Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > Technical Support

tp problems & leadboard

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Hi, so I'm having tp, leadboard problems and also the key to look around me who are making the game unplayable for me. I tried already few stuffs like uninstall and install the game again but nothing changed. Some times it's fixed but it's for few secs then it's back like in the video so I dont rly know how to fix that shit.
Here is a video of how it is when I'm playing, it's on merc but it's the same on nw....

That’s your internet man, not your pc

Scottish Unicorn:
Reset your router
Do a speed test to see if anythings changed or if they're doing work in your area.
Is it mount and blade exclusive or do you lag around on other games?

I mean my internet was fine , like no ping problems and packets lose

Was mostly mount and blade, idk why I tried play again this afternoon a bit and it's working without I touch anything weird...

John Price:

--- Quote from: Coco_Ayala on November 27, 2021, 03:08:47 pm ---I mean my internet was fine , like no ping problems and packets lose

Was mostly mount and blade, idk why I tried play again this afternoon a bit and it's working without I touch anything weird...

--- End quote ---
It was definitely your internet. You don't always have ping/packet loss when there is a problem. Thats just a basic indicator.


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