Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > Events: SA

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Event


Hello, my name is Guderian, I host the events on weekends, and I am here to promote my work.

Our events have been growing many since 2018, our peak was 150 players, and that was really very rewarding.
Those events happen on 21BRST
7pm Eastern Time

So here you go, the rules are as follows.

======LINE INFANTRY======
No FiC (FoC) Shoot on Charge
No FoL / Shoot out of the Line
No Rambo / Do whatever you want on the other side of the map, or something similar
Officers can shoot pistols on charge, but only once.
Line minimum is 3
Don't crouch reloading or fire.
Only one officer per line

No Dragoons
6 Cav maximum
Less than 3 cavs, need to dismount, or proceed charge
In All Charge, If the cav player plays passively, will be freeze or slayed.
Only one officer per cav, can shoot with pistol during charge.

7 Skirm Maximum
5 man gap allowed
Only one officer per line

1 Cannon Maximum
Arty Guard allowed to FoL around the cannon
1 Sapper
Not allowed TNTS

These are the rules, any kind of disrespect or insubordination before the administrators, there will be punishments.

For direct contact with me, please Add me on Steam.

To enlist your regiment for the event, please fill this formulary

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader Steam Link
Will follow the rules:

See you guys, hope you people will come and see us.

Boa sorte, amigo

Good luck! I attended an event hosted by you guys. It was a lot of fun despite the ping. <3

RL Klakerton:
Guderian is the best Admin SA!!!


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