Battle Cry of Freedom > Age of Napoleon



Feel free to post any bugs you discover with AoN assets and units in BCOF.

Known bugs

* Flintlock Pistol is way too accurate over longer distances   
* British light company ranker has 43rd backpack   
* Spyglass has some stripes on lense smudge when using it
* 1er Fusilier captain has bicorn 1 in the middle of the chest   
* Using spyglass makes player swap between 2 animations constant   
* dropping the eagle breaks animation when using spyglass   
* no ammo available for engineers to resupply AoN troops
* Brown bess is apparently more acc than Charleville
* Sights on Howitzer are off, it shoots way higher than the sight pic
* Walking while crouched breaks reload animation   
* Flintlock Pistol loads Buck & Ball   


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