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Offline Herishey

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EU Hall of Fame
« on: September 02, 2021, 05:45:57 pm »

Regiments that may have seen less success in the competitive sphere yet have contributed significantly
to the development of this game, community and have been a constant fixture in competitive events.


About them
In 2011 the 77y began to play in the Mount & Musket mod for Mount & Blade:
Warband which lead to the Napoleonic Wars DLC we play today. It is unclear who
they were founded by but since their switch to the Napoleonic Wars DLC Aztir has
been the Colonel, prior to this it is likely Heinis, Henkka and Bjarzii were
some of the key founding members. The regiment/group itself actually formed a
good bit before this. Thanks to Malakith's YouTube channel which thrived in the
earlier years of NW the 77y had a constant influx of new players and recruits
bringing a massive amount of players into the community. Some of which stayed
but many of which sadly did not, the DLC of course is not for everybody. Despite
this the 77y has had many different detachments/companies over the years and had
varying levels of competitive success but no one can deny that they have always
been a pillar within the community throughout NW's entirety. Overall they are
one of the most successful regiments in NW on a few fronts other than just
competitive aspects. Generally speaking the best of the 77y's players have been
trained in-house, especially their earlier years and they have always been a
fixture in line competitive events. The regiment was always praised for it's
great community outside of M&B as well.
IVe Corps

About them
The IVe community first started playing the Mount & Musket mod for
Mount & Blade: Warband in 2011 but was originally formed in 2010 by Bastien.
Since then the 45e is another regiment that has had a few varying levels in
competitive success. Over its years the IVe Corps including regiments such as
the 45e have had some good highs in competitive fixtures and a few rougher
patches but always been a constant fixture within them. Over its many years a
very high percentage of all French players have passed through here at one point
and many of them have improved here a lot before moving on elsewhere or in some
cases staying.

About them
The 59th were formed by Kaide, they were another one of the great
regiments when it came to their approach to recruiting. Due to their two highly
successful servers JailBreak and Napoleonic Role Play which they kept a tight
leash on their flow of recruits was pretty much endless and it was a regiment
who truly helped shape a lot of great players, many of which are probably not
remembered as being part of the 59th such as Hypno. Until they disbanded they
were always part of competitive fixtures and also had varying results though
never quite reached the heights that say the 77y did.

About them
The 63e are another obvious one when it comes to talking about famed and
strong community regiments within Mount & Blade: Warband's Napoleonic Wars DLC.
Obviously the 63e was an enormous regiment, especially on their NA side where
they were able to field 100 players at one point. Generally speaking the 63e
didn't have too much competitive success but they were always a hard regiment to
play due to their 'slower' style of playing 1v1's. That being said they did have
some good results versus regiments and came 2nd in one season of NWL. Formed by
Karth the regiment began to fade reasonably quickly once he departed/went

About them
The 2Lr, formed by Ipoa (the 2Lhr before it was formed by Cooper) are
almost the German equivalent to the French's IVe. It is worth noting that the
communities of the 2Lr and 2Lhr are practically the same but under new
leadership and similar rules/traditions though these are now evolving more in
line with the community for better or worse. A massive regiment where the vast
majority of German players have passed through at at least one point. Always a
constant fixture in any competitive events but with a much more limited success
record than many of the other regiments here. But their impact on the
competitive and casual scene for both infantry and cavalry more than warrants
their place here.


About them
The 33rd was formed on 5th of June 2012 by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd
Siege server and had a few popular YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at
least) such as SilentMusket, as well as their constant presence in both casual
and competitive events allowed them to have a great and constant flow of
recruits. Their siege server was always very popular and outlasted the first
popular NW siege server (84e Siege) in the end. They are one of the largest and
longest-standing regiments throughout NW's history and throughout that entire
period they have been a constant fixture in competitive events/leagues. At times
they truly have been a force to be frightened of just like the 77y but over the
years as they shifted to a more casual focus they have fallen a bit down the
ladder to being more of a 'top of league 2' or 'bottom of league 1' side in most
events. Over their NW lifetime they've had a number of leaders such as MrSt3fan,
Gurkha and Bobmahlog.

About them
The 18e is a regiment that has disbanded, renamed and reformed more times
than even Chriseh himself can count. Founded by Chriseh this regiment has always
had a similar core of players with varied other members in each of it's eras.
The regiment had some periods of success for example when they won the
Napoleonic Wars League Season 9 'controversially' but generally speaking were
not much of a threat in competitive events/leagues. Though they were always
present. The regiment always had a strong community and a high amount of players
and was often praised for its community outside of M&B much like the 77y.

About them
The 15th was an early powerhouse for regimental size and attendance.
Founded by Cenkris with his wife MadVixen they had the first Humans vs Bots
server which was a constant flow of a lot of recruits in itself and they ran
this server with an iron fist controlling a large portion of recruitment on the
EU side of things. They didn't really compete in competitive events but I feel
they deserved a place here for their activity, attendance and community impact
with that server alone.

About them
The 16th was founded on the 28th of December 2014 by Nicos &
AlekoTheGreek. The past few years they have been arguably the most active and
largest casual community regiment. Attending 4-5 events per week and out of
those 3 events with all their companies (bringing comfortably 65+ members to
said events. Overall as well they have been present in competitive and casual
events since the start of their existence have been doing our part for the
development of the game as well as it's own players hosting a public server for
almost a year (16th Naval Battle) and some of their own events such as
linebattles. They have not had a great deal of competitive success as of yet but
they have a strong community and are a large part of the current NW one.

About them
The 19th was formed almost 5 years ago by El Presidente. The 19th has
more competitive success than its predecessor regiment the 54e where a large
portion of this community comes from. They have a few podium placements in some
of the more more 'minor' competitive events/leagues and have played in most the
others since their formation as well with some varying success levels. Much like
hte 16th they are one of the highest activity active regiments at the moment and
do their part for the community hosting events and training up/with a lot of
'smaller' name players.

Special Mentions:

1stBrig (56e)

Regiments that have contributed to the community via recruiting and training
players from public servers or weaker players to a better skill level, a large
proportion of the community will recognise one of these regiments as being the
first they ever joined. These regiments have often been responsible for the
early development of some of the community s best players, who often moved on
and joined one of the top regiments in their respective eras.


About them
The Spartans formed by Titan/Unnamed Spartan in 2012 trained a high amount of quality melee based
players. They were constantly playing on public servers be that 33rd Siege, Groupfighting or any other playing as
a team and had very high levels of teamwork. Their roster was not always the strongest but due to their
focus on teamwork they could cause any regiment a problem if they did get into melee with enough men
left. Even now a large amount of great players that still play to this day passed through the Spartans
and this is where their skill began to increase a lot due to this focus on melee/teamwork practice. Some
players trained in this regiment were Rommel, BlackBeard and ZeroSkilled.

About them
The K-KA after its first few years didn't tend to do much 'training' as such but played a
high amount of events and were always heavily focused on melee. A large percentage of the NW
community passed through here at least once over its three stints and for some players, this is
where they reached their peak playing at the highest level against other great regiments such as
the 91st or 77y. Some players trained in this regiment were Norseman, SweetAngel and Flammeus.

About them
The 63e were a regiment who took a lot of complete 'new' players in as well as
some veterans and were very focused on training because of this. Much like the 77y due to
their servers/popularity/size they had a large amount of new recruits coming in that may
have little to no experience in a proper regiment so they needed to be trained up. Over the
years many great players came up through the ranks of the 63e or just passed through for
a period. Especially Scandinavian players. Some players trained in this regiment were
EpicPizza, Rydh and Umbra.

About them
The 59th was a regiment that for their actual level of success created a very
high amount of skilled meleers. A lot of these tended to move on once they were starting to
reach their prime which is why I believe they never reached the heights they may have
liked to. But they focused on melee/teamwork training heavily, much like 63e with a lot of
new players from their highly popular public servers and churned out many a great player.
Some players trained here were Hypno, Hursty and MarxeiL.

About them
The 2ndCSG was a more 'Corps' like regiment formed in 2011 by Titan/The
Unnamed Spartan and was essentially the regiment before both Spartans and Posh's 17e
that when it split/disbanded created the two of them. Both were regiments that took many
more unknown or 'new' players and trained them up to play very well. These core training
techniques came originally from the 2ndCSG and were carried over to both other regiments.
Much like the Spartans most of their focus was on the teamwork side of melee. Some
players trained here were Posh, Mike and Titan.


About them
The 77y lead by Aztir over the Napoleonic Wars DLC years but the founders are unclear
are along the same lines as the 63e and 59th, as mentioned in the other section, had
a massive influx of recruits from Malakith's YouTube as well as their highly popular
early events such as their sieges and a few servers that they ran over their years.
The 77y always had very specific training procedures and processes in order to
obtain higher ranks or even to join specific companies in the 77y and in their earlier
years probably up until about 2016 this kept the standards very high for their
grenadiers and some other players which allowed them to perform very well even
with a 'weaker' roster in a lot of cases on paper in many competitions. Some players
trained here were Rikkert, Rikimaru, JHS and Raii.

About them
The 84e formed by Aldemar had a similar scenario to the 77y where Aldemars YouTube
was rather popular and brought in recruits and they also hosted the 84e NW Siege
server which generated a high amount of recruits as well over their years. The 84e
much like the 77y had standards once you got to a certain rank that if you did not
meet or could not pass the challenge(s) then you could not get promoted and due
to this they had very high quality meleers as you got to the higher ranks with some
of the most feared 'CplFo's the game has probably ever seen. The 84e did not have
the strongest roster overall generally speaking but their older or higher ranked members
were all top players in their own right and they focused on melee training very heavily.
Some players trained here were Eddie, Axiom and Mopin.

About them
The 14e were in the same Corps as the 84e and were their French brother regiment. The
14e was formed by Verdieb and Knight. Much like the 84e they had standards/challenges
for their members to get promoted to certain ranks and these were all taken very
seriously as was their commitment to training both melee and teamwork. The 14e
achievement more with pretty much just French players than their international brothers
the 84e and most great French players that played throughout their years passed through
here at least once. Some players trained here include FlopZ, Enriik and SpaceKiller.

About them
The 33rd was formed by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd Siege server and had a few popular
YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at least) such as SilentMusket as I mentioned in
the last section this lead to a constant flow of recruits both new and in some cases a bit
more seasoned. The 33rd always trained hard and offered a bit of mentoring for these
newer players to improve. They have never been a regiment to take in too many
veterans/seasoned players and generally all their best players came from within through
their internal training procedures, at least in their earlier to middle years. Some players
trained here include Ledger, Draken and Van Hulstein.

About them
The 17e was formed by Posh in 2012 and was another early regiment who did a lot of
recruited on public servers. The 17e consisted mostly of ex 2ndCSG members who were
trained up over their years in 17e to make one of the most formidable regiments of it's
era without too many big names on the roster. Through their lights and line company
they recruited 10's of players and trained up those who stuck around. Their training style
was quite similar to the Spartans training once or twice a week in both internal
groupfights, 2 or 3v1s with the rookies being the 2 or 3's and the more experienced
players being the 1's as well as general formation training. Some players trained here
included Herishey, fatkoala and SilentPain.

Special Mentions:

45e (IVe Corps)

Leaders that specifically have shown superior and advanced leading technique and ability in linebattle/1v1/2v2 style events. You do not have
to have won anything to be eligible as you could win something by purely having a very strong line-up rather than superior leading skills.


About him
Gaz'z only leadership experience has came leading the 77y over the last 8 years. It's had its
highs and lows of competitive success and throughout all of NW's years and Gaz has always been
known as one of the best tactical leaders throughout these years. Many of the times the 77y did
win a gold, silver or bronze medal which they have the third most in total below 15thYR and the
K-KA). These podium spots include NWL (Napoleonic Wars League), NLC (Napoleonic Linebattle
Cup) and the NWCL (Napoleonic Wars Champions League). During many of these podium spots
the 77y were not the strongest regiment on paper and often had significantly weaker line-ups
where Gaz's strong leadership allowed them to win my taking the advantage before engaging in
melee where if they went in outnumbered they would most likely lose.

About him
Tavingtons only leadership experience came leading the 91st Highlanders, one of the most
feared & notorious regiments in all of NW's history. He ruled this with an iron fist and was known
forcing high levels of both discipline and teamwork within his members. The 91st always had a
very strong roster but they played in a highly competitive era so a good leader was still required
to achieve success. During his command of the 91st they won the first season of NWL (Napoleonic
Wars League), the second season of NLC (Napoleonic Linebattle Cup) and the 5th season of NWL.
As well as a few other top 3 placements.

About him
Hekko lead the 15e originally in Mount & Musket and then a few years later in NW's period lead the Nr.24 which during its life span was debatably the most feared regiment in
the NW DLC in its time. Not to be mistaken by just their pure melee ability the Nr.24's leadership
was of the top caliber and very experienced. Hekko always found a way for them to get into melee
without losing too many troops as they knew as long as the losses were not too heavy that they'd
be able to overcome the majority of regiments even with a slight deficit. They had very few losses
or draws aside from the odd slip-up such as the famed 5pp draw during NWL during Hekko's time leading.

About him
Verdieb lead another of the stronger/strongest regiments in the earlier NW era and possibly the
strongest French regiment of NW's time (though this is of course up for debate). He was a more
patient leader than most of the others in this list but that does not detract from his ability. During
his time at the helm the 14e achieved 1st place in season 2 NWL'S (Napoleonic Wars League)
league 2 and then won league 1 the season after. They then came 2nd in the fourth season as
well. As an all French regiment it is argument during their more successful years prior to their
more recent reform that they had a less 'stacked' roster than many of the regiments they
competed against.

About him
Pieter's first regimental leadership role came in the 15thYR where he was 2nd in command until
he formed the 17e as Colonel. It was around this time that he began to show his leading prowess
where the 17e dominated both line and groupfighting style events/tournaments/leagues. Of
course they had a very strong roster but it still requires a good leader at the helm to have such
success. This was further supported when he lead Belgium & the Netherlands in the Nations 1v1
Cup where he beat the UK in the final controversially.


About him
Gi's only regimental leadership role came within the 15thYR where he has been at the helm for
several years now and has achieved more success than any other leader over those years and
maybe over the entirety of NW's years other than perhaps Gaz. It is without a doubt that he is
tactically one of the best leaders throughout NW's history even though he has played with a
very strong roster in his regiment over these years. Aside from this Gi also lead the UK in the
Nations 1v1 Cup where the UK came 2nd to the Netherlands & Belgium team lead by Pieter.
During 15thYR's successful years they won the most regimental tournaments/leagues achieving
fourteen gold medals and several silver/bronzes.

About him
Posh's leadership experience was mainly in the original 17e of the NW DLC. Aside from this he did
rank as an NCO in a few other regiments such as the 2ndCSG and 22nd. During his time leading
the 17e through vigorous training on mainly public server players or players from his past regiment,
the 2ndCSG he trained up one of the strongest regiments of the earlier era's of the NW DLC. His
leadership had to be good in order to obtain results as the roster was one of the less stacked playing
in the first editions of the NWL (Napoleonic Wars League). The 17e won the 1st edition of NWL's league
2 which as it was the first edition had a mixed batch of strong and weak regiments within it. The
regiment also won the 3rdFG Cup which was a knockout style regimental tournament defeating the
22nd in the final.

About him
Chriseh's leadership experience came in several stints/versions of the 18e. They were known as a few
other names such as the 27th but ultimately they were all the same regiment with a similar core and
the same leadership. Chriseh won the NWL Season 9 (Napoleonic Wars League) once with the 18e
(there was quite some controversy around this win due to the K-KA dropping out who had beaten the
18e giving them a default win to beat the 15thYR in the end). But aside from the controversial win the
regiment achieved very good results, especially for a roster that was significantly weaker than several
other regiments competing in the competition that year.

About him
All of DasBrot's leading experience came within his own regiment the 6teGarde. The 6te Garde never had the best or most stacked of rosters of all the German regiments let alone others. But that did not Stop DasBrot practicing unique formations with his members. Some of these simply looked cool but others like their quick form formation started a base that many leaders still use to this day. The 6te had a good amount of surprise results in NWL (Napoleonic Wars League) due to his leading ability including a win vs the K-KA and close linebattles with the original 8Lr who were the best German regiment at the time.

About him
PrideofNi's leadership experience all came within the K-KA (Kaiserlich und Königliche Armee) in both the
early era of NW and once they reformed after their initial disband a few months later. In the earlier era's
that K-KA played the regiment had a lot more success than in the later one when it came to linebattle style
events purely because the new roster had no patience for these events as time passed, Pride also began to
lose that same patience in the later period. During their stronger years, they won many tournaments such
as the Won 6th season of NWL as well as ten top two placements in total.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated a lot of their time to hosting events for the community be that something
entirely new or just carrying on the traditions of the community and fulfilling their competitive needs.


About him
Hekko was the inventor/creator of the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup) which lead to the creation
of the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup) createdby Herishey once he had dropped out of the community
after Nr.24 disbanded. This was the first and at the time only nation style tournament. He hosted the NWEC
from 2011 up until 2013 at which point he dropped out of the community as mentioned before. Aside from
this Hekko also hosted several more minor tournaments such as 5v5 tournaments or the fisrt randomised
team tournament that I can remember, which was a 5v5 Randomised in 2013.

About him
Since around 2014 Herishey has been involved in the tournament scene. Starting off with minor
tournaments such as the [FG] series. He was the creator of several tournament concepts such as the NWWC
(Napoleonic Wars World Cup) once Hekko had stopped hosting the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup),
the Duel League (FG Duel League), M-NWWC (Mini Napoleonic Wars World Cup) and the creator of TOG
(Tournament Organisational Group). TOG was the first attempt at making a group of all the current organisers
with official referee's, rulesets and servers to help other hosts and improve tournament quality. On top of this
he hosted/co-hosted twenty+ minor tournaments such as duel, 5v5 and sword/bayonet tournaments and four
editions of the NWWC as well as two of the Mini-NWWC. He also helped host NWL in two of it's final seasons
and has helped with the majority of other tournaments at some point over the years such as hosting an
edition of the GFL (Groupfighting League) and RGT (Regimental Groupfighting Tournament). Aside from these
more 'serious' tournaments Herishey hosted many casual tournaments such as the hunger games tournament,
randomised tournaments and decremental tournaments.

About him
MarxeiL created his own M.Tournaments series which gained its own board a few years back. He
has been hosting tournaments even before then though starting to help host or co-host in around 2016. He has
hosted fifteen+ minor tournaments in this time and co-hosted many others. He is also the eventor/creator of the
Tiered Duel League. MarxeiL also hosted an edition of the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup), the MRGL
(Regimental Groupfighting League) and the NWFL (Napoleonic Wars Fantasy League).

About him
Tavington hosted tournaments during the entire duration of the 91st in both it's stints. These were
always in the same format which was the 5v5 with 1 sword format. These were seen as iconic during this era and
pretty much the only tournament hosted with the exception of the NWEC. He hosted ten+ of these over the period
and this format still crops up from time to time to this day.

About him
Voluble is one of the more recent hosts and only started hosting in about mid 2019. He started by
hosting fairly minor tournaments just the standard 5v5, 6v6, etc formats. Since then however he has helped with
several more major projects such as TOG (Tournament Organisation Group) and EGS (European Groupfighting
Series) which is now going into it's 3rd season. EGS is along the same lines of what TOG Was but has been much
more successful and gone on for much longer than TOG did due to the dedication of Voluble and
the rest of the team. This has helped improve tournament quality greatly and pretty much now controls the
majority of the competitive scene (at least team wise) in Mount & Blade's Napoleonic Wars DLC scene.


About him
Tardet has been known over the majority of NW's time but I think he started properly hosting
around 2013-14. Tardet has also been involved in the vast majority of major tournaments over the years such as
hosting a couple editions of RGL. He has also hosted fifteen+ minor tournaments over the years too in varied
formats such as 5v5, 6v6 or tournaments involving swords that not too many hosts get involved in.

About him
DasBrot was one of the two inventors of the NWL (Napoleonic Wars League) which was the first
major regimental linebattle tournament. He hosted this event over 8 seasons, Bever stopped after 5 which is why
DasBrot has been included here in his absence.

About him
Cazasar was one of three creators of the RGL (Regimental Groupfighting League), the first proper
regimental groupfighting league, before this there was only the Regimental Groupfighting Tournament which was
a knockout, then later groups and knockout style tournament. He helped the other two (Pheon!x and Rommel)
host this event for 6 seasons before others took over in their absence. On top of this he was also one of the
creators of the NLC (Napoleonic Linebattle Cup) with the same organisational team. He also hosted NWWC once
with the same team but half way through the two others went inactive and this edition was then continued with Herishey.

About him
Chriseh also known as John Price created and hosted the EIC (European Infantry Cup) for four
seasons. He also hosted the RGT ( Regimental Groupfighting Tournament) for several seasons after Karth dropped
it and ever since. He has also helped with 2 editions of the RGL and co-hosted a few other events.

About him
Kore over the years has generally took more minor roles in the scene such as co-hosting major
tournaments such as the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup), RGL (Regimental Groupfighting League), etc. But
aside from that he has also hosted/co-hosted several minor tournaments (10+) and at hosted some major ones
of his own such as the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup) as the main host for one season.

Special Mentions:


Much like the competitive category these are players that dedicated a lot of their time to hosting events for the
community be that something new or carrying on the traditions of the community, just for the casual side of things.


About him
Kincaid has hosted many events over the last few years. These include things like the 33rds
prestigious LOTR (Lord of the Rings), historical and normal linebattles. As well as more major works that could
be seen as either competitive or casual depending who you ask such as the NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle
Championship) which he created in which all forms of regiments/armies are brought together to fight in a
competitive version of a casual linebattle. As well as his other invention of the Napoleonic Campaign where
linebattles are played to fight through a virtual map of Europe. Aside from this Kincaid also hosted the Regimental
2v2 tournament for 2 seasons, although this is competitive rather than casual I felt it should be mentioned as he
isn't mentioned in the competitive area. All of these events use a wide range of custom maps.

About him
Dams has hosted the IVe events such as their linebattle or sieges for several years now
which have remained to be one of the most consistent and popular events over the period.

About him
Tavington hosted two of the most reknowned linebattles in early NW (the 91st Thursday/Sunday
linebattles) that were very popular and very exclusive to get into. They generally only accepted the more skilled
regiments that would come at the time as they wanted it to be a high skilled and competitive linebattle rather
than a normal casual linebattle. They only used custom maps, even for the maps that seemed random in order
for them to be balanced.

About him
CurlyConnor hosted the 2nd linebattles/events as well as the original version of the Trenchbattle
event that is still going today but under new hosts. Trenchbattle was pretty much exactly what it said in the name.
An Napoleonic Wars linebattle with maps designed to be like a World War One trench battle. He hosted between
the 2014-2019 years and much like most of the hosts that made it into this list the events used custom maps.

About him
Malakith hosted the early 77y events for quite a few years up until he eventually retired from the
77y. In the early days this event brough in hundreds if not thousands of players into the Napoleonic Wars DLC
through Malakiths YouTube videos. The event was extremely popular for its first few years. The event didn't
always use custom maps but used quite a few as well as adaptations of the original maps.


About him
Kieran hosted the 19th events including the 19th Saturday & Sunday Linebattles and the Friday
Modded event for over 3 years now. These events have been very popular over these years and although I've
never been to one personally I've heard great things about them from fellow 19th members and those who
have attended. I believe its quality is backed up by it's attendance where at certain points in recent months
it's been one of the very few events that reaches the full capacity of two hundred.

About him
Fenny hosted the 8th Royal linebattles & conquests from 2013 up until late 2016. These events
were fairly standard Napoleonic Wars Linebattles/Conquests but were always properly hosted and very popular
during these earlier years of NW. An average event always had a full server for Fenny and the 8th events.
Peter Broetz

Peter Broetz hosted the renown 60th Rifles events as well as the K-KA ones. This included three different
linebattles that were all very popular during their time.

Felix hosted several 'special'/'unique' events between 2013-16 to promote his server company Arctic Servers
as well as any new Napoleonic Wars modes/features that FSE (Flying Squirrel Entertainment) brought in. These
included events such as the first ever pirate battle event that went on for a few months after it's first trial.

Zebaad hosted several linebattle events such as the 47th linebattles and he also hosted some more unique
events with some of the custom maps he himself created. These more unique events included events such as
 the first ever melee only siege and a deathrun.

Special Mentions:


These are players that have influenced the community constructively in a
major way with their efforts and actions over their time in the community.


About him
Hekko began playing in the early days of MM and made both the 15e and the Nr.24 which were
both highly successful regiments of their time. On the hosting side Hekko was the inventor/creator of the NWEC
(Napoleonic Wars European Cup) which lead to the creation of the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup) created
by Herishey once he had dropped out of the community after Nr.24 disbanded. This was the first and at the time
only nation-style tournament. He hosted the NWEC from 2011 up until 2013 at which point he dropped out of
the community as mentioned before. Aside from this Hekko also hosted several more minor tournaments such
as 5v5 tournaments or the first randomised team tournament that I can remember, which was a 5v5 Randomised
in 2013.

About him
Tardet from a community aspect aside from his tournament/hosting contribution he was also known
to help create/maintain strong regiments at an officer level such as the 75e, 85e and the 13e. He has always been
heavily involved in the community from all aspects including moderating over the forums also over the last few
years and just generally helping out in general. If you don't know him from that you've most likely seen some of
his lengthy posts on regimental/event threads summarising or updating on event or regimental status and these
are truly a sight to behold and certainly not short of effort. Tardet has also been known over the majority of NW's
time but I think he started properly hosting around 2013-14. Tardet has also been involved in the vast majority
of major tournaments over the years such as hosting a couple of editions of RGL. He has also hosted fifteen+ minor
tournaments over the years too in varied formats such as 5v5, 6v6 or tournaments involving swords that not too
many hosts get involved in. He also had a YouTube channel where he covered several events and tournaments.

About him
DasBrot was one of the two inventors of the NWL (Napoleonic Wars League) which was the first major
regimental linebattle tournament. He hosted this event over 8 seasons, Bever stopped after 5 which is why DasBrot
has been included here in his absence.

About him
Voluble from a community perspective has been involved heavily in regiments like the 66th, K-KA and
92nd as an NCO and on the groupfighting team front teams like ChimpZ wihch he lead with ThrowUptheX, ProudBoys
and Poosy as well as leading team England in 2020 with Herishey to a win in the NWWC. But where what he is
probably more known for is that he is also one of the more recent hosts and only started hosting in about mid
2019. He started by hosting fairly minor tournaments just the standard 5v5, 6v6, etc formats. Since then however,
he has helped with several more major projects such as TOG (Tournament Organisation Group) and EGS (European
Groupfighting Series) which is now going into its 3rd season. EGS is along the same lines of what TOG Was but has
been much more successful and gone on for much longer than TOG did due to the dedication of Voluble,
and the rest of the team. This has helped improve tournament quality greatly and pretty much now controls the
majority of the competitive scene (at least team-wise) in Mount & Blade's Napoleonic Wars DLC scene. He also has a
YouTube channel where he shows short highlight clips and some matches.

About him
Herishey aside from his hosting/competitive involved has been involved like Tardet in most community
areas of the Napoleonic Wars DLC. He was a Community Representative on FSE for over a year until he was promoted
to moderator where he has now since became a senior moderator, he is also the top poster here and creator of the
all-time list with Gibby. He also created the [FG] (Foot Guards) which was the 2nd ever melee clan doing groupfightings
and 1v1 linebattles at 8pm after the FFE (Friends Federation of Excellence). He was also an NCO/CO of several
renown regiments such as the K-KA, 91st, 17e and 3rdFG. On the groupfighting side of things he captained England
four times to two wins, one third and a second place. He also created The Disciples and TFFO (The Forbidden Fucking
Order) as well as a few other minor teams. Since around 2014 Herishey has been involved in the tournament scene.
Starting off with minor tournaments such as the [FG] series. He was the creator of several tournament concepts such
as the NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup) once Hekko had stopped hosting the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European
Cup), the Duel League (FG Duel League), M-NWWC (Mini Napoleonic Wars World Cup) and the creator of TOG
(Tournament Organisational Group). TOG was the first attempt at making a group of all the current organisers with
official referee's, rulesets and servers to help other hosts and improve tournament quality. On top of this he
hosted/co-hosted twenty+ minor tournaments such as duel, 5v5 and sword/bayonet tournaments and four editions
of the NWWC as well as two of the Mini-NWWC. He also helped host NWL in two of it's final seasons and has helped
with the majority of other tournaments at some point over the years such as hosting an edition of the GFL (Groupfighting
League) and RGT (Regimental Groupfighting Tournament). Aside from these more 'serious' tournaments, Herishey hosted
many casual tournaments such as the hunger games tournament, randomised tournaments and decremental tournaments.
He also has a YouTube channel where he posted pretty much everything competitive/casual from Mount & Blade over
several years.


About him
MrSt3fan was I believe the longest standing leader of the 33rd Regiment of Foot and lead them through
arguably their strongest period as a regiment competitively. He also hosted several casual events (mainly just the 33rd's
events that have been ongoing over the years during his period in command). Aside from this he also had his own sever
company which donated to both casual and competitive events to be used.

About him
Cazasar was involved as an NCO in the Spartans and captained Germany several years to their first and
only win in NWWC (Napleonic Wars World Cup) as well as a third place. Cazasar was also one of three creators of the RGL
(Regimental Groupfighting League), the first proper regimental groupfighting league, before this there was only the
Regimental Groupfighting Tournament which was a knockout, then later groups and knockout style tournament. He helped
the other two (Pheon!x and Rommel) host this event for 6 seasons before others took over in their absence. On top of
this, he was also one of the creators of the NLC (Napoleonic Linebattle Cup) with the same organisational team. He also
hosted NWWC once with the same team but halfway through the two others went inactive and this edition was then
continued with Herishey.

About him
Malakith was one of the founding members and the major of the 77y for a long period of time until
around mid-2015. during this time he brought thousands of players to the Napoleonic Wars DLC via his videos. He was also
an FSE moderator for a period of time. Malakith also hosted the early 77y events for quite a few years up until he eventually
retired from the 77y. In the early days this event brought in hundreds if not thousands of players into the Napoleonic Wars
DLC through Malakiths YouTube videos. The event was extremely popular for its first few years. The event didn't always
use custom maps but used quite a few as well as adaptations of the original maps. Malakith was one of the more popular
YouTubers that was actually heavily involved in the community be that with 77y or his time as a moderator on FSE. He
made a lot of videos over his time active on Mount & Blade's NW DLC which included 77y promotions, linebattles, sieges
and other events. His 77y siege event videos tended to be the most popular of the series which helped him get his forty
thousand plus subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. These videos helped bring countless people into

About him
Tavington created the 91st Regiment in two different competitive era's which was/is one of the most
known regiments in NW's history even though it was not one of the longest alive mainly for their great melee, discipline
, and teamwork. He also ran the Groupfighting Sever when melee groupfighting and 'Groupfighting' competed against one
another for the player-base and maintained this during both stints of the 91st's existence. Tavington also hosted tournaments
during the entire duration of the 91st in both it's stints. These were always in the same format which was the 5v5 with 1
sword format. These were seen as iconic during this era and pretty much the only tournament hosted with the exception
of the NWEC. He hosted ten+ of these over the period and this format still crops up from time to time to this day.

About him
MarxeiL Co-lead several Russian regiments and was NCO in some others like 92nd, 96y and 17th_JR.
He also lead and founded the only successful Russian GF team CCCP (other than maybe Elessar's Fruit Ninjas). He also created
the M.Points thread/list to go with his M.Tournaments series which was highly viewed over its years on FSE. MarxeiL also
created his own M.Tournaments series which gained its own board a few years back. He has been hosting tournaments even
before then though starting to help host or co-host in around 2016. He has hosted fifteen+ minor tournaments in this time
and co-hosted many others. He is also the inventor/creator of the Tiered Duel League. MarxeiL also hosted an edition of the
NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup), the MRGL (Regimental Groupfighting League) and
the NWFL (Napoleonic Wars Fantasy League).

Special Mentions:


« Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 05:05:41 pm by Herishey »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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  • Actual 1v1-10v10 Champion.
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  • Nick: 5x NWWC Champ Mbozz/Gontanker/Nut
  • Side: Confederacy
Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 05:48:27 pm »

These are players that either used their content to keep the history of NW going be that by recording tournaments or
events for people to look back on or players who used their YouTube to help keep the community with fresh faces to fill the ranks of the many regiments/teams.


About him
Malakith was one of the more popular YouTubers that was actually heavily involved in the community be that with 77y or his time as a moderator on FSE. He made a lot of videos over his time active on Mount & Blade's NW DLC which included 77y promotions, linebattles, sieges and other events. His 77y siege event videos tended to be the most popular of the series which helped him get his forty thousand plus subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views. These videos helped bring countless people into the community.

About him
Chadman who was friends with Malakith is another of the more popular Youtubers that was also heavily involved in the community. He often still comes to this day to record tournament finals or NWWC matches when requested. His channel Chadtopia has over ten thousand subscribers and his videos have varied from special mod events, tournaments, commentaries, linebattles and pretty much anything Mount & Blade. He is probably one of the longest lasting NW YouTubers and many of his popular Mount & Blade videos had over ten thousand views each in the channels prime. His videos helped many people get into the community.

About him
FrenchMonk is another of the longer lasting Mount & Blade YouTubers and has also been rather involved over NW's lifespan. Running several regiments over his years in NW. His videos include mod events, linebattles and anything regimental he was involved with. He also keeps his subscribers up to date on Holdfast or any other Napoleonic style game. During the channels most successful periods his videos often racked in over one thousand views and his channel had around two thousand subscribers.

About him
Diplex was another highly popular YouTuber who towards the start of its lifespan was heavily involved in NW. He hasn't made an NW video in quite some time now but during his years he made the 63e which was a well known entry regiment for those around at the time. His videos include linebattles, mod events and regimental events. During the channels period on NW he had several videos with over 100 thousand views, there's no doubt that he also helped direct a lot of traffic to the NW scene much like Malakith.

About him
IECGaming is a YouTuber who unlike most the others we've mentioned here's channel souly kept to Mount & Blade and mainly NW videos. His channel has remained active over pretty much the entirety of NW and he has almost four thousand subscribers. During the channels prime years when NW videos were more popular he often got over one thousand views in many videos especially with the 91st. His videos pretty much include anything and everything from mod events to promotions to causal or competitive linebattles.


About him
Flopz was a popular French Mount & Blade Youtuber for many years of what many people would consider NW's prime. He has made more recent videos on occasion when 14e have returned for reunion events but before this he made a lot of Mount & Blade coverage. His videos consisted of NWEC matches with France, linebattles and other events with the 14e as well as some mod and update videos. During this period he gained twenty-three thousand subscribers and his channel commonly went well over 5 thousand views with some videos reaching heights of up 
to six-hundred thousand views.

About him
The IVeCorps channel is another French channel that has been running for pretty much the majority, if not the entirety of NW's lifespan. Its videos include anything that relates the the IVe be that updates on the Corps, linebattles, competitive events or promotional videos. During its prime years the channel often hit over 5 thousand views with highs of eighty-two housand.

About him
Jampads channel was a bit different from most of the others listed here he was a 17e Officer first and firemost in the early-mid years of NW. He started his YouTube channel in 2013 nad made videos up until around 2016 though the majority of these were on Persistent World. Towards the start of his YouTube lifespan he made videos of the 17e's competitive or casual linebattles until a year or so in where he began to make more comedy based videos on PW showing off his rage and comedic value. His channel had over two thousand subscribers and generally  ot over ten thousand views peaking at 14 thousand views.

About him
GunZo also known as YoloSwagMasterGunZo. Was one of the renowned bush pirates and made NW videos for around three years from 2013, much like Jampad these were another style of video based on comedy and trolling/winding specific players up rather than events or update style videos. His videos included assassinations on well known players or regiment leaders (generally leaders/officers). These may have just been for their fame or may have been for their actions towards GunZo or his friends. He'd try to infiltrate an event and record himself taking out the colonel or specific player in the regiment. His channel had over one thousand subscribers and most videos had over give thousand views with his highest viewed video hitting nine-teen thousand.

About him
Herishey was another long standing YouTuber making videos over several years whilst being heavily involved in the community. His channel never hit the heights of some of the others but made over three hundred Mount & Blade videos in this period. These included linebattles, tournaments, mod events, comedy style videos, highlight videos and pretty much anything else mount & blade from fantasy league auctions to top servers videos. He recorded the majority of tournaments or at least major tournaments over his 6 years of YouTube. Depending on the regiment he was playing in at the time his videos normally had over 250 views with many of them reaching over one thousand views and and his highest viewed video reaching twenty one thousand views.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated time to creating many maps for players, regiments or events to use and are known for their skilful craft.


About him
Aztir has been a well known name in the mapping seen since the early days of NW. He made a lot of the mini-siege maps especially the earlier ones, a lot of maps for the 77y servers/events such as their long lasting siege event and several other maps.

About him
Zebaad is probably one of the most known mappers in the game due to the way he publicised his maps on both FSE, Steam groups and his website (Bastion Maps). Not only has he made maps for major tournaments such as the NWWC, minor tournaments, his own events such as his melee only siege, linebattle maps, groupfighting maps he's done pretty much anything including specific requests such as death run or bulldog maps. Even for his more casual maps he's one of the mappers that takes the most time to make sure the map is as polished as possible.

About him
Python only started mapping a couple of years ago but during those years has made the vast majority of modern tournament maps that are used both now and in that period. He's made several 'fun' event maps such as the hunger games event but his main claim to fame here is his vast variety of tournament maps that have been used in EGS, NWWC, Hunger Games and other areas. He has also been known to edit Full Invasion Maps.

About him
Herishey created many of the commonly used groupfighting maps, be that on the GroupfightingServer or just used by regiments in events. He also created several tournament maps that were the most commonly used maps in the competitive scene until around 2017-18 from around 2014. He also created a couple of training maps as well as many linebattle maps used in events such as the 3rdFG Linebattles, K-KA Linebattles and the 17e Linebattles.

About him
Dekkers is one of the more famed early mapping names. He made a lot of maps on NW that were well used in the earlier years such as his D-Daay map, training maps or specialist linebatlte maps. He was one of the first more 'famed' mappers rather than some of those who worked behind the scenes more. He also made several groupfighting maps such as the first attempt at making the collosseum. It is worth also noting that he was actually the scene editor behind the very first custom maps on the 33rd NW siege server, which ended up becoming the most popular server after the 84e hegemony came to an end after a good long run.


About him
GoKiller was another of the more famed early mappers, though not to do with quality less so than Dekkers. He created several high quality historical, conquest, linebattle and maps for several mods too. Some of his works include the Battle of Friedland and Village at the Nile. The mods he worked on were North & South, L'Aigle, Bearforce, Bellum Imperii and A World of Ice and Fire.

About him
Friedrich was a mapper known by many but probably also missed by many of the players who would have played on his maps. He created most of the early siege maps used on servers such as 84e Siege. Aside from this he also made several other maps used in casual events and a lot of maps for mods such as Bello Civili and North & South.

About him
Spoons is another of the more modern map names though that being said he has been making maps for quite some years now. He created many of the Humans vs Bots maps used on the newer rendition of the 15ths Humans vs Bots servers and anyone who has attempted this before knows how much work these type of maps can be. He also made a large portion of the 33rd event maps over the years as well as King of the Hill maps and on the competitive side he also made the maps for TGL (The Groupfighting Ladder).

About him
Kincaid has also been making maps for a few years now. He did all of the NWBC (Napoleonic Wars Battle Championship) maps on the casual/competitive
event, the regimental 2v2 tournament maps, the commander battle campaign maps and contributed to a large portion of the maps used in the varying 33rd events like Spoons.
Lord Gax


About him
Lord Gax was one of the longer lasting mappers and made well over 100 maps between 2012 and 2018. This included trenchbattle maps, training maps, killbox maps, jailbreak maps, pirate battle maps, NRP (Napoleonic Role Play) maps, groupfighting maps and even more. As one of the highest work rate mappers over the years there was no doubt he'd be mentioned.

Special Mentions:


These are players that dedicated plenty of time to helping less equippedusers create threads
or graphics to use on FSE helping make their thread or profile look more professional..


About him
Herishey was one of the first FSE users to create thread templates for users to essentially edit into their own unique thread without much understanding of how the BB code worked. His thread workshop includes several templates for regiments, armies/corps and events. As well as this he has made graphics/sgnatures for both his own events and others including NWWC, RGT and the [FG] series. Due to being a senior moderator (and a community representitive for a long period before that) he has helped many regiments/users/organisers over the years with their posts/threads as well as his own. Some of his works include the original international 15thYR Thread, the NWWC threads, the 3rdFG thread and several other regiments.

About him
Another one of the first names that comes to mind when you think of graphics, threads or helpers on FSE. He has had his own artwork and thread workshop for many years and has helped out many users/regiments/organisers with their threads/graphics as well. Some of his works include Enigma's thread, 92nd's thread, the 45th's thread and this very Hall of Fame thread (thank you Skaenn!). he is also one of the only names here still actively running a thread workshop. Or even using the forums for that matter.

About him
Evanovic may not have been active on the forums for a few years now but his impact during the time he was there raised the quality of graphics to an all time high, and many tournaments now still do not reach the heights he did with these. He didn't make too many threads or complicated tables but the graphics he did over the years for the NWEC (Napoleonic Wars European Cup) as well as the 91st/Tavington hosted 5v5 tournaments were always a work of art and looked at a professional standard. He did the majority of graphics for the early tournaments as well as some others for regiments/teams he was a part of.

About him
Bravescots work on FSE may not be as extensive a list as many of the other names here but they were impactful. He made hundreds of rank icons used in TeamSpeaks by the majority of regiments in the earlier years of NW. Many of these are still used to this day by several older regiments or even some new ones that are lucky enough to come across his thread. He did make some other header graphics that were used for regiments too but his main focus was the rank icons and any rank icon requests he may receive.

About him
For around 3 years Phillyz ran a thread, header, signatures and icons workshop. He hasn't been on the forums for some time now but some of his works include the 65y regiments header, the 19te thread, the 41sts signature and a set of French rank icons. His thread workshop was one of the most used over these busy years of NW so of course much more was done than this, 10's of headers and signatures as well as several threads and sets of rank icons.


About him
Over the more recent years Shadey has helped a lot of events with threads and graphics. Generally these have been upon a personal request as Shadey doesn't run any kind of thread workshop. He has made several threads such as the 84e thread, Cavalry Fantasy League and the RGL threads. As well as this he has helped many events such as the NWWC or the Cavalry Fantasy League.

About him
Over a rather large period of time, even when not particularly active in NW Moskito made high quality graphics, almost reaching the heights of Evanovic. I personally remember several headers he made for myself to use in NWWC such as an animated header for the NWWC in 2015. He did make several threads for his own tournaments/regiments over the years but never for anyone else as far as I'm aware. Any users of Mosktio knew that his graphics may take some time to get to you but were always worth the wait. During the earlier years when it was more common to be rewarded a signature after a tournament he made several for both major tournaments like NWWC or the more minor ones like the [FG] tournament series.

About him
Johny Nawalony created regimental headers/signatures and banner packs upon request in his workshop for around 2 years. The banner packs were a popular feature here as not many offered to do this around this time. Aside from that he also made a high quality cartoon artwork designed around NW. Examples of these cartoons can stil be seen on his old workshop thread on FSE. During his period here he also made several skinpacks in his skinpack workshop too.
JanSnieg | JonSnow

About him
JanSnieg used many names over the years on FSE but was probably most known as JonSnow. He ran a graphics thread where he created signatures, headers, profile pictures and really anything along those lines that were requested for several years. He also helped some of the Polish communities make regimental threads such as the 4pp.

About him
DoctorWarband had a thread workshop for around a year. During this time it was very popular and it was around 2014-15 so there was a high demand at the time. He worked up quite the request load during this period making threads such as the 54e and 5. Lützowsches Freikorps. Prior to opening this thread workshop he had also still been helping users make threads and made quite a few from the start till the end of 2013 and any graphics needed to go with these.

These are the players that have been playing with the NW community for the longest time without any major breaks.

Rikimaru     In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Henkka    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Aztir    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 77y.
Steinnmann    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 1er.
Tardet    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4e Grens.
Kore    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 47e.
Nosswill    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 33rd.
Nozza    In September 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
Skaen    In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.
LeBrave    In In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 4eGrens.

Special Mentions:

El Presidente - February 2012 54e
Gaz - April 2012 77y
Lama - April 2012 Nr59

These are the regiments that have stuck around the longest through NW's

Nr59 (10 years)

About them
The Nr.59 started in the Mount & Musket mod in 2011 but
existed as a community since all the way back in 2006 as the 'EliteTeam' and played in Star Wars Battle front 2, they
changed name to something more relevant to the Napoleonic Era once moving to
Mount & Blade. The regiment was founded by Feldmarschall Ben.
18tes_KPR (10 years)

About them
The 18tes_KPR formed also in 2011 in the Mount & Musket
mod, founded by Jan though Buchler is who made the regiment have real structure.
They also formed before this date playing in a musket mod in battle grounds 2
before this on the 16th of May 2009. Sadly the 18tes disbanded in mid-late 2021.
32nd (10 years)

About them
The 32nd formed January 2011 by Lance.
77y (10 years)

About them
The 77y formed well before this date but in 2011 they began to
play in the Mount & Musket mod which lead to the Napoleonic Wars DLC we play
today, they were founded by Aztir and Malakith. The community actually formed
back in 2009.
IVe (10 years)

About them
The IVe community first started playing the Mount & Musket mod
in 2011 but originally formed in 2010 by Bastien.

III_KBR (10 years)

About them
The III_KBR formed on January 24th 2012 on the Napoleonic Wars DLC,
founded by Loren and Carban..
33rd (9.5 years)

About them
The 33rd was formed on 5th of June 2012 by Lowlander. They ran the 33rd
Siege server and had a few popular YouTubers (popular by NW's standards at
least) such as SilentMusket, as well as their constant presence in both casual
and competitive events allowed them to have a great and constant flow of
recruits. Their siege server was always very popular and outlasted the first
popular NW siege server (84e Siege) in the end. They are one of the largest and
longest-standing regiments throughout NW's history and throughout that entire
period they have been a constant fixture in competitive events/leagues. At times
they truly have been a force to be frightened of just like the 77y but over the
years as they shifted to a more casual focus they have fallen a bit down the
ladder to being more of a 'top of league 2' or 'bottom of league 1' side in most
events. Over their NW lifetime they've had a number of leaders such as MrSt3fan,
Gurkha and Bobmahlog.
15thYR (8 years)

About them
The 15thYR originally formed on the 1st of September 2012 as
a German regiment by Falk but opened up internationally in 2014. The German 15th
had a short break because Falk went on holiday for 2 weeks and Dusan took over,
the regiment instantly fell apart.
65y (7.5 years)

About them
The 65y was founded on the 18th of January 2014 by Rhinosmyth
and Mishapoch.
16th (7 years)

About them
The 16th was founded on the 28th of December 2014 by

Special Mentions:

K-KA (7 years)
56e (7 years)
2Lr (5.5 years)

« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 02:09:01 pm by Herishey »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 05:48:33 pm »

Servers that over the years have been a popular/dominant and progressive figure
in the server scene.

Groupfighting Server/Melee Groupfighting - Not to be confused with the original
Groupfighting server hosted by the 91st/Tavington and up and down over the first
few years of NW. This server was designed to help players improve at melee,
consistently pitting them against better players so that they might master the
basics and learn various skills, such as chambering. This server was the
competition for that server originally ran by Louis, Maurice and Racoon back in
2013 it always competed for the players with the 91st's/Tavingtons version.
During those years it was always head to head with one of the servers being
populated and I'd say the split was generally around 50/50 for which was more
populated. In the long run with the fall of Tavington and the 91st twice Melee
Groupfighting won the war of servers and has remained one of the most
popular/active servers to this day. After Racoon handed over Ownership LameHorse
took over still with Louis and continued the servers legacy in 2014. It was
during this period it renamed to the Groupfighting Server since the other one
was inactive at the time. After this period PrideofNi took over towards the end
of 2014 and ran the server until the end of 2015 where Bobertini and Herishey
have owned/maintained it ever since.

Tropical Paradise - Not to be confused by 'Tropical Hell' ran by Gatts this was
the original of the two servers created in 2014 by Louis and Elling. Tropical
Paradise is a casual deathmatch server that aims at making your experience on
the server as leisurely as possible. It always had an array of island-based maps
complete with ships and cannons. This is a very relaxed server with not many
rules or regulations so that the players can have as much freedom as they want.
Every map is based around an island with a ship available for capture. After
2014 however the server was mostly run by Elling as Louis had stopped playing.
This was the case until 2017 when Freedom began to run the server himself
mostly and still is. Especially for the more 'casual' side of NW this has been
one of the most popular servers over the years since it began, especially late
at night whilst many other servers lay dormant.

Napoleonic Role Play - The Napoleonic Roleplay Server was a unique server at the
time and was set up to provide an alternative experience to NW's dedicated
community, and cater to the demands of those seeking the more serious of NW's
historic gameplay ran by the 59th Regiment. Set up in early 2014 it originally
had another owner who was supposedly dragging the server down who the 59th took
the server off of in order to repair the damage done. They aimed to provide the
highest quality of Roleplaying over a great variety of Roleplays and maps to the
players who frequent their server. These do not necessarily have to be peaceful,
such as Town RP and Prison RP, but often include RPing specific battles or
scenarios on custom maps designed from scratch with them in mind. They also took
suggestions from their player-base and implemented these scenarios onto the
server. Over time, they expanded upon the theme of Roleplaying, with new,
interesting additions being made, such as the more recent Hostage Rescue and
Storming the Palace Roleplays. This server was designed for those who desire a
more controlled, the thematic experience of the Napoleonic era on Warband. NRP is
still running to this day but it is only up at set times for events, it stopped
being a constantly operating server around the end of 2019 after the 59th went
inactive on Mount & Blade: Warband. Kaide originally ran this server until
PewPew took over and in the more recent years Skeepr. It is worth mentioning
there were several other NRP head admins over the years that had a short reign
and little impact. Other than Scandy who introduced the first NRP Campaign in
2017 and was a huge mark in the servers history hitting max capacity almost
every battle during the first campaign.

Jailbreak - The Jailbreak server started in late 2014 and was another of the
59th's unique server ideas. Later copied by the 19th JailBreak server the idea
was highly successful. This was another role-play style server. The basic
concept was the Russians would play as Partizani's who roleplayed as the
prisoners whilst the other faction played the prison guards. There were specific
rules such as when kicked by a guard prisoners must drop their tools or
firearms, they must stay in their cells until told otherwise or revolt time is
reached and the guards must warn prisoners properly before killing them. This
all lead to a unique and controlled experience of a Napoleonic Wars prison
roleplay. Of course there were trolls who did not roleplay properly just like on
their role play server but the admins were always strict to those who did it
keeping the atmosphere as serious and respectful as possible. Kaide originally
ran this server until KL4R took over in 2016. The server was eventually shut
down by TaleWorlds in September 2018 by TaleWorlds after not following their new
policies for Violation of Monetisation Policy, Racism/Homophobia by Server
Owners on the Server & Homepage Asset Theft.

Cavalry Groupfighting - Even though this is an infantry focused hall of fame I
believe almost all infantry players have played on the Cavalry Groupfighting
server at some point in their years. Some of course more than others. Much like
its infantry counter-part the server was designed to be a concrete, reliable
server for the entire cavalry community to utilise in order to hone their
skills. Originally started in 2012 by PrideofNi the server was ran by him and
his admin team until the end of 2015 where Glenn took the reigns over as
PrideOfNi was inactive at the time (this is around the same time he cut ties
with the groupfighting server). Glenn ran this until around mid 2017. Caulaincourt
also hosted the server for a period in 2017/2018 as well as the 8e.
Wüstenkrieger took over for a few years until a more long-term host was found
which was Zauberfisch and the KGL who ran the server until late 2020. The last
and final host to pick this up was Shadey who still maintains the server and has
done throughout 2021.

Minisiege - Minisiege began in 2014 under the ownership of Maximillien. The
slots were limited to 60, with the idea of original maps with a fast dynamic
gameplay - drastically different to the siege servers at the time that used
large maps such as Fort Bashir in their rotations. The staff quickly filled with
veterans of prior siege servers (Such as QubeZ), mostly coming from
33rdNW_Siege, which at this point had dropped off in popularity. During the
early days, the 33rd transitioned from their own server to helping Minisiege -
becoming somewhat patrons of the server - thus the slots were increased to 100
come 2016. By as early as 2015, Minisiege had become one of the most popular
servers due to its original maps and great admins, quickly becoming one of the
most populated siege servers there was.
As the game aged, Minisiege began to further improve under HighLords ownership
and TheQuickOne as Head Admin. The server became focused on creating a long-
lasting community with Gretel, which has transcended NW. The server has seen
many changes, and new features thanks to Caesim's works, allowing faster admin
responses to tackling server trolls. The staff at Minisiege has changed over the
years, but our principles remain the same. It's all about the players. Our
priority is that they're having fun. As we owe it to our awesome community and
to those that still play with us to this day. Overall, Minisiege is a server for
the average NW man or woman. It's not a server which requires strict melee
teamplay nor the chaotic fun escapades of a free for fall. It sits perfectly in
the middle as an objective based game mode, where a team of players must enter a
defended fortress and capture their flag. It allows players to choose their own
play styles with friends or long-time regulars and is home to many regimental
recruiting opportunities to this day.

Killbox - The original Killbox server was founded by Kalitorian and SirHenri
back in late 2013 and was rather iconic at its time for its funny and creative
maps. These maps were constantly being updated and new ones added in order to
try and keep the experience fresh for its player-base. The server was ran by
Kalitorian and SirHenri until mid 2015. The server was relaunched a few months
later by McScott. This time around it included DanyEle making scripts for the
server to give it an even more unique and 'fun' driven experience. One of our
hall of famer mappers 'Lord Gax' made the majority of the maps for this relaunch
of the server, as well as helping with many of the original servers maps too.
This was a server designed purely for fun rather than training or honing your
skills and was constantly developed and hosted in this way. in late 2016 the
server was again relaunched. This time by Rhinosmyth who is still the owner of
the server until this day. Under his relaunch many of the old maps that were
disliked were replaced with new ones to try and improve and repopulate the
server. The server had several very popular periods in NW, though most of the
time now it tends to be fairly inactive.

15th Humans vs Bots - One of the most iconic servers for both good and bad
reasons in the earlier years of NW was the first of the Humans vs Bots servers
ran by Cenkris. The server was founded in late 2012 and most of the maps were
made by himself but that being said Harvain and Ewan did also make a few of
them. The 15th Regiment of Foot's goal when playing on this server was for a
bunch of human players to hold out in a make shift defensive compound against a
bot horde (2 bots for every human player) for 20 minutes each round. The server
was always known for it's strict 15th regimental admins that could really get
away with anything. This is not to say that they all abused their power as many
didn't. But certain ones did cause a very bad reputation for the server causing
many players to be very cautious of doing anything when playing on the server.
It still remained one of the most popular servers in the early years even with
many banned players that they very rarely unbanned. As the thread itself said
'Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any
extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!'. The sever eventually
shut down in 2017. The original Humans vs Bots server has caused the creation of
many others of its own kind. Some trying to complete by creating a more 'fair'
atmosphere during the time of the 15th's server and others after to take it's
place, regardless of competition until it's death the server always stood strong
and was active the majority of it's time.

84e NW Siege - The 84e siege server was the first of its kind, at least that
was popular. Founded in 2012 around the release of the Napoleonic Wars DLC, the
server was however originally founded in Mount & Musket prior to this. The
server was ran by Aldemar and the 84e officers. You will recognise that another
of our hall of famer mappers (Friedrich) made the majority of the maps here with
a little help from Nylas. During 2013 and parts of 2014 both siege servers (this
one and the 33rd) could bolster a large population at the same time, sometimes
both maxing out at 200 players on each. Eventually the server died out in mid
2014 but it's competition the 33rd Siege server carried on for another year. I
believe around this time many other server options had popped up, not
necessarily siege but other options meant that the player-base was more spread
and some servers lost their core population. On a server like this a larger
player-base was needed to keep it running as the large maps were no where near
as fun with a smaller player-base.

33rd NW Siege - The 33rd siege server started in April 2013 and was ran by
Gurkha and MrSt3fan. The 33rd Regiment of Foot aimed to run and maintain a good,
and popular Siege server (though not the first of it's kind it was just as
popular the majority of the time). This server directly competed with the
earlier popular siege server 84e_Siege, often both were at maximum capacity in
the early years of NW. They aimed to do this by hosting on a good reliable
server (hosted by their very own MrSt3fan), they only ran on exclusively custom
made and community maps. It was also one of the harder servers to get admin on
as they only wanted experienced admins that they trusted to enforce the rules of
the server and quickly find the rule breakers and trolls. They were also one of
the first servers I saw that had a public TeamSpeak 3 server channel for the
server players to all connect on. In 2015 activity on the server really began to
slow, at a time there were two siege servers running with 200 players easily it
became an achievement to get 100+ players on the server. This lead to the
downfall of the server in late 2015.

Special Mentions:

Pirate Battle
Snikkels Bot Servers
Humans vs Bots

Thanks to Knightmare for the headers/sub-headers and NightWing for helping a great deal with the thread design.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 04:46:14 pm by Herishey »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2021, 05:48:39 pm »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 05:48:50 pm »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline ONeil_

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2021, 05:49:59 pm »
wonder if maskman will nominate himself and 45thN for everything like he usually does

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2021, 05:50:23 pm »
wonder if maskman will nominate himself and 45thN for everything like he usually does
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2021, 05:51:45 pm »
wonder if maskman will nominate himself and 45thN for everything like he usually does

Of course, although I’d argue they haven’t had nearly enough impact to be hall of fame worthy
Nothing seemed out of place except the washing machine in the bar when the pink horses galloped across the sea.

Let your intentions be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you range, fall like a thunderbolt - Zeyden cringelord

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2021, 05:53:20 pm »
Nominating yourself or anyone else is just a suggestion to remind me, ultimately I will decide with a few others who is worthy to take the slots, I plan to have about 10 in each but that may also change. It won't be a voting system.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2021, 06:10:36 pm »
Nice idea, GL.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2021, 06:11:12 pm »
Thanks Shadester.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2021, 06:16:49 pm »
Good luck with it !

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2021, 06:18:01 pm »
I'm guessing this is primarily for the European community?

Offline Herishey

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2021, 06:19:39 pm »
Yes it will be, I have no knowledge or desire to learn about the NA side I'm afraid.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline RussianFury

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Re: Hall of Fame - Coming Soon
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2021, 06:21:28 pm »
Yes it will be, I have no knowledge or desire to learn about the NA side I'm afraid.
Not surprised.