Author Topic: NA1 Events. Public LB, Canceled Post if you want to continue in the future  (Read 132724 times)

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Offline Thunderstormer

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This thread is for the variety of events NA1 has hosted over the years and will possibly host in the future.  This thread also serves as a way to codify the rules for the public.

I will start with the events we do the most.  The mini events.  The Linebattle stuff will be below the mini events section.   These are events that  normally last a single map and have their own special rules on top of the regular na1 rules.(na1 rules can be found here. )  Normally they are done on the spot rather than planned ahead.  We can however set a time up ahead of time where people can plan around it.  You can suggest a time for one of the various events and if it works out, we can give it a go on that date.These events are but not limited to partisani only, cav only, and boat battles.

Rules for the partisani event.
  • The server rules are still in effect as always.
  • Everyone will be required to go partisan (no militia) with one exception.
  • 1 general will be allowed per team as what is an angry mob without a leader?
  • Admins will handle non partisans at their own discretion.  This can include slays or possibly having the person put away/drop their infantry musket (bayonet). If you see a bayonet on the ground, do not pick it up.
  • Do not teamwound or teamkill non partisanis.  Notify an admin so we can take care of it.
  • You are allowed to use whatever partisan weapons you spawn with or happen to find on the ground.  Using the general's sword is allowed.  Yes, you are allowed to fire your guns.
Cav only
  • Server rules are still in effect.  I made a map that replaces ambush fog that is cav only.
  • Any class of cav is allowed.
  • Certain classes will have their limit changed to make it more fun: dragoons to 10% and lancers 20%.
  • You are asked to stay on your horse and remount when possible.  If the round is almost over and they are dismounted, you can dismount to finish the round faster.
  • Do not to go camp in the corner or the rocks and play infantry by going dragoon.  You can use them as cover if you are dismounted.
  • While I don't want to remove the various units that provide buffs, people may use them to delay/troll. Do not be surprised if they are turned off for the event.
Boat battles.
  • Server rules are in effect as always.  I made 2 maps(1 on naval battle and one on minden morning), one with and one without and island.  These maps have the small boats you normally see and not the big one.  The  big one has and causes too many issues to be viable for pub play.
  • Because this is just boat-on-boat fights (unless there is an island) and not a pirate-only event, you can go whatever class you want.  You are encouraged to go pirate.
  • You are not to stay in spawn.  There are plenty of boats to use for both teams.  Camping the spawn ruins the whole point of having a boat battle.  Boats also respawn over time so if you are AFK and the round is still going, use one of them.
  • The person who drives the boat is first come, first served. If sharing is becoming too much of an issue, then it will be like the arty rule.  (You have to give it to someone else the next round should someone want it.)
  • sappers are allowed to try and sink enemy ships.

There are other possible mini events like pirates only, infantry only line battle, and rockets vs. partisans.  These happen so rarely that they aren't really worth writing out. (If we do a pirate boat battle, you are expected to follow the rules for both.) You can basically guess the rules by reading the rules for the other mini events.  I am also open to hearing new ideas for mini events.  Just keep in mind the NA1 rules and your average pub.  Some events may be too intensive for them to do it.

As for the possible NA1 line battle. (Not a mini event)


  • The event will be held on Thursdays at 18:00 Pacific/21:00 Eastern. Which Thursdays are to be confirmed. 4/21/16 Will be the first event. i will update the title for when the next lb will occur.
  • The event is open to all regiments and public players. 

Edit to make it clear.  This event is open to EVERYONE.  You do not need to apply.  I just want to see a certain amount of people committed to going. 

  • The event will last an hour, regardless of the number of rounds. To avoid the question that will be asked, if it is before 9:55 Eastern, we will do another round.  If it is after, we will not.*  This is if we start on time.  If we start 5 minutes late, then i will push the time we end back by 5 minutes. 
  • All regular NA1 rules will be enforced. Teamkilling intentionally is not permitted at any time, whether it is acceptable at other linebattles or not. Slurs and names with slurs in them are not permitted. Spamming the chat is not permitted. Perpetual whining while sitting in a treehouse in the corner of the map is not permitted. The server is NA1 first. Attending players should be aware of how to take screenshots in game and how to use these screenshots to make ban requests in the ban/unban request subforum. This is infinitely more effective than yelling at admins in all chat or practising jungle justice.
  • Regiments may not bring more than fifteen (15), nor armies more than thirty (30). Detachments and volunteers count toward a regiments' attendance. Masquerading as a pub that is supremely interested in following your line around is unacceptable. We have your IDs. (Note: these numbers are subject to change following various inputs and trial and error)  If the pop of the event is not reguarly hitting 150+, then bigger regiments are allowed to bring more.  This does not mean I want to see one team taken by 1 or 2 regiments.
  • While pubs will be allowed to follow any line, there will be an independent pub line. Who leads it is yet to be determined.  A flag bearer will be used as a rally point for the pubs to gather around.
  • Specialists (skirmishers, cavalry and artillery) will be determined by sign ups opening the week before a linebattle. Slots will be handed out based on a combination of first-come-first-serve and egalitarianism. Specialists are not guaranteed at every event.  These are assigned the day or so before the event.  Sometimes the day of.   On the day of the event, requests for slots not already assigned are given on a first come first serve basis.  I try to make sure everyone gets their specialist slot but if the pop is too low, we will limit or remove specialists until the pop is high enough.  This is a rare occurrence or only lasts for a round or two.
  • There are some actions not listed in the rules that are discouraged. If you charge all the way across the map, you're doing it wrong. If you split off from your unit to take a convoluted route to be a one-man flanking contingent, you're doing it wrong. If you run out in front of your line to hold up an enemy line so that your own line can shoot them, you're doing it wrong. Cavalrymen that splits off from their main unit in the middle of a melee are considered to be lost and also doing it very wrong.
  • Regiments are encouraged (but not required) to use the official FSE Teamspeak ( for the purpose of coordination.  It will also be helpful for any curious pubs who may want to join your line
  • Medics are currently allowed.  we ask that there is only 1 per reg.   Medics are NOT allowed to build defences.  Sappers for arty can build defences and should they want to, heal as well
  • All regular NA1 rules will be enforced. Any behaviour that would get you banned any other day of the week on NA1 will still get you banned during the linebattle.
  • All units must maintain some semblance of cohesion.
  • Pistols are considered melee weapons for the purpose of the rules.
  • Lone soldiers may not attack another unit unless continuing a charge.
  • Event admins may order everybody to charge in order to speed up a round. Shooting is not allowed after that point.
  • If fewer than five (5) remain on a team, formation rules will be waived.
  • Scouting is permitted, but do not use this as an excuse to rambo.
  • You do not have to be in a line to fire from a house.  If you are outside shooting in, you must be in a proper line
  • Follow any instruction posted in global admin chat. Admin and event rule complaints go to Thunderstormer on the forums, not in all chat on the server. General NA1 rule complaints go to Vincenzo on the forums, not in all chat on the server. The server is not your soapbox.
  • Regiments that have trouble following the rules or break the rules en masse will be punished.
  • Admins reserve the right to change the event rules at any time.

  • This section applies to regular line infantry, foot guard, marines, line militia, partizani and, unless otherwise noted, UK 51st, French 15e and Austrian Grenzers
  • Must be in something resembling a stationary line of three (3) or more to fire
  • Proper spacing for infantry is less than one (1) avatar's width
  • May only crouch if not in combat or in the front rank of a multiple rank line
  • If reduced to less than three soldiers, a unit must either charge or immediately join another line. The remaining soldiers may not ambush another line and may only charge if sighted by the line they intend to charge.
  • A unit may include one (1) officer and a limited assortment of musicians and/or sergeants
  • Grenzers may not spawn with rifles unless otherwise noted

  • This section applies to riflemen as well as UK 51st, French 15e and Austrian Grenzers who are skirmishers for the event
  • No more than fifteen (15) skirmishers may wield firearms at any given time on a team
  • Must be in a "formation" including three (3) or more to fire
  • Proper spacing for riflemen is five (5) avatars' widths; for musket-wielding skirmishers, it is three (3)
  • May crouch at any time
  • A unit may include one (1) officer and a limited assortment of musicians and/or sergeants.

  • This section applies to hussars, lancers, dragoons and heavy cavalry
  • No more than fifteen (15) cavalry may fight for a team at any given time
  • A unit may include two (2) officers. These count toward the maximum limit.
  • A unit may include musicians and flag bearers. These do not count toward the maximum limit until they engage.
  • Dismounted cavalry are considered light infantry
  • Cav does not have to dismount due to low numbers.  Lone cav are allowed to attack on their own
  • Dragoons must be stationary to fire. Proper spacing is three avatars' width
  • Cav are to try and fight as a cohesive unit.  Lone cav running off and fighting from the rest of the pack will be considered ramboing.

  • This section applies to artillery crews and their accompanying foot soldiers
  • No more than ten (10) individual may make up a crew. Includes rankers, trains, officers, sappers and artillery guard. Excess artillery guard must act as line infantry.
  • May spawn two guns (howitzers, cannons, or one of each). May spawn two rockets in place of one gun.
  • May fire within five paces of an active gun or rocket (one that is being loaded, aimed or fired)
  • May crouch
  • Artillery guard not near an active gun are considered line infantry.

For now, we have no rules regarding generals.  We may not allow them unless stated otherwise at the event.   They may end up being used as some sort of rallying point for the pubs.  Not all of the pubs will have teamspeak.

and a general note i want to make abundantly clear.

Personally, I want this to be as free as possible.  I want to be lenient as possible where possible.  The better everyone cooperates and follow the rules, the smoother it goes.  The pubs will more than likely have trouble at first and need some guidance. With that being said, regiments/players attending agree to follow these rules.  It is your job to let your members know about them and to ensure that you and they follow them.  Ignorance is not an excuse.  The rules are pretty simple.  Follow these and the regular NA1 rules and you will be fine.  Do not teamkill and teamwound, even between and after rounds. Do not use slurs or names with slurs in them.   While many events allow these or do not care, this is NA1.  It has a use outside of the event, unlike other servers.  I will not allow a double standard to develop where breaking X rule was allowed 5 minutes ago and now it's not.  It will cause too much trouble. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. If you think slurs, teamkilling, whatever should be allowed, talk to Vince.  Do not bother arguing with me or my staff about it.  If you wish to make an admin complaint, send to it to me via PM here on the forums.  Do not argue with the admins in-server.  Suggestions about the event rules are welcome.  Either talk to me about it here or via PM.  Keep it civil.

This event, if it happens, is done by the admins for the community. Do not abuse the admins, as they are volunteering to do this.  The more you cooperate, the better it goes.  It is not easy admining an event, and some of my staff have not admined a linebattle before.  It will be a learning process for quite a few of us.  Depending on the week, I may not be here and other admins will step up and take care of the event.  During the event, it will be best if the Regiment leader or the officer in charge does the talking for the regiment to the admin staff.  I will ignore spam from the rank and file regarding an issue.(and spam is against the rules as well)  Be sure to check your lines for any bush pirates.  We will probably have our share of them or just normal trolls.  They will be banned. 

link to my presentation file.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 03:54:56 am by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 05:15:26 am »
Application for the Linebattle only.(not regular NA1)  These may or may not be used depending on what happens in the future and depending on the the needs of the event.  but in case we do decide to add new admins, here is the format.  Post applications for regular admining in the proper thread. not here.

The Napoleonic Wars Admin team have their roots in the old MM Mod. A team of Professional and mature Players, that strive to make sure that the official servers are well looked after.
We are looking for Mature and respected community members to help run the NW_Official servers (US/EU).  This includes possible linebattles and mini events hosted on the official servers.
Admins are required to be active and have a neutral standing in all situations and look for the best outcome for the community.
A successful Applicant must follow the server rules at all times, while also adhering to the admin rules.
Once accepted a 2 week trial period will commence where your performance will be evaluated.
Only successful applicants will be responded to by pm or steam by MrTiki (for EU) or Thunderstormer (for US). This happens when there is a need for new admins.
Applications will be accepted on the fly and there is no set closing date for applications.
Applications are open to anyone. We will not announce when candidates are being selected for trials; they will be informed by PM only.

Community name:
Steam Name:
About yourself:
Why you would be a good admin:
Previous Experience (if any):
your user ID:

Nota Bene.

    Only Formal Applications will be accepted
    All Posts in regards to applying for admin must be applications only or your application will be rejected
    1 application per individual or your application will be rejected
    Only successful applicants will be informed.
    If you are applying for one of the none official servers, do so where they tell you to.

Thank you for your interest!

gunna put all the apps here so its easier to see them.

dan the chef
Community name: Dan the Chef

Steam Name:

Age: 17

Location/Timezone: EST(GMT -5)

Applying for (Ts/Na1 or EU1): NA1

Regiments: Chefs of Swaziland

About yourself: My name is Dan as you can see. I prefer long walks on the beach and cuddling with my cat. While my cat is excellent and better than all other cats, I can recognize that some people cannot accept that my cat is excellent.

Why you would be a good admin: I would be a good admin because I am able to have fun but be able to be serious when the situation requires. As a result, hopefully I will be able to nurture and promote a playful and cheerful environment on NA1

Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Of course, this is like a big reason for me signing up.

Previous Experience (ifany): Multiple Tournaments and events in NW as well as admin on Multiple PW servers


Community name: USMC_Sgt_Ze_Mormon, Ze_Mormon, [BBG]Ze_Mormon

Steam Name: [BBG] Ze_Mormon

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Location/Timezone: Utah, United States. Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Applying for (Ts/Na1 or EU1): NA1 (LB)

Regiments: United States Marine Corps (USMC).

About yourself: I am a history fanatic. Varying from the Crusades, to the American Revolution, Napoleonic Wars,  Civil War, WW2, etc. I tend to research about many different subjects, whenever I have questions about them. I also find enjoyment in finding both sides of an argument, tending me to have more fair judgement. I'm a Utah cowboy that loves orange rock, and shooting my revolvers/rifles/shotguns (Just to piss off Obama). I love to slice people with my trusty hussar. I also love to get along with the NW community, and it saddens me how much it has been dying. And if any of you know me, you would know I enjoy American politics very much.

Why you would be a good admin: I have a fair amount of admin experience. I'm not bias, and love to get along with the NW community. I'd be willing to do any tasks you guys throw at me, even if it's sitting out and monitoring for the whole game.  I love to attend these line battles because my regiment doesn't do anything on Thursday, so I've been able to attend almost every single event.

Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Definitely, I would also be willing to go spectator for a couple rounds to help admin if any of the admins need help monitoring. That, and it's the only reason I applied.

Previous Experience (if any): Owner of BBG_TropicalDeath_NA, admin on  BBG_BotSurvival_NA, BBG_Public_NA2, BBG_Public_NA3, BBG_FullInvasion_NA. I have also hosted my own events before. If you acknowledge experience from other games, I was an admin on 2 Garry's mod servers, and a Just Cause 2: Multiplayer server.

Thanks for reading,

[BBG] Ze_Mormon
Community name:Kiri
Steam Name:Mediocre Kiri
Your In game ID(s):(hint, this the number that comes up every time you join NA1) 795934
Location/Timezone: EST
Applying for (Ts/Na1 or EU1): NA1 Linebattle Event
Regiments: 15e, 33e (briefly), Two_Seasons, 12th?, Leader of 1stSAO, been a merc for ages.
About yourself: I've been playing MnB for years now, I've attended countless events, hardcore and others. I'm pretty well known around the community, some good, others not so much. I was pushing for this event to happen for a while before it got started and was happy to see it up and running. I think it provides a great opportunity for pubs to attend a fun (semi-relaxed) event without the commitment to a regiment.
Why you would be a good admin: This may be biased, but for some reason I feel as if I'm always in a different area or scenario than the others participating in the event. I could be wrong. I know the general rules to be enforced and won't mind enforcing them equally. (yes even on "friends")
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: I'm only applying for the event, however if chosen I doubt I'd be able to help out in the upcoming week due to exams.
Previous Experience (if any): I ran a server for a month which was quite enjoyable. A funny story to go along with it is that I accidentally banned around 5 people with the ban hammer because I didn't think it actually worked.

Community name: [Sil]Sultan_NoThisIsPatrick
Steam Name: [Sil] NoThisIsPatrick (
Age: 22
Your In game ID(s):(hint, this the number that comes up every time you join NA1): 546978
Location/Timezone: Missouri/Central Time (CST)
Applying for (Ts/Na1 or EU1): NA1 Pub Event

Regiments: Current: The Silahtar Guard. Past regiments in order: 14th West Buckinghamshire, 1a Svea Livgarde, Moskovskii Grenaderskie Polki, and Pontifical Swiss Guard.

About yourself: Fun fact about me is that I am a triplet. First set of triplets to be born at the hospital I was born at, and second set of triplets to have Court of Eagle on the same day in my city. I am a Boy Scout and I am an Eagle Scout. I’m currently in college to be a software programmer. I do play the Trumpet, Trombone, and Keyboard. And I love strategy games like EU4 and Axis & Allies.

Why you would be a good admin: I applied for admin for NA1 over a year ago and from two NA1 admins whom I trust, I knew I was being considered and talked about. Unfortunately, I applied when NA1 just added a bunch of new admins. NA1 is my server to go. I will always join when it has players. I know all the rules from slurs to blocking doorways to glitches to exploits and more. I do know people can use the name LittleGuy, as long as everyone know it’s not the admin [FH]_LittleGuy. And ISIS or terrorist related names are banned because of me. An ISIS regiment with names like suicide bomber was on the server. Messaged my go-to-admin-when-no-admins-are-on about it and he defended it with freedom of speech and told me to take it to LittleGuy. I did and claimed it as hatred speech. I know the NA1 rules better than most.

When it comes to knowing pub event rules, I read the rules to my regiment before every pub event including the specialty rules depending on what we voted for. My regiment has done all infantry, skirms, cav, and arty in this event. I know the rules for all of them. NA1 Pub Event is dedicated for my regiment to play as a specialty role. As a specialty role, you get attention from some pubs. Some pubs are perfectly fine, others do their own thing, and some just troll. As cav I’ve seen pubs teamwound and attack us, and run off into the distance to Rambo whoever. As cav, I’ve seen enemy Rambo cav randomly attack us. Last week as arty, a pub loaded a canister shot and shot at a friendly line killing one teammate. Last week as arty, my regiment spotted the USMC using 3 cannons early on and no admin could see us in chat. As arty 3 weeks ago, another regiment had a sapper building defenses for them and arty couldn’t build anything. How many times have I went to Yooper because of something happening during the event?

One more reason because I feel like I’m writing a book here, is that I understand it is a pub event. I believe this happened during the 2nd pub event ever but while I was in the PSG, we were FOL/FOC so badly during one charge that our leader was upset and ordered to fuck them and FOC back. I yelled don’t and we’re better than that. People need to realize that it’s a pub event. I tell my regiment this from time to time that it is a pub event. We will see some rule breaking; someone might FOL/FOC on you and kill you. Don’t complain about it in chat. Pubs won’t know better. Regiments not active in the forums won’t know better. It’s a pub event  and many people fail to realize that.

Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: More focused on NA1 Pub Event but sure.

Previous Experience (if any):
Regiment Servers: Weastside, PSG_Server, and **Silahtar_Guards
Commander Battle Servers: IV_Korp_Commander_Battle, and ******Patricks_Server

No linebattles experience but gotta start somewhere  8)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 06:13:43 am by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2016, 05:15:48 am »
10/13 Specialist

Specialist slots are open.

Arty- open

Cav -63e

Skirms -open
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 07:11:13 am by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2016, 05:20:23 am »
Ayy das dope

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2016, 05:20:41 am »
Quote from: George W. Bush on 9/11
Battle Cry of Freedom was an inside job
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2016, 05:45:27 am »
In order for the Na1 lb to happen, i need to see a least a decent amount of people commit to going to the first event.  If you are interested, just post here and give a good guess how many people you may end up bringing.(how many people a regiment may being may be altered if the event is not relatively full.  but that is something that will be decided later)

If not that many people are interested, a smaller mini event may happen or the whole idea can be shelved until it is wanted.  The mini events will still continue on nonetheless. 

Edit to make it clear.  This event is open to EVERYONE.  You do not need to apply.  I just want to see a certain amount of people committed to going. 
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 06:24:47 am by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline KillerShark

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2016, 05:55:55 am »
I think it sounds good. I feel like the pub line(s) will be a complete mess though.
Former: 29th CSjt, 12th Cpl, Nr37 Kpl, 21eme SoD, 18th LtCol, 1stMN/64th SgtMaj, 23rdPA SgtMaj, 45e CplFo, 78th ESO, 29th Capt, 57th Kgm, LG Fus, 71st Cpl, 34e SoD, 2ndQF LCpl, LG Uffz, Nr4 Gmnr, 98e SoD, 75e Fus, 18e FusV, 47th Grd, and 21st Pte.

Self Proclaimed best movement key player NA

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2016, 06:14:02 am »
I think it sounds good. I feel like the pub line(s) will be a complete mess though.

It may be. The longer the event lasts, the better they will be as more people gain experience.   Pubs for the most part will follow the leader.  there will be a few who want to play like its your average pub game.(or trolls)  They will need some guidance. (which is why regiments who attend can help by following the rules and setting an example so the admins can focus on the pubs) I have seen 50+ pubs lines in NA1 before just during regular play over the years.  All you need is something for them to rally around.

and for the most part, the rules are simple for your average ranker.  Just get in line, fire, and charge when told to do so.  most of the other rules can be ignored by your common ranker as they need only concern themselves with following the rules of their respective class. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2016, 06:16:22 am »
Well this is interesting.
Who the fug am I? Read up here.

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2016, 07:43:28 am »
Diggin' it! Let's get this going!
Wanna know what a wug is? Read here!

Juice_Kelly: no one wants to be savs, he's the biggest firegiant on the server.

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2016, 02:57:18 pm »
Committing my squad.
04:25:13 - [Cup_of_Tea] Hey Xethos! I bet you're a gentleman of less than reputable quality!

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2016, 04:35:55 pm »

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2016, 07:53:01 pm »

Offline 27th_Rifles_Roland

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2016, 01:52:53 am »
Love the rules
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

Offline Jakester

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Re: NA1 Events
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2016, 09:16:30 pm »
sounds fun to me!