Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 95412 times)

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Offline NicolasKiyoshi

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #255 on: August 30, 2015, 02:12:52 am »
Hello guys!

Im writing so I can make a suggestion as well as ask some questions.

1. Make the face customization better.
- I am telling this, because with the faces/beards/moustaches from native don't fit well to people in this time period.
2. Make the guns less accurate + a different crosshair.
- Many of you disagree, but I do agree, because you don't know how fun it is to run in a charge against people in trenches. But if you even try to get out of cover you get shot immediately. I know it is kind of realistic, but won't it be fun to actually have a chance to survive. If now it is 100% accuracy, make it 80%. Seriously it will make the game a lot more fun.
3. Inrease reload times.
- I am sorry, but I don't believe even if you were the biggest specialist in the world during ww1 that you can chamber a round for 0.8 seconds. It is way too fast. I believe it should be slower. Why? Because now it doesn't make sense to charge people even if you somehow survived to get to their trenches, because they can just shoot you multiple times with such a fast reload that it is nearly impossible to even get close to him. I succeeded only 1 out of probably 18 charges which I survived and got to their trenches to stab somebody. And in that 1 time I bled out after he shot me twice with a pistol.
4. Add new fortifications for the Engineers.
- Add 1 Sand bag, which covers your whole body when crouching which is longer.
- Add 1 Outpost tower (like in Bello Civilli)
- Add 1 Officer Tent (like in N&S First Manassas)
- Add 1 Wooden Bunker(Small)
- Add 1 Sandbag, which is fit for a heavy machine gun.
Make them so sappers will have to build them for a long time.
5. Add 1 Austrian Soldier + Officer to Germany and 1 Italian Soldier + Officer to France.
- I know you will probably do it anyways for a different patch, but please add them just so people be happy. The player base will certainly grow better.



If you are looking for ideas dear developers please contact me through the forums.

Agree, but the Austrians in your opinion should use these forage caps or their austrian stahlhelm ( they were paint in brown ).

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #256 on: August 30, 2015, 07:12:42 am »
The Austrians at this time period of the conflict would be wearing the similarly produced (the chinstrap was different) stahlhelms.


These fellows have a different model helmet that was less common.

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Offline Kydric

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #257 on: August 30, 2015, 03:04:01 pm »
The Austrians at this time period of the conflict would be wearing the similarly produced (the chinstrap was different) stahlhelms.


These fellows have a different model helmet that was less common.


I do agree. But I mean they can add both just as skins.

Offline Woeski

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #258 on: April 23, 2018, 06:25:49 pm »
Autrians & Italians will come soon :)

Offline Woeski

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #259 on: June 06, 2018, 03:28:25 pm »
Autrians & Italians will come soon :)

« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 12:55:59 pm by Woeski The Husky »

Offline Ukima

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #260 on: December 15, 2018, 02:16:34 pm »
My suggestions;
Will you guys add some cavalry classes? Two would be enough, namely some type of dragoon/sabre cavalry and lancer cavalry. Both are equiped with carbines. Historically they were still used as a very mobile infantry force. Especially in conquest they would come in handy, to quickly take over a certain position. Heck, sometimes a good old charge may be on its place. It would also allow for some fun scripted events or fun rounds. As there are no tanks in this mod, and I don't know to which degree it is possible to add them, there is a lack of rapid moving mobile forces.
Please add some more regiments. For now there seem to be only some standard units, instead of a wider unit variation. It would give the mod some more colour.
More Factions
I don't know if you're solely focusing on the western front or not, but if so, please add the UK and Belgium. If not, add Russia, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Italy,... the big factions. If you take on the eastern front, and Ottomans, then I return to my first point. Cavalry was very much still used in these more open pitched battles. Cavalry should definitely be included.
Weapon variety
Adding more weapons and weapon types would again add more flavour to the game. The French and Germans used more weapons than the Gewehr 88 and the Lebel rifles.
Old Uniforms
Maybe less practical to add, but having the option to switch between new and old uniforms would make for some nice scripted events, that aim to portray a specific part of the war.
Somehow that Parabellum mod succeeded in adding planes and tanks. If you could ask them how they did it, you can maybe add it too?
Machine Guns
Both heavy and light machine guns aren't that powerful. I think you ought to buff them a bit.

Those are my suggestions. Do with them, as you will.

Offline Woeski

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #261 on: December 15, 2018, 06:40:38 pm »
My suggestions;
Will you guys add some cavalry classes? Two would be enough, namely some type of dragoon/sabre cavalry and lancer cavalry. Both are equiped with carbines. Historically they were still used as a very mobile infantry force. Especially in conquest they would come in handy, to quickly take over a certain position. Heck, sometimes a good old charge may be on its place. It would also allow for some fun scripted events or fun rounds. As there are no tanks in this mod, and I don't know to which degree it is possible to add them, there is a lack of rapid moving mobile forces.
Please add some more regiments. For now there seem to be only some standard units, instead of a wider unit variation. It would give the mod some more colour.
More Factions
I don't know if you're solely focusing on the western front or not, but if so, please add the UK and Belgium. If not, add Russia, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Italy,... the big factions. If you take on the eastern front, and Ottomans, then I return to my first point. Cavalry was very much still used in these more open pitched battles. Cavalry should definitely be included.
Weapon variety
Adding more weapons and weapon types would again add more flavour to the game. The French and Germans used more weapons than the Gewehr 88 and the Lebel rifles.
Old Uniforms
Maybe less practical to add, but having the option to switch between new and old uniforms would make for some nice scripted events, that aim to portray a specific part of the war.
Somehow that Parabellum mod succeeded in adding planes and tanks. If you could ask them how they did it, you can maybe add it too?
Machine Guns
Both heavy and light machine guns aren't that powerful. I think you ought to buff them a bit.

Those are my suggestions. Do with them, as you will.
Currently the mod doesn't have any active developers, and will likely never get an update again. Some of your suggestions were to be added in 2.0 and some of them were finished but never released.

I personally have a server and can make custom maps but that's the only type of new content we can expect for this mod. If you have any suggestions for that perhaps.

I do want to add something about weapon variety, WW1 didn't see much types of weapons, this mod is set in 1916-1917, so no MP18i or anything like that. Bolt action rifles,pistols/revolvers and LMGs were mainly used, these are all in the game. I don't really see the point of adding for example the Kar88 to the game if it's just going to be a reskin of the kar98 but than just another name. Tanks would be pretty buggy, and also Parabellum is singleplayer so it doesn't need a system to have mulitple players operate parts of the tank. Cavarly could be slighty effective, I have to admit but I'm not too keen about seeing them being added as they will be too easy to take down with any MG or from close range rifles or pistols.

Offline 1851485047

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #262 on: February 10, 2020, 01:50:19 pm »
add sprint, recoil and distant sound
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 05:00:47 pm by 1851485047 »

Offline 1851485047

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #263 on: February 10, 2020, 06:41:17 pm »
what about some custom death animation and custom music

Offline Wsam5286

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #264 on: May 11, 2020, 05:10:05 am »
Please get rid of units that are only armed with clubs they are pointless. Also improve the bots because they are kind of dumb they just sit in the trenches without advancing to no man's land so make them be able to use the ladders. Also please don't add calvary in a update.

Offline Wsam5286

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #265 on: May 13, 2020, 02:01:21 am »
A issue I have noticed with bots is when they are running out into no man's land they get stuck on the  destructible objects such as the barbed wire fences so make the bots be able to actually destroy the destructible objects please i really like playing with bots but this issue is ruining the fun

Offline Woeski

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #266 on: May 13, 2020, 12:39:18 pm »
A issue I have noticed with bots is when they are running out into no man's land they get stuck on the  destructible objects such as the barbed wire fences so make the bots be able to actually destroy the destructible objects please i really like playing with bots but this issue is ruining the fun

Hello Wsam,

Basically the team stopped developing this mod since the last event happened, we are aware of the bots having zero pathfinding skill. The reason why the original Mount & Blade developers didn't spend much attention to this in the first place is that in Singleplayer, the battles are mostly on open maps. This mod used to have more multiplayer activity and that is where the full potential of the mod lies. However the events have stopped since the 7th of April. Occasionally however people host "mod events", which is like an event that tries out a mod for example every week. And this could be Iron Europe.

Thank you for still playing this, the best things you can do are:
- play on a randomly generated map
- make your own map and try to make it so that the bots can navigate
- I tried to do option 2, and my result was the map called "Canal Du Nord (Bot)", you need to play it on "Conquest" in order to have the best version of the map.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #267 on: May 18, 2020, 01:25:13 pm »
Ban kubitch of nw warband because is childish moron unhappy antisocial person, have at 2023 meeting with lawyer about him.  kubus mental disease

Offline 1851485047

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #268 on: June 12, 2020, 02:15:51 pm »
A issue I have noticed with bots is when they are running out into no man's land they get stuck on the  destructible objects such as the barbed wire fences so make the bots be able to actually destroy the destructible objects please i really like playing with bots but this issue is ruining the fun

Hello Wsam,

Basically the team stopped developing this mod since the last event happened, we are aware of the bots having zero pathfinding skill. The reason why the original Mount & Blade developers didn't spend much attention to this in the first place is that in Singleplayer, the battles are mostly on open maps. This mod used to have more multiplayer activity and that is where the full potential of the mod lies. However the events have stopped since the 7th of April. Occasionally however people host "mod events", which is like an event that tries out a mod for example every week. And this could be Iron Europe.

Thank you for still playing this, the best things you can do are:
- play on a randomly generated map
- make your own map and try to make it so that the bots can navigate
- I tried to do option 2, and my result was the map called "Canal Du Nord (Bot)", you need to play it on "Conquest" in order to have the best version of the map.
AI stuck in trenches because maps dosent have AI meshes ::)