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Messages - Atheist

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:23:12 am »
Both happened on Na Gf
Names: United Army General Desmond and lupii
Nature of their Offense: Teamkilling
Time and Date: lupii was under a half hour ago and Desmond was a couple hours ago
There was no relationship with them, it was entirely unprovoked
I was playing as Anon when this happened btw

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:29:15 am »

Name under which you were banned: Atheist
What was happening when you got banned: I was TKing
Time and date: idk the time but it was August 9th
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
User Identification Number: 446032

I was being a cunt. I understand if I am not unbanned, but I would like a second chance. I play on groupfighting a lot and I believe I am in the leaderboards.
Unban date is Septemeber 1st. Only reason you're being unbanned is cuz you're on the leaderboards.

While Na Siege can be fun I think I've had about enough.  ;)

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:28:50 am »
Name under which you were banned: Atheist
What was happening when you got banned: I was TKing
Time and date: idk the time but it was August 9th
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
User Identification Number: 446032

I was being a cunt. I understand if I am not unbanned, but I would like a second chance. I play on groupfighting a lot and I believe I am in the leaderboards.
Unban date is Septemeber 1st. Only reason you're being unbanned is cuz you're on the leaderboards.

I haven't been unbanned

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:55:03 pm »
Name under which you were banned: Atheist
What was happening when you got banned: I was TKing
Time and date: idk the time but it was August 9th
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
User Identification Number: 446032

I was being a cunt. I understand if I am not unbanned, but I would like a second chance. I play on groupfighting a lot and I believe I am in the leaderboards.

Pages: 1