Battle Cry of Freedom > Events

[VIIe] Glorious Thursday Event [EU][Summer Break]

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Matt Lewis:

We are happy to present you our AoN event which will take place every Thursday at 9pm (Paris time so GMT+1).

We will offer you several types of events, whether Battles, Sieges or Conquests.
We will change the type of event according to your requests by carrying out a survey with the leaders of regiments who will have to answer us the weekend before the event in order to organize the following event as well as possible.
If ever the votes are too divided, we will do a classic battle in order to satisfy the greatest number.

We have a 200 slots servers for the moment and we'de like to have one artillery regiment (one canon) on each side et one light infantry too (no more than 15 ppl).

(Sharpshooters will not be allowed).
No restriction for line infantry.

The first VIIe Corps Event will be a classic battle :)


For Line infantry:

You must remain in a close order formation (shoulder to shoulder) for shooting.
If you moove, you must form a column.
Officers may break out of line to scout, but have to stay close by.
Not allowed to crouch in combat.
You can have one Flag bearer and up to two Musicians per regiment if desired.
If you are less than 3, please join a friendly unit.[close]
For Light Infantry:

You can spread out at a reasonable distance for shooting.
If you moove, you must form a column.
You're allowed to crouch.
Officers may break out of line to scout, but have to stay close by. Allowed to crouch in combat.
If you are less than 3, please join a friendly unit.
[close]For Artillery

No more than 1 canon per regiment (for now)
No more than 5 guards (no light inf or sharpshooter, only line infantry or footguard)
You're allowed to have 1 sapper[close]
Event specific rules:

Officer Aiming is NOT ALLOWED, even for light infantry. You can shoot the officer if his regiment is charging at you and you are still in formation.
Fire in Charge is not allowed even for Light Infantry and Arty Guards.
"Across the map charge" will not be tolerated.

Please complete one of the registration forms. I thought of all the main communities by offering you a form in English. And if your sucks in English= Spanish or Italian  ;).

Application (English):Application:

Name of the regiment:

How many people can you bring ?

Which class will you play ?[close]
Formulario de inscripción (Espanol)Formulario de inscripción:

Nombre del regimiento:

¿ Cuanta gente puedes llevar ?

¿ Qué clase de jugador ?[close]
Modulo di iscrizione (Italiano)Modulo di iscrizione:

Nome del reggimento:

Quante persone si può portare ?

Classe desiderata ? [close]

Registered Regiments
Light Infantry (2/2) [VIIe] 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
2nd Light Battalion                                       Line Infantry (4/8)[VIIe] 36e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
[FS] Foreign Servicemen
[VII Fenix] 7° Reggimento di Fanteria
8th Virginia
----------                                           Artillery (2/2)[VIIe] 8e Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval
77y Tenginsky Pehotniy Polk                 

Waiting List77y, for Light Inf

My steam (Event Main Organizer):

Our Discord: 

Matt Lewis:

Name of the regiment: 2nd Light Battalion, KGL

How many people can you bring ? 12 avg

What are you waiting about this event ? this isn't a coherent question

Which class will you play ? British Light Infantry

Name of the regiment: 77th

How many people can you bring ? 10-15

What are you waiting about this event ? I am not waiting at all!

Which class will you play ? Arty + Skrims

Matt Lewis:

--- Quote from: AlJThire on June 06, 2022, 01:06:53 pm ---Name of the regiment: 2nd Light Battalion, KGL

How many people can you bring ? 12 avg

What are you waiting about this event ? this isn't a coherent question

Which class will you play ? British Light Infantry

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: CharlieTheTurtle on June 06, 2022, 01:10:45 pm ---Name of the regiment: 77th

How many people can you bring ? 10-15

What are you waiting about this event ? I am not waiting at all!

Which class will you play ? Arty + Skrims

--- End quote ---

Greetings  guys, I"m sorry but the only light slots has been taken by IVe Corps Light Regiment...

I'll keep you informed if there is a withdrawal.

But Charlie, I can add your arty if you want ?


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