Author Topic: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~  (Read 22285 times)

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Offline SirBeef

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~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« on: June 12, 2020, 03:54:34 am »
The Issue with Corrupt Admins in NW

For a long time now, ever since the NW community has seen a steady decline in attendance to events (especially the more popular weekend events), there has been an ever present problem with each and every event that I attend. The admins. It's very clear what the problem is. The admins come from the same regiments, groups, clans, or whatever you want to call them, and show no sign of giving up their spot. For as long as I can remember since I joined the community, the same prominent admins have been running everything: Crusader and GinjaJosh (2ndHan), NickyJ and Jetch (LIR), Jazz (1KL), Moraine (idfk anymore), and Shrooms  (idk this one either). Every single event it seems to start with the same issue: late starts and terrible team balance. I have seen plenty of events in the past month where there was a "skill balance" excuse put in place to cover everything up. Really? Putting the 61e, 2ndHan, LIR, and RSL on the same team is a skill balance. Fuck no it ain't. It's definitely not those exact regiments on the same team every time, but you get the just of what I'm saying. Stacking all the bigger, and, arguably somewhat skilled/veteran groups on one team is not a "skill balance". The admins clearly only want to stack their own regiment on a team that they feel like has the greatest chance of winning. Which brings me to my next topic: specialties. Holy fuck y'all got the same specs for the same regiments almost every single night like what the hell? It's almost as if some of these groups forgot how to play line for an entire event. Don't forget, the ones who usually get the specs like to break the rules for the limits as well, and don't really have any rush to correct their mistake. That shit gets really old, really fast.

To give everyone an idea, here are the regiments that admin events (to the best of my knowledge):

61e (sometimes)
1KL (sometimes)
6te (rarely)
And whatever regiment Shrooms is with

And the regiments that don't:

KLB (for the most part)
RSL (rarely)
HMS Pickle
And some other stragglers I can't remember

Does anyone else not see the issue? It's the same regiments every time. It's not that people don't volunteer to admin either, there have been plenty attemps (failed, clearly) to try and get some new regiments to provide admins to make things more fair. Those attempts were few and far between because of the ignorance of the people we were trying to talk to. You can rarely get a response from an admin nowadays when it comes to an issue that you have - unless you're a part of their regiment or a close friend.

Another issue, regarding the bias, is the mistreatment of those regiments that have not had an opportunity to admin yet before. Sure, some regiments may troll. That's a given. Some regiments may not act appropriately during events, but that's not the point. The point is that when someone breaks the rules against these regiments, if it's not in broad fucking daylight or on all charge when everyone is watching, nothing will be done about it. I can't really say how many times I've gone to an admin, whether it be through teamspeak or steam, about someone breaking the rules, and I either get no response from them, or they just "didn't see it" or "it's too late now". What the fuck? I can't tell you how quickly I've seen people get slayed for breaking the rules when it happens to one of the regiments that the admin is a part of. And then their player gets revived. Which, is another issue. The fucking respawning and reviving. God forbid someone is FOC'd or FOL'd and is not revived if they're a part of the admins regiment. The last time I saw that happen and they WEREN'T revived, I saw a unicorn shit a leprechaun at the edge of the flat earth.

And my last sweet, sweet surprise for everyone: corruption. It's not even funny. I just wanted to do this so I could see if it would actually work, but it did and I just couldn't keep it from anyone when I was bringing this issue into the spotlight.

Here it is:

What the fuck dude like come on. Like is this really a thing now? That's what admins are about these days? That's just shameful y'all. Taking bribes for specs? Like come on now. This is just ridiculous at this stage. This is why our community is so toxic. These are the issues that we, as a whole, need to confront. We need to address the issues and find a way to fix them as soon as possible in order to make these events more fun and enjoyable for EVERYONE, not just for a handful of regiments. Let's get new admins, have them switch out. Let's not just fucking ban an ENTIRE REGIMENT from an event, and not give a reason. This community, even though the NA side is noticeably smaller than it was a year or two years ago, still has potential. There's still room for growth and improvement in these events, we just need to make that change happen.

If you want to message me on steam, feel free to add me. I'd appreciate an open forum on this and what we can do to fix it.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, see you fucks later.

Offline Nachtel

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2020, 04:20:31 am »

EDIT: Also you're an admin in my event.

EDIT #2: YES I give him permission to post a screenshot of our steam conversation. If you delete it people will just think we're "censoring the truth" or some shit. My response is as much as I'll put in to this useless thread. Refer to Stryker's 14th point as my response to anything more.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 05:19:21 am by Nachtel »

Offline Lord_Byron

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2020, 04:20:59 am »
i mean, regardless of the context, the meaning is still there

Offline Ginga Josh

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2020, 04:23:13 am »
you were banned Wednesday because you couldn't control your regiment from TKing each other lol

Offline JollyCanadian

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2020, 04:24:24 am »
This is just my little chip in this. I get where you're coming from but at the same time admining hasn't changed much over the past four years. No admin is perfect, they literally can't see everything that goes on and can't see every single line that may FOC especially if there's only one or two admins in spec, Yes they will see some and slay right away but dude come on lay off it.
About specs it was obvious that Nachtel was joking, also every regiment that gets specs sign-up on the thread. They're the first to post that's nothing new.

Also the current admins are admins and hosters because they've done it the longest and have the most experience hosting weekly events. If you message them with people in mind to start admining they'll accept. I offered new people to join and some did, they just didn't stick with it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 04:33:48 am by JollyCanadian »
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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2020, 04:26:51 am »
I'm not corrupt :D~ I've been running events since 2014
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 04:29:37 am by Forgotfulking »

Offline Pinoy12

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2020, 04:27:28 am »
always love pub reg drama, thanks for the laugh.

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2020, 04:43:50 am »
Fuck I’ll let you play specs for $10
1st NWPC S2(21st)|(1st) 5v5 Draft~NA GroupFighting Tournament  |1st♕Rex's 6v6 Tournament | 1st TNWL S2(71st) | 1st NWL S5 (58e) | 3rd place Sleeks 5v5 (Highschoole DxD)
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Offline [Stryker]

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2020, 04:50:02 am »
1.) not going to take your word seriously cause I don't even know who you are
2.) I have nothing personal against 88th but until i see differently i consider the regiment kinda trolly and assholey
3.) If you have ever admined before you would know its an unforgiving job that nobody wants to fucking do
4.) I do believe that taking bribes for specs is a shitty business, but Nachtel isn't an admin (at least not that I know of) or owner of an event, and you just gotta accept some people in this world are greedy bitches.
5.) It's not skill, its the ability to work together as a team. I'm guessing whenever one of the regiments you listed as skill wise gets 2 specialties or 1 specialty and a line they communicate to be effective unlike the other team or normal line regiments.
6.) Who are some of these regiments?
7.) Humans aren't perfect, that's all the logic needed.
8.) Community is dying cause boredom or regimental drama, not because of corruption.
9.) Every event is different, are you implying that all events have the same issues? If so that's retarded because different situations happen each event.
10.) Putting big line regiments on a team is actually a disadvantage, cause you get shot to pieces by every single fucking enemy player.
11.) Pretty sure you're referring to my past events from months ago, cause I don't host anything anymore. Only person that hosts in my regiment is Chase, and his NaS events are fucking killer!
12.) Intent of this thread was good. There have been a lot of corrupt admins in the past and it definitely needs to be addressed, but its not happening to my knowledge atm so point missed :/
13.) If you and your regiment got banned for tking that's fucking sad and you deserve to die, cause it ruins the event for your team and gives admins a headache. Control your men better or get out.
14.) Why am I taking the time to write these points? Imma go masturbate

Offline OG_Hawkeye

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2020, 04:58:30 am »
When you have one of the most trolly regiments in the game that can't even keep a reg name for more than a month at a time or even end an event with less than 20 really can't think you'll be taken seriously can you? This is just funny lol

The majority of admins are legit and follow the rules and enforce them to the best of their abilities. It is in fact a crap job, and the majority would rather play the game, but end up being the admin so others can enjoy it. I'd love to see you try to skill and number balance with NW being in the poor state of attendance as it currently is. Then as for specs, they're given out on a first come first serve basis on the they have been for several years now....nothing new there.

Then this admin monopoly you seem to talk about....there are only a few people who are willing to admin anymore, and the few who do so now have proven to run solid events...which is why they still do it. Also, people have been trying to buy specs for years...some successfully [ie Les is More], and that has been frowned upon as the scummiest thing an admin can do.

Yes, there have been several people who have wanted to help admin...and their performances as admin and the toll it took on the events is exactly why they don't do it anymore lol

And finally....maybe if you took your regiment as seriously as you seem to take the current affairs of the admins and the current event politics, maybe you would enjoy yourself more lol
After all, the admins don't control your regiment, they just enforce the rules that you guys constantly break

This game has been on its last legs for quite a while now, and it is clear that the end could be sooner than people think. So try to have some fun with it before it's done for is a game after all.

P.s. why isn't Xethos listed? lmao
All hail the true Monarch of NW

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Offline DivineRuler

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2020, 05:07:59 am »
This is just my little chip in this. I get where you're coming from but at the same time admining hasn't changed much over the past four years. No admin is perfect, they literally can't see everything that goes on and can't see every single line that may FOC especially if there's only one or two admins in spec, Yes they will see some and slay right away but dude come on lay off it.
About specs it was obvious that Nachtel was joking, also every regiment that gets specs sign-up on the thread. They're the first to post that's nothing new.

Also the current admins are admins and hosters because they've done it the longest and have the most experience hosting weekly events. If you message them with people in mind to start admining they'll accept. I offered new people to join and some did, they just didn't stick with it.

I second this as I’ve hosted basically 4 events a week before

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2020, 05:09:33 am »
I'm not corrupt :D~ I've been running events since 2014

Also... not sure about moraine being corrupt  :D but can confirm he’s ran plenty of events. Even if they shit XD jk

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2020, 05:14:01 am »
Here are my thoughts. (They probably don't matter, but it'd be nice to hear me out)

1. Admining is a shitty job no one really wants to do.

2. The 88th from what I have seen and heard, have a reputation of being troublesome in events. (Whether it be TK, mass rule breaking, banter, etc.) Admins would rather not have to deal with this consistently.

3. Specialties play too big of a part in events. Simple math proves this, 16 skirmishers+16 cavalry+10-16 artillery is about 45-50 people which is 50 percent of a 100 man team. Smaller events make this worse as for instance in a 60v60-70v70 you get about 10-20 dedicated line infantry if spec limits aren't lowered. Give incentives for line to actually fight instead of camping for 15 minutes until all charge.

4. Some events do a good job with admining and others don't. To categorize all events with the same issues is kinda dumb. Some more specific issues would be better.

5. Kudos to those who have actually stuck with admining and can deal with everyone's shit. Admins aren't perfect, but I believe they genuinely try to make events enjoyable.

6. Regiments who get the same specialties week after week do it because they signup before everyone else does.

7. Bribing for specialties is a scumbag thing to do and always will be.

8. Where is Xethos on this admin list?

9. I have seen some corrupt admins in the past, but I believe that most if not all have been dealt with.

10. Events lack a lot of teamwork and people are more concerned with doing their own thing rather than working together.

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2020, 05:15:15 am »
you could host an event and show everyone what a real man's event looks like

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Re: ~Corrupt Admins in NW~
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2020, 05:20:08 am »
you could host an event and show everyone what a real man's event looks like