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Topics - [QRH]Sentinel

Pages: 1
Steam name: [QRH]Sentinel
in-game name: QRR_QRH_SCoH_Sentinel
Server banned from: Groupfighting_Server
What happened?: I posted a recruitment message saying 'would anyone like to join the QRR?' without realising recruitment was not allowed, I was then kicked and when I joined back I said 'some people are such pricks' (I get that that is abusing admins). I was then permanently banned.
Time banned: Approximately 14:30pm GMT.
User Identification code:1557050
Why should I be unbanned? I want to continue to use the Groupfighting server I enjoy playing on it, I wasn't expecting a permanent ban, I guess I'm not used to having such strict rules on servers, other admins would see what I did as banter, I would greatly appreciate it if I could continue to play on the Groupfighting_Server as I want to train for events. If I am allowed to play again this incident will not happen again, thanks for your time reading :)

Pages: 1