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Messages - FwXartez

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: 1stEB Friday Linebattle - Need lines!
« on: December 03, 2018, 11:50:56 pm »
Regiment Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Class/Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: 5-15
Once or Weekly?: Once, for first
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts:
Other notes?: I am not a regiment leader, but I will command at the event. The next event at December 7th, right?

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Sword Duel Tournament
« on: March 15, 2018, 10:01:50 pm »
Nick : FwXartez
Steam link :
Do you agree with the rules ? Yes

Sorry, I think that the next event on 2 Jan. . Just on the 9 Jan. our regiment have a NWL match in the same time, and we can't come in this day. I'm realy want a play at the cavallary) , but we can not.

Regiment Name: [Saints]
Class: Cavalry
Preferred nation: France
Expected Attendance:  8-15
Leader/Representative's Steam:
Temporary or permanent signup: Temporary
Jan. 2 event will be, right?

Events: EU / Re: 2eLéger Monday Battle Event - [1Year]
« on: December 29, 2015, 11:46:00 am »
Regiment Name : [Saints]
Unit type : Cavalry
Number : 8-15
One time or weekly : One time
Leaders steam id :
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules : Of course

Regiment name: [Saints]
Regiment representative steam name: FwXartez,
Class to play as: Arty
Expected attendance: 5-10
Have you read and agree to the rules? Yes
Weekly?: No

Pages: 1