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Topics - Ian173

Pages: 1
Servers / Ian's Server Hosting
« on: June 13, 2014, 05:45:59 pm »

Dedicated Server Hosting

Hello everyone! My name is Ian, and I am a new dedicated server hosting company set on hosting Mount and Blade: Warband Servers (All modifications except PW)! My company is NA exclusive, all servers are located in Buffalo, New York. My servers offer great performance, and direct support from myself on any issues that might arise with your server.

Server Pricing

50   slots - $20
100 slots - $30
150 slots - $35
200 slots - $40

**NOTE**: All services are monthly and must be paid through paypal.

Dedicated Server Specifications
-12 x 3.5 ghz Int. Xeon E5-1650v2
-750 GB HDD
-6  cores
-1 Gbps Port

Additional Information
If you are interested in a server, I offer a free no strings attached demo for less than an hour to view ping on the server, and test it out. If you purchase a server, there is no refund.
I use TCAdmin to run my servers, which provides FTP access to the files for uploading maps or changing mods. With the TCAdmin panel, you can also start and stop your Mount and Blade: Warband Server
Also, I want to point out that I am not responsible for uploading custom maps. I will do my best to help, but it is not an agreement when you purchase a server from me.

Contact Information
Steam: [Ian's Hosting] Ian *muzik*
Teamspeak: (Please wait in the "Ian's Hosting" channel for an admin to give you permissions)

Please contact me if you have any questions, or reply to this thread.


11e Bavarian Battalion

**This is not complete, will be adding later**

I wish to present, the formation of a new regiment, the 23rd Prussia! I apologize for the sloppiness of this post, I will clean it up as soon as possible!

Ranks of this regiment.

Colonel - Ian (Myself xD)
Seargeant Major


Napoleonic server: 11e_Bavarian_Battalion

Teamspeak Server:

I look forward to playing with all of you, and this community has certainly grow since the last time I was in a regiment!
We are a laid back group of gamers who know each other mainly through playing the Mount and Blade: Warband mod Full Invasion 2. Feel free to pop into our teamspeak server if you want to check us out, we play a variety of other games than Mount and Blade. If you join the Teamspeak 3 Server, I have implemented an anti-troll system. All this means is that a server admin must give you a "normal" tag giving permissions to talk to message other players.

Also, feel free to add me on steam! My name is "ploopyy", and the name that should pop up is "Ian *muzik*".

One question though, how do I know when my regiment is "official"? Thank you Napoleonic Community!

Pages: 1