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Messages - Kolakhan

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Events: EU / Re: [NA] Pyrots Weekly Public Linebattles
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:24:04 pm »
As usual Hasano you misrepresent someone else's point!  As the "other Regiment leader" involved your assertion I said "that it was impossible to form a line on horseback, quick enough to make it stationary (In order to fire)." is crap!  Your insistence in Dragoons forming a "perfect parade ground line" vs a staggered line (my point) was the point of controversy.  My point is that when you look at the group of horses from the front whether a horses head was even with the one next to it's saddle and the one next to that his butt, being staggered they were just as wide and presented the same basic target to the enemy and that a perfect alignment which you seemed to insist on, was "not easy" to do with the existing game mechanics and that your rules should be flexible enough to allow for a staggered line of Dragoons, which were stationary to fire.

Your draconian answer and ridiculous rule of making them dismounted line infantry and further trying to disguise the reasoning as some historical bullcrap is typical of the lack of flexibility exhibited by Pyrots in general, concerning your rules.  Obviously other people find the rule just as stupid as I did but you keep trying to justify it anyway.  It's my fault you say, but I am not there anymore so how about changing it back?  Then I am sure you can find someone else to "whine" at not being in a perfectly straight line.

Events: NA / Re: NA Royal Coalition Events (Tuesday/Friday)
« on: February 04, 2013, 07:09:30 pm »
Will do invitation sent,ty. By the way could we have the empty arty spot for tomorrow the 5th?

Events: NA / Re: NA Royal Coalition Events (Tuesday/Friday)
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:42:13 pm »
Regiment Applications:
Regiment Name:King's Prussian Rifles
Leader's Steam: Kolakhan
Estimated Attendance: 12-15
Attending Tuesday/Friday or both Events: Tuesday
Forum Page (If available):
VOIP (TS3, Vent, Mumble): TS3
Preferred Class (Cavalry, Rifles, Infantry, Artillery) Rifles, Cav, Arty

Events: EU / Re: The Grand Campaign - First Edition (NEW POLL)
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:17:01 pm »
Will do.

Events: EU / Re: The Grand Campaign - First Edition (NEW POLL)
« on: January 27, 2013, 04:47:29 pm »
What a innovative idea!  May I suggest something for the future as I see this as something that would attract many more teams.  Perhaps a European Campaign involving all the great powers France, Prussia, Russia, UK and Austria giving the opportunity to have 5 -100 man teams.  A large map of the vast area involved and each team getting a move, resolve battles, move again, etc, etc.  This wouldn't be so much based on moves and battles per week because how many battles that were created and then resolved would then determine when the next strategic move would be made.  I would perhaps set the grand strategic goal as the first team to conquer a set number of territories would be declared the winner and the initial map would be set up none historically to divide the territories equally to start.  While I wouldn't allow 2-1 battles I would certainly encourage "back door" diplomacy between groups to give some real cloak and dagger flavor to the game such as "I won't attack you here" if you won't attack me there" or let's gang up on "X" individually of course.  You could even have some strategic rules mixed in such as supply chains or perhaps allow for the accumulation strategic "build points" letting fortifications be built in territories of choice setting up siege battles.

You could also use general % parameters for troop types as guidelines but let each side set up their own armies for each battle within those guidelines.  For example all armies had to be within say 60% line inf, 10% arty, 15% cav, and 15% skirmishers.  This would be in number of men.  As long as your battlefield ratio was within those guidelines how you structured your units could be up to each army and what you brought to a battle would never be exactly identical to the other side.  I would put one caveat' in there that if you could go over the line inf % to make a "full size army" for a battle but never exceed the "special types".  Aren't you just a little tired of "cookie cutter" exactly equal types battles?  Let's take this idea and really step out of the box!  Things like cav types and how many guns per arty man would be worked out, thats in the details right now we are talking concept.  Depending on how well your team(country) is organized you could have your own private forums to discuss all your strategic moves.  There are dozens of internet free forums out there, many of you already have them as teams.  you could open up separate private threads to your fellow teams in your coalition.  Plot your moves and diplomatic undertakings.  The only limitation here is your imagination.  I once was a "game master" for a Mechwarrior league and we did this with a map that had over 200 planets using the old Mecwarrior2 game platform.  Played it for over 3 years.  It can be done.  Would love to help set this up.  I am on Steam.  Kolakhan

Regiment name: King's Prussian Rifles
Estimated attendance: 12-15
Desired position (Line, Arty, etc):  Cav, Skirmishers, Arty
Steam name: Kolakhan
Event (Siege/Linebattle): both

Regiment Name: King's Prussian Rifles

Desired Class: Skirmishers, Cav

Numbers: 10-15

Steam contact: Kolakhan

Really looks like an interesting format and a flexible set of rules.

Wadehammer sent you a friend invite on Steam, would like to chat about your event.  Thanks, Kolakhan

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