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Messages - MatrixLeader

Pages: 1 2
"hey apoc lets make a dumb stupid event topic and deny everyones application!"

Name: Tanner
Vocal Experience: i was on napoleonic idol
Favorite Song: R Kelly - I believe i can fly
Gender Identity: baratheon
Will you actually sing: yes

Regiments / Re: 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale - "3eVolt" [NA]
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:28:37 am »
Feels good to be back.

It seems to me like you both think you know me, when neither of you EVER heard of me before I joined the 28th, and to the moment I left you didn't know. Neither Price or Lawrence were active. It was Hamilton and I running the regiment for as long as I could remember and Lawrence screwed us over. Hamilton is loyal to Lawrence. I'm loyal to purpose and reasoning.

Never will I ever be loyal to a man who thinks himself better than anyone else.

Take the higher road Lawrence, and admit your mistakes like I did. We all have our faults, our weaknesses, our strengths, and our opinions.

And Price, before you post something, sober up. And don't personally flame me on a forum, it just isn't manly. If you want to talk to me come talk on the 7NA teamspeak, other than that please do kindly find somewhere else to flame. :)

I won't be replying back on this forum simply because I do not want to start my own personal war, seeing as it in the last one I had with someone it didn't end to well.

Oh, and by the way John Price, perhaps you can hear both sides of the story before you start trash talking considering your on vacation in Spain and all. :)

This right here is what happend. Lawrence is mad because I wasn't loyal to him. How can I be ? He has the worst history I've seen and heard with the NW community. If you ask me, this new 1stFKI won't last more than a month. You can all believe what he says, but I did take my recruits back and those that he recruited DECIDED to follow me rather than let history repeat itself.

I've seen it all, been there and done that. Quite frankly, I don't care what Lawrence wants people to think of me. I stay true to myself and my own beliefs. Oh, and yes also I did leave the 28th for Lawrence deciding out of nowhere to go Prussian regiment.

Lawrence saying he kicked me out was straight stupid of him and especially him trying to ruin my distinguished reputation with the Napoleonic Wars community. I was Colonel of a long-lasting regiment (21st Irish), I was a Captain in the 3eVolt whenever Nova Poison was the Colonel. So don't you dare say your going to ruin my history ever again Lawrence. If anything your ruining yours, and I don't care which path you take as long as you don't drag me with you.

Move on Lawrence.

~ Tanner

Events: EU / Re: 99th Thursday Siege Battle
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:57:12 am »
Regiment name - 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot
Unit type - Infantry
Expected attendance - 30-45
Agree to the Rules? Yes

PM [28th] Huddleston or [28th] Crosby if you need to contact us.

PS: We cannot make it today but we will be there next week.

We are recruiting add [28th] Huddleston if you are interested.

Regiment Name: 21st Irish Regiment of Line
Leader's Name: Tanner
Leader's Steam: You got me (MatrixLeader)
2nd Leaders Steam: 21st_Irish_LtCol_John_Harper
Estimated Attendance: (8 minimum) around 8-12 possibly more though.
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes I do.

Application to Join

Regiment name:21st Irish Regiment of Line

Are you the regiment leader?:Yes

Regiment leader steam.:21st_Irish_Colonel_Tanner (MatrixLeader)

Preferred Class:Line Infantry

Projected Attendence.:8-12

I agree to read and follow the rules and make sure to check the thread for any updates (y/n).:Yes

i love you.

Regiments / 21st Irish Regiment of the Line is back!
« on: September 23, 2013, 12:10:58 am »
"21st Irish Regiment"

About the Regiment:
Formed from the 21e, the 21st Irish Regiment of Foot a place where people can come and be part of a gaming, group, you can come hear and advertise a game you enjoy, and find other people who will play the game with you, however your true devotion is to Napoleonic wars and will answer the call to battle.

Unlike many regiments there are actually people wandering around teampeak playing other things, discussing life or talking about the guy who we kicked out last week for being an ungratefully douchebag.

As Irishmen we pride ourselves in our nonexistent linage and are proud to be part of the regiment, we seek to improve ourselves in any aspect we may fail epically at instead of just rage quitting. Any action we may fail at will be improved on until we do not fail at it  , everyone can impart their knowledge to the rest of the members and we eagerly seek to try out that accuracy trick, melee dance, or crazy ass taco formation you learned in a past regiment.

Regiment Ranks
Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, Sergeant, Corporal, Private First Class, Private, Trainee

1.- Asking for permission to charge, teamkill someone, charge by your lonesome, or do something the commanding officer has not ordered is considered dissing the commander and will be scolded.

2.- Breaking PTS multiple times to say something that obviously shows have a mental disorder will result in being kicked from the teamspeak channel and the channel will be passworded.

3.-Kicking, revenge kicking, punching, stabbing, shooting, or getting revenge withought an officers consent will be punished by getting kicked from our server, and the server password will be changed, an kicks or stabs must not be responded to and will have to be addressed to your commanding officer.

4.-The list of commanders will be declared at the beginning of a linebattle, should you want to command during a linebattle but not be able to arrive at the beginning inform Tanner and he will place you on the list on a later turn.

5.-Push to talk is a must in the teamspeak and anyone emitting weird fapping noises from their mics will be kicked from the channel.

6.- Breaking PTS to state the obvious (ei. "Theres a regiment you can clearly see right in front of us") will be considered trolling regardless of your intentions, instead, point out the barely visible hats of the enemy on the hill behind us.

Unwritten rules that have now been written.

1.- The colours/Eagle are our most prized possession, do allow it to fall into the enemy hands is considered to be the ultimate disgrace to any colour bearer (even if you did not spawn with it and simply picked it up after the previous owner was shot in the hind). Should the conflict be lost, but not the battle, every surviving member is to hold of the enemy while the colours are bailed to the nearest allied line/fort. Should you be the last person alive on the team you are to drop the colours and make shure your corpse falls on top of it.

2.- The only person allowed to play drunken Irish songs pre, mid, and post- linebattle is Tanner.

3.- Having a different hat than your companions in line will result in a friendly bullet directed at whatever is under your hat. The commanding officer shall state which hat your allowed to wear while in battle.

4.-You are not to play this game while drunk, it never works.

5.- Trolling is only allowed under consent of our officers, which would be when other people are so mentally retarded we do not care what happens to them.

6.- The presence of a female voice in teamspeak is not a valid excuse to break PTS and scream "OMG A CHICK WTF CAN I HAZE YOUR STEAM!!", there are plenty of women that play this game and we do not want to scare of potential members.

7.- You know you have broken Alzenrider when he starts blabbering his orders in Spanish.

8.- HAVING FUN IS BANNED! You have been warned.

Contact Information
Add MatrixLeader on Steam

Teamspeak IP:

Credit to ALZENRIDER AND HELIXRIDER for Most of the stuff placed on this thread and the original creators and or founders of the 21st Irish.

Events / Re: Bear Force 2 Wednesday Event (NA)
« on: March 26, 2013, 05:38:28 am »

« on: March 09, 2013, 05:22:16 am »
I can completely agree.

Warbawz provides the shittiest service possible, and their servers lag horribly.

They may have good specs, but you must realize how many servers they actually put on them.

I live right outside of Dallas, Texas, where our box is hosted. I get 78 ping on our server.

*Snip Advertisement*

Warbawz is just complete.. BULLSHIT.

Events: EU / North American Melee Combat Event
« on: March 05, 2013, 04:21:41 am »
North American Melee Combat Event

Basically, all regiments will be accepted if they reach the requirements to enter their
regiment for the event. Every regiment will form a line, if you have less than 10 you
will be disqualified for the week. THIS EVENT IS NOT TO PROVE WHO IS THE BEST, it is
to make people in your regiments try harder and get better at melee. This will be
ranked, and regiments with the most kills will be recognized.

* No shooting.
* No Foot guards
* No Cav or Arty
* No skirmishers
* No Sappers
* No lines less than 10.
* Teamkilling will result in slay if it is on purpose.
* No ramboing
* Only charge when the other line is near you

In short terms, line only, dont shoot, and charge when the other regiment is charging
your line.

How to Earn Points: Every regiment will fight, regiments who have soldiers with the
top of the scoreboard kills on their terms, adds points to their scores.

So such as this for example:

3eVolt_FIREBOY - 10/0
3eVolt gets the points for their team and earn 10 since fireboy was at the top of their teams scoreboard.

02st gets the points for their team and earn 6 since somerandomidiot was at the top of their teams scoreboard.

Fireboy would earn his regiment ten points, somerandomidiot would earn his 6, if
someone below fireboy or somerandomidiot had the same score, they will both earn
their regiment points.

Any other regiment below him will not be given points toward their regiment.

At the end of the event, the regiment with the most points has won the event for
that week for their regiment.

So this event is not only for competition, but it is to help your regiments in melee,
and to have some fun.

Sign Up Today!
*Regiment Name
*Regiment Leader:
*Regiment Size:
*Minimum you will probably ever bring:
*Leaders Steam:

Contact MatrixLeader on steam if you have any questions. :)

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