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Messages - [Stryker]

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Information Updated, Lets Go

Referee, Moderator, and Captain signups opened

Community / Re: NA is not yet dead
« on: August 20, 2024, 02:25:37 am »
& how is the attendance in NA linebattles these days?
>80 on Saturday

Stryker's North American Draft League

Player Sign-up
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Steam link:
Do you want to be a captain?:
Will you play for any team regardless of Captain or other players?:
Is there anything going on during the months of September and October that would hamper your attendance?:
Referee Application
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Community Name:
Steam link:
Do you have any prior experience?:
Will you be fair and unbiased in your decisions?:
Moderator Application
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Community Name:
Steam link:
Do you have any prior experience?:
Will you be fair and unbiased in your decisions?:

List Of Captains
Click to Open
Riot - Backup
Piktonss - Yes
Mikey - Yes
Horse - Yes
Theodin - Yes
Confirmed Signups
37 Confirmed
Stryker - 500306
Piktonss - 1733594
Horse - 1871942
James - 1337040
Noob - 2234913
Riot - 2086845
Glenn - 793812
BabyJesus - 8613
Wolfe - 902557
Mikey - 1335082
Antidote - 1853041
Evan - 1217509
Yoloswag - 1216887
Godfreid - 415702
VHA - 2223119
Cwater - 662148
Iodine - 1986479
Cowlikenuts - 1434446
Vertildr - 1232708
Gray - 1637997
Svenypoo - 377394
Theodin - 678193
Shinto - 461759
Seacats - 550745
Soulja - 1211154
Pedro - 1212294
Fittens - 1115993
Artanis - 1707207
Mazir - 2392773
Spoon - 1914675
Levis - 782640
Amy - 1700419
Alexander - 277717
Hunteh - 1121588
JerryO's - 1862601
Wastee - 467919
CLOUD - 2452617

Important Dates

Sign-up Deadline: September 8th, 8pm EST
Draft Date: September 8th, 9pm EST
Season Start Date: September 9th
Trading Deadline: September 29th
Expected Playoffs Start: September 30th
Expected League End: October 13th

Draft Information

Captains: Theodin | Piktonss | Horse | Mikey
Draft Format: Classic Straight
Draft Rounds: 8 OR 9 Total

Match Rules

Scheduling: Match Dates And Times Must Be Posted On FSE
Extensions: Extensions For Matches May Be Provided If Reasonable And Agreed Upon
Deadlines: Teams That Fail To Show Or Do Not Have Required Attendance Will Be Forfeited 20 Mins After Match Start Time
Team Minimum Attendance: 5 Users Must Be Present
Home Vs. Away: Bottom Team On Bracket Is Home Team
Available Maps: 4 Maps Available | Home Team Selects Map + Faction
Match Lengths: First To 15
Match Sizes: Anywhere Between 5v5-9v9 | The Larger Team Balances To The Smaller Teams Attendance
Benching Players: Only Allowed Due To Internet Issues Or Going AFK

Steam: Me
Team Name: 3-1ez
Players: Stryker - 500306 | Vertildr - 1232708 | Wolfe - 902557 | KillerShark - 292112
Rules: Yes

Vertildr -  The Spammer, Vertildr is a really good at spamming, being able to abuse his ping of 17 on servers. The only players with lower ping are The Antidote and God (both the player and almighty). Vertildr is able to analytically think before any match and develop several solutions to one problem. However, this becomes an issue for him as he will attempt to perform all solutions at once resulting in failure in user input. However, with this skillset he leads the 3-1ez hoping to keep the toxicity levels under control.

Stryker - The Stone Cold Stunner, Stryker gets his name from being able to stun block and his uncanny Joker impersonation. This impersonation has raised question if Heath Ledger has passed away or simply gone into hiding within the NW community. Either way, Stryker has been slowly rising in the competitive scene, earning praise from his master Cwater (Kwa-Ter). Aside from his meleeing ability, Stryker has lead several successful regiments such as the RSL and 20thVirginRetards. Unfortunately, he has not been able to translate that success into leading a GF team to a NADL victory like Viper. Only time will tell if this young man will rise among the rankings of NW and create a blockbuster YouTube channel.

Wolfe - The Florida Man, Wolfe gets his name from his ping and unpredictability in combat. The unpredictability has gotten so bad that even Wolfe himself doesn't know what is about to happen. The confusion given off by such a chaotic style will often trick opponents into making a lazy attack which Wolfe then takes advantage of. Despite the ping he has proven himself as one of the best League 2 players, a capable 4th/5th starter, and a solid piece in the 92nd groupfight team known as Gordons.

KillerShark - The Turbo Feinter, KillerShark gets his name from the near absurd amount of feinting that he does in front of his opponents. Like a venus fly trap, he lulls his enemies into a false sense of security with his feints before abruptly lunging to take his opponents down. KillerShark has made a name for himself with his unique melee skills throughout the years, notably the 29th and 1stNJ regiments.

Steam: Me
Team Name: TBD
Players: Stryker - 500306 | Vertildr - GUID | Wolfe - GUID | KillerShark - GUID
Rules: Yes

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Gordon Groupfighting [EU]
« on: April 02, 2024, 11:25:16 pm »

Team name: Gordon
Captain Steam link (required):
- Ambiguous - 952369
- Einar - 896946
- Gaerars - 1134340
- Jimmy - 1685004
- Metallic Harry - 2160690
- Shadow - 776617
- Stryker - 500306
- Zash - 1331097
- Wolfe - 902557

Community / Re: 23rd and 71e terrorist activities
« on: March 29, 2024, 09:10:37 pm »

How dare you not post in size 12 Times New Roman font, you are getting an F on your paper

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:21:51 pm »
Ddosing in 2024 lmao

How would you like to be killed in a duel? I have nothing else to add.
Its 2024. Might be frustrated at first, but I do not care enough about getting shot in a duel to request a round veto especially when the odds are against me even if I win that duel. You do you though, just don't be surprised when people hate on your controversial admin calls.

U were saved by Zenon
Zenon do be goated

Word of advice Foster, do not void a clearly won round off of one rulebreak. Even if TheDead beat Movement in that duel, he still had to contend with Mauri, Zenon, Trexons and Frankfurter to win the round. Is there a chance TheDead would win that 1v4? Sure, but its so unlikely that I believe most people would agree with me that it isn't worth voiding.

Clip in Question:

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