail, with a French column on the right wing facing off against the Allied cavalry counter-attack directly...

D'Erlons attack

Play will then continue with a Flag-Spawning round until approximately 19:50, when all parts of the British line (all servers) pull back and form square, to receive Ney's Cavalry Charge.

Ney's cavalry charge

1. Line Infantry2. Light Infantry3. Cavalry

1.1 | Cost 1 ticket to spawn.
1.2 | Must use double rank/column.
1.3 | Must maintain formation when maneuvering & firing.
1.4 | May use half-man spacing or front rank crouched.
1.5 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.
1.6 | Maximum 20men per slot, if you have more men request two line classes.


2.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
2.2 | May use up to 5-man spacing.
2.3 | May crouch.
2.4 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.


3.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
3.2 | Must dismount when less than 5 unless in charge.
3.3 | Must maintain two columns/lines unless in charge.
3.4 | Must not engage two units unless they are close to each other.

4. Horse Artillery5. Multi-Server Rules6. Flag-Spawning Rules

4.1 | Cost 4 tickets to spawn.
4.2 | Two artillery pieces permitted, Howitzer or 12 pounder.
4.3 | May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.
4.4 | May use 5-man spacing when defending their artillery piece.
4.4 | Only engage when mounted in self-defense.
4.4 | When re-spawning return straight to your artillery piece.

5.1 | Swapping servers is permitted if balance requires, ask the admin for a spawn if during a flag-spawning round.
5.2 | Each server must not exceed 3 specials on one team at any one time.
5.3 | Should the above occur a lights group may be requested to play as line.

6.1 | No Fire in Charge (FiC).
6.2 | No Reload in Charge (RiC).
6.3 | FiC & RiC ONLY permitted whilst occupying buildings (on certain maps).
6.4 | Line & Light Infantry respawn on flag-bearers with 4 friendly players nearby.
6.5 | Cavalry units re-spawn when all are killed.
6.6 | Horse Artillery units re-spawn individually at the main spawn.


Horse Artillery
05 | 1stEB
05 | 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment
05 | 13. Pułk Piechoty
05 | 9e Régiment d'Artillerie

10 | 61e Hussards
10 | 84th Regiment of Foot

Light Infantry
10 | 11e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Line Infantry
10 | 13. Pułk Piechoty
15 | 19th Regiment of Foot
10 | 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
10 | Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 21
20 | 23rd Regiment of Foot
15 | 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
15 | 45th Regiment of Foot
10 | 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
10 | 84th Regiment of Foot
15 | 115e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
10 | Hungarian Line Infantry

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
05 | 92nd Regiment of Foot
05 | [L-G]Preobraz

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 1st Greek Light Infantry

Light Infantry
10 | Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot

Line Infantry
25 | 1. Bergisches Infanterie Regiment
10 | 1st Greek Light Infantry
25 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | Nr59 Infanterie Regiment
15 | 92nd Regiment of Foot
10 | 102nd Regiment of Foot
20 | [L-G]Preobraz
10 | The Commonwealth
15 | Åbo Läns Regemente
Total: 200/200Total: 200/200

| Sign-up |
Regiment Name:
Preferred Class:
Estimated Attendance:
Contact Steam ID:
Currently participate in 33rd or 92nd Sunday Event? (if so which?):
Read the Rules and Accept them?:



Welcome to a brand new tournament, ruleset based on that of the NWBC but with differing classes. The general concept of this tournament is to offer a relaxed skirmishers battle with a slightly competitive edge; teams will be comprised of a rifle unit and light unit, hopefully generating a natural push and pull on maps with plenty of cover and interesting features.


| Brackets |

Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  Teams comprised of Lights & Rifles (10-15 men each).
-  Attendance per team of 20-30.
-  NWBC style ruleset.
-  A range of custom maps, all involving a great deal of cover and facility to out-flank positions.
-  Depending on Sign-ups may end up being a league or groups.
-  Proposed start date (depending on sign-ups) of week commencing 8th May 2023.

Accepted Team Sign-Ups: 8/8
Group Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): as below

Regiment #1 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot, 1st Yorkshire West-Riding
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Light Infantry & Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Cpt. Alec & SSjt. TheBaker
Group Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):
Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):
La Grande Armée
Group Name: La Grande Armée
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): /

Regiment #1 Name: 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 1er Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):
96y & 3y
Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Desant / Skobelev

Regiment #1 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant

Regiment #2 Name: 3-y Semyonovsky Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Skobelev
Nr13 & Nr59
Group Name: tba
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Lama / Nightwing

Regiment #1 Name: Infanterie-Regiment "Alexander von Jordis" Nummero 59 [kk_Nr59]
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

Regiment #2 Name: Infanterie-Regiment "Herwarth von Bittenfeld" Nr.13 [Nr13]
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Nightwing

we don't know who plays what, we maybe swap around or something
Group Name: [KSA] Kungliga Svenska Armen
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Rabixel Nasse

Regiment #1 Name: [KSA] Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: ~12
Preferred Class: Light Infantry / Rifles (didnt decided yet)
Contacts (Steam ID): Rabixel

Regiment #2 Name: [KSA] Åbo läns regemente
Estimated Attendance: ~12
Preferred Class: Light Infantry / Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Nasse
Syrnon Beucrim
Group Name: Syrnon Beucrim

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: [PG] Pontonnier de la Garde Impériale
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):
Group Name TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):
Regiment #1 Name: LDF
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Regiment #2 Name: I. Bergisches Infanterie Regiment (BIR)
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiments looking for a Team: 2
Regiment #1 Name: [L-G]Preobraz
Estimated Attendance: 20+
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: Skitty's Bois and Galls
Estimated Attendance: 8 - 20
Preferred Class: Light Infantry / Rifles, we can play both
Contacts (Steam ID):

We might play for a actual reg but if they got enough numbers we might help out a other reg to form a team!


| Group |


33rd Regiment of Foot

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Cpt. Alec & SSjt. TheBaker

Regiment #1 Name: 33rd
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): As above

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): As above
45th Regiment of Foot

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Maskman Contact 2

Regiment #1 Name: 45th
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): As above

Regiment #2 Name: 45th
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): As above

La Grande Armée
(1er & 17e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Odrimo Joseph Marte

Regiment #1 Name: 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Odrimo

Regiment #2 Name: 1er Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Joseph Marte
3y & 96y
(3y & 96y)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Desant

Regiment #1 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):  Desant

Regiment #2 Name: 3-y Semyonovsky Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Skobelev

Nr13 & Nr59
(Nr13 & Nr59)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Lama Nightwing

Regiment #1 Name: Infanterie-Regiment "Alexander von Jordis" Nummero 59 [kk_Nr59]
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

Regiment #2 Name: Infanterie-Regiment "Herwarth von Bittenfeld" Nr.13 [Nr13]
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Nightwing
[KSA] Kungliga Svenska Armen
(Svea & Abo)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Rabixel Nasse

Regiment #1 Name: Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Rabixel

Regiment #2 Name: Åbo läns regemente
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Nasse

Syrnon Beucrim
(45e & PG)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim Beunon

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim

Regiment #2 Name: Pontonnier de la Garde Impériale
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Beunon

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Lebrun Flolle

Regiment #1 Name: I. Bergisches Infanterie Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Flolle

Regiment #2 Name: LDF
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Lebrun



All Regiment CO's who have admin requested may also ref if required

Trial Referees:


Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees   


1. Attendance & Matches

2. Basic Rules

3. Classes

1.1 This tournament will not be using GUID's, we do however reserve the right to disqualify the offending team if double regging is discovered. Periodic checks of the logs will be made to look for duplicate ID's joining matches, any found will be investigated. Likewise if any participants suspect another team they may contact the host for clarification. Inviting from other regiments which are also participating in the tournament will not be tolerated and may result in an auto-win for the opposing team. This change in rule has been introduced for a number of reasons but primarily to make this tournament less work for every regiment participating, please do not abuse this freedom!

1.2  Minimum attendance to matches is 20 players and the maximum 30, should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 20. If teams bring greater than 20 players, the maximum one team can outnumber the other is +1.

1.3  Both teams must balance to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs). Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!). After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be performed.

1.4  Matches will consist of 6 rounds on one custom map (with a side swap).

1.5  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

1.6  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

1.7  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00UK as default.

1.8  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.
   2.1  Fire in Charge (FiC) & Reload in Charge (RiC) are not allowed by any units.

2.2  Should any rule-breaks occur the victim will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee).

2.3  All Charges may be called if either: both teams are considered camping (2.4) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.4  If entirety of either team neither gains or gives ground for 3 minutes the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.6  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy unit will be slain without warning.

2.7  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either both units are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd unit without breaking the rambo rule (2.6).

2.8  A unit is considered to have 'left charge' after the unit(s) they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once that unit has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and follow their usual class rules.

2.9  Relating to rule 2.8 above; if two or more units 'leave charge' after 15 seconds of no attack connecting, then all units concerned MUST re-form (or join another unit if necessary) prior to initiating a new charge. Note that an attack must not have connected between the units concerned for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

   3.1  Of the two units per team one must be Rifles and the other Lights.

3.2  10 minimum, 15 Maximum per class.

3.3  May spread up to 5-man spacing.

3.4  May crouch.

3.5  May manoeuvre spread out.

3.6  Lights may not pick-up Rifles & Rifles may not pick-up Muskets.

3.7  Units may take an officer but they will not be eligible for a revive if shot.

3.8  Must join their friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge).

Custom Map Selection

Farmland 1       

Farmland 2       

River crossings   



This is our selection of maps at present but we may well add more as the tournament goes on for variety.

Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a group)
Regiment Name: 
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class: Light Infantry / Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group (20-30 attendance)
Group Name:
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID):

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior experience/comment:

Match booking
Match week:

Tournament Contacts:

Events: EU / 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 10 years!
« on: May 07, 2022, 04:50:11 pm »

| 5th June 2022 | 19:00 - 20:00BST |

In celebration of our 10 year anniversary the 33rd will be hosting another large scale event, as has become tradition for our anniversary and we will be basing the event upon the iconic battle of Waterloo. We will be hosting approximately 3 servers, aiming to accommodate between 500-600 people for an event lasting around an hour. Our event will hopefully capitalise on many of the improvements we made last year, whilst also including the relatively newfound flag-spawning gamemode which has become so popular amongst the wider community. The 92nd have graciously offered to administrate one of the servers, as they do in our jointly hosted regular Sunday Event.

The concept of the event is to have each of the three servers focusing on a different portion of the battlefield; the flag-spawning gamemode will be used the majority of the time, with slight variations of each map which will lean towards either defending the farmhouses in each sector or the areas surrounding them. As before there will be more specific RP rounds occurring half way through and at the end of the event to break things up and give some narrative.

Initial balancing across the servers and assigning of classes will be performed by us as hosts, since the flag-spawning mode requires each regiment to occupy one unit each. Communication and server swapping to affect round outcome will be possible but care must be taken to only occupy free class slots when moving servers, a groupchat for each faction will be available for this purpose so that regiments on the same team can request support from others.

Regiments will generally be accepted on a first come first served basis, special classes however will be distributed evenly amongst those who have requested them when we are full.

| The Event at a glance |

Three separate event servers (160-200 players each) to play out the battle, each focusing on a different area.

The two factions will initially be distributed on this thread, swapping as they wish once we start. As such round and mode changes will be swift with no balancing required to be carried out by the admin.

Flag-spawning (Flag-bearer) gamemode keeping your members engaged in the action, on a 15 second respawn timer.

Rounds won will go towards a central score board which will determine the winning faction.

Map Selection for each server will consist of 2 specific maps to that server, plus two RP round maps to be used half way through the event and at the end.

This is a 'Double Rank' event for lines however due to the nature of the flag-spawning scripts, your members will be back in to the heart of the combat in a matter of moments!

| Server 1 |

The right flank of the Allied position is the first to be heavily engaged, with Jerome's divison attacking the orchard in front of Hougoumont farmhouse at 11:30.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Prince of Orange's Blunder, with the 5thKGL moving to the centre of the battlefield, in an attempt to relieve the encircled farmhouse of La Haye Sainte...

Prince of Orange's Blunder
| Server 2 |

The centre of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with D'Erlons corps advancing across the plain to hammer through the allied line in one swift blow.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out the Charge of the Union Brigade, with the Scots Greys charging across the field through D'erlons corps and attacking the French guns...

Charge of the Union Brigade
| Server 3 |

The left of the Allied position is engaged around midday, with the right wing of D'Erlons corps encountering numerous defended farmhouses, including Papelotte.

At approximately half-time (19:25) this server will play out D'Erlons attack in greater detail, with a French column on the right wing facing off against the Allied cavalry counter-attack directly...

D'Erlons attack

Play will then continue with the Battle/Siege back and forth until approximately 19:50, when all parts of the British line (all servers) pull back and form square, to receive Ney's Cavalry Charge.

Ney's cavalry charge

1. Line Infantry2. Light Infantry3. Cavalry

1.1 | Cost 1 ticket to spawn.
1.2 | Must use double rank/column.
1.3 | Must maintain formation when manouvering & firing.
1.4 | May use half-man spacing.
1.5 | May have the front rank crouch.
1.6 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.
1.7 | Regiments occupying one slot may form seperate companies provided they number 15 men each minimum.


2.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
2.2 | May use up to 5-man spacing.
2.3 | May crouch.
2.4 | Colour bearer must stay with unit unless routed.


3.1 | Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
3.2 | Must dismount when less than 5 unless in charge.
3.3 | Must maintain two columns/lines unless in charge.
3.4 | Must not engage two units unless they are close to each other.

4. Artillery5. Multi-Server Rules6. Flag-Spawning Rules

4.1 | Cost 4 tickets to spawn.
4.2 | Two artillery pieces permitted, Howitzer or 12 pounder.
4.3 | May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.
4.4 | May use 5-man spacing when defending their artillery piece.

5.1 | Be respectful to other regiments in your Factions groupchat at all times.
5.2 | Each server must not exceed 3 specials on one team at any one time.
5.3 | Should the above occur a lights group may be requested to play as line.
5.2 | Swapping servers is permitted at any time, ask the admin for a spawn if during a flag-spawning round.

6.1 | No Fire in Charge (FiC).
6.2 | No Reload in Charge (RiC).
6.3 | FiC & RiC ONLY permitted inside buildings.
6.4 | Line & Light Infantry respawn on flag-bearers with 4 friendly players nearby.
6.5 | Cavalry units respawn when all are killed.
6.6 | Artillery units respawn individually at the main spawn.


10 | 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
10 | 8e régiment d'artillerie
10 | 8e Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval
10 | 16th Regiment of Foot

10 | 2e Régiment de Cuirassier
10 | 4e Régiment de Hussards
10 | 6e Régiment de Hussards
10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment

Light Infantry
10 | 11e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la garde
10 | 16th Regiment of Foot
10 | 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Line Infantry
10 | 1st Evil Brigade
15 | 1st Saint George's Regiment
15 | 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la garde
30 | 16th Regiment of Foot
15 | 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
20 | 18 Pułk Piechoty
15 | 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
10 | 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 65y Moskovskiy Pehotny Polk
15 | 73e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
15 | 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
15 | 98e Reggimento di Parma
10 | Åbo läns regemente
10 | Hungarian Line Infantry
15 | Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
15 | Pontonniers de la Garde
10 | Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment
10 | 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment
10 | Nr21 Infanterie Regiment
10 | 77y Pehotniy Polk
10 | 92nd Regiment of Foot

10 | 2. Leibregiment
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 45th Regiment of Foot
10 | 84th Regiment of Foot

Light Infantry
10 | Nr13 Infanterie Regiment
10 | 27th Regiment of Foot
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
10 | 45th Regiment of Foot

Line Infantry
15 | 1ste Infanterie van Nassau
10 | 1st Greek Light Infantry
15 | 2. Leibregiment
15 | 19th Regiment of Foot
15 | 32nd Regiment of Foot
80 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
30 | 45th Regiment of Foot
15 | 55th Regiment of Foot
15 | Nr59 Infanterie Regiment
15 | 84th Regiment of Foot
15 | 92nd Regiment of Foot
10 | 102nd Regiment of Foot
10 | Hajduk Company
Total: 385Total: 380

Regiment Name:
Preferred Class:
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum)
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?:

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / | NWBC | Season 5 | Finals
« on: February 03, 2022, 12:07:21 pm »


Welcome to a brand new season of NWBC, see here for the previous season which was concluded towards the end of 2020. The general concept of this tournament is to pitch large pre-arranged teams against each other, to apply a more competitive and coordinated atmosphere to otherwise typical NW Linebattles.


Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  4-6 week Tournament length.
-  2-groups to start, at least 4 teams each (8 teams total).
-  Proceed to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket.
-  Traditional 1v1 rules, with some minor tweaks to facilitate the addition of special classes.
-  Minimum attendance of 50 (15 per line, 10 per special).
-  A range of custom maps, differing in terrain type & size.
- Proposed start date (depending on sign-ups) of week commencing 14th February 2022.

Accepted Team Sign-Ups: 11
Group Name: Western Polish Legions
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: Pułk 25-ty Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Cav, Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: Filson Korps Grenadiers / 8 pułk Kirasjerów
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: Pułk 4-ty woltyżerów
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Steam ID:
GUID: 1781688​
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 25pp
Prior experience/comment: Admin event of 46e, Minisiege Admin, Referee for Polish Championship for 2020 and 2021

Group Name: The Iron Crusaders
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Major Maskman
Ensign Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Captain Mitchell
Ensign Wolf115

Regiment #3 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry Company
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Staff Corporal Pepsiwonder
HorseGuard Saphyro

Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Oberst Faser
Major NotOnly

Group Name: IVe Corps d'Armée français
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:15
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:5-10
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance:10-15
Preferred Class: Light Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): and

Regiment #1 Name: 78th Regiment of Foot  (78th in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: Åbo läns Regemente (Abo in game)
Estimated Attendance: 8 - 12
Preferred Class: Light infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Regiment #3 Name: 23.Regiment (23rd in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 25 - 35
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Regiment #4 Name:  Pontonnier de la Garde impériale (PG in Game
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Group Name: Slavic Legions
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment Name: Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
Estimated Attendance: 18-28
Preferred Class: Line inf, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: 8th Brandenburg infantry regiment
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Line inf.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: 12-18
Preferred Class: Light inf/jagers.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: 15y Poltavskiy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 7-10
Preferred Class: Cav.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group Name: Gardekorps
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 2Lr
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: Inf, Cav, rifles, Arty
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Regiment #2 Name: 1tes MB
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: tba
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Regiment #3 Name: tba
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: tba
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Mine and Desant, will update when im home

Regiment #1 Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 25+
Preferred Class: line and lights
Contacts (Steam ID): mine, Cyrus and alekos (will update with links)

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant, gudrian, (will update links)

Regiment #3 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Presi, (will update link)

Group Name: KebabInEU
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): &
Regiment #4 Name: Garde-Regiment Nr. 7
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): &

Group Name: 77y and Friends
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Rikkert

Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert, Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz

Regiment #3 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Salakien

Regiment #4 Name: Nr59
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid

Regiment #3 Name: 4e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Erik

Group Name: Team BLOCK
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): &

Regiment #1 Name: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: RG Group of Friendly Friends
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 32nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

I would just like to point out Razz's steam link is "prettyfly4awhiteguy"... Can I switch team mates?


Regiments looking for a Team: 0



| Group A |


(2Lr, 1tesMB, III.KBR, 1tes, IV.KBI, BIR, Nr4)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Ipoa Powerfighter2

Regiment #1 Name: 2. Leibregiment
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Inf, Cav, Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Ipoa Powerfighter2

Regiment #2 Name: 1tes Marine Bataillon
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Stanislav Juli

Regiment #3 Name: III. Königlich Bairisches Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Feldsau Friedthelt

Regiment #4 Name: 1tes Landwehrregiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): LaMarque Zombie_Gullasch

Regiment #5 Name: IV. Königlich Bairisches Infanterieregiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Schnürschuh

Regiment #6 Name: Bergisches Infanterie Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Nickman

Regiment #7 Name: Infanterieregiment Nr4
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Artigo

Iron Crusaders
(45th, Nr13)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Nova Maskman NotOnly

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Major Maskman Ensign Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Captain Mitchell Ensign Wolf115

Regiment #3 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry Troop
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Staff Corporal Pepsiwonder HorseGuard Saphyro

Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Faser Major NotOnly

Kebab In EU
(55th, 98e, Nr.7)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Rayleigh, Giles

Regiment #1 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Rayleigh

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Cookie

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Giles Zeus
Regiment #4 Name: Garde-Regiment Nr. 7
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Connor Bene
77y and Friends
(15th, 77y, 56e, Nr59)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert

Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert, Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz

Regiment #3 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Salakien

Regiment #4 Name: Nr59
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

(18e, RG, 59th, 32nd)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): 1st Contact, 2nd Contact

Regiment #1 Name: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Price

Regiment #2 Name: RG Group of Friendly Friends
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Razz

Regiment #3 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID): Krytten

Regiment #4 Name: 32nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): PurpleCow


| Group B |

Trial Referees:

IVe Corps d'Armée français
(45e, 2e, 31e, 6e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Stephane, Dams

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim Isaac

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:15
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Maxence Napoleon

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:5-10
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Dius Zarwen

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance:10-15
Preferred Class: Light Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Remao Treizz

Brotherhood without banners
(78th, Åbo, 23rd, PG)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Retamar, 2nd Contact

Regiment #1 Name: 78th Regiment of Foot  (78th in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Retamar, Yermelow

Regiment #2 Name: Åbo läns Regemente (Abo in game)
Estimated Attendance: 8 - 12
Preferred Class: Light infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Nasse MrGreen

Regiment #3 Name: 23.Regiment (23rd in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 25 - 35
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Yermelow Beto

Regiment #4 Name:  Pontonnier de la Garde impériale (PG in Game
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Beunon Coignet

Slavic Legions
(LG, 8th, Svea, 15y)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Simka, Skobelev

Regiment Name: Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
Estimated Attendance: 18-28
Preferred Class: Line inf, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): SimkaTimitix

Regiment Name: 8th Brandenburg infantry regiment
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Line inf.
Contacts (Steam ID):  Simka Platypus

Regiment Name: Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: 12-18
Preferred Class: Light inf/jagers.
Contacts (Steam ID): Rabixel Minidrobek

Regiment Name: 15y Poltavskiy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 7-10
Preferred Class: Cav.
Contacts (Steam ID): Valenok
L'Entente Baklava
(16th, 96y, 19th)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Art, Desant

Regiment #1 Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 25+
Preferred Class: line and lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Art Cyrus

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant Gudrian

Regiment #3 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Kieran

Regiment #4 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Harrison's Heroes
(92nd, 33rd, 4e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe, Kincaid

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot 
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe, Unicorn

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Line, Light
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid, Alec

Regiment #3 Name: 4e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Erik, Skittles

Regiment #4 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):
Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees   


1. Attendance

2. Basic Rules

3. Matches

1.1 This tournament will not be using GUID's, we do however reserve the right to disqualify the offending coalition if double regging is discovered. Periodic checks of the logs will be made to look for duplicate ID's joining matches, any found will be investigated. Likewise if any participants suspect another team they may contact the host for clarification. Inviting from other regiments which are also participating in the tournament will not be tolerated and may result in an auto-win for the opposing team. This change in rule has been introduced for a number of reasons but primarily to make this tournament less work for every regiment participating, do not abuse this freedom.

1.2  Minimum attendance to matches is 50 players, should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 50. If teams bring greater than 50 players, the maximum one team can outnumber the other is dependant on the number of players the smallest team has:
-  50-59 (+1)  (max specials 10)
-  60-69 (+2)  (max specials raised to 12)
-  70+   (+3)  (max specials raised to 14)

1.3  Both teams must balance to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs).
Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!).
After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be performed.
   2.1  Fire in Charge (FiC) & Reload in Charge (RiC) are not allowed by any units.

2.2  Should any rule-breaks occur the victim will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee).

2.3  All Charges may be called if either: both teams are considered camping (2.4) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.4  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for 3 minutes the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.5  Regiments hugging the edge of the map either individually to fight cavalry or en masse to avoid fighting or to delay is not permitted. The latter is largely subjective and down to ref discretion. Warnings to be issued as with the camping rule.

2.6  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy unit will be slain without warning.

2.7  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either both units are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd unit without breaking the rambo rule (2.6).

2.8  A unit is considered to have 'left charge' after the unit(s) they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once that unit has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and follow their usual class rules.

2.9  Relating to rule 2.8 above; if two or more units 'leave charge' after 15 seconds of no attack connecting, then all units concerned MUST re-form (or join another unit if necessary) prior to initiating a new charge. Note that an attack must not have connected between the units concerned for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

   3.1  Matches will consist of 6 rounds on one custom map (with a side swap).

3.2  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

3.3  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

3.4  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00 UK as default.

3.5  Matches should be overseen by at least 2 referees, preferably 3 (particularly knock-outs).

3.6  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

4. Lights

5. Lines

6. Cavalry

4.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.2)
4.2  May spread up to 5-man spacing
4.3  May crouch
4.4  May manoeuvre spread out

4.5  Must take either Lights or Rifles (not both)
4.6  Must join a line when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   5.1  Minimum of 2 Lines, 15 per line minimum
5.2  Teams may split into 3 lines (numbers permitting) but this MUST be agreed with their opponent.
5.3 Line Officers are eligible for a revive when shot in line, potential slay of the offender (circumstance dependant)
5.4  May crouch when out of action (neither shooting nor reloading)

5.5  Reload, Fix gaps, shoot
5.6  Must not Fire our of Line (FoL)
5.7  Must maintain close formation whilst manoeuvring (2-3 man gaps)
5.8  Must join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   6.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.2)
6.2  Slight leniency given on rules 2.6 - 2.7 in relation to ramboing, due to the space cav need when in charge
6.3  May stay mounted during 'All-Charge'

6.4  Lancers & Light dragoons are not permitted
6.5  Must maintain formation whilst manoeuvring
6.6  Must dismount and join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
6.7  Must strictly keep to rules 2.8 - 2.9 in relation to 'leaving charge'

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



A standard set of 16 maps are available in the varieties above and are all 600x600.
There are an additional 6 maps of varying topography which are 400x400 should teams wish to play on them.

Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a group)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group (min 50 attendance)
Group Name:
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior experience/comment:

Match booking
Match week:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:
Referee #3:

Tournament Contacts:

Servers / EU Duel Server
« on: July 12, 2021, 10:41:49 am »

Welcome to the EU_Duel server thread. Be sure to check out the server, it's there for all your competitive duelling needs be it for a tournament or just regular 1v1ing. There is only 1 map on the server for now. We also have a few custom skins on the server for most nations to make it feel different from other servers. The server is located in France and is hosted by the 33rd Regiment of foot.

If it needs a reset be sure to message
[33rd]Kincaid on steam.

1. Don't be annoying
2. Don't abuse admins
3. No racism or discrimination
4. No impersonation
5. Don't spam the chat
6. No Cheating
7. Please don't use Musket Mike or Sword Steve (the bots) to troll other players

Admin Application
User ID:
Admin experience (if any):

Unban Request
User ID:
Banned by:




Welcome to a brand new season of NW 2v2, the previous season hosted around this time last year. The general concept of this tournament is to maintain the high level of competition and skill expected from a traditional line Infantry tournament but in a larger scale setting. The addition of a further line to each side makes matches feel more dynamic and tactical, whilst still keeping that level of simplicity you would expect from a typical 1v1 tournament.

Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  6 week Tournament length
-  2 groups to start, 4 teams each (8 teams total)
-  Proceed to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket
-  Traditional 1v1 rules, with some minor tweaks to suit the 2v2 format
-  Minimum attendance of 30 (15 per regiment)
-  A range of custom maps, differing in terrain type (reduced size!!)
-  GUID locking team scripts to enforce roster rules and prevent double regging

Accepted Teams (7/8):

Team Name: 77y and Friends
Primary Contact (Steam ID): Rikkert
Preferred Faction: Russia

Regiment #1 Name: 15th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert & Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y Tenginsky Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Henkka & Gaz

Team Name: The Iron Crusaders
Primary Contact (Steam ID): Tommpa
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Maskman & Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell & FuriousWolf115

Team Name: TBA
Primary Contact (Steam ID):,
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 16th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-30
Contacts (Steam ID): ,
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-30
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: TBA
Primary Contact (Steam ID): DarkTemplar | Desant
Preferred Faction: UK or Russia

Regiment #1 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant | Twister

.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 71st Highland Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): DarkTemplar | Rommel

.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Polska GUROM
Primary Contact (Steam ID): Artur
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 17. Pułk Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Artur

Regiment #2 Name: 3. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Trojan

Team Name: Gordon's Highlanders
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name:92nd
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: It's Coming Home
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: Any

Regiment 19th Yorkshire
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 7th
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Current Regiments (Looking for Teams):



| Group A |


77y & Friends
(15th & 77y)

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert
Regiment #1 Name: 15th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): [/b]Rikkert & Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y Tenginsky Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Henkka & Gaz
Roster (131)
.639367/ #Gi
.1097538/ #Irish
.471275/ #Rikkert
.892796/ #Melsyo
.374420/ #Vortx
.520615/ #Fralla8
.860263/ #Gasset
.301721/ #Mike
.1364162/ #xx15
.362260/ #Rydh
.422602/ #Sadman
.1236582/ #Eddard_Stark
.499798/ #Elsse
.1831699/ #LaPache
.644634/ #Amue
.1285712/ #Carlitos
.498093/ #Caskie
.839431/ #Firefly
.1284970/ #Gull
.927368/ #Python
.1529359/ #Shogun
.677883/ #XaArtil
.1928138/ #Dundi
.1232040/ #Fruitocin0
.1464911/ #Strawhead
.386766/ #Chriseh
.675762/ #eXt_kill
.537684/ #Lawbringer
.1700557/ #Plamper
.288827/ #RussianFury
.1433306/ #Alf
.1347943/ #Tommy
.787664/ #Valley
.1223783/ #P1cc0
.283872/ #Ulfric
.1331602/ #Anubis
.531502/ #Zappy
.390977/ #MattyC
.1100222/ #Ricky
.389497/ #Dusan
.375537/ #Kore
.499539/ #Bohemond
.423274 /#Porkins
.663095 /#Krembit
.1222304/ #Artista
.2228762/ #Lost
.1473777/ #Szczepan
.909019/ #Heinrich
.636308/ #Frames
.1325179/ #Ivan
.1086296 / #Nero
.1092716/ #Dave
.965585/ #Bubusel
.293555/ #Gaz
.62611/ #Henkka
.313137/ #Slavic
.60796/ #Rikimaru
.1515387/ #SooNational
.2203720/ #Rikus
.1107368/ #Sharky
.1178262/ #Abbe
.2118988/ #BakuYes
.1603737/ #Danne
.551221/ #Hittonblast
.655190/ #Mercenary_Captain
.426220/ #Abekrampe
.352564/ #Kex
.1109790/ #Ziggy
.494472/ #Rekute
.63678/ #Reeky
.458567/ #Natta
.634251/ #Bob
.302340/ #Minimario
.514672/ #Raii
.635510/ #Okra
.1757987/ #Artur
.1171666/ #Albie
.1593024/ #Raza
.1146243/ #BlueWinx
.2025652/ #The_dane/Christian
.1348534/ #Schmlonk
.438897/ #Cytiuz
.1601355/ #Gabes
.1522013/ #Shane
.1531153/ #Ace
.1962787/ #SirDobe
.1378279/ #Spinnog
.2245218/ #D3GF
.1831590/ #Lord_Prawns
.2251313/ #Vexx
.2008481/ #Greengu3
.2030148/ #Vis
.60173/ #Braders
.302927/ #CharlieTheTurtle
.1124460/ #Chiefcenturion
.631991/ #Fortunezero
.62746/ #Jacob
.1920158/ #JadeSerpent
.1411884/ #Joshyboyy
.520089/ #Whiteknight
.1275904/ #Silverlion
.1110817/ #Spooky (Macedonian one)
.478896/ #TheQuickOne
.1494948/ #Angle
.1383574/ #Ralakesh
.1928555/ #Kongen
.309155/ #Midgardur
.569674/ #Drax
.786997/ #Syncmaster667
.957895/ #Av
.1475880/ #Huntar
.60163/ #Jeljer007
.1577842/ #Rideout
.498900/ #Sparky
.64436/ #Durzak
.1892699/ #Matty
.1690410/ #Void
.1958388/ #Hypnobard
.1962562/ #Leopard
.67916/ #Aztir
.9318/ #The_Highlord
.1914414/ #Stormkahn
.432664/ #Scarface
.445460/ #Ophion
.270074/ #Tytygus
.2168623/ #Panos
.644535/ #Lordiex
.69915/ #Karim
.527657/ #Dario
.398915/ #Scotshroom
.354138/ #MrBate
.436508/ #Guybrush


Quantity over Quality
(16th & 33rd)

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid, ArtofKilling
Regiment #1 Name: 16th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Contacts (Steam ID): ArtofKilling

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid
Roster (143)
.496421/ #ArtOfKilling
.333846/ #AlekoTheGreek
.1390968/ #Crazy_Cammis
.812171/ #NGressens
.1189303/ #Bob_Rabbit
.1417530/ #JTaylor
.1189799/ #AtomicChicken
.1180735/ #Gordon
.1358794/ #Gartecz
.1653785/ #HeadsetSquirel
.1329605/ #Solve
.2029189/ #Yorkshire_Tea
.2192813/ #Liegteneijger
.635191/ #Opikon
.2234870/ #Krajisnik
.1778767/ #Tokar
.633200/ #Uni
.1255788/ #Blee
.61201/ #Revan
.390960/ #Diglos
.1152035/ #Antonis
.800447/ #GEO
.1173563/ #Archmage
.1173566/ #Matthew
.870677/ #Freedom
.882127/ #Lonebeast
.519042/ #SavvaniZ
.1566939/ #Ntinos
.1156137/ #Balgy
.69639/ #Check
.1644812/ #DimitrisV
.1228314/ #Bothros
.1451935/ #Dimitry
.1119264/ #Paulos
.866704/ #Greasy_Greg
.363082/ #Loch
.1152050/ #Troy
.1690231/ #Cyrus
.1853064/ #Dias
.1784036/ #Aras
.675201/ #Khani
.1939174/ #Tyro
.415703/ #Metalmaniac
.661470/ #Tanaa
.1388419/ #Sean
.1521549/ #Nejtro
.1489835/ #Tunfisk
.549297/ #Grannicus
.1672412/ #Adolf_Swagler
.1817297/ # Wilhelm
.1574164/ #Galla
.2093290/ #DannyBoy
.2014893/ #MaXiMuM
.1282038/ #hiexD
.1784003/ #Aralz
.2251879/ #Ron
.936566/ #NortherenVikingr
.655853/ #Seltan
.1397511/ #Ianitori
.391432/ #Papadopoulos
.1166811/ #Gregory
.2219622/ #Dimitris
.1102113/ #DreamTheater
.1158358/ #Barry
.863916/ #Adam
.2195809/ #Corey
.1298815/ #Bread
.1343492/ #Archibald
.652388/ #Chub
.1080522/ #Herp
.342940/ #Fisher
.2035397/ #Kannon
.899082/ #Dio
.526624/ #Hellenic King
.1634384/ #gapel
.1293102/ #Adam
.939628/ #Aldrich
.1479449/ #Burnes
.1544447/ #CryingNoob
.638972/ #Henry
.1437737/ #GoldenThiZ
.1529500/ #hopelessknight
.1129493/ #Kaiser
.929314/ #Kincaid
.1160796/ #King George
.296558/ #Richard
.1516672/ #Salzar
.2352/ #Scarhead
.438722/ #SneakyFellow
.1211035/ #Stypa
.909301/ #TheHunter
.2098640/ #Krzyhogra
.1327006/ #Jones
.1437819/ #Enkabard
.1337347/ #Max
.1476622/ #FilthyMezla
.302078/ #PeanutDonkey
.63403/ #Lastash
.1581544/ #Levi
.521556/ #MadWolf
.301736/ #PapaWeymar
.1216552/ #Alec
.1858904/ #Barro
.793238/ #Burgundy
.270440/ #Carolus
.472449/ #Cedric
.638077/ #Conorrob
.801730/ #DarklingGames
.503765/ #Deadwulf
.518187/ #D-DayDan
.458245/ #Eazy-E
.1265310/ #Matt
.674946/ #OdaCao
.652110/ #Regulation
.1115178/ #SerTwenty
.311192/ #Sticklitz
.292756/ #Šupak
.631493/ #Turkishpanda
.2232/ #Umbra
.1814235/ #Badger
.1778554/ #Gangstaboy
.527788/ #Swagged Out Custard
.305881/ #Flashcoms
.1487269/ #Grekos
.1234784/ #Johnson
.1200131/ #Tylerus
.1183813/ #Uganda888
.1637120/ #Duffman
.321998/ #Smush
.1130936/ #SirLegion
.1207201/ #Loyal Piper
.1688021/ #Mark8269
.1285382/ #Michael Smolik
.1281018/ #Ariva
.369464/ #Vald3maR
.2114338/ #DrAcular
.774704/ #Ace
.1697269/ #TrollPrezes
.930237/ #Alexander
.1835439/ #Ogre
.803989/ #AngrySteve
.9887/ #Dust
.1934984/ #Kubus


The Iron Crusaders

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Maskman
Regiment #1 Name: 45th Regiment of Foot Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Maskman & Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Regiment of Foot Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell & FuriousWolf115
Roster (221)
#45th Grenadiers
.1091418/ #Maskman
.635916/ #Floris
.433316/ #Yovko
.1713488/ #Ryan
.1661513/ #Eastwind
.1556384/ #Achilles
.1426111/ #Albert
.308033/ #Clikenforce
.388287/ #Cody
.286828/ #Fenton
.1681176/ #Flo
.87988/ #Fietta
.5808/ #Fwuffy
.1334819/ #Galava
.488794/ #Janne
.1226670/ #Jacko
.1123134/ #Jakob
.1324519/ #Jerome
.429909/ #Jonnyboy
.1349640/ #lonedoge
.783421/ #Mauri
.477101 /#Maurice
.863865/ #Mech
.651079/ #Mr_T
.1603168/ #MushyPeas
.395164/ #Nedim
.413501/ #Nisse
.1231529/ #Nightwing
.1279563/ #Pancake
.481462/ #Peasant
.1172554/ #Phil
.936141 / #Rivers
.622032/ #Snikk
.1878108/ #Sticky
.395344 / #Teddy
.438604/ #Timlef
.1244636/ #Vemon
.1365597/ #Winter
.63559/ #Water
.630567/ #19boboy97
.495512/ #Alatriste   
.8768/ #Marquez   
#45th centre
.1637460/ #Nova
.829805/ #Mitchell
.1743959/ #Hanselsmitch
.1389481/ #Lefty
.811618/ #Wolf115
.1472629/ #sHype
.793812/ #Glenn
.937244/ #Pepsiwonder
.1412748/ #Aidan
.1677423/ #Alys
.1851912/ #Alfreds
.786227/ #Andy
.939489/ #Anheuren
.1916602/ #Arcahon
.1576361/ #Ascential
.1564031/ #Asuna
.1223351/ #Akiira
.1513685/ #Ballin
.2212283/ #Barry
.1625894/ #Bayoneto
.1754555/ #Baguette
.1106695/ #Berba
.849786/ #BillyWhite   
.1911291/ #Bosvark
.1797710/ #Bob
.660270/ #Boris
.481521/ #Bissenbacker
.1730420/ #Calgon
.1194981/ #Cedrick
.1732847/ #Cenker
.774689/ #Chadderz
.1604553/ #ChameKaze
.311629/ #Charon
.1418347/ #Cookiez
.310058/ #Como
.2043679/ #Colonel Sanders
.1777102/ #CombatLeaderZ
.781046/ #Crazy
.1438957/ #Crimsonist
.1457474/ #C1oud
.1136504/ #Curtis
.1854303/ #Dank Memes
.304529/ #Dayman
.1522428/ #DonNeto
.1716131/ #Dothor
.2261692/ #Didelyn
.1235236/ #DrPepper
.1174769/ #Eios
.549172/ #Edward Hay
.634259/ #Edward_Teach
.2006003/ #Elbis
.17351919/ #EmreRe1z
.1423158/ #Ensar
.1638807/ #Flibbitt
.1442694/ #Feodras
.65120/ #Fireboy
.1916143/ #Firefighter
.927102 / #Gazz
.1666473/ #Greaves
.1594268/ #Gringo
.785056/ #Griggs
.490217/ #Golimares
.1480690/ #Gotfri
.551743/ #Hade
.837221/ #Hangman
.2196972/ #Headless
.1513396/ #Heretic Priest
.1969570/ #Hellbrud
.1636570/ #Hellstaff
.2252925/ #Huldrake
.1964110/ #Honda
.1911388/ #Ironclad
.1856408/ #Ink
.880272/ #Iuff
.677279/ #Jammyd0dger
.9315/ #JaimieYes
.945602/ #Jake
.2223227/ #Jingles
.1822233/ #John
.353015/ #Joudini
.1488327/ #Jobana
.775909/ #Justice
.2040417/ #Jurre
.526047/ #Kabraxis
.1841277 / #Kartex
.1724148/ #Killmeexe
.1637911/ #Kong
.2225919/ #Legionpvps
.782640/ #Levis
.1806522/ #Leyla
.9344671/ # Lil'Sebastian
.2039922/ #LordOrange
.631297/ #Luca
.1127848/ #Lucas
.297939/ #Mac
.1369331/ #Mano
.1766197/ #Magallanes
.631635/ #Maxonovien
.2220444/ #MaziCore
.629717/ #MerKat
.1673535/ #Melbury
.947260/ #Mercain
.1372804/ #MightyPaiN
.1127646/ #Mr.Anderson
.1797465/ #MrDjukin
.1162644/ #Moose
.1967723/ #Morwin
.1183495/ #Murph
.1706667/ #Natty
.1112013/ #Naoscaire
.407972/ #Nick
.1625396/ #NoBro
.299754/ #Norseman
.1710924/ #Ody
.2213675 /#oooooof
.395746/ #Peanutbutter
.624157/ #PeytonT
.1719810/ #Pipo
.3373770/ #PedroFreire
.2194763/ #Poberta
.404071/ #Prometheus
.1480507/ #phDeadlift
.1813479/ #RektInPeace
.1946804/ #RealFix
.2094752/ #Rice
.1532403/ #Romanski_The_Jew
.2192538/ #Ruben
.1387306/ #Ryuko
.1372584/ #Sailor
.1320871/ #Saitama
.2091630/ #Sergej
.1920852/ #Sir_Rekin
.849787/ #Sir Victorian
.436978/ #Smallest
.1467774/ #Smylie
.1172792/ #Soli
.767938/ #Source
.1211154/ #SoujaBoy
.1509611/ #Shadow
.2089860/ #Shotwaffel
.500306/ #Stryker
.1524942/ #Sojo
.1102105/ #Sugartits
.1449718/ #Szkrider
.1173727/ #StormKi
.353393/ #Supercrash
.2027198/ #Stacc
.813184/ #TheJollyCanadian
.1893221/ #TotenFlak
.1662965/ #TiredJake
.1709372/ #YouKnowWho
.2259674/ #WakkoZakko
.924948/ #Wolfi
.60180/ #Winchy
.1449113/ #Veto
.433873/ #Visionary
.2171724/ #Vixca
.2194672 / #Vladdlecco
.1951872 / #Xattos
.1733571/ #Zeus
.780801/ #Zombi
.1585927/ #ZiggecigaR
.430219/ #Spartan
.1694543/ #Ztream
.991784/ #Dark   
.2279893/ #Cashew
.2122505/ #Skaenn
.2280146/ #Shamdie
.2136130/ #Tost
.1632711/ #Fleischmann
.63100/ #Pumti
.1862537/ #Gurki
.1353099/ #ghostrider7811
.1893535/ #SwissG
.10908/ #Kapow
.944048/ #Lukasoh
.2238338/ #Fischel
.2079910/ #Rika
.1225115/ #Higen


Team #4
(71st & 96y)

Team Contacts (Steam ID): DarkTemplar | Desant
Regiment #1 Name: 71st Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): DarkTemplar | Rommel

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant | Twister
Roster (82)
.840822/ #Desant
.499882/ #KOBZIK
.1621113/ #Severus
.290348/ #Wursti
.1282828/ #Ben
.1123124/ #Alex123
.412880/ #Zork
.1807303/ #Bagration
.490840/ #Stark
.1598936/ #Cena
.637544/ #Vengeance
.950271/ #klever
.1870097/ #KOMEHDAHT
.1620681/ #Maskek
.1216996/ #parlament
.2223558/ #pain
.916258/ #TwinkleBear
.1803585/ #xodok
.1888646/ #Pechenin
.2228750/ #pufikus
.1847254/ #Benedict
.527035/ #Mandarinchik
.1193896/ #Archangel
.838879/ #Yoda
.1358562/ #R_V_S
.1737433/ #Bonapart
.1269742/ #movement
.1897225/ #Dark_Lord
.1638847/ #Taison
.2092435/ #Stropilo
.2060717/ #Gudrian
.1937450/ #Vektor
.930500/ #Centurion
.644650/ #Fridericus
.1237787/ #Marji
.1864333/ #russzin
.1135334/ #Shadey
.790480/ #Hunter
.436876/ #MrDixon
.484235/ #NickCole
.2099544/ #imkegta
.1859545/ #Kennedy
.1783914/ #Twister
.792123/ #DarkTemplar
.69933/ #Rommel
.544432/ #Felix
.884674/ #Phoen!x
.1211057/ #Gerher
.671857/ #bunter_Igel
.816873/ #Blacktham
.1523350/ #camm15elbe
.2112396/ #The Joker
.1153369/ #Dunkingkong
.1195161/ #Destiny
.1574256/ #Franz
.1957812/ #Leibhusar
.436448/ #Monmon
.1215594/ #Richard
.1759157/ #Saphyro
.1696213/ #Senni
.2159572/ #Teddy
.1422430/ #Xerohn
.786194/ #Zenepl
.965651/ #Zeronight
.1288381/ #Darki
.1158995/ #Caryon
.794158/ #Cazasar
.1498567/ #Cooper
.781931/ #Dokletian
.1962104/ #Erbse213
.1127133/ #Flash
.1283736/ #Freaky
.2174057/ #Inkompetent
.1542246/ #Pille
.1225660/ #Roland
.2173769/ #Scrooge
.1220760/ #Setrix
.1188854/ #Spartaner
.802674/ #Wüstenfuchs
.62773/ #Azuris
.976879/ #Voluble
.463907/ #Lightning

Team #5
(17pp & 55th)

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Artur
Regiment #1 Name: 17. Pułk Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Artur

Regiment #2 Name: 55th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): add
Roster (115)
.790727/ #Artur
.1101606/ #VVespar
.462793/ #Wolfer
.1889798/ #Longinus
.955177/ #Komar
.1821921/ #Kabanosik
.2243150/ #Burgent
.1984814/ #Naatsuu
.1835039/ #CiomcioLomcio
.1399977/ #KoveN
.519436/ #Wojtas
.1280759/ #Reaper
.1860899/ #jack
.906704/ #FaRcIaRz
.1160798/ #manka
.525106/ #Panda
.1388340/ #Sieszti
.1748551/ #Sharik
.1554767/ #elmar
.1513490/ #Zenon
.2196751/ #Apacz
.1935673/ #DziKi
.620865/ #Miler41
.1412034/ #Demonize
.9886/ #Vixtro
.1779478/ #zahu
.1119430/ #Desperado
.1129028/ #Piorun
.1386267/ #KedAr
.1116114/ #Strzeleec
.1338412/ #K1dart
.930803/ #InDor
.1700336/ #Rabarbar
.1341423/ #Felix
.1856124/ #Korzon
.1096454/ #Luke
.924622/ #Patrykin
.2222670/ #Yuri
.461815/ #Gringer
.1743385/ #Lanos
.1349003/ #InFamous
.965240/ #BurgerShot
.1723936/ #Mazurczyk
.1276102/ #Vinci_PL
.1843876/ #Zagloba
.1931562/ #VULT
.2216374/ #Haytymir
.1291303/ #Cichorski
.507267/ #Huzar
.864388/ #ImMoRtAl
.1358434/ #AKO
.1424370/ #Honza
.2252238/ #Aztecc
.1602490/ #Weismanovic
.1759445/ #Rey1786
.2150441/ #Saruman
.1282699/ #Max1m   
.634873/ #Ragn4r
.2240158/ #DarkStormPoland
.1444684/ #Smok41
.1248434/ #Paulinka
.494897/ #Rayleigh
.1958749/ #Quenouille
.1988413/ #Zeyden
.775097/ #ONeil
.349853/ #TheDeaD
.62821/ #LeBrave
.278973/ #Gibby
.396961/ #ExTaZz94
.1702301/ #LuLu
.1145029/ #Witcher
.1978524/ #HiReaper
.1462072/ #Coco_Ayala
.6191357/ #Blitzkrieg
.993188/ #Flusha
.1121588/ #Hunteh
.1329487/ #James
.949328/ #Kristine
.1459259/ #CatAstrophe
.1871942/ #Horse
.1412429/ #BlindJesus
.1166263/ #Martin Chemnitz
.1688497/ #Fluffy
.960975/ #Chris
.9981/ #Anthony
.2136576/ #DonLeon
.532455/ #HenriSavage
.1909426/ #Imperial
.2190039/ #Adamek
.450966/ #Banane
.1517754/ #Duvont
.2060207/ #hifi
.779181/ #Godfather
.69468/ #Attila
.1115342/ #Chuckster
.1816555/ #Korev
.2219244/ #BORO
.434676/ #zhao
.1337761/ #Blee
.372274/ #Giorno
.1916824/ #Stoiki
.1335082/ #Mikey
.1417016/ #Chambering
.1733594/ #Piktonss
.60638/ #Cobra
.1337040/ #James
.662148/ #Cwater
.415702/ #Godfreid
.1088380/ #Prussian
.1469998/ #Neuadle
.335479/ #Drake
.2256515/ #Sheun
.1409688/ #Cookie
.1657489/ #Strigoi   
.1608910/ #Solodolphin


It's coming Rome
(7th & 19th)

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Skitty
Regiment #1 Name: 7th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Skitty

Regiment #2 Name: 19th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Kieran
Roster (78)
.68534/ #Ae Ti
.563670/ #Adam
.1452397/ #Alex
.60181/ #Anden
.1478606/ #Bluck
.1523494/ #Chinese
.1621551/ #Decland
.426577/ #Demivar
.2314/ #Duseda
.1473348/ #Ewokson
.1684584/ #Fondas
.1544506/ #Goatland
.541027/ #Hippie
.1797256/ #Hugin
.274027/ #Kieran
.1255963/ #Nasa
.353346/ #Noobas13
.60535/ #Nozza
.1198387/ #OldNosey
.1464744/ #Parthius
.1629067/ #Phk
.60248/ #Presidente
.1615119/ #Sebi
.1681320/ #TheMrDave
.1710692/ #Wargs
.1082636/ #Weedlord
.1677879/ #Xaos
.1326785/ #77
.466579/ #CobraARMS
.2222060/ #Geert
.1219126/ #Bob Winchester
.1434358/ #Elberg
.2106798/ #Garch
.492914/ #Titan
.279922/ #ZyklonB
.1944919/ # Djuro
.368891/ # Daphne
.1557541/ #Noodleboi
.330728/ #KlamatoKai
.271398/ #Panzer
.1650623/ #DrStein
.1332049/ #Gromo
.2003124/ #Magner
.63203/ #Bladeson
.1482801/ #Aquilax
.2131264/ #Jesús (Papafrita)
.491178/ #Vanleuwen
.516360/ #Slutbag
.344916/ #Saiko
.304810/ #Lefevre_Charles
.60366/ #Creed
.1278/ #Angus
.2242425/ #Solistice
.1291639/ #Bradders
.293545/ #Steffan
.954604/ #Tardet
.630365 / #7th_Light_Maj_Skitty
.1656267 / #7th_Light_Sjt_Skull
.1599710 / #7th_Light_Cpl_Lucky
.2086845 / #7th_Light_Shrp_Jayden
.1880996 / #7th_Light_Shrp_Deadkiller
.1231001 / #7th_Light_Grd_Pavson
.2101548 / #7th_Light_Grd_Dexter
.1652889 / #7th_Light_Rng_Suq Madiq
.1668676 / #7th_Light_Spec_Eldariur
.2046556 / #7th_Light_Spec_Skebo
.1625551 / #7th_Light_Rfl_Doc Lulucifer
.2061421 / #7th_Light_Rfl_Coyoteman500
.1224694 /#7th_Light_Cdt_Turkman
.2413236 / #7th_Light_SRfl_Kume
.1217085 / #7th_Light_Mksm_Scot
.777718 / #7th_Light_Mksm_Paddy
.2225559 /#7th_Light_SRfl_Saba
.897979 / #7th_Light_Grd_Doyle
.969676 /#7th_Light_Rng_Dubscience
.1421118 /#7th_Light_Cdt_Calvin
.1400095 / #7th_Lights_Nexoma
.1832685 / #7th_Lights_Lebrun
Gordon Highlanders

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Pieter
Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Vegi

Regiment #2 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Pieter
Roster (162)
#92nd grens
.1607198/ #Wolffe   
.1223304/ #Vegi   
.784229/ #Stockholm   
.503145/ #Golden   
.273121/ #Skittles   
.128/ #Steinmann   
.1704636/ #Ilypa   
.902557/ #Wolfe   
.1158873/ #Krea   
.928748/ #Paok   
.67758/ #Moskito   
.798821/ #Lone   
.449912/ #Red   
.776617/ #Shadow   
.1341627/ #Ghrosse   
.1216887/ #Yoloswag   
.1418311/ #R1bazzz   
.1128046/ #Andy   
.1431695/ #Faisan   
.436430/ #Hypno   
.909950/ #Alucard   
.1196359/ #James   
.774122/ #Spooky   
.1518076/ #Crusher   
.56962/ #Bluemoon   
.956996/ #Shneider   
.350611/ #Ingram   
.882294/ #Bagins   
.676814/ #Marxeil   
.1589927/ #Thanatos   
.283366/ #Jones   
.68982/ #Bence   
.936363/ #Freestyle   
.431148/ #Dayboul   
.924560/ #Queen   
.2100118/ #Hecke   
.624418/ #Ase   
.1851664/ #Unicorn
.353593/ #TheBaker
.896946/ #Einar
.931043/ #Murphy
.929552/ #Derpy
.1785182/ #Alphin
.1558682/ #Itchy
.1990322/ #Beerenburg
.1281360/ #qWe
.1129481/ #Warboss
.1928336/ #Mizikci
.2105105/ #Gudrian
.1580846/ #SeanTheBean
.2160690/ #Mygoodness
.767406/ #Bravescot
.2196690/ #King_Gravy
.1901513/ #Dalfarius
.484192/ #Cpt Nommingtons
.1095927/ #Heisenberg
.1811247/ #Richard
.492854/ #Shagon
.500185/ #GianniMo4
.2025898/ #Grabblez
.2225724/ #Mahmoud
.2252405/ #Kibrisli
.635920/ #PDawg
.926112/ #MJRASSASSIN148
.1821759/ #Nar/teamspeakuser
.2110145/ #Longshanks
.425805/ #Crazytoes
.2052019/ #Aonghus McBoaby
.2222018/ #ityoboyjjgates
.630166/ #Charlie
.776587/ #Saxon
.781614/ #Risk
.957270/ #Tomppa
.1102762/ #Yoshie
#92nd centre
.350211/ #Pieter
.550777/ #Henry
.865295/ #Bearly
.463159/ #Siefkopf
.1626646/ #Royotto
.1248043/ #Cameron
.768907/ #Kiddterra
.1761155/ #Thomas
.2131790/ #Blaze
.2119243/ #RedRocket
.774878 / #Rhino
.1198556/ Kon'Ichiwa
.1320808/ #KenM
.1153810/ #Alator
.775027/ #Arminius
.526260/ #Tom.more
.1625419/ #Cheeseburger
.1628341/ #Hobbits
.785534/ #ThomasChampi
.864728/ #DarkBG
.773997/ #Charles
.428987/ #Morgoth
.523157/ #Scottish
.1466982/ #Pike
.1669495/ #Wardo
.279789/ #FineApple
.1746621/ #Rizza
.1248764/ #Flyburn
.1425654/ #Me
.1134340/ #Gaerers
.63272/ #Mik
.438769/ #Steelgate
.1154091/ #Soda
.1474293/ #Shovenio
.830415/ #Noxic
.410820/ #Mixtli
.1474358/ #Amberfoxx
.88060/ #Kimon
.952369/ #Ambiguous
.787826/ #Nahzer
.2247608/ #Marechal Ney
.1194338/ #Jafa
.1127477/ #Cyber
.1900159/ #Alan
.949404/ #Nielios
.780449/ #Andrew
.1167682/ #Knuckles
.1789318/ #Skillionaire
.1867870/ #Herska
.1528643/ #Wolf
.1540879/ #Arik
.800776/ #Halbo
.2231583/ #Aelfred
.1188451/ #Marcellus
.2245867/ #hgk
.1864817/ #OGTob666
.2240551/ #kurayk
.1741373/ #Stefaan
.2002690/ #BAMPOT
.1458790/ #Alfonso
.1289206/ #Porkko
.2270158/ #Mimo
.1488417/ #Kdul
.1194472/ #kilian
.423033/ #Tonation
.1530021/ #RagingFrenchGuy
.2272439/ #Eldacar
.633150/ #Malkolm
.62857/ #Dekkers
.777908/ #EpicPizza
.624114/ #Man Of God
.2275532/ #Ozzy
.1522015/ #Marduck
.1176218/ #Brutus
.1947291/ #Chieef
.2176026/ #Aigle
.1984652/ #Kuhenson
.1565865/ #Sphinx
.1949373/ #Whicho
.966012 /#Doniel
.1179200/ #Glieber
.518993/ #Bawo
.2265188/ #Quibique
.2045873/ #Allectus
.781360/ #Teezzsh
.2000482/ #Bert
.2279386/ #Xolty
.68977/ #Bionic Brown


Team #8

Team Contacts (Steam ID): #
Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID): #

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID): #
Roster (   )
.000000/ #name



Trial Referees:


Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees


1. Signup

2. Attendance

3. Basic Rules

4. Matches

1.1  All Regiments/Teams are required to provide a list of players & GUID's upon signing up (no maximum). If a member is not yet on your roster they cannot play. Please provide GUID's in the below format:

.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

1.2  During the tournament, server rosters will be updated weekly each Monday.

1.3  Transfers between Regiments within the tournament will only be permitted during the group-stage, new additions are still welcome during the knock-out stage.

   2.1  Minimum attendance to matches is 30 players, each line having at least 10 men. Should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 30.

2.2  The maximum one team may outnumber the other is +2.

2.3  Both teams must balance to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs). Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!). After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be performed.

2.4  All Charges may be called (Ref discretion) if either: both teams are considered camping (see below) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.5  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for a prolonged period of time (3 mins give or take, ref discretion) the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.6  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

   3.1  Fire in Charge (FiC), Reload in Charge (RiC) & Officer Aim (OA) are not allowed and any victims will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee); for example a cross-map Officer aim will only result in a revive for the officer, not a slay of the shooter.

3.2  Reload, Fix gaps, then shoot. Do not Fire our of Line (FoL) and always maintain 2-3 man gaps whilst maneuvering - if any of these rules are not adhered to warnings will be issued, followed by slays if necessary.

3.3  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy line will be slain without warning.

3.4  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either the two lines are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd line without breaking the rambo rule (above).

3.5  After a charge a line can be considered to have 'left charge' after the line they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once a line has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and resume shooting.

3.6  If two lines are engaged and one is running from melee the line giving chase may choose to 'reform' and 'leave charge' if 15 seconds have elapsed since the last connected attack (as above). Should this occur the line which was running from melee may NOT reenagage immediately; they must first re-form themselves or join a freindly line if they number less than 3. Note that an attack must not have connected for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

3.7  If a line drops below 3 players it must cease firing and charge or join its friendly line.

   4.1  Matches will consist of 8 rounds on one custom map with a side swap.

4.2  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

4.3  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

4.4  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00GMT as default.

4.5  All matches must be overseen by at least 2 referees.

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a Team)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Faction:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team (min. 30 attendance)
Team Name:
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction:

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior Experience/Comment:

Roster Update
Regiment Name:
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Match booking
Match week:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:

Tournament Contacts:


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / 2v2 Tournie format discussion
« on: March 26, 2021, 12:40:52 pm »
Hi all,

Just putting this out there ahead of time before the 2v2 tournament starts, hopefully to spark some discussion... (1st season thread)

Last year teams were formed in private, with regiments applying together and avoiding stacks with a simple rule preventing any regiments who made it to semis in the last major tournament from playing together. Whilst this did work to an extent I feel the group-stage was far less interesting as a result, with the top two regs from each group leaving little doubt who would ultimately make it through.

The new sign-up format I am proposing is we go for individual reg sign-ups, split the reg pool down the middle and pair an upper and lower reg randomly. This could also include (prior to pairing) a quick PM from myself to every leader, requesting any reg pairings they wish to veto due to any potential issues (language barrier/past experience/etc) which might arise. Hopefully this would avoid any upset amongst each team whilst ensuring they are somewhat fresh.

Thoughts? Also if there were any other concerns around this tournament from last season feel free to voice them here. The only one I'm aware of was an issue with map size for smaller matches, which I am more than happy to resolve by adding a smaller range of custom maps alongside the present ones.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / | NWBC | Season 4 | Finals
« on: July 28, 2020, 11:46:26 am »


Welcome to a brand new season of NWBC, the previous season hosted around this time last year. The general concept of this tournament is to pitch large pre-arranged teams against each other, to apply a more competitive and coordinated atmosphere to otherwise typical NW Linebattles.

Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  4-6 week Tournament length.
-  2-groups to start, 4 teams each (8 teams total).
-  Proceed to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket.
-  Traditional 1v1 rules, with some minor tweaks to facilitate the addition of special classes.
-  Minimum attendance of 50 (15 per line, 10 per special).
-  A range of custom maps, differing in terrain type.
-  GUID locking team scripts to enforce roster rules and prevent double regging.

Accepted Team Sign-Ups: 8/8
Group Name: TBD
Group Contacts:

[28th] Shadey
[56e] Aggofan
[5to] Chicken
[2e] Chri

Regiment #1 Name: 28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts: Shadey & Movement

Regiment #2 Name: 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line & Lights
Contacts: Aggofan & Salakien

Regiment #3 Name: 5to Regimiento de la Corona
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts: Chicken & Dume

Regiment #4 Name: 2ème Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Hussars
Contacts: Chri & Lufter

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Group Name: IVe Corps d'Armée Français
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): TBA Syrcrim

Regiment #1 Name:  45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: French 45e
Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim  Exeter

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: French guard
Contacts (Steam ID): Dams  TBA

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: French light
Contacts (Steam ID): Zarwen  Dius

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: French cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Remao  TBA

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Group Name: 77y and Friends
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):
Main Contact: Henkka
Secondary Contact: El_Presidente
Secondary Contact: Rikkert

Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 19th
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Group Name: TBD
Group Contacts: [33rd]Spoons, [92nd]Wolffe, [33rd]Kincaid

Regiment #1 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 35
Preferred Class: Line, Lights, Cav
Contacts: [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]Kincaid

Regiment #2 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts: [92nd]Wolffe

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Maskman & Mitchell & Nova & Faser &

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Estimated Attendance: 40-50
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Nova, Maskman, Mitchell

Regiment #2 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): NightwingFaser

Regiment #3 Name: 1er
Estimated Attendance: 8-10
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): DeLaBedoyère

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Update on mitchells previous sign up post with a completed team

Group Name: "TBA"
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): IpoaDesant :*

Regiment #1 Name:  2.Leib-Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 50~
Preferred Class: Infantry Lights Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): IpoaTwinkiee

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 17-18
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):  Desant :*

Group Name: ΤΒΑ
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 16th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 40+
Preferred Class: Line, Light, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 47th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): TBA

Regiment #1 Name: Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr1
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Barlinkraut

Regiment #2 Name: Husaren-Regiment Nr4
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Hussars
Contacts (Steam ID): Felix, Octanidas

Regiment #3 Name: 2nd "Hessian" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Jakob

Regiment #4 Name: Royal Guards
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Robbin

Team ID Roster
.000000/ #Name

Match-weeks / Knock-outs
| Group A |

  Group A 

|                       Match-week                       |
|                       Match                       |
|                       Match                       |
Week 1
IVe Corps  2  vs  4  Holy Alliance
77y & Friends  6   vs  0  k.u.r.w.a 
Week 2
IVe Corps  1  vs  5  77y & Friends
Holy Alliance  5  vs  1  k.u.r.w.a
Week 3
77y & Friends  5  vs  1  Holy Alliance
IVe Corps  6  vs  0  k.u.r.w.a
| Group B |

  Group B 

|                       Match-week                       |
|                       Match                       |
|                       Match                       |
Week 1
Pink Fluffy Inquisitors  0  vs  6  Yorkshire Highlanders
Palmares Hunters  6  vs  0  The Alcoholics
Week 2
Pink Fluffy Inquisitors  0  vs  6  Palmares Hunters
Yorkshire Highlanders  5  vs  1  The Alcoholics
Week 3
Pink Fluffy Inquisitors  3  vs  3  The Alcoholics
Palmares Hunters  2 vs  4  Yorkshire Highlanders
| Group-Stage Score table |

  Group A 

|                            Team                            |
|  Won  |
|  Lost  |
|  Draw  |
|  Rounds  |
77y & Freinds
Holy Alliance
IVe corps

  Group B 

|                            Team                            |
|  Won  |
|  Lost  |
|  Draw  |
|  Rounds  |
Yorkshire Highlanders
Palmares Hunters
The Alcoholics
Pink Fluffy Inquisitors
| Knock-outs |

  Lower Bracket 

|                                 Match-week                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
IVe Corps  4  vs  3  Pink Fluffy Inquisitors
k.u.r.w.a  0  vs  6  The Alcoholics (default)
Final / Bronze
IVe Corps  6  vs  0  The Alcoholics
k.u.r.w.a  0  vs  6  Pink Fluffy Inquisitors (default)

  Upper Bracket 

|                                 Match-week                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
77y & Friends  4  vs  2  Palmare Hunters
Holy Alliance  2  vs  4  Yorkshire Highlanders
Final / Bronze
77y & Friends  4  vs  3  Yorkshire Highlanders
Palmare Hunters  4  vs  2  Holy Alliance



| Group A |


IVe Corps d'Armée Français
(45e, 2e, 31e, 6e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim, Dams
Regiment #1 Name:  45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: French 45e
Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim  Exeter

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: French guard
Contacts (Steam ID): Dams

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: French light
Contacts (Steam ID): Zarwen  Dius

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: French cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Remao

Roster (187)
#45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne :
.62786/ #Stéphane
.664421/ #Syrcrim
.1333076/ #Exeter
.1600001/ #Hearthland
.1771190/ #Toussain
.1475976/ #Pirex
.497631/ #Qth
.1519624/ #KILLER_CROC
.1939429/ #Azmog
.1820805/ #ToxEn
.1666903/ #Korift
.1194087/ #Law
.1224112/ #David_Faucet
.1168309/ #iWeester62
.1554632/ #Zombrax
.1110188/ #Rever
.1112187/ #Hyroes
.1151249/ #Isaac_Blixen
.1183420/ #Sheytalio
.935362/ #Ulysse
.1619277/ #souvorov
.499535/ #Khagnes
.1417610/ #XIVE
.1324307/ #Atoz
.1257165/ #Robin
.1230537/ #Clint
.1727047/ #Copain
.1836273/ #Horus Mid
.527872/ #Chad
.776176/ #Nordiste
.2095797/ #VirOgil
.1441809/ #Nyght0
.665180/ #Ouranos
.1716280/ #Gimli
.128870/ #Etranger
.2171198/ #Helgyrh
.2169348/ #Will
.1261436/ #Ceej
.473693/ #MrSweat
.1410170/ #Rey
.1220344/ #Gontran_Bonheur
.1860476/ #Teru
.1846737/ #William
.1195677/ #Megacrow
.1428238/ #Johndoe
.1652092/ #Damienal
.2175477/ #Hakam
.361599/ #Lanfeust
.792805/ #Ruin
.353554/ #Wargy
.1159195/ #Baliant
.665474/ #Kikiri
.1629059/ #Zgmrvn
.2115038/ #Edouard
.350611/ #Ingram
.655547/ #Jordan
.781505/ #Zangdar
.441078/ #Tonio
.438336/ #Nicolas
.64301/ #Starship
.1421033/ #Poke
.929265/ #Owen
.2220972/ #Flameheart
.1330073/ #Carpophorus
.1356603/ #Panther
.417491/ #Centurion
.812241/ #Lucas
.2137170/ #Nolyo
.1288870/ #Etranger
.1476558/ #Leensab14
.273435/ #Tigrane
.2196795/ #Blattejohan29
.2224320/ #Amzion
.484624/ #Panti
.1137237/ #JoeCobra
.421334 /# JoD
.2224068 /# Deverich
.1542937/ #Variex

#2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
.418803/ #Dams
.1106398/ #Floral00
.1427592/ #Squeletord
.308528/ #Toxic
.413325/ #KronOos
.946307/ #Optimus
.1189333/ #Raiden
.1520746/ #Augustherius
.951555/ #La Roche
.473834/ #Poney
.837298/ #Eraners
.1099426/ #Roger le Varois
.1217147/ #LeoBaker
.1407246/ #Roxy
.1770252/ #Lugya
.1727698/ #Mat54
.1281554/ #Vladimir
.923544/ #Djeil
.1890707/ #Nidhogg
.2116802/ #Blattejohan29
.770235/ #M4tkiller
.1868173/ #Kieffer
.1908892/ #RaDe
.484087/ #MrOsill
.1085644/ #Cosmousse
.547411/ #Verminar
.1433210/ #Mercenary
.1952861/ #Aurélien
.1974665/ #Lebrun
.1926624/ #Pouyou00
.1765435/ #Pyrometal
.1800145/ #Anton
.213770/ #Nolyo
.2137173/ #Dupain
.514842/ #Axuskm
.438076/ #Reikor
.914766/ #Leffy
.2172703/ #Thorcar
.1933281/ #Tatar
.1183726/ #Owindd

#5e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
.1333298/ #Napo
.1217086/ #Unmaxin
.875607/ #Flooky
.896710/ #Rostov
.519040/ #Marmedou
.1116933/ #Nils
.1504064/ #Jean-Boudet
.298598/ #Euskal
.1608102/ #LaFayette
.1213248/ #MxTeR
.1571029/ #Turikaym
.1144938/ #Wery
.919403/ #Helinke
.1606529/ #Zeratorium
.1744701/ #Tibo

#31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
.1091690/ #Zarwen
.1624446/ #Ecombre
.1459259/ #Lovecat
.1221200/ #Krus
.304810/ #Airsoft
.779153/ #Eespike
.1331448/ #Rzr
.488592/ #Dius
.1190467/ #Dimitri
.1877864/ #Elisam
.1581316/ #Redi
.1230774/ #ZarK
.1581099/ #Raptor
.308209/ #Bromain
.778674/ #Miney
.2003478/ #John Kennedy
.2053600/ #Merle
.526322/ #Thragorn
.810856/ #Kylian
.1613282/ #Skyofpotatoes
.1393486/ #Icephenix02
.1431695/ #Faisan
.2192125/ #Kingsom

#6e Régiment de Hussards
.522042/ #Bastien
.1641348/ #Belgian
.782240/ #Remao
.1162271/ #Skarface
.484509/ #Treiz
.510128/ #Gothrad
.888686/ #Elwee
.878522/ #Drustan
.1757809/ #Huggu
.422061/ #ACE
.1661065/ #Darkness
.2220678/ #Kilo
.1209085/ #Ghost
.1224536/ #LaPierre
.1113281/ #Meowzar
.14776558/ #Leensab14
.2217835/ #SunRiise
.1213330/ #Darracq
.500222/ #Swap
.1529189/ #Landry
.1534396/ #Draco
.428325/ #Lasalle
.273453/ #Tigrane
.1515772/ #Wolf
.1738546/ #Ducopie
.1379549/ #Strahira
.679366/ #Velociraptor
.450153/ #Rhealder
.1775212/ #Arthur
.1997475/ #Yäeger
.1953120/ #StephanGH


77y & Friends
(15thYR, 19th, 77y)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Henkka, El_Presidente
Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 19th
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):
Roster (163)
.639367/ #Gi
.1097538/ #Irish
.471275/ #Rikkert
.892796/ #Melsyo
.520751/ #Bidbig
.374420/ #Vortx
.520615/ #Fralla8
.301721/ #Mike
.1364162/ #xx15
.1331602/ #Anubis
.1285712/ #Carlitos
.431148/ #Dayboul
.1236582/ #Eddard Stark
.839431/ #Firefly
.653692/ #Ismar
.927368/ #Python
.362260/ #Rydh
.677883/ #Xaartil
.531502/ #Zappy
.644634/ #Amue
.1928138/ #Dundi
.860263/ #Gasset
.1471611/ #Mankii
.390977/ #MattyC
.547531/ #MK_Blake
.422602/ #Sadman
.1464911/ #Strawhead
.423274/ #Porkins
.1100222/ #Ricky
.498093/ #Caskie
.1232040/ #Fruitocin0
.1284970/ #Gull
.1438606/ #ThrowuptheX
.1115342/ #Chuckster
.499798/ #Elsse
.769942/ #Hertz
.1223783/ #P1cc0
.1442694/ #Feodras
.62773/ #Azuris
.909019/ #Heinrich
.1123134/ #Jakob
.389497/ #Dusan
.1529359/ #Shogun
.1831699 / #LaPache
.537684/ #Lawbringer
.1787895/ #Kimon
.375537/ #Kore

.67916/ #Aztir
.302927/ #CharlieTheTurtle
.293555/ #Gaz
.786997/ #Syncmaster667
.304769/ #Nigel
.62611/ #Henkka
.492257/ #Scot_NekoGirl
.551221/ #Hittonblast
.774122/ #Spooky (Norwegian one)
.458467/ #Natta
.313137/ #Slavic
.1283717/ #Waddys61
.1515387/ #SooNational
.60796/ #Rikimaru
.514672/ #Raii
.1109790/ #Ziggy
.426220/ #Abekrampe
.1411884/ #Joshyboyy
.1275904/ #Silverlion
.957895/ #Av
.1124460/ #Chiefcenturion
.379519/ #Stickyrubber
.60163/ #Jeljer007
.784584/ #YanioZ
.1577842/ #Rideout
.655190/ #Mercenary_Captain
.1494948/ #Angle
.1110817/ #Spooky (Macedonian one)
.478896/ #TheQuickOne
.2118988/ #BakuYes
.1920158/ #JadeSerpent
.1154091/ #Mister_Soda
.407620/ #Voodoo
.1131694/ #Dredd
.1847015/ #1zaro
.1098133/ #Kulous
.2203720/ #Rikus
.9318/ #The_Highlord
.631991/ #Fortunezero
.1107368/ #Sharky
.63678/ #Reeky
.62746/ #Jacob
.29467/ #Drax
.520089/ #Whiteknight
.352564/ #Kex
.302340/ #Minimario
.527657/ #Dario
.634251/ #Bob
.494472/ #Rekute
.1178262/ #Abbe
.1637766/ #Beyblade
.498900/ #Sparky
.341058/ #Bloodaddict
.1475880/ #Huntard
.1603737/ #Danne
.64436/ #Durzak
.436978/ #Smallest
.569674/ #Drax

.1452397/ #Alex
.60181/ #Anden
.563670/ #Adam
.1370902/ #Antonio
.1482801/ #Aquilax
.68534/ #Ae Ti
.813406/ #Basajaun
.1478606/ #Bluck
.1523494/ #Chinese
.353632/ #Curlz
.1515543/ #Deathstroke
.1621551/ #Decland
.426577/ #Demivar
.2314/ #Duseda
.1339413/ #Ecthelion
.1473348/ #Ewokson
.1684584/ #Fondas
.1544506/ #Goatland
.541027/ #Hippie
.1797256/ #Hugin
.2131264/ #Jesús (Papafrita)
.274027/ #Kieran
.1255963/ #Nasa
.353346/ #Noobas13
.60535/ #Nozza
.1198387/ #OldNosey
.1464744/ #Parthius
.1629067/ #Phk
.1500097/ #PotatoKuzzle
.60248/ #Presidente
.879291/ #Retamar
.1615119/ #Sebi
.67034/ #Skull
.1681320/ #TheMrDave
.622455/ #TigreBlanco
.1710692/ #Wargs
.1082636/ #Weedlord
.1677879/ #Xaos
.1326785/ #77
.466579/ #CobraARMS
.2222060/ #Geert
.1608113/ #Optimus
.1219126/ #Bob Winchester
.1434358/ #Elberg
.2106798/ #Garch
.1529707/ #Thorstein
.516360/ #Dontpanic
.1944919/ #Djuro
.63779/ #Wigster
.474799/ #McCabe
.1911656/ # Alberto
.492914/ # Titan
.1489087/ # Giussepe
.368891/ # Daphne
.1557541/ #Noodleboi
.279922/ #Kirov/ZyklonB
.927753/ #Dane
.1095500/ #Romulus

Holy Alliance
(2Lr, 96y)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Ipoa, Desant :*
Regiment #1 Name:  2.Leib-Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 50~
Preferred Class: Infantry Lights Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): IpoaTwinkiee

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 17-18
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):  Desant :*
Roster (183)
#2.Leib-Regiment Stab
.870719/ #Ipoa
.1208824/ #Twinkiee

#2.Leib-Regiment Kavallerie
.85844/ #Adelon
.1608738/ #Magnum
.1223851/ #Goodest
.961698/ #DarkHawk
.1197250/ #Carlok
.911281/ #Achilles
.1957779/ #MiniiDNS
.1193856/ #Luigi
.1866193/ #Falco
.1999777/ #Monsterelch
.406024/ #Bk
.524003/ #Recker
.1130434/ #IchDie
.1194739/ #Smurf
.1299540/ #Amagedon
.1951054/ #Kommo
.1788639/ #Strummex
.1518529/ #Proov
.1961230/ #Patrick
.1736310/ #Sirox
.1391442/ #Swedyx
.2088925/ #Sparta/Leviatan
.2129231/ #Tannenberg
.528114/ #Majorius
.2197663/ #Toni
.1438052/ #Bongomen
.1502598/ #Emil
.2219906/ #Tikno
.2203682/ #LordMokka
.1339193/ #Lawrence
.2216830/ #Spacko
.2130009/ #Murdors
.1130129/ #Keksgott
.1862748/ #Raven
.2222814/ #HerrBlub
.2222914/ #Leeroy_K.
.1845202/ #Legion
.1190182/ #Harsch
.1757783/ #Marque
.2166345/ #TheDeath
.2226444/ #OBFKönig
.1492208/ #Der Tourettler
.1572047/ #OneCh3ck
.1809155/ #ZombieGullasch
.2226001/ #SCfox
.2194276/ #Fahnenträger
.1582271/ #Graczol

#2.Leib-Regiment Infanterie
.792123/ #DarkTemplar
.1771737/ #Powerfighter2
.1418287/ #Huber
.529287/ #Felociraptor
.1957812/ #Leibhusar
.1202267/ #Skorpien
.639881/ #Deffa
.1523350/ #camm15elbe
.1419340/ #Exors
.1696213/ #Sennii
.1995706/ #Chriss
.2159572/ #Teddy
.1703224/ #0WOWO/Mineduke
.1556780/ #Acker
.1158995/ #Caryon
.1153369/ #Dunkingkong
.2074871/ #Eisbär
.544432/ #Frittentime
.2174057/ #Inkompetent
.2217606/ #Ghostie
.794158/ #Cazasar
.772335/ #DaTiger
.1878177/ #GoGo Magnus
.2108896/ #Killerioo
.1556178/ #LordFB
.1443146/ #NinAurore
.69933/ #Rommel
.1083677/ #Scrooge
.1712878/ #SodneyTV
.1624873/ #MiencandyTV
.884674/ #Phoenix
.1225660/ #Roland IV
.1394188/ #StargamingYT
.2015592/ #Wert
.634781/ #Steiner
.2197419/ #Jofeha
.2197348/ #BRD16
.2212140/ #Julian
.2213001/ #Panda
.1945616/ #FancyDobleu
.837367/ #Daniel
.949713/ #Nikov
.567451/ #Bongsportler
.567580/ #Krokuspflücker
.937261/ #Aiden
.1200644/ #Zoran
.62694/ #Cooper

#2.Leib-Regiment Jäger
.1188127/ #Hansel
.1085572/ #BubiZipfel
.1138335/ #Kuchen
.942633/ #HerrNapfel
.660361/ #Arsen
.1366851/ #Adio
.1220310/ #Knamagon
.2058957/ #Honigkuchen
.2196410/ #Eulenohr
.1685251/ #Sebinm
.1940671/ #SmokezZ
.1415727/ #Markus v. Straubing
.1801513/ #Looser_23
.626942/ #BobaFett
.1516730/ #Sabaton
.1216401/ #Keiler
.1602729/ #Lakuna
.1788508/ #Killerbello
.2104262/ #OnlyLuck26
.927201/ #Mogawolf
.934680/ #Rasengan
.1110630/ #Michi
.1129442/ #Garaz
.845447/ #Lugulus
.1087859/ #Chaos
.1819824/ #mj2004vb
.1095805/ #Dominik
.1980143/ #Reval
.1429817/ #Firefreak
.519484/ #Darjeeling
.1093827/ #Mlux
.921380/ #Chiller
.1417286/ #Keoken
.1908707/ #Max_JekoYT
.2206375/ #Magnus
.791439/ #Felix | Katharina Arashi

#96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
.840822/ #Desant
.1525793/ #Flashkodr
.676814/ #MarxeiL
.1191610/ #MrKnight
.290348/ #Wursti
.1621113/ #Severus
.1282828/ #Ben
.1123124/ #Alex123
.637544/ #Vengeance
.1145029/ #Witcher
.1807303/ #Bagration
.838879/ #yoda
.1237787/ #Marji
.1864333/ #russzin
.490840/ #Stark
.1783914/ #Twister
.1598936/ #Cena
.1661404/ #MYKCYC
.950271/ #klever
.1624559/ #Pro100pro
.786194/ #Zenepl
.976282/ #Bogdanovsky
.1574022/ #Nezzor
.1888646/ #Pechenin
.1718098/ #NaSSo4ek
.1737433/ #Bonapart
.1870097/ #KOMEHDAHT
.2092435/ #Stropilo
.477101/ #Maurice
.1515157/ #kisloemaslo
.944525/ #vodolas
.1705398/ #Gopnik
.521274/ #Herishey
.2134898/ #Scovis
.1095201/ #Hunter491
.1915/ #XBOCT
.9887/ #Dust
.63559/ #Water
.414917/ #DOMI
.1325179/ #Ivan
.1620681/ #Maskek
.1803585/ #sausage
.1267054/ #Tod
.1222304/ #Artista
.1988413/ #Zeyden
.1212122/ #Hoster
.1857114/ # Fidelis
.1193896/ #Archangel
.1937450/ #Vektor
.1093178/ #Gerakl
.2194110/ #Gogi


(17pp, 55th, 2ndKGL, 10thRH)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Artur, Grozni

Regiment #1 Name: 17pp
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Artur

Regiment #2 Name: 55th
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Anthony

Regiment #3 Name: 2ndKGL
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Thire

Regiment #4 Name: 10thRH
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Hussars
Contacts (Steam ID): Grozni
Roster (140)
.630365/ #Skitty
.1599710/ #Lucky
.1528427/ #Pavson
.1668676/ #Eldariur
.2101548/ #Dexter
.1656267/ #Skull
.1799188/ #Beqa
.1652889/ #Hyke
.969676/ #Dubscience
.147262/ #shype
.1860503/ #Davit
.1789240 / #Saba

.1787902/ #Thire
.804714/ #Boogy
.1484036/ #SerKraus
.1814077/ #Maizz
.897979/ #Doyle
.496170/ #Moist
.282094/ #W0t5
.816952/ #Merhabi
.1853282/ #Moorish
.310429/ #Kalredo
.2113051/ #Sal
.816015/ #Commisar
.1461696/ #TwistCrisp

.790727/ #Artur
.1386267/ #KedAr
.1116114/ #Strzeleec
.2135034/ #Trexons
.1469191/ #witekZwp
.1282630/ #Tukan
.1748551/ #Sharik
.1129028/ #Piorun
.1196328/ #Kubelek
.519436/ #Wojtas
.906704/ #FaRcIaRz
.1821921/ #paróweczka
.1598583/ #Szeki
.1280759/ #Dares
.1889798/ #Longinus
.462793/ #Wolfer
.1341423/ #Felix
.1700336/ #Uoabau
.930803/ #InDor
.1096454/ #Luke
.1554767/ #elmar
.948092/ #Destroyer
.924622/ #Patrykin
.2168114/ #Potato
.2222670/ #Yuri
.1395366/ #NalwinHo
.1935673/ #DziKi
.461815/ #Gringer
.1276102/ #Vinci_PL
.1971983/ #Asznal
.1119430/ #Desperado
.1843876/ #PanZagloba
.1723936/ #Marek
.1291303/ #Cichorski
.835719/ #Jasiu
.1423121/ #Rydziu
.1282819/ #Korwin
.2196751/ #Apacz
.1931562/ #VULT
.1996838/ #Pro100wnik
.2160677/ #Rajmund
.1743385/ #Lanos
.1822941/ #Swordes
.563687/ #Dyktator
.1397924/ #Dominque
.2220038/ #yolosowy
.1157933/ #Lee
.1388340/ #Sieszti
.1101606/ #VVESPAR
.1856124/ #Korzon
.2216374/ #Haytymir
.1951282/ #browarx
.955177/ #Komar
.965240/ #BurgerShot
.9154/ #Caesim
.1586108/ #Husarion
.1766571/ #Ventru
.1984814/ #Naatsuu
.975926/ #KoveN
.1635274/ #Igarashi
.1188973/ #Aerkejo
.1778938/ #Wlladziu
.1954053/ #Jezus

.510578/ #Grozni
.113235/ #Ericson
.817802/ #Apollo
.1774898/ #Nerox
.1141472/ #Ajax
.1237625/ #Cake
.1122782/ #RagingMozart
.1193415/ #Bilbo
.801349/ #Parigon
.2219622/ #Jim
.1639717/ #spaghetti
.431665/ #OctoDoc
.1160798/ #Manka
.1727449/ #Pixelated
.1458398/ #Minatoor

.1702301/ #LuLu
.949328/ #Kristine
.6191357/ #Blitzkrieg
.512517/ #CSS
.2136576/ #DonLeon
.1137851/ #Turdler
.2187899/ #Sir Cheeze
.9981/ #Anthony
.962454/ #Cake
.1477575/ #Lima
.1786126/ #Supersoldat
.69468/ #Attila
.532455/ #Henri
.1838497/ #Faris
.1909426/ #Imperial
.2210672/ #Jojo
.1755849/ #Catjesus
.1948179/ #Brexit
.2190039/ #Adamek
.1166263/ #Martin Chemnitz
.1293173/ #Knives
.2183159/ #Elemenk
.394650/ #Benoni
.1686662/ #Mustachio
.1978524/ #55th_Pfc_HiReaper
.1180768/ #55th_Vet_Hundar
.494897/ #55th_LtCol_Rayleigh
.2060207/ #55th_Pfc_hifi
.779181/ #55th_Pte_Godfather
.438897/ #55th_Rct_Cytiuz
.1464689/ #55th_Pte_Antigone
.629683/ #55th_Pte_Stav
.453402/ #55th_Lt_quenouille
.2189148/ #55th_Pfc_LeDoge
.2219244/ #55th_Rct_BORO
.1121588/ #55th_Cpl_Hunteh



| Group B |

Trial Referees:

Pink Fluffy Inquisitors
(5to, 56e, 2eHuss)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Chicken, [56e] Aggofan
Regiment #2 Name: 56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line & Lights
Contacts: Aggofan & Salakien

Regiment #3 Name: 5to Regimiento de la Corona
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts: Chicken & Dume

Regiment #4 Name: 2ème Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Hussars
Contacts: Chri & Lufter
Roster (184)
#56e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
.556293/ #AggofanCZ
.1688643/ #Kumsty
.1271755/ #Adda
.1251692/ #VelkySir
.642683/ #Gargy
.1679576/ #Daverou
.938449/ #Peter
.1125309/ #Dareback
.811807/ #Gunebol
.1478209/ #Nanton
.1400361/ #Ody
.1110595/ #Greytous
.1211731/ #Naomi
.1213150/ #Achless
.626498/ #Snowflake3638
.498946/ #Dyngo/Jjjj
.311147/ #Salakien
.637338/ #Kevinak
.1681224/ #Delsuna
.970631/ #Menty
.1776979/ #Okonder
.952079/ #Adam
.1367020/ #Skyrim
.382354/ #Peterman
.972381/ #Mexar
.567586/ #Sokull
.1249805/ #Blerdy
.1295496/ #Foley
.1226681/ #Kemf
.931074/ #SPCZ
.1346398/ #Herodes
.1980241/ #MeTT
.1424370/ #Honza
.1860899/ #Jack
.1646439/ #Max
.772622/ #Kate
.1248207/ #Mattysek
.779131/ #TomHackey
.382374/ #Smouk
.431604/ #MeatFly
.1987829/ #Domon
.1161060/ #Lesajk
.1907178/ #DoubleBread
.1995232/ #WhiteFolk
.1989887/ #Balcidude
.1989653/ #Beny
.1193894/ #Tomking
.1846/ #Salamander
.486004/ #Thor
.1912921/ #Nexor
.1607326/ #Josef
.1914358/ #Jikardo
.2136287/ #tomben
.1934984/ #Kubus
.1978727/ #Ragnar
.1777100/ #Bagetak

#5to Regimiento de la Corona
.1631822/ #Dume
.8768/ #Márquez
.1156041/ #Aitor
.927491/ #Grela
.1416808/ #Scarta
.549868/ #Sento
.1363614/ #Termito
.1663937/ #Jesu04
.1379001/ #Lorucas
.2209797/ #Samuel
.539662/ #Chicken
.664741/ #Toni
.289772/ #Aponnk
.61503/ #Traeeseron
.1400175/ #AlfonsoM
.863125/ #Leyenda
.530744/ #Asediado
.1347805/ #Padawan
.1320796/ #Joanisi
.876239/ #F4YO
.1727813/ #pupuass
.1474047/ #AlphaGladiator
.1280637/ #DOD
.1409954/ #Pilota155
.509154/ #Darklight
.1764019/ #Charlini
.940383/ #Vinicius
.1931852/ #Igor
.2223089/ #Khan13
.1231569/ #asKz
.303280/ #Piotes
.1941829/ #Manue
.1269742/ #Movement
.503145/ #Golden
.278973/ #Gibby
.2223673/ #Chimi
.1777276/ #Bralo
.347234/ #TheWillyM4AK
.837809/ #Gamo
.770924/ #SirAlecks
.436733/ #Deenieh
.1428637/ #West
.2113764/ #Jon
.471351/ #Laurens
.484235/ #NickCole
.1958749/ #Quenouilles
.1418311/ #R1bazZz
.390733/ #Sparta
.425125/ #Suarez
.2175/ #ElMeh
.2225922/ #Pelayo
.1195678/ #Blackburn

#Royal Guards:
.1292549/ #Robbin
.1123425/ #Willie
.1240543/ #Sniper
.877876/ #David
.1481769/ #Nuginator
.1815366/ #busss
.1461950/ #OBIT
.1351765/ #Diddi
.1337515/ #rick
.1823218/ #Matias
.1560315/ #Ace
.1754067/ #Shadow
.1513001/ #StephanGH
.1522013/ #Jefferson_Norris
.1634084/ #Ross
.1206902/ #Noah
.1134229/ #ThomS
.1694543/ #Ztream
.1221832/ #Debecas
.304917/ #Beach
.817900/ #Copot
.910245/ #Gustaf
.1995487/ #Wout
.495693/ #Chuki
.2189091/ #Dwaelle
.1597085/ #Mosi
.777852/ #Goldshire
.945098/ #Sebas
.1866960/ #Tinomus
.1293304/ #Cas
.1337229/ #Semmiev
.634848/ #Zhebomb
.1716544/ #NLWolf
.1591961/ #Boc
.1823105/ #Piet
.1121470/ #Bolekke
.1857935/ #Alien
.1355635/ #JobSteegher
.472399/ #Jeroen
.1441561/ #Rik
.1348978/ #Cheese
.965606/ #Vango
.1171830/ #Chief
.766927/ #Danger
.1774312/ #Cactus
.1623/ #ThatRandomITGuy
.300643/ #DonaldMckay
.1428673/ #Locklear
.634422/ #George
.69430/ #Razz
.552165/ #Pepsiwonder
.569205/ #Alex
.1151269/ #Atrio
.650717/ #John_Cole
.1217085/ #Scot
.885227/ #Swoop

#2ème Régiment de Hussards
.1235655/ #Chri
.1519353/ #Lufter
.1358315/ #pouwelicious
.1615008/ #Charmy
.1641770/ #Waxo
.1959142/ #Trissy
.1579762/ #YoBoi
.1887187/ #lelele
.2190318/ #Jose
.1946146/ #Jeremy
.1974921/ #Sherlock
.1172154/ #Posh
.1284504/ #Matijas
.636691/ #Quantum
.1225047/ #Boler
.1217958/ #Peasent_Martin
.1138669/ #Erik
.1323589/ #Minuteman
.1523655/ #Quack
.2004771/ #Tulkas


Yorkshire Highlanders
(33rd, 92nd)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): [33rd]Spoons, [92nd]Wolffe
Regiment #1 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 35
Preferred Class: Line, Lights, Cav
Contacts: [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]Kincaid

Regiment #2 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line, Cav
Contacts: [92nd]Wolffe
Roster (236)
.1293102/ #Adam
.939628/ #Aldrich
.545438/ #Bastos
.1479449/ #Burnes
.1544447/ #CryingNoob
.638972/ #Henry
.1437737/ #GoldenThiZ
.1529500/ #hopelessknight
.496251/ #Jesjar
.1129493/ #Kaiser
.929314/ #Kincaid
.1160796/ #King George
.296558/ #Richard
.1516672/ #Salzar
.2352/ #Scarhead
.1529663/ #Sharpshooter_dude
.438722/ #SneakyFellow
.1211035/ #Stypa
.909301/ #TheHunter
.2069494/ #eira
.2098640/ #Krzyhogra
.1327006/ #lase
.1437819/ #Enkabard
.1479537/ #Lord_Tim
.1337347/ #Max
.1476622/ #FilthyMezla
.623170/ #Varys
.534933/ #Hakeswill
.1193521/ #RyanB
.1854240/ #butshuts
.1522356/ #Douglass
.302078/ #PeanutDonkey
.1885469/ #Azio102
.1707154/ #Cezar
.1571034/ #CaHti
.1951051/ #EmM
.470795/ #Isaac
.63403/ #Lastash
.1581544/ #Levi
.521556/ #MadWolf
.301736/ #PapaWeymar
.967181/ #Sozo
.1700562/ #TheCoolHair
.1083022/ #AHappyChappy
.2173865/ #Mee7moot
.1185700/ #Nichols
.435273/ #Papabean
.2122505/ #Skaen
.954604/ #Tardet
.782550/ #Sanders
.1732847/ #Cenker
.1216552/ #Alec
.1858904/ #Barro
.793238/ #Burgundy
.270440/ #Carolus
.472449/ #Cedric
.638077/ #Conorrob
.1518076/ #Crusher
.801730/ #DarklingGames
.503765/ #Deadwulf
.518187/ #D-DayDan
.458245/ #Eazy-E
.777908/ #EpicPizza
.10811/ #Louisss
.1265310/ #Matt
.674946/ #OdaCao
.652110/ #Regulation
.1115178/ #SerTwenty
.351114/ #Spoons
.311192/ #Sticklitz
.292756/ #Šupak
.631493/ #Turkishpanda
.2232/ #Umbra
.1814235/ #Badger
.1778554/ #Gangstaboy
.1360048/ #Samu
.527788/ #Swagged Out Custard
.305881/ #Flashcoms
.1487269/ #Grekos
.1234784/ #Johnson
.1200131/ #Tylerus
.1183813/ #Uganda888
.1637120/ #Duffman
.372274/ #Giorno
.321998/ #Smush
.1130936/ #SirLegion
.1207201/ #Loyal Piper
.1688021/ #Mark8269
.920485/ #Duke
.1285382/ #Michael Smolik
.527230/ #Swissy
.1281018/ #Ariva
.369464/ #Vald3maR
.2114338/ #medic
.1631907/ #Javnub
.774704/ #Ace
.1697269/ #TrollPrezes
.513248/ #Ferdinand
.1816844/ #Kent
.2133903/ #Matej
.930237/ #Alexander
.2137542/ #RockyDesign
.1562474/ #Bojoloko

.1620573/ #Archi
.865295/ #Bearly
.1554977/ #Silver
.1761155/ #Thomas Thompson
.1320808/ #Ken
.1198556/ #William Henry
.1524992/ #Telering
.1828687/ #Speedy
.4986/ #SanibelBaby
.991570/ #R110
.2119243/ #RedRorckett
.1628341/ #Hobbits
.198556/ #Ninjakittem
.437072/ #Eugene Ross
.779661/ #Doodely
.785534/ #ThomasChampi
.663095/ #Krembit
.1583856/ #Apex
.2099557/ #Jakob
.1921835/ #LordPotato
.350211/ #Pieter
.463159/ #Sief
.550777/ #Henry
.1153810/ #Alator
.893210/ #Speculaas
.1333682/ #Montefort
.774878/ #Rhino
.526260/ #Tom.more
.896946/ #Einar
.768907/ #Kiddterra
.1626646/ #Royotto
.1623482/ #Eorke
.1398490/ #Ethereal
.1625419/ #Cheeseburger
.2131790/ #Blaze
.773997/ #Charles
.1184232/ #Skybier
.353593/ #TheBaker
.1464419/ #Biggus_Dickus
.972216/ #CosmicCat
.1949868/ #Doomshooter
.814170/ #Etherton
.427102/ #Spellpfeffer
.1091919/ #Raidian
.423537/ #Sinjmaster
.1681528/ #Jodino
.1470434/ #Janintti
.461020/ #Georges
.1770537/ #Hughie
.1864096/ #Gabon
.1104346/ #Duncan
.1607198/ #Wolffe
.1704636/ #Ilypa
.503813/ #Steinmann
.902557/ #Wolfe
.784229/ #Stockholm
.956619/ #Fotin
.1216887/ #Yoloswag
.635920/ #PDawg
.798821/ #Lone
.811371/ #Kuh
.67758/ #Moskito
.273121/ #Skittles
.495512/ #Alatriste
.924560/ #Queeen
.1158873/ #Krea
.1949373/ #Whicho
.928748/ #Paok
.1341627/ #Ghrosse
.1513490/ #Zenon
.1223304/ #Vegi
.776617/ #Shadow
.1876568/ #Salogas
.449912/ #Red Fire
.1379228/ #Plushka
.781931/ #Dokletian
.63517/ #Erik
.302989/ #Killa
.492854/ #Shagon
.346520/ #Petl
.1589927/ #Thanatos
.1494058/ #Chada
.1347943/ #Tival
.776587/ #Saxon
.69180/ #Llama
.1429221/ #Maxi
.1447116/ #ICA_Arms
.1622616/ #Nicola
.864728/ #DennyS
.1876681/ #Bene
.671857/ #Bunter_Igel
.1211057/ #Gerher
.69860/ #Birf
.660562/ #Polar
.1851664/ #Cringecorn
.929552/ #Derpy
.1565241/ #Tanith
.1785182/ #Enrik
.1558682/ #Michael Mactavish
.492274/ #Khani
.1129481/ #Warboss
.2105105/ #Gudrian
.2082868/ #Robert Lyon
.666473/ #Monru
.931043/ #Murphy
.1351828/ #Frankie
.500306/ #Stryker
.1680544/ #Kil
.774293/ #Rune
.358355/ #Blackbeard
.909950/ #Alucard
.788804/ #Ruler
.128/ #Steinmann
.430019/ #Lewk
.630567/ #19boboy97
.915901/ #Veteran Bora
.1085237/ #William
.1478563/ #Murray
.2174671/ #Soldier
.1626170/ #octanidas
.474460/ #Prickle
.110085/ #Boo
.388607/ #Max
.484192/ #Nommingtons
.2052019/ #Aonghus
.2011926/ #WACO
.346885/ #Blackbeard
.513101/ #Pineapple
.1604896/ #MAXIMUS
.1891045/ #PurpleTiger
.1990322/ #Steinar
.1811247/ #Richard
.1100085/ #Bocom

Palmares Hunters
(45th, Nr13, 1erHuss)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Maskman, Faser
Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Estimated Attendance: 40-50
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Nova, Maskman, Mitchell

Regiment #2 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): NightwingFaser

Regiment #3 Name: 1er
Estimated Attendance: 8-10
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): DeLaBedoyère
Roster (298)
#45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
.1637460/ #Nova
.1091418/ #Maskman
.1724148/ #Killmeexe
.1638807/ #Flibbitt
.395746/ #Peanutbutter
.1174769/ #Eios
.2094752/ #Rice
.1412748/ #Aidan
.1418347/ #Cookiez
.1532403/ #Romanski_The_Jew
.1709372/ #YouKnowWho
.1273595/ #KoZhin
.1677423/ #Alys
.1851912/ #Alfreds
.1536615/ #Killer
.1524942/ #Sojo
.1513685/ #Ballin
.1806522/ #Leyla
.924948/ #Wolfi
.1438957/ #Crimsonist
.526047/ #Kabraxis
.1730420/ #Calgon
.945602/ #Jake
.1813479/ #RektInPeace
.1417016/ #Chambering
.785056/ #Griggs
.194351/ #Scrump
.304529/ #Dayman
.270074/ #Tytygus
.1172792/ #Soli
.353393/ #Supercrash
.1513396/ #Heretic Priest
.1691441/ #Nikolaous
.1920852/ #Sir_Rekin
.353015/ #Joudini
.1488327/ #Jobana
.781046/ #Crazy
.1967723/ #Morwin
.2212283/ #Barry
.1822233/ #John
.829805/ #Mitchell
.1172554/ #Phil
.1951378/ #Poirette
.1911291/ #Bosvark
.1911388/ #Ironclad
.677279/ #Jammyd0dger
.768366/ #Staffan
.1183495/ #Murph
.1916143/ #Firefighter
.1173727/ #StormKi
.780801/ #Zombi
.1706667/ #Natty
.1194981/ #Cedrick
.971922/ #Bentrick
.1566387/ #Bukkake
.1955970/ #Sovrano
.1362801/ #Pentium
.1921919/ #Omega
.1946804/ #RealFix
.793812/ #Glenn
.1277117/ #Nicola
.1220342/ #IvanTk
.502709/ #Orc
.1286206/ #Tom
.786227/ #Andy
.652977/ #Strand
.407508/ #alexsoldier
.484386/ #Pigg
.1480690/ #Gotfri
.2196972/ #Headless
.1127646/ #Mr.Anderson
.1387306/ #Ryuko
.1871955/ #Rulerish
.1856408/ #Ink
.2220444/ #MaziCore
.1754555/ #Baguette
.2194763/ #Poberta
.1797710/ #Bob
.1449718/ #Szkrider
.2091630/ #Sergej
.813184/ #TheJollyCanadian
.1946947/ #Tyrion
.2019990/ #Metalero
.1426111/ #Albert
.1522428/ #DonNeto
.1777102/ #CombatLeaderZ
.811618/ #Wolf115
.1452353/ #IDestroke
.1716131/ #Dothor
.1854303/ #Dank Memes
.1604553/ #ChameKaze
.2171724/ #Vixca
.1112013/ #Naoscaire
.2223227/ #Jingles
.1288381/ #Darki
.2006003/ #Elbis
.2192538/ #Ruben
.775909/ #Justice
.1400309/ #Robin
. 1611016/ #Nightfall
.1607306/ #Bloo U hoo
.1162644/ #Moose
.2224015/ #Octavian
.1480507/ #phDeadlift
.1216347/ #TheDoctor
.1223351/ #Akiira
.1766197/ #Magallanes
.1372584/ #Sailor
.774689/ #Chadderz
.1719810/ #Pipo
.2194672/ #Vladdeleco
.351969/ #Narrow
.1089725/ #Janson
.1417598/ #TheWen
.1835039/ #Ciomcio Lomcio
.1293135/ #Yorick
.1995616/ #Anubis
.1106695/ #Berba
.1797465/ #MrDjukin
.2225919/ #Legionpvps
.660270/ #Boris
.863865/ #Mech
.1832685/ #Charlebrun
.2105241/ #Link
.1738321/ #Loczek
.60180/ #Winchy
.1423158/ #Ensar
.631635/ #Maxonovien
.1625894/ #Bayoneto

#45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
.1324519/ #Jerome
.395344/ #Teddy
.635916/ #Floris
.631297/ #Luca
.1499977/ #[R]onin
.1681176/ #Flo
.1556384/ #Achilles
.1692615/ #Wolodyjowski
.413501/ #Nisse
.622032/ #Snikk
.1594268/ #Gringo
.1282699/ #Captain Black
.634259/ #Edward_Teach
.3373770/ #PedroFreire
.937244/ #Farts
.651079/ #Mr_T
.1409688/ #Cookie
.1225115/ #Higen
.1595572/ #Pedro
.308033/ #Clickenforce
.1878108/ #Sticky
.1365597/ #Winter
.633908/ #Kraz
.787664/ #Valley
.783421/ #Mauri
.956996/ #Shneider
.1372804/ #MightyPaiN
.395164/ #Nedim
.388287/ #Cody
.1560400/ #Max1m
.936141/ #Rivers
.775097/ #O'Neil
.433316/ #Yovko
.1603168/ #MushyPeas
.429602/ #Asian
.952369/ #Ambiguous
.286828/ #Fenton
.783223/ #Herakles
.1422430/ #Xerohn
.1195161/ #Destiny
.1349640/ #lonedoge
.816873/ #Blacktham
.569362/ #Bluemoon
.48879/ #Janne
.1713488/ #Ryan
.939334/ #Maximus
.1149224/ #Jacster
.297939/ #Mac
.2209311/ #Beard
.1244636/ #Vemon
.488794/ #janne
.1226670/ #Jacko
.2089860/ #Shotwaffle
.2184315/ #Tony
.2197266/ #LordofPing
.395813/ #Troister

#45th Nottinghamshire Light Infantry Company
.1743959/ #Hanselsmitch
.1413830/ #BernardBaghdadi
.1122313/ #Lord_Flasheart
.1142168/ #Nedge
.970948/ #Bonkymonky
.673943/ #Sergeant44 OSF
.1272857/ #Pantherknight
.1772805/ #Andy
.1122822/ #Dragonknight
.1701261/ #Maggoty_Bread
.1924794/ #Hysteria
.299473/ #Bjarzii
.1227201/ #Roenz
.289116/ #Jeff McBigee
.957270/ #Tommpa
.2130914/ #Bram
.2189042/ #Jake
.1389481/ #Lefty
.391874/ #Kami
.1431319/ #Maverick
.1669023/ #Snow
.1160890/ #Raf
.1358562/ #R_V_S
.404071/ #Prometheus
.1217133/ #AndreB
.1585927/ #ZiggecigaR

#Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
.782341/ #Faser
.498442/ #Connor
.527722/ #Mono
.1187040/ #Crowley
.63792/ #Bulab
.1272976/ #Gerd
.780622/ #Maxxtro
.1418600/ #Wolf
.1326916/ #Fabian
.944705/ #Kronos
.1864637/ #Mowoa
.1868172/ #Relo
.62419/ #Wulfgar
.1365194/ #Ardus
.1472643/ #ConstKnoeller
.1468266/ #Emlon
.1106378/ #Rainer
.1082573/ #Schatten
.1132810/ #Ziku22
.1661513/ #Eastwind
.839990/ #ChuckNorris
.438605/ #Deepy
.1665579/ #Freestyler
.1294842/ #crazypro25
.1781203/ #WaltervonUlrich
.956322/ #Shizo
.522503/ #Yallock
.1128466/ #JJ
.1272382/ #Rene
.1411136/ #Koffers
.1128683/ #Chainsor
.68287/ #Nosswill
.454170/ #DarkCore
.966875/ #Elias
.306054/ #eXiRe62
.68369/ #Snowwi
.1231529/ #Nightwing
.1749187/ #NotOnly
.1103291/ #oojgt
.1256580/ #Ollo
.1334819/ #Galava
.1852588/ #Avemphartas
.1735120/ #Scotty
.1879919/ #Lukas
.1733967/ #Modnack
.938572/ #Blacky-Pizza
.1629024/ #Bleckonator
.1846920/ #Raizex
.1840999/ #clasher
.1696185/ #merowing77
.1871892/ #Ventrox
.1638557/ #Maarten
.554048/ #Balvald
.1128686/ #Seal
.1429667/ #Vincent
.1356575/ #Makian
.876299/ #Vulture
.1577158/ #Xabia

#1er Hussar Cavalry
.1229933/ #DelaBedoyère
.371390/ #Clamidya
.1759157/ #Saphyro
.782105/ #Soartex
.1520430/ #St0m
.1113422/ #Kersh
.1432502/ #Strunk
.60298/ #Yuki
.522835/ #Angel
.1626939/ #Ross
.1279796/ #Blucher
.1677417/ #Dragonking
.1641279/ #Chsuk
.1259281/ #Karl
.1081308/ #Zorius
.960975/ #Chris
.437048/ #Thorvic
.1753489/ #Miyu
.499474/ #Tengou
.1390877/ #FeezY
.1873756/ #Mac
.1539270/ #Hungarian
.1657160/ #Ar0ch3r
.2101026/ #Domi Schroeder
.356756/ #Lindblom
.634858/ #Sharkie
.7763/ #Kazi
.1462072/ #Coco_Ayala
.1346028/ #HuscarlARG


The Alcoholics
(16th, 47th)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Aleko, Spy
Regiment #1 Name: 16th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 40+
Preferred Class: Line, Light, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Aleko

Regiment #2 Name: 47th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Spy
Roster (124)
.333846/ #AlekoTheGreek
.496421/ #ArtOfKilling
.1417577/ #Takeout
.1417530/ #JTaylor
.1395405/ #Wombat
.1180735/ #Gordon
.1189799/ #AtomicChicken
.633200/ #Uni
.1390968/ #Crazy_Cammis
.1772251/ #B3nji
.812171/ #NGressens
.1189303/ #BobRabbit
.1653785/ #Squirrel
.2093290/ #DannyBoy
.2137016/ #Bane
.1358794/ #Gartecz
.1778767/ #Tokar
.2006239/ #Arozes
.1431719/ #Bubbles
.61201/ #Revan
.1255788/ #Blee
.1152035/ #Antonis_Kun
.69639/ #Check
.1228314/ #Bothros
.800447/ #GEO
.1566939/ #Ntinos
.1173563/ #Archmage
.1324636/ #Rafael
.1857668/ #JohnDarkGreece
.882127/ #LoneBeast
.909525/ #Tsodiac
.1379908/ #GreekGod
.1173218/ #FtouGR
.390960/ #Diglosgr
.870677/ #Freedom
.2172961/ #geler7
.1451935/ #Dimitry
.1089400/ #Thanos
. 1173566/ #Matthew
.866704/ #GreasyGreg
.1277611/ #MinskMeat
.1298815/ #Bread
.1602303/ #Hyper
.1152050/ #Rico
.2188826/ #Marie
.796659/ #ElMariachi
.363082/ #Loch
.1533148/ #Oister
.1690231/ #Cyrus
.2202726/ #Stan
.2082851/ #Mia
.2147450/ #Will
.1343492/ #Archie
.652388/ #Chub
.1853064/ #Dias
.1784036/ #Aras
. 1939174/ #Tyro
.1696615/ #Shahar586
.552219/ #Enfy
.1431742/ #Mr. Shrooms
.1634384/ #Gapel
.1428089/ #Kapur
.415703/ #Metalmaniac
.60126/ #Obelix
.1489835/ #Tunfisk
.1521549/ #Nejtro
. 1784003/ #Aral
.1870368/ #Funky
.811548/ #Matoflen
.779722/ #Javert
.342940/ #Fisher
.440485/ #Nemesisisstronkest
.2218347/ #Okto
.1199153/ #Ginger
.2014893/ #Maximum
.2182343/ #Sean South
.1720106/ #Trevozo
.2217089/ #Jeff
.302123/ #Pod
.2219366/ #Masterdodo20
.549297/ #Gannicus
.655853/ #Salzen
.675201/ #kani
.1562334/ #Rabadox
.1156137/ #Balgy
.1096888/ #Sekura

.626846/ #Spy
.438604/ #Timlef
.1710924/ #Ody
.775027/ #Arminius
.779798/ #Zeebad
.534484/ #Alpha
.349853/ #TheDead
.524372/ #LiquidAxlotl
.302360/ #Klender
.677296/ #Ewok
.1706553/ #Maestro
.1544756/ #BalthasaWoll
.546922/ #Barrie
.824740/ #Battle tacco
.624418/ #Ase
.60449/ #Gandalf
.831896/ #Icherz
.62821/ #LeBrave
.1217346/ #Kal
.358561/ #Lukas
.629717/ #MerKat
.1225325/ #Gotty
.2224519/ #Glorfindel
.290524/ #Desert Eagle
.637354/ #rFox
.1119264/ #Paulos
.283366/ #Jones
.665255/ #Psycho
.211260/ #Hubi
.1515789/ #Alec
.292120/ #Baldwin
.547928/ #B0fy
.1688497/ #Fluffy
.429909/ #Jonnyboy
.1642760/ #daryl
.2214596/ #Roeland van Bilt
.501945/ #HarperLf
.436440/ #Jax

Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees   


1. Attendance

2. Basic Rules

3. Matches

1.1  Teams are required to provide a list of players & GUID's upon signing up (no maximum). If a member is not yet on your roster they cannot play. Please provide GUID's in the below format:
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

| Locking Teams |

As a Ref you will need to lock each team to a different roster, to enforce compliance to the rosters supplied by each regiment. Step by step guide below:

1.  Set Poll Accept Threshold (%) to a number given in the list below (1 for each team).

2.  Tick Enable poll to change maps to lock left-hand team to that roster.*

3.  Return to step 1 but use the regiment number for the right-hand team.

4.  Tick Enable poll to change nations to lock right-hand team to that roster.*

5.  Swap everyone to spec then ask them to join their team.

6.  Half way through the match (4 rounds in) set Poll Accept Threshold (%) to 100 and tick/un-tick both of the above, this will unlock both teams (the server will report the last team that was locked when you do this but just ignore it, rest assured when you do this they are both unlocked).

7.  Repeat Steps 1-5 to effectively swap the team locking around for the side swap.

*You may have to tick these a couple of times, the server should tell you what roster the team has been locked to so you can check this has worked as intended.

Poll Accept Threshold (%) Roster Numbers:
60 - (15th,77y,19th)
61 - (28th,5to,56e,2eHuss)
62 - (IVe)
63 - (16th,47th)
64 - (33rd & 92nd)
65 - (45th,Nr13,1erHuss)
66 - (Nr1,RG,2ndHess,Nr4)
67 - (2Lr,96y)

1.2  During the tournament, server rosters will be updated weekly each Monday.

1.3  Transfers between Regiments within the tournament will only be permitted during the group-stage, new additions are still welcome during the knock-out stage.

1.4  Minimum attendance to matches is 50 players, should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 50. If teams bring greater than 50 players, the maximum one team can outnumber the other is dependant on the number of players the smallest team has:
-  50-59 (+2)  (max specials 10)
-  60-69 (+3)  (max specials raised to 12)
-  70+   (+4)  (max specials raised to 14)

1.5  Both teams must balance to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs).
Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!).
After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be performed.
   2.1  Fire in Charge (FiC) & Reload in Charge (RiC) are not allowed by any units.

2.2  Should any rule-breaks occur the victim will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee).

2.3  All Charges may be called if either: both teams are considered camping (2.4) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.4  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for 3 minutes the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.5  Regiments hugging the edge of the map either individually to fight cavalry or en masse to avoid fighting or to delay is not permitted. The latter is largely subjective and down to ref discretion. Warnings to be issued as with the camping rule.

2.6  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy unit will be slain without warning.

2.7  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either both units are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd unit without breaking the rambo rule (2.6).

2.8  A unit is considered to have 'left charge' after the unit(s) they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once that unit has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and follow their usual class rules.

2.9  Relating to rule 2.8 above; if two or more units 'leave charge' after 15 seconds of no attack connecting, then all units concerned MUST re-form (or join another unit if necessary) prior to initiating a new charge. Note that an attack must not have connected between the units concerned for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

   3.1  Matches will consist of 6 rounds on one custom map (with a side swap).

3.2  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

3.3  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

3.4  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00 UK as default.

3.5  Matches should be overseen by at least 2 referees, preferably 3 (particularly knock-outs).

3.6  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

4. Lights

5. Lines

6. Cavalry

4.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.4)
4.2  May spread up to 5-man spacing
4.3  May crouch
4.4  May manoeuvre spread out

4.5  Must take either Lights or Rifles (not both)
4.6  Must join a line when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   5.1  Minimum of 2 Lines, 15 per line minimum
5.2  Teams may split into 3 lines (numbers permitting) but this must be agreed with their opponent
5.3 Line Officers are eligible for a revive when shot in line, potential slay of the offender (circumstance dependant)
5.4  May crouch when out of action (neither shooting nor reloading)

5.5  Reload, Fix gaps, shoot
5.6  Must not Fire our of Line (FoL)
5.7  Must maintain close formation whilst manoeuvring (2-3 man gaps)
5.8  Must join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   6.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.4)
6.2  Slight leniency given on rules 2.6 - 2.7 in relation to ramboing, due to the space cav need when in charge
6.3  May stay mounted during 'All-Charge'

6.4  Lancers & Light dragoons are not permitted
6.5  Must maintain formation whilst manoeuvring
6.6  Must dismount and join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
6.7  Must strictly keep to rules 2.8 - 2.9 in relation to 'leaving charge'

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a group)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):
[spoiler=ID Roster]
.000000/ #Name

Group (min 50 attendance)
Group Name:
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

[spoiler=Team ID Roster]
.000000/ #Name

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior experience/comment:

Match booking
Match week:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:
Referee #3:

Tournament Contacts:

Events: EU / 33rd Monday Event (Monthly) [EU]
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:47:18 pm »

This Event is postponed until further notice.

When - 19:00 (UK) Monday, once per month

Next Event - ON HOLD

The 33rd Regiment of Foot is proud to Host our New Monday LineBattle, taking place one Monday a month from 19:00 lasting until 20:00 (UK time). The intention with this event is to offer the community a Line-only double rank event with decent sized lines, maintaining some novelty value as it is only hosted once a month.

Events will consist of 2-3 Flag-Spawning rounds on different maps.

Map Selection consists of a huge variety of custom maps, from our Sunday Event server.

Flag-Spawning scripts respawn your members on the unit flag bearer every 15 seconds, try to capture enemy flags whilst protecting your own!

Sign ups will be made on this forum however the final confirmation of attendance and giving out of the password will be handled on steam, therefore it is essential that you Add [33rd]Kincaid on Steam!
Line Infantry: 20+
Must use Double rank & column.
Must maintain formation whilst Firing & Maneuvering.
May use half-man spacing or have the front rank crouch.
May crouch when disengaged (neither Reloading nor Firing).

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).

After dropping below 5 players, must join another line or charge.

15 | 1st Evil Brigade
20 | 16th Regiment of Foot
20 | 18 Pułk Piechoty
20 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
30 | 45th Regiment of Foot
15 | 96y Dneprovskiy Polk


Waiting List:

Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance: (15 minimum)
Once or Monthly?:
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?:


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / | NW 2v2 | Finals
« on: February 20, 2020, 11:20:15 am »


The general concept of this tournament is to maintain the high level of competition and skill expected from traditional line Infantry tournaments but in a 2v2 setting. I hope the addition of a further line to each side will make matches feel more dynamic and tactical, whilst still keeping a level of simplicity you would expect from a 1v1 tournament.

Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  4-6 week Tournament length.
-  3-groups to start, 4 teams each (12 teams total).
-  Proceed to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket (6 teams each, 1st & 2nd place claimed in the upper, 3rd in the lower).
-  4 low seeds the group-stage in each bracket play quarter final matches, 2 highest go straight to semis.
-  Traditional 1v1 rules, with some minor tweaks.
-  Minimum attendance of 30 (15 per regiment).
-  A range of custom maps, differing in terrain type.
-  GUID locking team scripts to enforce roster rules and prevent double regging.

Accepted Teams: 12
Team Name: tbd
Primary Contact (Steam ID): tbd
Preferred Faction: tbd

Regiment #1 Name: 15th
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.639367/ #Gi
.1097538/ #Irish
.471275/ #Rikkert
.520751/ #Bidbig
.374420/ #Vortx
.520615/ #Fralla8
.301721/ #Mike
.1364162/ #xx15
.1331602/ #Anubis
.1285712/ #Carlitos
.1236582/ #Eddard Stark
.499798/ #Elsse
.839431/ #Firefly
.1431695/ #Le Faisan
.362260/ #Rydh
.1223462/ #Tigere
.677883/ #Xaartil
.644634/ #Amue
.1928138/ #Dundi
.390977/ #MattyC
.547531/ #Mk_Blake
.395164/ #Nedim
.423274/ #Porkins
.1100222/ #Ricky
.1344877/ #Darius
.1086296/ #Nero
.663104/ #Barvit
.633908/ #Kraz
.1154295/ #Krog
.1700557/ #Plamper
.675762/ #ext_kill
.1232040/ #Fruitocin0
.927368/ #Python
.954604/ #Tardet
.1200461/ #Bastille
.422602/ #Sadman
Dead people that might show up once a year:
.653692/ #Ismar
.1325179/ #Ivan
.504032/ #Maverick
.1473777/ #Szczepan
.676082/ #Hunted
.1471611/ #Manki
.1095644/ #Monsnic
.389497/ #Dusan
.909019/ #Heinrich
.892796/ #Melsyo
.431148/ #Dayboul
.1464911/ #Strawhead
.775926/ #Patroxmeister
.531502/ #Zappy

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.67916/ #Aztir
.302927/ #CharlieTheTurtle
.293555/ #Gaz
.786997/ #Syncmaster667
.304769/ #Nigel
.62611/ #Henkka
.492257/ #Scot_NekoGirl
.551221/ #Hittonblast
.774122/ #Spooky (Norwegian one)
.458467/ #Natta
.313137/ #Slavic
.1283717/ #Waddys61
.1515387/ #SooNational
.60796/ #Rikimaru
.514672/ #Raii
.1109790/ #Ziggy
.304810/ #Airsoft
.426220/ #Abekrampe
.1411884/ #Joshyboyy
.1275904/ #Silverlion
.957895/ #Av
.1124460/ #Chiefcenturion
.379519/ #Stickyrubber
.60163/ #Jeljer007
.784584/ #YanioZ
.1577842/ #Rideout
.655190/ #Mercenary_Captain
.6323/ #Enzo
.1494948/ #Angle
.2119467/ #Lictorem
.1914900/ #Ludvig_York
.1110817/ #Spooky (Macedonian one)
.1997695/ #Firefoxxie
.660995/ #TheMuslimOne
.497030/ #Roan
.287075/ #Wardop
.1679242/ #Lance
.4549/ #Lime535
.478896/ #TheQuickOne
.2118988/ #BakuYes
.281942/ #Swii
.1920158/ #JadeSerpent
.1154091/ #Mister_Soda
.407620/ #Voodoo
.2090110/ #Sebastian_Halicki
.62502/ #VanHulstein
.1669743/ #Juls
.1618744/ #TheSentient1
.1415667/ #WalterWhite
.1131694/ #Dredd
.1847015/ #1zaro
.1098133/ #Kulous
.1684108/ #Rikus
.2090110/ #spanish sgt
.1425716/ #Dcg
.1914900/ #Asugan
.1426218/ #FlyingTower
.1173894/ #Enril
.9318/ #The_Highlord
.631991/ #Fortunezero
.1107368/ #Sharky
.63678/ #Reeky

Team Name: IVe Corps d'Armée Français
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name:    45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Immortal Highlanders
Primary Contact (Steam ID): (not the host hehe)
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Gordon Highlanders Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd "The Immortals" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Throwback 2012
Primary Contact (Steam ID): either of us
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 84e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
60140/ #Aldemar
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 14e Gaming
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
63705/ #KnightZz
60479/ #Flopz
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Polandball

Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 3 Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: F.K.G.
Estimated Attendance:15-25
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Gardekorps
Primary Contact (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa
Preferred Faction: Prussia

Regiment #1 Name: Nr13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Nightwing
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 2Lr
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: TBA
Primary Contact (Steam ID): TBA
Preferred Faction: TBA

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):

Nova // GUID: 1637460
Maskman // GUID: 1091418
Nedge // GUID: 1142168
Edward_Teach // GUID: 634259
Killme.exe // GUID: 1724148
Flibbitt // GUID: 1638807
Peanutbutter // GUID: 395746
Eios // GUID: 1174769
BernardBaghdadi // GUID: 1413830
Lord_Flasheart // GUID: 1122313
Bonkymonky // GUID: 970948
Hanselsmitch // GUID: 1743959
Sergeant44 OSF // GUID: 673943
Rice // GUID: 2094752
Aidan // GUID: 1412748
Pantherknight // GUID: 1272857
Cookiez // GUID: 1418347
Romanski_The_Jew // GUID: 1532403
Andy // GUID: 1772805
Dragonknight // GUID: 1122822
YouKnowWho // GUID: 1709372
Zenepl // GUID: 786194
Vixtro // GUID: 9889
R1bazZz // GUID: 1418311
Shex // GUID: 1273595
PedroFreire  // GUID: 3373770
Xaos // GUID: 1677879
Farts // GUID: 937244
Alys // GUID: 1677423
Alfreds // GUID: 1851912
Killer // GUID: 1536615
Sojo // GUID: 1524942
Ballin // GUID: 1513685
DireDog // GUID: DireDog
Leyla  // GUID: 1806522
Maggoty_Bread // GUID: 1701261
Wolfi // GUID: 924948
Flo://GUID 1681176
Achilles:// GUID 1556384
Wolodyjowski:// GUID 1692615
Nisse:// GUID 413501
Jerome:// GUID 1324519
Snikk:// GUID 622032
Sexyboy:// GUID 635920
GayKaren:// GUID 1853282
Gringo: // GUID 1594268

Regiment Name: 18th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance:15
Preferred Faction:  TBA
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: PFU - Pink Fluffy Unicorns
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: Any
Team banner:


Regiment #1 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):


.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 96y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):


.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: "The Cocksuckers"

Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 16th Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: TBA
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom

Regiment #1 Name: 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team Name: Rocky Balboa
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: Russia , UK

Regiment #1 Name: 1st ''York's'' Greek Light Infantry
Estimated Attendance: 16
Contacts ( Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):

Team Name: ??
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom

Regiment #1 Name: Nr. 28 Infanterie-Regiment "Wartensleben"
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: Royal Guard
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Current Regiments (Looking for Teams): 0



| Group A |


77y & Friends
15thYR & 77y

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Gi, Aztir
Preferred Faction: Russia

Regiment #1 Name: 15th
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Gi, RikiRekt

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Aztir, HighLord

Roster (117)
.639367/ #Gi
.1097538/ #Irish
.471275/ #Rikkert
.520751/ #Bidbig
.374420/ #Vortx
.520615/ #Fralla8
.301721/ #Mike
.1364162/ #xx15
.1331602/ #Anubis
.1285712/ #Carlitos
.1236582/ #Eddard Stark
.499798/ #Elsse
.839431/ #Firefly
.1431695/ #Le Faisan
.362260/ #Rydh
.1223462/ #Tigere
.677883/ #Xaartil
.644634/ #Amue
.1928138/ #Dundi
.390977/ #MattyC
.547531/ #Mk_Blake
.395164/ #Nedim
.423274/ #Porkins
.1100222/ #Ricky
.1344877/ #Darius
.1086296/ #Nero
.663104/ #Barvit
.1154295/ #Krog
.1700557/ #Plamper
.675762/ #ext_kill
.1232040/ #Fruitocin0
.927368/ #Python
.954604/ #Tardet
.1200461/ #Bastille
.422602/ #Sadman
.653692/ #Ismar
.1325179/ #Ivan
.1473777/ #Szczepan
.676082/ #Hunted
.1095644/ #Monsnic
.389497/ #Dusan
.909019/ #Heinrich
.892796/ #Melsyo
.431148/ #Dayboul
.1464911/ #Strawhead
.775926/ #Patroxmeister
.531502/ #Zappy
.67916/ #Aztir
.302927/ #CharlieTheTurtle
.293555/ #Gaz
.786997/ #Syncmaster667
.304769/ #Nigel
.62611/ #Henkka
.492257/ #Scot_NekoGirl
.551221/ #Hittonblast
.774122/ #Spooky (Norwegian one)
.458467/ #Natta
.313137/ #Slavic
.1283717/ #Waddys61
.1515387/ #SooNational
.60796/ #Rikimaru
.514672/ #Raii
.1109790/ #Ziggy
.426220/ #Abekrampe
.1411884/ #Joshyboyy
.1275904/ #Silverlion
.957895/ #Av
.1124460/ #Chiefcenturion
.379519/ #Stickyrubber
.60163/ #Jeljer007
.784584/ #YanioZ
.1577842/ #Rideout
.655190/ #Mercenary_Captain
.6323/ #Enzo
.1494948/ #Angle
.2119467/ #Lictorem
.1914900/ #Ludvig_York
.1110817/ #Spooky (Macedonian one)
.1997695/ #Firefoxxie
.660995/ #TheMuslimOne
.497030/ #Roan
.287075/ #Wardop
.1679242/ #Lance
.4549/ #Lime535
.478896/ #TheQuickOne
.2118988/ #BakuYes
.281942/ #Swii
.1920158/ #JadeSerpent
.1154091/ #Mister_Soda
.407620/ #Voodoo
.2090110/ #Sebastian_Halicki
.62502/ #VanHulstein
.1669743/ #Juls
.1618744/ #TheSentient1
.1415667/ #WalterWhite
.1131694/ #Dredd
.1847015/ #1zaro
.1098133/ #Kulous
.1684108/ #Rikus
.1426218/ #FlyingTower
.1173894/ #Enril
.9318/ #The_Highlord
.631991/ #Fortunezero
.1107368/ #Sharky
.63678/ #Reeky
.62746/ #Jacob
.29467/ #Drax
.520089/ #Whiteknight
.352564/ #Kex
.2119191/ #sanklii96
.498093/ #Caskie
.302340/ #Minimario
.1293304/ #tezi
.1806508/ #Pokre
.1867049/ #Pepe
.860263/ #Gasset
.62676/ #Phailur

IVe Corps
2e & 45e

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Owindd, Sycrim
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 2e
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Owindd, Dams

Regiment #2 Name:    45e
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Sycrim, Exeter

Roster (118)
.62786/ #Stéphane
.1217147/ #LeoBaker
.664421/ #Syrcrim
.1333076/ #Exeter
.1600001/ #Hearthland
.1771190/ #Toussain
.923581/ #Pontonnier
.1475976/ #Pirex
.497631/ #Qth
.1519621/ #KILLER_CROC
.488592/ #Dius
.1939429/ #Azmog
.1820805/ #ToxEn
.1666903/ #Korift
.1194087/ #Law
.1224112/ #Anakin
.1168309/ #iWeester62
.1832685/ #Charles_Lebrun
.1554632/ #Zombrax
.1593446/ #FestiSaumon
.1110188/ #Rever
.1112187/ #Hyroes
.1151249 / #Isaac_Blixen
.1183420/ #Sheytalio
.935362/ #Ulysse
.1115342/ #Chuckster
.785368/ #Cricket
.1619277/ #souvorov
.1113281/ #Meo
.1641348/ #Belgian
.1091690/ #Zarwen
.1624446/ #Ecombre
.1459259/ #Lovecat
.438076/ #Reikor
.1373267/ #Théo
.1393486/ #Icephenix02
.802674/ #Wustenfuchs
.499535/ #Khagnes
.914766/ #Leffy
.413325/ #KronOos
.946307/ #Optimus
.1099426/ #Roger le  Varois
.1727698/ #Mat54
.1427592/ #Squeletord
.308528/ #Toxic
.1189333/ #Raiden
.1183726/ #Owindd
.473834/ #Poney
.1106398/ #Floral
.418803/ #Dams
.434696/ #Guildeman
.1331448/ #Rzr
.1159195/ #Baliant
.2116802/ #Blattejohan29
.1417610/ #XIVE
.1974665/ #Lebrun
.1770252/ #Lugya
.951555/ #LaRoche
.1908892/ #RaDe
.522042/ #Bastien
.1407246/ #Roxy
.1925118/ #Aurde
.1372804/ #MightyPain
.1520746/ #Augustherius
.1890707/ #Nidhogg
.1324307/ #Atoz
.2171108/ #Helgyrh
.2169348/ #Will
.2172744/ #Senior
.923544/ #Djeil
.1926624/ #Pouyou00
.514842/ #Axuskm
.1257165/ #Robin
.1230537/ #Clint
.1727047/ #Copain
.1836273/ #Horus Mid
.527872/ #Chad
.1838896/ #MAX
.776176/ #Nordiste
.2095797/ #VirOgil
.1868173/ #Kieffer
.770235/ #M4tkiller
.2004771/ #Lluvatar
.128870/ #Etranger
.665180/ #Ouranos
.62347/ #Vaeguir
.1449967/ #Jean48
.1952861/ #Aurélien
.1281554/ #Vladimir
.1221200/ #Krus
.956996/ #Schneider
.304810/ #Airsolft
.1220344/ #Gontran_Bonheur
.1410170/ #Rey
.1716280/ #Gimli
.1860476/ #Teru
.1261436/ #Ceej
.473693/ #MrSweatT45
.1288870/ #Etranger
.9981/ #Anthony
.547411/ #Verminar
.1846737/ #William
.1195677/ #Megacrow64
.837298/ #Eraners
.388607/ #MaxenceIV
.1428238/ #Johndoe
.484087/ #MrOskill
.1430624/ #Aytech
.1606212/ #Labi
.2172703/ #Thorcar
.1441809/ #Nyght0
.2175477/ #Hakam
.361599/ #Lanfeust
.1652092/ #Damienal
.792805/ #Ruin   
.679366/ #Vélociraptor   
.353554/ #Wargy   
.1283129/ #Lincoln   
Throwback 2012
14e & 84e

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Knight, Aldemar
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 14e
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Knight

Regiment #2 Name: 84e
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Aldemar

.60261/ #Verdieb
.63705/ #KnightZz
.60479/ #Flopz
.61170/ #Suchet
.369527/ #Enriik
.358355/ #SpaceKiller
.68269/ #Gryfon
.494756/ #Malarkey
.62665/ #Caran
.403245/ #Lexar
.68/ #Darkmirror
.451252/ #Germain
.60810/ #Guard
.483611/ #OrignalQc
.472961/ #Tiberias
.303760/ #Cocodunoob
.466103/ #pliplix
.881020/ #Authentik
.864515/ #iZoking
.337276/ #Rigolax
.566183/ #Theubald
.771402/ #stanley
.466182/ #Volker
.316606/ #Baban
.439480/ #Dren
.64484/ #Badsheep
.319/ #Méphisto
.496883/ #Mikado
.347553/ #Marmottin
.351969/ #Imluus
.411059/ #Omou
.1418257/ #Sinjide
.9055/ #senseak
.919196/ #Nemesis
.950603/ #JLB
.630357/ #Fixou
.633541/ #Kadiozze
.629876/ #kerell
.623660/ #Hermès
.60243/ #Gonthran
.490217/ #Golimares
.62766/ #Murat
.67857/ #Victrix
.493581/ #Hunter
.60140/ #Aldemar
.368549/ #dangerous_999
.348370/ #DeadEnd
.403521/ #Sokol
.1294913/ #Olitiger
.60458/ #Nano
.309643/ #BeNdAa
.63936/ #JayOne
.62781/ #Dendural
.60806/ #Leaf
.513637/ #Puffy
.355290/ #Axiom
.427552/ #Traveller
.884960/ #Dodo
.279789/ #FineApple
.62621/ #Vikestad
.69999/ #Jones
.368560/ #Alcor
.378879/ #King
.60179/ #Chequered
.252/ #Angel
.67466/ #TomaHawk
.1395845/ #Baptistee
.2160258/ #Kaimitek
.2169306 / #Tyreza
.490179/ #Amertume
.61263/ #Lilouli
.2170657/ #Rip3rs
.2170289/ #Mycot
.2169226/ #Justin
.2169285/ #Hayro
.2169322/ #Tim
.2169625/ #Kaprika
.2169629/ #Paqueto
.2170043/ #KazoX
.2170131/ #Aym
.2170165/ #Zazou
.2170239/ #tuveuxdugateaux
.2170329/ #Anxiety
.2139786/ #Guillaume
.2103948/ #Bencouscous
.1877954/ #GAMEkillFR
.498965/ #R3d_Three
.552393/ #Glader
.648530/ #greenssheep
.1089725/ #Janson
.1178372/ #LeCatalan
.1224853/ #Cerafest
.1394218/ #Askove
.1401529/ #Frederico
.1667128/ #Edwin
.1687330/ #Prokko
.1810754/ #TheoPepito
.2137985/ #Devil
.496652/ #Saunier
.436327/ #Twongi
.45/ #Erios
.478822/ #Psykooz
.1466114/ #Arnaud
.2147015/ #Clumbi
.2165721/ #Nightfox
.637869/ #Dede
.1338915/ #Laeg
.1655538/ #Morpheus
.2170602/ #Asticow
.62796/ #Bessières
.955418/ #MrPatate
.62856/ #Clash
.395813/ #Troister
.428987/ #Morgoth
.281325/ #Harrier
.504032/ #Maverick
.60569/ #Vaetris
.633908/ #Kraz
.1211974/ #Yaffen
.2174710/ #Darkeach
.63882/ #Napo
.771213/ #Lezalith
.372765/ #Gild
.2179361/ #Slender
.633908/ #Kraz
.277352/ #Keith
.306131/ #Volume61
.1474976/ #Clash2
.500058/ #Nayo
.484509/ #Treiz

The Cocksuckers
16th & 19th

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Aleko, #
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 16th
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Aleko

Regiment #2 Name: 19th
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): #

Roster (77)
.333846/ #AlekoTheGreek
.496421/ #ArtOfKilling
.1417577/ #Takeout
.1417530/ #JTaylor
.779798/ #Zebaad
.1395405/ #Wombat
.1180735/ #Gordon
.1189799/ #AtomicChicken
.633200/ #Uni
.1973542/ #Atlas
.1390968/ #Crazy_Cammis
.1772251/ #B3nji
.866704/ #GreasyGreg
.1277611/ #MinskMeat
.1298815/ #Bread
.1098126/ #Glamak
.1602303/ #Hyper
.61201/ #Revan
.1255788/ #Blee
.1152035/ #Antonis_Kun
.1853064/ #Dias
.69639/ #Check
.1228314/ #Bothros
.800447/ #GEO
.1566939/ #Ntinos
.1173563/ #Archmage
.1324636/ #Rafael
.1857668/ #JohnDarkGreece
.882127/ #LoneBeast
.909525/ #Tsodiac
.1379908/ #GreekGod
.1173218/ #FtouGR
.390960/ #Diglosgr
.870677/ #Freedom
.60248/ #Presidente
.274027/ #Kieran
.60535/ #Nozza
.363082/ #Loch
.1681320/ #MrDave
.1500097/ #PotatoKuzzle
.1082636/ #Weedlord
.1615119/ #Sebi
.353346/ #Noobas13
.2134/ #Duseda
.1677879/ #Xaos
.1544506/ #Goatland
.1464744/ #Parthius
.353632/ #Curlz
.1478606/ #Bluck
.67034/ #Skull
.1326785/ #77
.1621551/ #Decland
.68534/ #Ae Ti
.305123/ #Fondas
.1710692/ #Wargs
.1473348/ #Ewokson
.1523494/ #Chinese
.1089400/ #Thanos
.1784036/ #Aras
.1856408/ #Ink
.492914/ #Titan
.565277/ #Kristofers
.474799/ #McCabe
.563670/ #Adam
.279922/ #ZyklonB
.1946518/ #Karen
.60202/ #CannonFodder
.1255963/ #Nasa
.1684584/ #Fondas
.1997638/ #iambadgirl
.2014893/ #Maximum
.1199153/ #TheGinger
.1523533/ #MachoM
.115331/ #Andreas_Something
.1197213/ #GrjoniGrjonison
.426577/ #Demivar   
.879291/ #Retamar   



| Group B |


The Immortal Highlanders
33rd & 92nd

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Vegi, Kincaid
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 33rd
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid

Regiment #2 Name: 92nd
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Contacts (Steam ID): Vegi

Roster (213)
.1293102/ #Adam
.939628/ #Aldrich
.1216552/ #Alec
.930237/ #Alexander
.1858904/ #Barro
.545438/ #Bastos
.526649/ #Bonokiller
.793238/ #Burgundy
.1479449/ #Burnes
.1248043/ #Cameron
.270440/ #Carolus
.472449/ #Cedric
.521285/ #Chef
.1236069/ #Clarence
.638077/ #Conorrob
.1518076/ #Crusher
.1544447/ #CryingNoob
.801730/ #DarklingGames
.503765/ #Deadwulf
.518187/ #D-DayDan
.458245/ #Eazy-E
.777908/ #EpicPizza
.638972/ #Henry
.305881/ #Flashcoms
.1437737/ #GoldenThiZ
.1487269/ #Grekos
.1529500/ #hopelessknight
.482051/ #IrishMan
.496251/ #Jesjar
.1234784/ #Johnson
.1129493/ #Kaiser
.8990/ #Killerlowe
.929314/ #Kincaid
.1160796/ #King George
.430019/ #Lewk
.10811/ #Louisss
.1265310/ #Matt
.916943/ #NightStalker
.674946/ #OdaCao
.1217962/ #Picton
.1584581/ #Pierre Bourgogne
.296558/ #Richard
.652110/ #Regulation
.957903/ #Romaro
.774293/ #Rune
.1727108/ #Sandwich
.1516672/ #Salzar
.2352/ #Scarhead
.1115178/ #Ser Twenty of House Goodmen
.1529663/ #Sharpshooter_dude
.1130936/ #SirLegion
.438722/ #SneakyFellow
.351114/ #Spoons
.1268793/ #Johnny Joestar
.311192/ #Sticklitz
.1211035/ #Stypa
.1329605/ #Minifix
.292756/ #Šupak
.909301/ #TheHunter
.1200131/ #Tylerus
.631493/ #Turkishpanda
.1183813/ #Uganda888
.2232/ #Umbra
.1458906/ #Unwilling
.1095411/ #wololo
.1607198/ #Wolffe
.1223304/ #Vegi
.660562/ #Polar
.1620573/ #Archie
.69860/ #Birf
.1554977/ #Silver
.865295/ #BearlyHuman
.929552/ #Derpy
.1704636/ #Ilypa
.1462072/ #Coco Ayala
.350211/ #Pieter
.956619/ #Fotin
.1851664/ #Scottish Unicorn
.198556/ #Ninjakitten
.1921835/ #Lord Potato
.1733100/ #Patriod
.1755963/ #Injustice
.1628341/ #Hobbits
.1897225/ #Dark Lord
.437072/ #Relonivik
.6318/ #Kasperek
.1761155/ #Thompson Thomas
.1198556/ #William Henry
.1583856/ #Apex
.1592954/ #Itchy
.1558682/ #Enrik Alphin
.1815692/ #Yannic
.1736415/ #Posh
.1172154/ #Skaen
.1580846/ #Anamglas
.1129481/ #Kaito
.2105105/ #Gudrian
.2082868/ #Blundetto
.1872442/ #Hirn
.1815215/ #Olovanji
.893210/ #Speculaaskoekje
.501832/ #Cletus
.306205/ #Matty
.768907/ #Kiddterralv
.928286/ #Cronos
.463159/ #Sief
.1184232/ #SkY
.1293363/ #Tenchi
.346885/ #Blackbeard
.1876568/ #Salogas
.495512/ #Alatriste
.928748/ #Paok
.1167682/ #Knuckles
.776617/ #Shadow
.297592/ #John Allesley
.273121/ #Skittles
.965240/ #Burgershot
.417491/ #Centurion
.438897/ #Cytiuz
.924560/ #Queeen
.1158873/ #Krea
.1949373/ #Whicho
.926331/ #GuardSoldier
.1702301/ #Leberchill
.1699862/ #Zeyden
.784229/ #Stockholm
.67758/ #Moskito
.1294805/ #Pheonix
.60834/ #Specimen
.333736/ #Friendship
.1670652/ #WhiteKid
.1770537/ #Hughie
.1757644/ #Wolfgang
.1954811/ #BenMcCullen
.1153810/ #Alator
.1864096/ #Gabenis
.2069494/ #eira
.2098640/ #Krzyhogra
.1994541/ #solider
.1327006/ #lase
.1437819/ #Enkabard
.1479537/ #Lord_Tim
.1379228/ #Plushka
.1529359/ #Shogun
.8768/ #Marquez
.449912/ #Red Fire
.350611/ #Ingram
.1814235/ Badger
.1337347/ #Max
.1727030/ #Luke
.1476622/ #FilthyMezla
.1744531/ #Aair
.1341627/ #Ghrosse
.1513490/ #Zenon
.526260/ #Tom More
.626791/ #Gush
.952369/ #Goldfinch
.1333682/ #Uncle Monty
.1626646/ #royotto
.896946/ #Einarius
.1408724/ #Daniel
.430669/ #Draken
.1679128/ #Aragorn
.500306/ #Stryker
.1464419/ #biggusdickus
.423537/ #Sinjmaster
.1622616/ #Krea
.1114235/ #FilthyPeasent
.1785182/ #EnrikAlpin
.1981554/ #Ninjakitten
.1681528/ #Jodino
.492054/ #Crazytoes
.773997/ #Charles
.1602490/ #Weisman
.775027/ #Arminius
.653327/ #Kai
.1637120/ #Duffman
.623170/ #Varys
.534933/ #Hakeswill
.1193521/ #RyanB
.1398490/ #Ethereal
.1458790/ #Alfonso
.920085/ #Octavious
.1429221/ #Maxi
.549894/ #Mathieu
.671857/ #Bunter_igel
.936141/ #Rivers
.627007/ #Loufoks
.627192/ #Harris
.790480/ #Hunter
.991570/ #R10
.1470434/ #Janintti
.1532424/ #2oothBrush
.1356657/ #Nikolaboss
.1854240/ #butshuts
.1107261/ #Gazprom 
.1655979/ #Ronsight
.396961/ #ExTaZz94
.427102/ #Spellpfeffer
.2119243/ #RedRockett
.1135334/ #Shadey   
.547976/ #Weezy   
.785534/ #Thomaschampi   
.1623482/ #Eorke   
.301700/ #Kais   
.814170/ #Etherton   
.62821/ #LeBrave   
.1949868/ #D00MSHOOT3R   
.779661/ #Cpl   
.1216887/ #Yoloswag   
.277138/ #Eddie   
.372274/ #Giorno
.321998/ #Smush

3pp & F.K.G

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Trojan
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 3pp
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Trojan

Regiment #2 Name: F.K.G.
Estimated Attendance:15-25
Contacts (Steam ID): #2

Roster (103)
.831796/ #Trojan
.945553 / #Kimmy
.662000/ #Zawisza
.307655/ #Simskil
.1365597/ #Winter
.543715/ #Eison
.645947/ #Mikimak
.632580/ #Lionek
.1581520/ #Neat
.896063/ #Evo
.945085/ #Sharpshooter
.1230310/ #Indian
.1095201/ #Hunter491
.318675/ #Harnaś
.1614858/ #Guard
.1425966/ #Popowicz
.837078/ #DasGinta
.1372404/ #Kondziox
.1091281/ #Patruk-
.875155/ #Patryk -
.1597430/ #Ver-
.1095293/ #Ihikko
.945005/ #Jasiek
.895644/ #Aniger
.1607662/ #Final
.1732853/ #Russian
.552174/ #Hardgone
.1674045/ #Durszlaq
.1732269/ #Mduda
.837245/ #Kraham
.906704/ #Kosynier
.1591545/ #Kadabra
.1217827/ #Husarzbanan
.1796381/ #Pimpuszek
.1862564/ #Neon
.1109828/ #Dergons126
.1613913/ #Zakapturzony
.1214952/ #MrMatinh
.1494058/ #Chada
.1217621 / #Scenic
.1358434/ #Ako
.1272228/ #Zakzak   
.955177/ #Komar   
.2092593/ #Thomas_Zaku   
.1284332/ #Filson
.1607453/ #Giovanni
.962380/ #Masterek
.1755901/ #Lawrence
.1507684/ #Domcio
.1473575/ #Milo
.1552253/ #Nick
.1347645/ #Wolf
.434364/ #Konstantynopol
.1138717/ #Husarz
.1645144/ #Atlatan
.1215111/ #MiachPL
.1716217/ #Xystus
.1748551/ #Sharik
.1653033/ #Killforskill
.1629614/ #JakubMikol
.1880267/ #Matuss
.1946698/ #HIQ
.1081308/ #Zorek
.1710759/ #Vister
.1985924/ #Kuba
.1652911/ #Gryffice
.1701227/ #Barteq
.1414602/ #Levi
.1873756/ #Mac
.1723401/ #iksowsky
.698017/ #Zahari
.1417956/ #Empress
.1586108/ #Husarion
.1127652/ #Kaczor
.1861482/ #Ar0ch3r
.1256549/ #Brodacz   
.1605139/ #Kot
.2116400/ #Yakushi
.1282630/ #Tukan
.1436668/ #Abuk
.1598583/ #Szeki
.346456/ #Matthew
.443358/ #Kozubki
.1467111/ #Bagietek         
.1953758/ #Husarz
.1534183/ #Dolocek
.2171358/ #Henryk_Pulaski
.1854059/ #MasseRecon
.2172092/ #MkNets
.1513394/ #Axrin
.1885663/ #Ekcnn
.1391007/ #Miki
.1680730/ #Świniak
.2132320/ #Rabarbar
.1768556/ #Andrut
.1329895/ #1329895
.1747013/ #Ubroken
.1682271/ #Graczol
.1906052/ #Warmeiser
.1471611/ #Manki
.345943/ #a
.1642033/ #Major
.790727/ #Artur
Team ?
2nd & 1stEB

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 2nd
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell

Regiment #2 Name: 1stEB
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Isaac

Roster (179)
.1608458/ #Giles
.1681563/ #Luz1kA
.1490864/ #Siamons
.977756/ #Sanel
.1788172/ #Ironreign
.1718073/ #Sayartun
.1706993/ #Buzz
.1778304/ #Flex
.1589927/ #Thanatos
.1400309/ #Robin
.1514572/ #Insight
.1277634/ #Saku
.979877/ #Negonde
.68949/ #IbrahimPasha
.963122/ #sN0w
.1809507/ #Deadwinter01
.1735308/ #Metelogia
.1806909/ #Rastoya
.1537509/ #Frey
.1813160/ #Ensar
.1775139/ #Molly
.1452991/ #Legend22
.1937524/ #Sayko
.1638449/ #qRooxy
.1809539/ #YasinF
.1790101/ #Joshepson
.1560400/ #Max1m
.1851177/ #Serto
.1369292/ #Sartman
.1677897/ #Beran
.1441453/ #Maelor
.1923176/ #vBatuhan
.1706583/ #Nikotin
.1823857/ #Flexsis
.1621161/ #Tullius
.1420799/ #Valerio
.1884824/ #Pyke
.1826787/ #Leakss
.1683155/ #Caucasian
.549283/ #Light
.1467923/ #Sabo
.1876528/ #Hecress
.1824062/ #Ragnarok
.1541913/ #Babayaha
.1455107/ #BySucuk
.1144557/ #Karkanosjze
.1733571/ #Zeus
.1732717/ #Bulqur
.1358338/ #Aurius
.1369331/ #Mano
.375284/ #Marika
.445083/ #Fury
.1287587/ #Isaac
.1095500/ #Gretel
.390673/ #SniperV
.639420/ #Haaax
.1699667/ #Sam
.1795295/ #Scarecrow
.353783/ #Juuken
.1883350/ #Bulldog
.516533/ #Twinemlocker
.1151124/ #Ithilien
.1527028/ #Mars
.965585/ #Bubusel
.1782029/ #Jerome
.1295667/ #Gezagvoerder
.1095251/ #LockHeeD
.1677066/ #Elhanan
.1154087/ #BlackLanaDelRey
.652323/ #JuanshotLenshanks
.1864991/ #Neak
.1192045/ #Mvh222
.670297/ #Sarissa
.1524605/ #Fate_stay_night
.834704/ #Majito
.1409207/ #RifleTrifle
.271464/ #Setanta
.12369/ #Blazic
.308498/ #Mascot
.368749/ #Tatatatt
.369346/ #JagsBarro
.439578/ #Mercury_black
.495808/ #Rex
.532377/ #Mouldy_Sandwich
.559596/ #Lightfade
.644368/ #Sulu
.676850/ #Kody
.774493/ #Xman
.873158/ #Varjuga
.930139/ #Caly5000
.931958/ #Dotdash65
.938551/ #Panda_no_mercy
.960297/ #Kam
.1080173/ #high_performance_gamer
.1082045/ #Kemosabe
.1085610/ #Killthestorm
.1101420/ #Schweppes
.1111465/ #Jumbowokkels
.1214978/ #DOGE
.1217849/ #Ferret
.1219948/ #Cursoryrabbit3
.1223010/ #Boban
.1249013/ #Dern
.1258621/ #ThatGuy
.1260099/ #Caesar
.1263909/ #ArrangedKarma
.1285522/ #OdinsBushyBeard
.1672595/ #Meme
.1205959/ #Kkeo_Jeo
.940383/ #Veneficus
.829805/ #Mitchell
.652792/ #Matues
.1418552/ #Pap
.677403/ #Octi
.864162/ #Dar
.640552/ #RamRam
.1405210/ #Vollells
.771736/ #Hiall
.951134/ #Goatman
.798391/ #Marienus
.1819584/ #Cee
.1449718/ #Szkrider
.1402778/ #Woody
.1113922/ #Wulfglen
.947808/ #Matty
.971159/ #TeutonicTortoise
.925781/ #Greco
.1449833/ #Lineon
.1235654/ #Fundays
.774689/ #Chadderz
.1217133/ #Andbre
.778047/ #Epic
.1703670/ #Matej
.1261898/ #Ivar
.1248243/ #WhiteDeath
.519700/ #Richard
.1177827/ #Mactavish
.1152204/ #Chrisep
.1284030/ #Olaf
.528348/ #Bloody
.1194981/ #Cedrick
.1694256/ #Hash
.1337192/ #Bibostin
.325411/ #Rumeni
.636314/ #Nick
.780801/ #Zombi
.1411265/ #Lantz
.630593/ #Snake
.1921919/ #Omega
.1187002/ #Emperor
.2091630/ #Sergej
.1295203/ #Jari
.957270/ #Tomppa
.1763054/ #NootNoot
.1946804/ #RealFix
.1111419/ #Ominous
.2125885/ #phoen1X
.50168/ #Henri
.793812/ #Glenn
.1693998/ #Veexit
.1427067/ #Onion
.1955970/ #Sovran
.436978/ #Smallest
.1216145/ #Tim
.1438606/ #ThrowUpTheX
.1937289/ #Grynn
.1098052/ #Fiszek
.1329297/ #Brave
.1712737/ #Lucifer
.1650435/ #Cerkes
.1277117/ #Nicola
.2003061/ #Alek
.1196642/ #Geppy
.1220342/ #IvanTK
.940036/ #RichieEB
.2138941/ #Octi
.827444/ #Ollie
.1605132/ #Konge
.502709/ #Orc

2Lr & Nr13

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa
Preferred Faction: Prussia

Regiment #1 Name: 2Lr
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa

Regiment #2 Name: Nr13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Nightwing

Roster (198)
.782341/ #Faser
.498442/ #Connor
.502128/ #Thunder
.527722/ #Mono
.1187040/ #Crowley
.63792/ #Bulab
.1272976/ #Gerd
.780622/ #Maxxtro
.1418600/ #Wolf
.1326916/ #Fabian
.944705/ #Kronos
.1864637/ #Mowoa
.1868172/ #Relo
.933523/ #Lucarius
.62419/ #Wulfgar
.1365194/ #Ardus
.1472643/ #ConstKnoeller
.1468266/ #Emlon
.1172152/ #Frenzellord
.924165/ #Keepwell
.1106378/ #Rainer
.1082573/ #Schatten
.1132810/ #Ziku22
.1661513/ #Eastwind
.839990/ #ChuckNorris
.438605/ #Deepy
.788822/ #Liebsclu
.1665579/ #Freestyler
.1294842/ #crazypro25
.1781203/ #WaltervonUlrich
.956322/ #Shizo
.522503/ #Yallock
.1128466/ #JJ
.1272382/ #Rene
.1411136/ #Koffers
.1128683/ #Chainsor
.68287/ #Nosswill
.454170/ #DarkCore
.68369/ #Snowwie
.1231529/ #Nightwing
.1749187/ #NotOnly
.1103291/ #oojgt
.1256580/ #Ollo
.1334819/ #Galava
.1852588/ #Avemphartas
.1735120/ #Scotty
.1879919/ #Lukas
.1733967/ #Modnack
.938572/ #Blacky-Pizza
.1629024/ #Bleckonator
.1846920/ #Raizex
.1840999/ #clasher
.1696185/ #merowing77
.1602472/ #Panda
.1123134/ #Jakob
.1871892/ #Ventrox   
.1638557/ #Maarten   
.554048/ #Balvald   
.1472759/ #Palette
.651511/ #Zandross
.1527035/ #Lordius
.1128686/ #Seal
.1429667/ #Vincent
.1356575/ #MKAM99
.1291622/ #Crusader
.661752/ #Nik06
.1634513/ #HR
.1645585/ #lw2003
.1281815/ #Jorik
.1783906/ #Someone
.1583790/ #McStegi
.1629093/ #Asia
.933551/ #Dave
.679979/ #Apple
.85504/ #Hecke
.870719/ #Ipoa
.927201/ #Mogawolf
.85844/ #Adelon
.949713/ #Nikov
.1188127/ #Hansel
.1516730/ #Sabaton
.923906/ #Gönndalf
.1418287/ #Huber
.639881/ #Deffa
.1771737/ #Powerfighter2
.792123/ #DarkTemplar
.783223/ #Herakles
.786963/ #Rolf
.290348/ #Wursti
.1788508/ #Killerbello
.1602729/ #Lakuna
.1422430/ #Xerohn
.1195161/ #Destiny
.1696213/ #Senni
.1516709/ #Oxairri
.1419340/ #Exors
.1957812/ #Leibhusar
.1202267/ #Skorpien
.1935175/ #Mattes
.2003519/ #Flexi
.1806563/ #Nils
.1443146/ #NinAurore
.2074871/ #Eisbär
.1158995/ #Caryon
.1365665/ #Nino
.2108896/ #Killerioo
.2103825/ #Tobikrobi
.1603580/ #Neo
.1083677/ #Scrooge
.1915469/ #Nordwolf16
.181892/ #Odoaker
.1523350/ #camm15elbe
.1532383/ #Rosti
.1211057/ #Gerher
.1995706/ #Chriss
.1945616/ #FancyDoubleu
.773504/ #Whitehornet
.1208824/ #Twinkiee
.1608738/ #Magnum
.961698/ #Darkhawk
.462415/ #Seegurke
.911281/ #Achilles
.1223851/ #Goodest
.406024/ #Bk
.1957779/ #MiniiDNS
.1193856/ #Luigi
.1479899/ #Zocki
.1339193/ #Lawrence
.1999777/ #Monsterelch
.1788639/ #Strummex
.1299540/ #Amagedon
.2088925/ #Sparta
.1518529/ #ProoV
.1736310/ #Sirox
.1951054/ #Kommo
.2107782/ #Titus
.2129231/ #Tannenberg
.2112080/ #Fabsterino
.2130009/ #Murdors
.2004612/ #Cetrs
.1866193/ #Falco
.524003/ #Recker
.1130434/ #IchDie
.1194739/ #Smurf
.1197250/ #Carlok
.1418885/ #Ripper
.1391442/ #Swedyx
.1961230/ #Patrick
.925766/ #Ancorarius
.1114966/ #Cedleut
.1502598/ #Emil
.1956080/ #Germandude12
.1130129/ #Keksgott
.1417903/ #Luuuuc
.1606186/ #Moritz
.765488/ #Ardian
.1422605/ #PineappleOlaf
.1431434/ #Legios
.934680/ #Rasengan
.1129442/ #Garaz
.845447/ #Lugulus
.1086629/ #Ghostl
.1819824/ #Michi
.1138335/ #Kuchen
.1910700/ #GermanWarrior
.2058957/ #Honigkuchen
.1940671/ #SmokezZ
.1685251/ #Sebinm
.1421293/ #Eulenohr
.1875181/ #Marucs
.1085572/ #BubiZipfel
.2135897/ #Ludwig
.2159572/ #Teddy
.1630887/ #Finn
.2147988/ #alec
.1601775/ #Friedrich
.951203/ #Patnax
.632639/ #Mitshel
.1523435/ #Suedbaden
.1556780/ #Acker
.2174057/ #Inkompetent
.1556178/ #LordFB
.544432/ #Frittentime
.906383/ #Bloodie
.1878177/ #Gogu Magnus
.1421393/ #Eulenohr
.2173769/ #Scrooge
.529287/ #Felociraptor
.966875/ #Elias
.966875/ #Elias
.2188212/ #Der_Kiko
.783006/ #Lucius
.772335/ #Da_Tiger
.1703224/ #Mineduke
.1425172/ #Bruchpilot
.1539222/ #Ricky
.876299/ #Vulture
.306054/ #eXiR62


| Group C |


Rocky Balboa
1stEB & 1stGLI

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Isaac, Kostas
Preferred Faction: Russia, UK

Regiment #1 Name: 1stGLI
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Kostas

Regiment #2 Name: 1stEB
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Isaac

Roster (0)

Lion Hearted
Nr28 & RG

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Halfis
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: RG
Estimated Attendance:15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Robbin, Ztream

Regiment #2 Name: Nr28
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Halfis, Faptiful

Roster (94)
.1320533/ #Adkolas
.1600196/ #Apollon
.1624147/ #Bloody
.1942591/ #Lord_General
.1343054/ #Comrade
.912182/ #Edward
.1746238/ #eMental
.110259/ #Faptiful
.1908898/ #Frozen
.961033/ #GoodNightEnemy
.1220485/ #Halfis
.1785456/ #Hennry
.1196359/ #Hufflas
.2110092/ #Jaziri
.1841277/ #Kartex
.1916349/ #Mario
.919935/ #Martin
.950022/ #Maxim
.1236997/ #Messius
.2127340/ #Pjoter
.1345926/ #Richie
.1687480/ #RohanCZ
.1820118/ #Taufyk
.1480690/ #Kurvicka_Z_Decaku
.1182979/ #Webb
.1434250/ #Xtreeme
.773154/ #Ziggy2
.1292549/ #Robbin
.1348978/ #Cheesehunter
.1221832/ #Debecas
.965606/ #Vango
.304917/ #Beach
.1441561/ #Rik
.1171830/ #Chief
.1337229/ #Semmiev
.634848/ #Zhebomb
.1716544/ #NLWolf
.910245/ #Gustaf
.1591961/ #Boc
.635304/ #Kracker
.1823105/ #Piet
.1121470/ #Bolekke
.1857935/ #Alien
.1355635/ #JobSteegher
.472399/ #Jeroen
.1152661/ #Ghost
.675201/ #Kani
.551305/ #QuickzR
.877751/ #Apist
.627895/ #Inflictus
.1433154/ #Gandalf
.630365/ #Skitty
.1513001/ #StephanGH
.1522013/ #Jefferson_Norris
.1634084/ #Ross
.1206902/ #Noah
.1134229/ #ThomS
.1481769/ #nuggi
.1694543/ #Ztream
.1123425/ #Willie
.1240543/ #SniperNL
.877876/ #David
.1160798/ #manka
.1472629/ #shype
.1815366/ #busss
.1788681/ #DarkSusenka
.1215075/ #Will
.1461950/ #OBIT
.1351765/ #Diddi
.1337515/ #Rick
.1823218/ #Mathias
.1560315/ #Ace
.1754067/ #Shadow
.1623/ #ThatRandomITGuy
.300643/ #DonaldMckay
.1428673/ #Locklear
.634422/ #George
.69430/ #Razz
.552165/ #PepsiWonder
.569205/ #Alex
.1151269/ #Atrio
.1416584/ #Akagami
.1211278/ #Hans
.817900/ #Copot
.1217458/ #jlan
.1737684/ #Devastator
.936352/ #Quizi
.827003/ #Chilli
.2118120/ #Restt
.472339/ #Jeroen
.11337515/ #rick
.2175109 / #Voltige
.1520611 / #MyRnYY
.2168677/ #KureciRizek
Iron Crusaders
18th & 45th

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Nova, Ryan
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name:18th
Estimated Attendance: 15
Contacts (Steam ID): Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Nova

Roster (104)
.1637460/ #Nova
.1091418/ #Maskman
.1142168/ #Nedge
.634259/ #Edward_Teach
.1724148/ #Killmeexe
.1638807/ #Flibbitt
.395746/ #Peanutbutter
.1174769/ #Eios
.1413830/ #BernardBaghdadi
.1122313/ #Lord_Flasheart
.970948/ #Bonkymonky
.1743959/ #Hanselsmitch
.673943/ #Sergeant44 OSF
.2094752/ #Rice
.1412748/ #Aidan
.1272857/ #Pantherknight
.1418347/ #Cookiez
.1532403/ #Romanski_The_Jew
.1772805/ #Andy
.1122822/ #Dragonknight
.1709372/ #YouKnowWho
.786194/ #Zenepl
.9889/ #Vixtro
.1418311/ #R1bazZz
.1273595/ #Shex
.3373770/ #PedroFreire
.937244/ #Farts
.1677423/ #Alys
.1851912/ #Alfreds
.1536615/ #Killer
.1524942/ #Sojo
.1513685/ #Ballin
.1806522/ #Leyla
.1701261/ #Maggoty_Bread
.924948/ #Wolfi
.2106541/ #Callumbian
.1438957/ #Crimsonist
.526047/ #Kabraxis
.1924794/ #Hysteria
.1730420/ #Calgon
.945602/ #Jake
.395344/ #Ted
.635916/ #Floris
.631297/ #Luca
.1488877/ #[R]onin
.1681176/ #Flo
.1556384/ #Achilles
.1692615/ #Wolodyjowski
.413501/ #Nisse
.1324519/ #Jerome
.622032/ #Snikk
.635920/ #Sexyboy
.1594268/ #Gringo
.1853282/ #GayKaren
.1282699/ #Captain Black
.1227201/ #Roenz
.651079/ #Mr_T
.1713488/ #Ryan
.503145/ #Golden
.3461739/ #Douglass
.270687/ #Bandej
.1349640/ #Lonedoge
.159864/ #Kosmos(cr3)
.477101/ #Maurice
.953106/ #Muha
.432297/ #Cookie
.371390/ #Clamidya
.488794/ #Janne
.1759157/ #Saphyro
.673269/ #Tjiener
.1347943/ #Txm
.63559/ #Water
.624418/ #Ase
.769942/ #Hertz
.1222304/ #Artista(DOOMER)
.297939/ #Mac
.484235/ #NickCole
.127963/ #Pancake
.1813479/ #RektInPeace
.1292325/ #Smokey
.521274/ #Herishey
.1225115/ #Higen
.1522356/ #Douglass
.1595572/ #Pedro
.308033/ #Clickenforce
.1417016/ #Chambering
.1448214/ #Carlson
.1635207/ #Luden
.785056/ #Griggs
.194351/ #Scrump
.304529/ #Dayman
.270074/ #Tytygus
.1172792/ #Crackhead_123
.1425716/ #Dcg
.353393/ #Supercrash
.1513396/ #Heretic Priest
.1691441/ #Nikolaous
.1920852/ #Sir_Rekin
.353015/ #Joudini
.1488327/ #Jobana
.781046/ #Crazy
.1967723/ #Morwin
.1876681/ #Beene
.1467774/ #Smylie

Pink Fluffy Unicorns
56e & 96y

Team Contacts (Steam ID): Aggo, Desant
Preferred Faction: Any

Regiment #1 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Aggo

Regiment #2 Name: 96y
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant

Roster (101)
.556293/ #AggofanCZ
.1688643/ #Kumsty
.1265063/ #Jean Lannes
.1271755/ #Adda
.1251692/ #VelkySir
.642683/ #Gargy
.1679576/ #Daverou
.938449/ #Peter
.1125309/ #Dareback
.811807/ #Gunebol
.1478209/ #Nanton
.1400361/ #Ody
.1110595/ #Greytous
.1211731/ #Naomi
.1213150/ #Achless
.626498/ #Snowflake3638
.498946/ #DyngoJjjj
.311147/ #Salakien
.637338/ #Kevinak
.1777100/ #Bageťák
.1681224/ #Delsuna
.970631/ #Menty
.1776979/ #Okonder
.952079/ #Adam
.1367020/ #Skyrim
.922301/ #Wencosa
.486004/ #Thor
.382354/ #Peterman
.375537/ #Kore
.972381/ #Mexar
.567586/ #Sokull
.1879571/ #Štifo
.1526943/ #Sebastian
.1295496/ #Foley
.1226681/ #Kemf
.931074/ #SPCZ
.1956538/ #Fuzik
.1346398/ #Herodes
.1980241/ #MeTT
.1914358/ #Jikardo
.5808/ #Fwufy
.1424370/ #Honza
.1860899/ #Jack
.1646439/ #Max
.772622/ #Kate
.1248207/ #Mattysek
.779131/ #TomHackey
.382374/ #smouk
.431604/ #Meatfly
.840822/ #Desant
.636812/ #Lvov
.1525793/ #Flashkodr
.1191610/ #MrKnight
.1621113/ #Severus
.1598936/ #Cena
.1807303/ #Bagration
.1102762/ #Yoshie
.1864333/ #russzin
.781947/ #Mysterion
.1320871/ #Saitama
.1237787/ #Marji
.1123124/ #Alex123
.838879/ #Yoda
.1661404/ #Mykcyc
.950271/ #klever
.1624559/ #Pro100pro
.1574022/ #Nezzor
.1737433/ #Bonapart
.909950/ #Alucard
.637544/ #Vengeance
.1282828/ #Ben
.976282/ #Bogdanovsky
.1639713/ #Asinner
.1718098/ #NaSSo4ek
.1183999/ #Jodurr
.1093080/ #Max
.1888646/ #Pechenin
.1145029/ #Witcher
.1193896/ #Archangel
.1515157/ #kisloemaslo
.2092435/ #Stropilo
.2067208/ #Phill
.1754483/ #ChuckNorris
.1870097/ #KOMEHDAHT
.60126/ #Obelix
.1249805/ #Blerdy
.1161060/ #Lesajk
.1987829/ #Domon
.1269742/ #Movement
.1607326/ #JosefBonaparte
.944525/ #Seliukovv85
.1783914/ #Twister
.1940900/ #Ankord
.676814/ #MarxeiL
.993188/ #Flusha
.1907178/ #DoubleBread
.1995232/ #WhiteFolk
.1989887/ #Balcidude
.1989653/ #Beny
.1193894/ #Tomking
.2178533/ #BagetaJeSracka



1. Signup

2. Attendance

3. Basic Rules

4. Matches

1.1  All Regiments/Teams are required to provide a list of players & GUID's upon signing up (no maximum). If a member is not yet on your roster they cannot play. Please provide GUID's in the below format:

.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

1.2  During the tournament, server rosters will be updated weekly each Monday.

1.3  Transfers between Regiments within the tournament will only be permitted during the group-stage, new additions are still welcome during the knock-out stage.

   2.1  Minimum attendance to matches is 30 players, each line having at least 10 men. Should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 30.

2.2  The maximum one team may outnumber the other is +2.

2.3  Both sides must balance their teams to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs). Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!). After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be required.

2.4  All Charges may be called (Ref discretion) if either: both teams are considered camping (see below) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.5  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for a prolonged period of time (3 mins give or take, ref discretion) the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.6  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

   3.1  Fire in Charge (FiC), Reload in Charge (RiC) & Officer Aim (OA) are not allowed and any victims will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee); for example a cross-map Officer aim will only result in a revive for the officer, not a slay of the shooter.

3.2  Reload, Fix gaps, then shoot. Do not Fire our of Line (FoL) and always maintain 2-3 man gaps whilst maneuvering - if any of these rules are not adhered to warnings will be issued, followed by slays if necessary.

3.3  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy line will be slain without warning.

3.4  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either the two lines are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd line without breaking the rambo rule (above).

3.5  After a charge a line can be considered to have 'left charge' after the line they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once a line has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and resume shooting.

3.6  If two lines are engaged and one is running from melee the line giving chase may choose to 'reform' and 'leave charge' if 15 seconds have elapsed since the last connected attack (as above). Should this occur the line which was running from melee may NOT reenagage immediately; they must first re-form themselves or join a freindly line if they number less than 3. Note that an attack must not have connected for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

3.7  If a line drops below 3 players it must cease firing and charge or join its friendly line.

   4.1  Matches will consist of 8 rounds on one custom map with a side swap.

4.2  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

4.3  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

4.4  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00GMT as default.

4.5  Group-stage Matches should be overseen by at least 1 referee, knock-out stage matches must have 2 referees.

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a Team)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Faction:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Team (min. 30 attendance)
Team Name:
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction:

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Contacts (Steam ID):
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior Experience/Comment:

Roster Update
Regiment Name:
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Match booking
Match week:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:

Tournament Contacts:


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Regimental 2v2 LB tournie - thoughts?
« on: February 17, 2020, 10:47:10 am »
Hi all,

I'm looking to get another Reg tournament off the ground within the next month or so but would just like to gauge interest here and also have some input into some areas of rules, assuming such an event is of interest to the reg population left in the game.

I'll keep this post as short as possible but essentially the format I would like to host is a 2v2 (lines), general outlook of the tournament below.

  -  8 teams (16 regs needed)
  -  2 groups, 4 teams each (each team fights only 3 matches in group-stage).
  -  Proceed on to upper and lower brackets for knock-outs (each team fights 1 or 2 matches in knock-outs).
  -  In theory tournament should only take 5-6 weeks, much like how I ran NWBC last year (except the final but lets not talk about that...)
  -  Match rules very similar to those of typical 1v1 tournaments.
  -  Camping should be less of an issue in a 2v2 but a warning based rule can be included to keep this under control.
  -  Min. attendance to matches of 25-30? (ie. 12/15 minimum per regiment).
  -  Roster based sign-up to prevent double regging.
  -  Preferred 1 ref sign-up per regiment; there would only be 18 matches played in the entire tournament so if this was the case then each ref would only need to ref 1 match (in theory)

I'm hoping that such an event would strike a good balance between a typical 1v1 tournament and NWBC and I'm very interested to see how such matches would play out! Hopefully the short and snappy format would keep the event from dragging on too long. Please either leave a vote in the poll or a reply staking your interest/skepticism. Assuming there is an appetite for this please do raise your opinions on the various aspects up for discussion ;D

Cheers all.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / | NWBC | Season 3 | Finals
« on: June 21, 2019, 02:39:57 pm »


Welcome to the NWBC - a revival of the tournament of the same name, from back in 2016! The general concept of this tournament is to pitch large pre-arranged teams against each other, to apply a more competitive and coordinated atmosphere to otherwise typical NW Linebattles.

Noteable differences from the previous iteration of this league:

-  Fire in Charge has been removed for all classes.
-  Minimum player count has been reduced from 70 to 50.
-  Artillery can still included but must be agreed upon by both teams, on a match by match basis.
-  Each team is required to maintain a 1:1 ratio of Line to Specials in their team  at all times.
-  A range of custom maps added, ranging in terrain and size.
-  Changed format to a 2-group stage to start (sign-up dependant), then proceeding to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket (1st & 2nd place claimed in the upper, 3rd in the lower).

Accepted Sign-Ups: 8/8
Group Name: The Cool Casuals
Group Contacts (Steam ID):,
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: Any  :)

Regiment #1 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Infantry, Cav, Skirms and Arty
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 1st Call to Arms
Estimated Attendance: ~15
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa, Oberst Faser
Signing-up with Artillery?: !YES!
Preferred Faction: Prussia

Regiment #1 Name: 2. Leib-Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 40
Preferred Class: Cav, Inf, Arty, Skirms
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa, Rittmeister Adelon, Leutnant Lakuna, Feuerwerkshauptmann Mogawolf, Hauptmann Hansel

Regiment #2 Name:Infanterie-Regiment Herwarth v. Bittenfeld (1. Westfälisches) Nr. 13
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Faser
Group Name: The Good, the Bad & the Timed-out
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Rifles, Artillery
Contacts (Steam ID): KGL - Mitchell, CR - Voluble, KGA - Sam

Regiment #2 Name: 10thRH RRA
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Grozni

Regiment #3 Name: 92nd Gordon's Highlanders Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Ritsoko
Group Name: The Best Alliance
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Señor Noel | Barlinkraut
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom

Regiment #1 Name: 2nd 'Hessian' Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Jakob van Bicke [Line] | Flash [Lights/Skirms] | Artigo [Cavalry]

Regiment #2 Name: Feld Artillerie Regiment Prinz August von Preußen Nr.1
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Artillery, Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Karass [Line] | Two Steps [Arty]

Regiment #3 Name: 56e Régiment d'infanterie
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line, lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Aggofan [Line], [url=]Naomi [Lights]
Group Name: The French coalition
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Steam ID: DragonKing
Signing-up with Artillery?: probably yes
Preferred Faction: France

Regiment #1 Name: 10. Pułk Kirasjerów
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: heavy cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 2eFusGre
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 2e Régiment d'infanterie légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 8e régiment d'artillerie
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Art
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #5 Name:61e Régiment d'infanterie
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Group Name: The Old Guard
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Kaide: Krytenn: Hursty: Wookie:
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-35
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): (See Above) Kaide, Krytenn, Hursty (Line) Wookie (Lights)

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15 Line + 10 Arty
Preferred Class: Line + Artillery
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz: Aztir: Highlord:

Regiment #3 Name: Nr4
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Felix:
Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Spoons, Lieutenant Colonel Kincaid
Signing-up with Artillery?: No
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 35-40
Preferred Class: Lights, Line, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Spoons (Lights), Lieutenant Colonel Kincaid (Line), Captain Tylerus (Cavalry)

Regiment #2 Name: 1stelvN
Estimated Attendance:1 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Ulfur
Signing-up with Artillery?: No
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom

Regiment #1 Name: 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Infantry & Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Ulfur, Major Namelol [Infantry], Lieutenant Sam [Infantry], Quartermaster Norwegian [Cavalry], Lance Corporal Odin [Cavalry]

Regiment #2 Name: 57th Turkish Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): DeliTürk[57th General], Colonel Ibraham Pasha[57th Colonel], Mordeviesta[57th Lt Colonel],

Regiment #3 Name: kk_Legion
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): kRIEGER[Unterlieutnant], Prophet[Gefreyter],


Current Regiments (Looking for Groups):
Regiment Name: 26th "The Cameronian" Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Preferred Class: Line
Preferred Faction: UK
Contacts (Steam ID):
Regiment #2 Name: 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment von Liechtenstein
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Artillery
Contacts (Steam ID): Nightwing


| Group A |


The Cool Casuals

Group Contacts (Steam ID): El Presidente, Romulus
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: UK
Regiment #1 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Infantry, Cav, Skirms and Arty
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 1st Call to Arms
Estimated Attendance: ~15
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

The Good, the Bad & the Timed-out

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Mitchell
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: UK
Regiment #1 Name: 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Rifles, Artillery
Contacts (Steam ID): KGL - Mitchell, CR - Voluble, KGA - Sam

Regiment #2 Name: 10thRH RRA
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Grozni

Regiment #3 Name: 92nd Gordon's Highlanders Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Ritsoko
The Best Alliance

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Señor Noel | Barlinkraut
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom
Regiment #1 Name: 2nd 'Hessian' Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Jakob van Bicke [Line] | Flash [Lights/Skirms] | Artigo [Cavalry]

Regiment #2 Name: Feld Artillerie Regiment Prinz August von Preußen Nr.1
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Artillery, Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Karass [Line] | Two Steps [Arty]

Regiment #3 Name: 56e Régiment d'infanterie
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line, lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Aggofan [Line], [url=]Naomi [Lights]


Group Contacts (Steam ID): Spoons, Kincaid, Robbin
Signing-up with Artillery?: No
Preferred Faction: UK
Regiment #1 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 35-40
Preferred Class: Lights, Line, Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Spoons (Lights), Lieutenant Colonel Kincaid (Line), Captain Tylerus (Cavalry)

Regiment #2 Name: 1stelvN
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

El Presidente

Trial Referees:

Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees


| Group B |



Group Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa, Oberst Faser
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: Prussia
Regiment #1 Name: 2. Leib-Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 40
Preferred Class: Cav, Inf, Arty, Skirms
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Ipoa, Rittmeister Adelon, Leutnant Lakuna, Feuerwerkshauptmann Mogawolf, Hauptmann Hansel

Regiment #2 Name:Infanterie-Regiment Herwarth v. Bittenfeld (1. Westfälisches) Nr. 13
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Faser

The French coalition

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Steam ID: DragonKing
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: France
Regiment #1 Name: 10. Pułk Kirasjerów
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: heavy cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 2eFusGre
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 2e Régiment d'infanterie légère
Estimated Attendance: 10-12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 8e régiment d'artillerie
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Art
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #5 Name:61e Régiment d'infanterie
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
The Old Guard

Group Contacts (Steam ID) Kaide, Krytenn, Hursty, Wookie
Signing-up with Artillery?: Yes
Preferred Faction: UK
Regiment #1 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-35
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): (See Above) Kaide, Krytenn, Hursty (Line) Wookie (Lights)

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15 Line + 10 Arty
Preferred Class: Line + Artillery
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz: Aztir: Highlord:

Regiment #3 Name: Nr4
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Felix:

The Central Powers

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Ulfur
Signing-up with Artillery?: No
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom
Regiment #1 Name: 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Infantry & Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Colonel Ulfur, Major Namelol [Infantry], Lieutenant Sam [Infantry], Quartermaster Norwegian [Cavalry], Lance Corporal Odin [Cavalry]

Regiment #2 Name: 57th Turkish Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): DeliTürk[57th General], Colonel Ibraham Pasha[57th Colonel], Mordeviesta[57th Lt Colonel],

Regiment #3 Name: kk_Legion
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): kRIEGER[Unterlieutnant], Prophet[Gefreyter],


1. Basic rules

2. Rule-breaks

3. Attendance

4. Matches

1.1  FiC, RiC & OA is not allowed for any, by any units (though OA on any class bar lines will likely only result in a revive for the victim, not a slay for the offender - see rule breaks).

1.2  Sign-up coalitions should consist of Line, Lights and cavalry as a minimum. Artillery may also be included in your sign-up but depending on your opponent there is no guarantee that they will be able to play as that class.

1.3  All Charges may be called (Ref discretion) if either; both teams are considered camping (see rule-breaks) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.
   2.1  Should any rule-breaks occur the victim will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee); for example a cross-map Officer aim will only result in a revive for the officer, not a slay of the shooter.

2.2  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for a prolonged period of time the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.
   3.1  Minimum attendance to matches is 50 players, consisting of at least 50% Line infantry regardless of the special limits specified below. Should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 50. If teams bring greater than 50 players, the maximum one team can outnumber the other is dependant on the number of players the smaller team has:
-  50-59 (+3)
-  60-69 (+4)
-  70+   (+5)

2.3  Regiments Hugging the edge of the map either individually to fight cavalry or en masse to avoid fighting or to delay is not permitted. The latter is largely subjective and down to ref discretion. Warnings to be issued as with the camping rule.

3.2  Both teams must balance their teams to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs). Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!). After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be required.

3.3  This tournament will not use GUID's for obvious reasons, we do however reserve the right to disqualify the offending coalition if excessive inviting is discovered. Inviting from other regiments which are also participating in the tournament will not be tolerated if discovered, regardless of whether this is excessive or not.
   4.1  Matches will consist of 4 rounds on one custom map (with a side swap). After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either side has the right to force the match to begin. To keep the tournament as active and snappy as possible, we will be using the 1 match per week system which most leagues of this kind use.

4.2  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

4.3  Matches should be overseen by at least 2 referees.

4.4  Should either of the participants of match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

5. Lights

6. Lines

7. Cavalry

8. Artillery

5.1  15 Max, including officer
5.2  May spread up to 5-man spacing
5.3  May crouch
5.4  May manoeuvre spread out

5.5  Must take either Lights or Rifles (not both)
5.6  Must stop all firing/reloading as soon as any member of the unit is in charge; should that player die and the rest of the unit escape (partaking in no attacks or blocks) for a reasonable period of time, they can be considered no longer in charge (ref discretion)
5.7  Must join a line when numbers drop below 5 (when not in charge)
   6.1  Minimum of 12 per line, teams must consist of 50% Line at all times
6.2  May crouch when out of action (neither shooting nor reloading)
6.3  Fix gaps before shooting
6.4  Must not Fire our of Line (FoL)
6.5  Must maintain close formation whilst manoeuvring (2-3 man gaps)
6.6  Must join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 5 (when not in charge)
   7.1  15 Max, including officer
7.2  May stay mounted during 'All-Charge'
-  Lancers & Light dragoons are not permitted
7.3  Must maintain formation whilst manoeuvring
7.4  Must not engage more than 1 units (unless two or more are in close proximity)
7.5  Must dismount and join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 5 (when not in charge)
7.6  Must consistently attack the unit it has charged to be considered 'in charge' (1 or 2 horseman left must make an effort to engage and not stall for an extended period of time)
   8.1  10 Max, including officer, Sapper & Train
8.2  May spread up to 5-man spacing
8.3  May use 1 or 2 pieces, agreed upon by both teams before starting
8.4  May use 1 howitzer if using 2 pieces
8.5  May make use of 40 Build points to construct defences

8.6  Crew must stay together at all times
8.7  Must join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 3 (when not in charge)
8.8  Use of Artillery must be agreed upon by both regiments prior to match

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a group)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Preferred Faction:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group (min 50 attendance)
Group Name:
Group Contacts (Steam ID):
Signing-up with Artillery?:
Preferred Faction:

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior experience/comment:

Match booking
Match week:
Involved classes:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:

Tournament Contacts:


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / New large scale event... Pick!
« on: June 06, 2019, 09:39:38 pm »
Hi all -

I'm looking to potentially get a large scale event off the ground over the summer period (after EIC) and can't decide between the two below, so looking for input as to which (if any) the community might be interested in taking part in. I posted in this forum as I thought it would get most exposure here, though it is debatable if one of them is truly 'competitive'...


The first suggestion is a reboot of an old league, NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle Championship). This league saw coalitions of regiments form together, to fight classic style NW Linebattles but with a more competitive atmosphere. I have some basic rules prepared to give you an idea of what this league might look like:

1. Basic rules:
#1.1 Minimum attendance to matches is 50 players.

#1.2 Should attendance of both teams exceed this number then the maximum advantage any one team may have over the other is 5 players.

#1.3 Line infantry, Lights/Rifles(max15) and Cavalry (max15) classes must be involved. The addition of artillery(max10) permitted but must be approved by both teams prior to the match.

#1.4 Regardless of the maximum numbers given for each class (see class rules), teams must be comprised of 50% Line infantry at all times.

#1.5 Matches will consist of 4 rounds on a single map (custom or random) with a side swap.

#1.6 If either team is considered to be camping, displaying no attempt to gain or give gound then a warning may be issued once (per round). Should the warning be ignored that team may be forced to forfeit that round.

#1.7 An 'All Charge' may be called if over 10mins of the round has elapsed or if both teams are to be considered camping. When called all units charge and resolve the round as soon as possible.
NW Campaign

The second suggestion is a Campaign which I proved concept for this time last year, with a successful outcome (even if the teams turned out to be a little imbalanced activity wise). See below links for more details but it's essentially a commander battle campaign, fought over a virtual map in fse which uses different denominations of units for different troop types, using a higher player to bot ratio than you usually have in commander battle servers, primarily to encourage cooperation within the units:

Here is the thread with the rules for this (hosted back in July last year):

Outcome summary of the last campaign can be found on the post here:

Tried to keep the post as concise as pos since it's just gauging interest :D thanks in advance for any feedback x

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