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Topics - sally100

Pages: 1 2
Forum & Website / This `community` is a two faced pile of ****
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:55:00 pm »
What other `community` in the world..  has a ban on sight order for a person based on a name...

What other `community` has admins going on threads giving out id number of a key so that people on other servers can ban a person who hasnt even done anything wrong on their server

What other `community` absolutly shits upon somebody, and then jumps with suprise when that person gets a (5 minute) revenge, and uses that as an excuse to perm ban the person

What other `community` will give somebody a `final warning of perm ban if u dont behave`....  for somebody who gets pissed off at people making jokes about cancer

This isnt a community.. its a pile of shit, full of `admins` who in the real world have nothing, moderators who have nothing who are nobody in real life, and use this pretend world of an internet forum/ game to strut their power and pretend to be all a powerful when in essence, in real life it counts for shit... theyre just your every day person you walk past in the street or see at the supermarket buying drinking chocolate....  the whole `admin` or `server admin` or `forum admin`  counts for shit.. its make believe in a virtual world its nothing

Yet these same people talk to you like they are the gods of the world....  and will look for any excuse to warn/ mute or ban you.

Not one key i bought was from a sale, i bought them all off the taleworlds website..  dont believe me check my fb in the album, section i screenshot each one (bluring out the key number)
I have spent on mount and blade, warband,  NW, WFAS  almost 2 thousand pounds ( 3 thousand 500 dollars)

What have i got back? an ounce of a thank you?  NOTHING....

The pathetic thing is on almost half those keys i was banned on sight before i could even enter the server..  what absolute piece of shit bans somebody before theyve even done anything wrong.

Vincenzo completly ignores my valid question about why he had the right to give out all my key ids, and why im banned on keys when i havent been on their server for FOUR MONTHS!!  and 84e have purposely ignored, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FUCKING ANSWER, to the fact that they set me up.

This `community` is a total piece of shit, that uses you and spits you out when its had enough.

Donations, or a `good community person` counts for nothing.

And admins will ban you when and where they feel like it.

To put the icing on the cake, giving somebody a final warning simply for getting angry at somebody making a cancer joke.....   more or less sums up what absolute scum this community is.

You wonder why your servers are dying and less and less show up even at weekends?

Sick...  SICK... pieces of you know what, the lot of you

General Discussion / Mount Blade / NW tking and admins
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:37:17 pm »
Want too sure where to put this one, it isn't off topic random as it has a lot to do with mount and blade,  and as NW is the main game played on these forums i thought id put it here.

Okay, now everyone and i mean everyone, has a `little troll side` to them.
Dont deny it, everyone at some point has found it funny to kill teammates, whether its in single player in a meaningless game, or in a tdm with friends all in good spirit..   everyone has found it funny to teamkill at some point.

This game, is the game of games for trolling, there are hundreds maybe thousands of ways to do it, from repeatedly typing, to chanting, to building shit to blocking to teamwounding to teamkilling you name it, almost any activity in this game can be considered `trolling` for somebody on the receiving end of it.

All i am pointing out is what do you expect, its a video game unlike any other, where you can literally do as you want from being a good guy to a villain, from musician to king of the kills, so of course people are going to tk and troll..
it doesnt mean they are bad people, nor does it mean you should be blocking their key which they could have spent about 15 dollars or whatever on.

I agree, if somebody (like i used to do) is going to blow up lots of people, and cause havoc.. then yes of course in that circumstance they deserve their key to be banned, same with people who make anti semitic comments,  however.....   once theyve been banned on their key..  the punishment of them having to buy a new key should be more than enough to give them a new chance on their new key...
did you know that i have about 30 keys on NW and 84e banned, simply for having the name betty...  without tking or grieving or doing shit.. just a ban on sight...  not to mention theres countless other people in NW who have been log banned because admins assumed they were me...  no questions asked nothing just perm ban

Ask yourselves.. step away from the regiment b.s and think..  `really`?  `really`?

People take game this way too seriously.. to proove my point i quote and here is a direct quote from an admin once


Im wondering about the policy towards arty crew who aren't trolling but are simply so incompetent that they aren't even hitting the walls let alone breaching thus ruining the game for attackers.  most dont even respond in chat when you try to help them but on the other hand their negative impact is significantly greater than that of a single teamwounder


really? even the thought of punishing somebody who isn't good enough at artillery is ridiculous, its just beyond stupid, yet then again ive seen people in mount and blade games been perm banned simply for double gunning, or blocking a cannon, yep, petty ridiculous things.

this is not aimed anyone in particular...  this is a general matter, but i do not know any other games, no matter how strict the admins are..  that have such a gestapo style way of banning people and taking their online feeling of power (which counts for absolutely nothing in the real world by the way),  out on people.

By the way once again this thread is discussing multiplayer, not this forum. I feel this is a very good forum with great, but fair admins who do give people (long as they dont take the biscuit) a chance, and i feel that if this firm but fair admin style of this forum, was applied to the main servers where yes, excessive tking or below the belt racism would be dealt with, with a perm ban to the key...   but this `banning on sight` gestapo shit is absolutely ridiculous...   
just ban the key when they misbehave, if there doing nothing wrong then you have no right/reason to ban.

I myself stopped about early january from being a regular tkr, mostly because i got bored, also the fact that on NW i was a ban on sight before i even got a chance to lay down the tnt..  i mean how ridiculous is that.

I find/ found that i enjoyed playing legit, and would frequently gain top score..
it wasnt easy changing my playing habits,  but if i can change my way.. then anybody can,
But once again..  this spanish inquisition style of ruthless `ban happy` admin-ing on the main server, does nothing but make the servers feel like a prison when every two seconds the pink writing comes up with a `dont open gates, dont stand here dont stand there, dont sneeze` etc....

Thanks for reading this...  also i thought itd be funny if people write what the silliest reason they have seen somebody kicked or banned for (i saw somebody get a temp ban for being afk once)

Forum & Website / still cant make pic in signature
« on: April 03, 2013, 07:55:30 pm »
have a 230 x 300 pixel pic so no that large
want to add it to my sig but cant :(

ive looked at threads on here that say go to my profile etc

but i cant find the code to embedd it

please help

General Discussion / Getting a high score counts for nothing
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:58:05 pm »
I find one aspect about nw and the mount and blade game unfulfilling.

That is the fact that you can have a brilliant game where you are like 40-0 up and you won the game for your team.. at the end of the map the score is erased and its back to square one.. nobody cares or praises you and its basicaly forgotten history.

In a sense this is good as it doesnt give that game divide like some games have where you get this `level 1 to level 100 .... ` as that can be very daunting say if i play fifa as a level 1 and im up again somebody with a level 50 score..

At the same time, dont you feel some sense of unappreciation that absolutly nobody in game gives a shit how well you do.. or if you single handedly saved the flag by rambo -ing 8 enemy atttackers at spawn etc... it all counts for nothing the next round its just rinse and repeat really.

Im not saying have a `level 1.. level 2` etc system.

But when you get a high number of kills or something itd be nice to get some kind of recognition... like a server message  `so and so has killed 6 enemy in a row` or something.

And no, this isnt just a useless thread ranting about anything at random, i just think its silly sometimes how you can do really well in a game, and it all counts for absolutly nothing next round.... it seems a bit pointless

Off Topic / Major asteroid going to hit earth - scientist confirms!
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:17:08 pm »
Okay dont shoot me im just the messenger this is what i have read

My name is Raymond i am a scientist working for various astronomy departments around the world, both public sectors and private sectors. I am not a conspiracy theorist, i am not one of those convinced that `the moon landing was faked` or `2012 nibiru would hit earth`. I look at facts.
However, a few weeks ago,an asteroid 18 meters wide exploded 40 miles above a Russian town, do you know what it would have done if it hit earth? It would have killed many thousands. The shockwaves of the explosion were recorded across the world thousands of miles away. This isnt a theory or assumption these are facts.

Now this is what we have seen. The asteroid was part of a large body of similar objects coming in from the asteroid belt. There is one which we have not detected until now, because a/ we could not determine its exact projected path and b/ we did not want to scare people.
Exactly 2 hours later the faxes came through from our U.S observatory.

This object, half a mile wide is heading for earth and will hit Canada or Mexico in the next 14 days. Exact time and day will be added here later. This will be an extinction level event. The blast itself will kill millions, and the rest of the living beings will be erased within a matter of motnhs

Even when i heard the news i did not believe it. I insisted on seeing a copy, and asked them to recalculate everything. The calculations were sadly correct.

So here i am, to tel you all that these final days are ones to be embraced. Tell the ones around you that you love them, pray to whichever God or higher faith you believe in. Please make ammends with enemies, and spread the love and warmth.

I am sorry. I really am.


Ps  Now the startling part..  leading scientists on yahoo have told people to pray because of an asteroid incoming

Why would they say this if there was no threat



Here are a couple of videos on it by various scientists discussing it



Off Topic / The moon, Uranus or Mars? please answer
« on: March 17, 2013, 08:21:35 pm »
If you had an option in a fast rocket to visit either the moon, mars or uranus  which one would you choose

I would choose mars so i could say that i am the first person to say i walked on mars.

Also there could be life there

The Anglo-Zulu War / The mod is dying :( help save it
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:02:20 pm »
I am very sad to say that the last week or so.. all i see is like one server up with 12 people

In the past there would be at least two servers one with like anythin between 25- 40 players (at busy times), the other with about 15 and then a couple of smaller servers..  not amazing but still what you would excpect for a relatively new mod.

For the numbers to go down so fast is unsettling and not good.

I think it comes down to first of all the mod size........

It must be very daunting if a/ you have a slow internet connection or a monthly download limit   or b/ you dont know much about the mod...   to want to invest the time to sit there and wait for a 800mb (approx) game to download.

secondly... we all as regular players to the mod know how exciting it is... but there is VERY little enthusiasm in terms of people adding cool screenshots of the mod to their signature.. or flashy banners...  or even a superb trailer with zulu music showing a typical server battle with 60 zulus charging on 15 guys.. (can easily be done) -- that kind of cool thing WILL draw in fans...

I think the fact that even on the larger servers.. admins (besides the major guy)  rarely show up...  is dis encouraging too.

This mod CAN be saved...   but we need to act now before its too late.

Off Topic / Emma the fatty?
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:35:21 pm »
Okay didnt know where to put this.. so i put it in off topic

So is it me or does emma  my in game character seem to have been
eating too many cookies lately

Tell me what you think

Media / Most bizzare glitch in NW history
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:07:07 pm »
Okay  its from the zulu mod but this is so bizare


Off Topic / Is your house haunted?
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:24:38 pm »
I`m staying in derbyshire at the moment, most haunted place in the UK..

check out these spooky things (all in derbyshire)

Brrr had i known how haunted it was i wouldnt have stayed here
Bet you UK guys didnt know how haunted derby is

Anyway.. do any you have haunted scary houses

Regiments / UPDATED INFO- Zululand regiment
« on: February 28, 2013, 01:04:10 pm »
Hello any regulars to the zulu mod will notice a large amount of players with the tags _of_zululand and are probably wondering who they are.

Well to clear the air first of all, we are a zulu regiment.. a legit one.
Any tkrs or trolls, or people who dont dance with us at the start of rounds, are kicked out.

About us.

We are all followers of our beloved king Cetshwayo

The british people have come to the land of the zulu and are threatening our land
We must drive them from our homes.. before it is too late
No british must be allowed to take over our lands and livelihoods.

We have ONE slogan and that is      `` british piggys GO HOME``!!  ZULULAND for ZULU!!!

Head ranks...

There is myself  Queen_``    ``_OF_zululand
Then                 King_Arsenal_Of_Zululand
Then                 Lord_Gravy_Of_Zululand
Then                 Lord_Volt_Of_Zululand
Then                 Lord_Derpcraft_Of_Zululand
Then                 Queen_Florence_Of_Zululand
(and about 15 more lords and kings and queens)

And then the regular privates or (impis is the zulu name for them)
                          Impi_``    ``_Of_Zululand   (only created it miday sunday so give me a day or two to get more features up and running) ps theres a weird symbol at end of link. just remove the question mark

(Please note you MUST be a mount blade napoleanic war / zulu mod game owner to be accepted.. no randomers)
p/m me with who you are in game, and if i know you i will invite and accept you to the group  :D)

Whilst we are easy going and like to dance together, we DO ask that at least once a week you participate and join us.
Also ive noticed from previous experiences that the best way to keep things going together is for everyone to have each other on steam so everybody knows who is who, and that ensures people know what serves we are on, and when we are on etc, So in the steam group please introduce yourself briefly and leave your steam name.

I want to thank every one of you for coming over from taleworlds to fse forums specialy (i can see there has been a lot of you)  thank you for your support..  and look forward to many brave games where we drive the british from our lands!


By Emma_Queen_Of_Zululand

(A good friend of the admins of all the Zululand servers)

The Anglo-Zulu War / Glitch on the zulu bot/ throwing spear system
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:16:30 pm »
Okay bear with me let me explain the issue.

It may be coding the throwing system or it may be bots im not sure.

Now... i go zulu a lot.. and i find that the throwing spears - isuljas?  will ONLY be able to be thrown accurately when you go light infantry.
Any other rank... and the only way i can compare it is to warband when you ride a horse and try to shoot a nord bow .. the firing circle is masssive and unaccurate and rarely hits.

So there is problem 1 -- which may be solved if you  say that the throwing spears are only designed for light infantry.

However when you go on the enemy side in a game (As zulu bots).. and you are shot..  and you respawn.... you can no longer throw spears with accuracy.. at all, in fact its glitched ...
and all you can do is wander around looking for a british gun to pick up

Anyone whos played as zulu in multiplayer will vouch for this, for some reason the only time you can throw spears accurately is as light infantry and on your first life.. if you die and respawn even as light infantry you cant throw spears accurately anymore and it ruins the gaming experience..

Hope you get the jist of it and it can be fixed as it ruins an otherwise great game (if you are zulu)

Off Topic / Taking a break for a while
« on: February 19, 2013, 06:04:41 pm »
Hi there i`m sure many of you who see me on servers know i`ve changed

unfortunatly i still have haters and haters will remain haters
it seems every thread ive made theyve de-railed it with `ban emma the troll`

so i have decided to stop making threads for the moment

the haters havent won, i`m just not giving them a platform to stand on and make their bitter crappy lives feel a bit better by slagging me off

many, and i mean almost all the regulars have seen i am a changed woman

thank you to the wonderful developers of this game, to the 84e admin who gave me a chance, and to all the wonderful moderators, this community means the world to me

ta-ta for now, emma

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / 84E siege ban request `gonna_rape_ya`
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:45:06 pm »
Ban or severe warning  for name change from guy named `gonna rape ya` or very similar
He has been in the server for a few days now, is always team jabbing me, with a musket or shooting me, he even tkd me on purpose yesturday when the admin traveler was on.

Rape is not a joke, thousands of people every week have their crushed physically and mentally and some even commit suicide because of it. Internet or not, there is a line you dont cross, and glorifying or making a joke about rape is unacceptable,


PS he is on (has just been on) 84 e siege now, my friend angel is admin on at moment

General Discussion / A brand new infantry rank/class of NW
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:37:19 pm »
Okay i have recently come up with a new activity, it is not infantry or cavalry or artilery or muisician or sapper.

It is the town crier.

What i like to do in the heat of battle, is give encouragement to my men.. and no this is not done in the way of typing text, or standing in their way or doing anything which will affect or obstruct them or anything like that.

I like to shout `zamnoy` as a russian or as german i shout `Feuer nach eigenem Ermessen!!`
I love to shout it at the top of my voice (through pressing c of course)

This causes and motivates my team to play better, and to fight for their team at once, and mow down the enemy like dogs!
Many a time i have been on the server with my team loosing only for my team to be aroused by my chanting and to come back and win.

I can be seen walking around the flag or taking cover by the wall, but this is a new activity and a new type of rank of NW,  a motivater, a town crier if you will.

I hope you too can play YOUR part, because it is a joint effort.. it is about the team coming together as one.

Thank you for reading this.. and no i am not asking that this new rank gets implemented in futher patches (even though it would be nice to see the uniform  and a bell like a traditional town crier) ... but as i am the first person to come up with this i will call it the town crier!

Ps here is example of a town crier


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