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IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [EU]
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:20:18 pm »
Decommissioned until further notice.


The IIe Corps d'Armée Francais is collection of English speaking regiments which are primarily based within the EU. The Corps attempts to reenact the period of 1809 onwards, trying to be accurate where possible in terms of uniforms and names, mainly regular army, but with two Imperial Guard units. The army consists of a light, cavalry, artillery, and a line regiment, enough in order to hold more than half a team, helpful is guaranteeing victory every time:

The regiment was formed in 1800 as the Chasseurs a pied de la Garde des Consuls. This was the forming of the Imperial Guard which was assigned to protect the consuls and Napoleon Bonaparte himself, the regiment along with the Grenadiers became his direct bodyguard detachment.

From 1800 to 1814 the regiment fought in most of Napoleons most famous conflicts from Austerlitz to Eylau, Wagram to Smolensk and finally Paris before the exile of their Emperor. During the restoration, they were renamed and assigned as the Royal Guard of Louis XVIII whereas some served in the 'Elba Battalion' when Napoleon was exiled to Elba, until 20 March 1815 when Napoleon once again returned to France and reunited the regiment once again.

The Chasseurs fought bravely and suffered many losses at the final and famous Battle of Waterloo when the Old Guard were sent forward by Napoleon as a last effort to push back his enemies who banded together to put an end to his rule.

The Chasseurs of the Guard were described as shorter than their grenadiers however livelier and more supple. "His features did not have the gravity, which distinguished those of his Grenadier brothers in arms. They had abrupt movements, prompt gestures and spoke with promptness and a warm tone." - St. Hilaire

In 1809 the Foot Grenadiers and Foot Chasseurs took 456 best NCOs from the army, they became privates in the Old Guard. The 1st Grenadiers and 1st Chasseurs accepted only those with at least 10 years' service, as the were indeed the Elite, the 'crème de la crème' as it were of the Grande Armée.


•1800: Marengo.
•1805: Austerlitz.
•1806: Iéna.
•1807: Eylau, Friedland.
•1809: Essling, Wagram, Eckmühl.
•1811: San-Pedro, Aois.
•1812: Krasnoé, Smolensk, Moscow.
•1813: German Campaign, Leipzig.
•1814: Bar-sur-Aube, Craonne, Paris.
•1815: Waterloo

Light Company of the IIe Corps.
Expected attendance: 10-15.

Leader of the Chasseurs: Capitaine Magner

The 1er Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Pied consists of the light company within the Corps, and specializes in firearms and marksmanship, we expect all members to clean and look after their weapons regularly and practice daily.

The regiment offers a disciplined experience to the Napoleonic Wars, but with a relaxed atmosphere, as numbers within the channel do not reach above 15. Events occur almost daily, with five events a week as well as mod event days such as North & South and Blood & Iron. If you're interested In joining this part of the army, add the selected leader above on Steam.

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The 93e Régiment d'Infanterie was involved in more battles than any other regiment in the French army. During the Napoleonic Wars the regiment fought in 76 battles and earned 3 Battle Honors. The regiment was involved in combat ranging from Italy and Spain to Russia and Germany. The regiment took part in some of the greatest battles of Napoleon's era such as Essling, Wagram, Borodino, Dresden and Waterloo. So intensely involved was the regiment that it even fought as marines during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

After its historic efforts at Essling, the regiment was praised by Napoleon, exclaiming, "You see that there is nothing impossible with such men". From this, the regiment got its motto "To such men, nothing is impossible!".

From 1797 to 1800, the regiment was a major contributer to the war in Italy against Austria. It fought bravely during the campaign and took part in all of the major battles. After this it was stationed at Rochefort, guarding the harbor island of Aix. From 1804 to 1806, the 93e became the garrison of marines for the boats that it had guarded. During this time it fought at the famous Battle of Trafalgar, not many other regiments can say they had such an honor.

In 1806, the regiment became part of the Grande Armee, fighting against the Swedes before fighting on two fronts in 1808. The 4th battalions of the 93e fought in Spain while the 3rd fought in Austria before joining with the rest on the Danube River. Once reunited the regiment took part in the three battles which earned the regiment its battle honors and its motto. (Eckmühl, Essling and Wagram). In 1809 the regiment heroically participated in these historic battles, standing out in Essling when it charged forward into the advancing Austrians, decimating 6 battalions of infantry and skirmishers before fighting off Austrian Uhlans to regroup with the rest of the army. At Essling the challenge presented to the 93e was deemed impossible, yet with bravery and courage it charged forward, "To such men, nothing is impossible".

During the "Hundred Days" the regiment was re-organised and marched into Belgian. There it fought at Quatre Bras putting up a steady defence before having to fall back. The next day, the regiment was then heavily involved in a lot of fighting at Waterloo. After the defeat, the regiment retreated back to Laon and took up positions, ready to defend the capital. There it stayed until Napoleon's final abdication, marking an end to the regiments history during the Napoleonic Wars. Afterwards the regiment remained and took part in many Wars fighting in both World Wars. Today it still exist, carrying on the regiments illustrious history.

1st Line Company of the IIe Corps.
Expected attendance: 20.

Leader of the Line: Colonel Crumpet

The 93e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne is a regular line infantry regiment, part of IIe Corps d'Armée Francais. We strive to achieve the best possible experience through disciplined line battles and enjoyable events. The 93e use controlled accurate volleys and heavy teamworking melee to obliterate the enemy for the Emperor. We try to focus the best of our abilities in the art melee but are not afraid to give the enemy the taste of our mini balls.

However apart from the seriousness, we hope to provide the most enjoyable time in the NW community for our members and the soldiers we play with. We encourage all of our soldiers to come and talk to us when ever possible. So that the officers and NCO's can maintain a healthy partnership with their men, because we believe that being friendly with fellow members provides a better team-playing and hardworking regiment.

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The 2nd Cuirassier Regiment (French: 2e Régiment de Cuirassiers or 2e CR) was an armoured unit of the French Army, which originated as a cavalry and then a cuirassier regiment. It was descended from the régiment Cardinal-Duc, which is at the top of the list of twelve cavalry regiments created by the same royal ordnance of 16 May 1635 - this made the 2nd Cuirassier Regiment the oldest surviving cavalry regiment in the French Army, until its disbandment in 1991.

While other types of cavalry had their important roles to play, it was the cuirassiers, the descendants of the medieval knights, who could turn a battle with their sheer weight and brute force. They looked dangerous everytime they ventured forward and the generals never employed them frivolously. When it came to hardware the cuirassiers were riding arsenals: body armor, helmets, carbines, pistols and long straigh sabers. The Russians called them zheleznye ludi (the iron men).

There were 12 regiments of cuirassiers. Originally the 25 understrength regiments of l'Cavalerie were converted into 18 regiments. The first 12 received the strongest and tallest men and horses. Napoleon gave them armor and they became cuirassiers. They were considered as elite troops. Some British officers thought that the cuirassiers were "Bonaparte's Bodyguard." But for the Russians, Austrians and Prussians Napoleon's heavy cavalry was a familiar opponent. In 1805 at Austerlitz the 5e Cuirassier Regiment captured Russian flag.

Cavalry Company of the IIe Corps.
Expected attendance: 10-15.

Leader of the Cuirassiers : Colonel Stark

The 2e Régiment de Cuirassiers is the Cavalry Regiment for the IIe Corps d'Armée Francais. This Regiment offers the adrenaline-inducing hacking and slashing of Sabres, whilst speeding around on a mount. The members of the Cavalry are expected to be decent at melee, and active to most, if not all events.

The Officers and NCOs encourage people to play Cavalry groupfighting regularly, to improve their skills on horseback. The atmosphere in the company is relaxed, yet serious at the same time. Add their leader if you're interested in joining the cavalry.

Tags:  IIe_2eCui_*Rank*_*Name*



There was, perhaps, no class of men on the face of Earth, who led a life of more continued exertion, excitement and danger, and who were more enamored of their occupation, than the gunners of Napoleon's Old Guard. The horse artillery was the elite of Napoleon's Guard Artillery. It was the creme de la creme of French and European artillery.But it was the foot artillery who had the most guns, including the famous heavy 12 pounders that were so feared by Napoleons enemies.
At the Battle of Wagram, Napoleon ordered Lauriston to deploy the Artillery south of Aderklaa. The guard had deployed 40 guns within musket range of the white coated enemies. He then gave a simple order "erase the masses" and so it began, Each gun of Guard Artillery fired approx. 200 rounds.

"At Waterloo one battery of Old Guard fired its last shots into the mass of Prussians and British, then stoically stood by their cannons as if ready to fire again. It was a bluff, but they halted the enemy cold and gained their comrades time."

With the development and improvement of combat weapons throughout the Seven Years' War prior to Napoleon, artillery had expanded to almost every European country, including France with 12-pdr, and 8-pdr cannons. "The Gribeauval guns, developed between 1765 and 1774, were 12-, 8-, 6- and 4-pounders with 6- and 8-inch howitzers."[1]

This style of gun was the artillery of choice for Napoleon, considering they were lighter by one third of the cannon of any other country. For example, the barrel of the British 12-pounder weighed 3,150 pounds, and the gun with carriage and limber about 6,500 pounds. The Gribeauval 12-pdr barrels weighed 2,174 pounds and the gun with carriage and limber 4,367 pounds. Since Napoleon insisted on speed and mobility in conducting his maneuvers, this lighter cannon provided the flexibility he desired. Along with the artillery, the army had vast quantities of mortars, furnace bombs, grape and canister shots, all of which provided substantial support fire.

Artillery also played a role in the war at sea, with most ships containing anywhere from 50-100 cannons. In 1798, Napoleon's flagship L’Orient, with 120 guns made it the most heavily armed vessel in the world.[1] Napoleon's quick, destructive artillery force contributed to a majority of his victories.

Artillery Company of the IIe Corps.
Expected attendance: 6

Leader of the Artillerie: Major Googly

The 4ème Compagnie du Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied de Garde consists of two batteries of artillery within the Corps, and specializes in cannon sniping and assisting allied lines, we expect all members to love their cannons as if it were their own children. The cannon is victory and victory is life.

We are connected with the 1er Chasseurs, a regiment offers a disciplined experience to the Napoleonic Wars, but with a relaxed atmosphere, as the batteries are split into two, each acts as a squad of infantry would, everyone knows each other and works accordingly. Events occur almost daily, with five events a week. If you're interested in joining this part of the army, add the artillery leader above on Steam.

Tags:  IIe_4eArt_*Rank*_*Name*



This thread is not for member recruitment posts, either go to our Website or the add the leader of your desired regiment on Steam.

Thanks to Mack for the wonderful IIe image supplied above!


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« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 11:34:00 pm by Magner »

Offline Magner

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 07:20:27 pm »

Leaders of the IIe Corps.

1805: Maréchal Marmont

  1809: Maréchal Lannes

  1809-1814: Maréchal Oudinot

  1815 (Waterloo): Général Reille

Formed on January 10th 1812 as 2nd Elbe observation corps, (from 1st of april 1812 2nd Army Corps).
Commander – Marechal Oudinot

Chief of Staff – brigadier general G. Latrille de Lorance,

Corps consisted from:
6th, 8th, 9th infantry divisions, cavalry - 3rd heavy cavalry division (sent from 3rd cavalry corps), reserve artillery. In total for 1st of june 1812 corps had: 40000 men., 92 cannons.

In Russian campaign of 1812, July 24th, the corps was in quantity of 37.1 thousand men, they crossed the river Neman near town Ponemun near Kovno. The Vanguard (5th light cavalry brigade and 8th infantry division, totally near 10 thousand men)took part in battle at Vilkomir against troops of major-general Koulnev on the 28th of June. The Corps headed to river West Dvina, and on 13 of July arrived to Dinaburg. On the 13-14th of July, forces of 6th infantry division attempted to capture bridge defences near Dinaburg, but without success.

Napoleon's Invasion of Russia (Above).

On the 22nd of July, the corps came to the Driss camp, abandoned by russian forces, and the local defenses were destroyed.

26th of July, major forces of Oudinot took Polotsk, and on the 28th, the Corps received the order from Napoleon about the assault on Sankt-Petersburg and headed to road near Sebezh. The 6th infantry division, and the 6th light cavalry brigade, heading in vanguard, crossed the river Driss. Behind them moved 8th infantry division, and 3rd heavy cavalry division. 6th Infantry Division crossed the West Dvina river on the 28th of July, and stopped near Sivoshino on the 29th, to cover Driss river crossing and cover possible retreat path of the corps.

28th of July, near Fillipov, a cavalry brigade of Corbinot fought with cavalry of Koulnev and lost 167 men and captured (also 3 officers).

The 30-31st  of July corps fought near Klyastici, french withdrawed behind the Driss river and choose a strong position near the village of Boyashina. When the battle started, the French defeated Koulnev troops, overturning him behind Driss. The 8th Infantry division, sent to chase russian vanguard, encountered the main forces of Vitgenstein and withdrawed. Worrying about being flanked, Oudinot sent his troops behind Driss, and on the 2nd of August withdrew to Polotsk.

In 3 days of battles corps lost 5000 men. (464 killed, 2925 wounded, 867 missing). To 4 of August in ranks were 25700 men.
After receiving as reinforcements 6th (bavarian) corps gen. L. Sen-Sir's, troops of Oudinot started assault. 11 of August vanguard of the corps took part in battle near Svolna, and on 16-18 of August whole corps fought near Polotsk. On 17th of August, after Oudinot was wouned, Sen-Sir took command, who was wounded near Polotsk too, but stayed in ranks.

After the successful defence against troops of Vitgenshtein, the corps stayed in Polotsk, without taking any actions. On 31st of August, the ranks were of 22700 men (inc. 1157 officers). In September the corps suffered loses from diseases and only 14000 men were left.

From 17 of October corps with remained 1700 men. from Bavarian Corps took part in 2nd battle near Polotsk and avoiding encirclement in nigth on 20 of october left the city, lost for the days of fight more then 6000 men (including 2000 captured). In morning on 20th of October troops of gen. Vrede, including bavarians, 4 infantry regiments of 2nd corps, 6th light cavalry brigade, 7th cuirassers regiment in three coloumns started assault on corps of General Shteingel and defeated his vanguard near Bononii.

The Corps (near to 10000 men) headed to river Ulla, where on 30th of october consolidated with major forces of 9th army corps of marechal Victor. On 31st of october fought near Chashniki. On 1st of November consolidated troops of 2nd and 9th corps crossed Senno to Chereya. From Chereya 2nd corps headed to Borisov on 20th of November, on way to, it also consolidated with polish troops of gen. Dombrovskiy (17th infantry division and 28th light light cavalry brigade), retreaded from Borisov. On 23rd of November vanguard of Corps in battle of Loshnica defeated vanguard of general Palen, and then took Borisov from move.
On 24th of November Oudinot sent Corbinot's brigade to Studyanka feinforced them with 11th Light infantry regiment and with 2 companies of engineers. On 25th of November marechal headed there with major forces and poles of Dombrovskiy. On 26th  of November corps, counting 7000 men, crossed Beresina river. Near village Brill troops of Oudinot started battle with  troops of admiral Chichagov (troops of generals Kornilov and Chaplica). In this battle Legran was heavily wounded, general Albert took command of 6th division. On 28th of November corps took part in battle of Stakhov on the right bank of river Beresina. In the beginning of the battle Oudinot was wounded and gave command to marechal Ney.

In battles on Beresian Corps suffered heavy losses and for morning of 29th of November only 3000 men left, lately, under command of General Mezon, the corps was in rearguard of Great Army, and suffered heavy losses from fights and marching.

On 30th of Novembers near Pleshenitsa only near 1000 men left, on 4th of December only 400-500 men left. Due to the losses, the corps couldnt remain to have rearguard duties, and it was changed to the 9th corps and Bavarian corps.

On 8th of december marechal Victor became the commander of Corps. On 12th of December tired and exhausted soldiers and officers crossed Neman and left Russia

On the 29th of December in Marienburg, Mezon gathered 6th, 8th and 9th divsion. To 7th of January 1813, after the coming of rest, soldiers counted 3599 men, (including 421 officers) and was consolidate into 3 battalions. In march of 1813 Corps was reorganized and took part in battles in Germany commanded by Marechal Victor.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 05:27:29 pm by Magner »

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2013, 07:20:35 pm »

The Corps starts the week with an off duty day, members may do as they please during this time, however some practice in public servers is advisable, even for a few minutes.

Moving onto Tuesday, the conflict begins, the regiments engage in a two round Siege, one defending and one attacking, or vice versa, numbers within this event tend to be near the 200 slot, and it can tend to get hectic, and for some players, bad performance, however it's always a blast! Only line will be present in this engagement for us, and so fielding a large amount of men is advised.

Wednesday moves onto our conquest of Russia, Spain, Italy and beyond. Hosted by the IIe Corps, we'll be on the battlefield participating to capture points across the map to secure victory, multiple lives are in place, and line and artillery will be the focus, so melee skills and volley fire are the recipe to the battle.

Thursday leads onto a halt in advance, another break is given for members to hone their blades and clean their firearms. Once again, it's advised to practice on public servers, mainly groupfighting, to keep up with your opponents. This as well as Monday is a good time to ask officers if there's places you want extra melee/shooting training etc.

Friday brings us onto the battlefield, a single life, all classes are used to destroy our enemies. This is the common linebattle, which simulates the Napoleonic Era, all regiments will have their respected regiments for the battle.

Saturday will follow the same format, a further advance into territory.

Sunday is a final halt in advance, and an end of week inspection as well as training. Members will be inspected, including tags/ banners etc. This is to make sure we look our best when facing the enemy. After the regiments have been drilled and tested, as well as given new orders/ maneuvers to learn, promotions will be given to those who have shown worthier and loyal. Final announcements are given fort the next week's conquest.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 06:53:16 pm by Magner »

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2013, 07:22:39 pm »

Due to the imminent release of L'Aigle, modifications will not be published publically, if needed, future skins will be made if L'Aigle does not contain them.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 05:45:12 pm by Magner »

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2013, 07:23:15 pm »
Good luck! :D

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2013, 07:25:58 pm »
Good luck my fine sir!

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2013, 07:29:10 pm »
Hey. Good luck. 2nd best thread EU. ;)
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline Verdier/Diomedes

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 07:29:34 pm »
Good luck

Offline Magner

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 07:36:22 pm »
Thanks all, I know something more could of been added tonight, but I've a lot to do sorting this out.  ;D

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2013, 07:40:20 pm »
Good luck Magner
Define 'looks skinny', because last time I checked, you're morbidly obese lel

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 07:41:13 pm »
Good luck magner :-*

Offline RisingSun_

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais [Recruiting EU Regiments]
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 07:46:41 pm »
Good Luck!

Offline Chieef

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2013, 07:47:26 pm »
Good luck.

Offline Alfred

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2013, 07:48:18 pm »
Good luck Magnar, and i'm happy to see old good IIe :)

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: IIe Corps d'Armée Francais
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2013, 07:50:35 pm »
Another Corps, woooooooo \:D/

Best of luck, Magner :)
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fuck erik
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fuck erik
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yeah fuck erik
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fuck erik
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i love erik
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fuck erik
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fuck Erik
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fuck erik.
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fuck erik
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fuck Erik