Flying Squirrel Entertainment

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vincenzo on August 31, 2018, 05:38:59 pm

Title: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on August 31, 2018, 05:38:59 pm
Patch is released;

Hey guys,

Since we got the OK to finish up the patch, we decided to give it to you guys first to try it out and see how it is, if anything needs fixing still and if we forgot something... or made new bugs... :)
Please tell us!

So the changelog is incomplete right now but gives some idea of what happened since 1.2:

New features:
- Added a button to the left of the map selection that when clicked, brings up a menu of all of the available maps. When you select a map, it will take you back to the admin panel with that map selected. this will make navigating the map list easier, especially with number of custom maps selectable in the panel being fixed.
- Added automatic friendly fire on and off depending on when you want it. If you leave the number at 0, it will not toggle the settings off and no. FF will turn off when the round ends.
- Added the ability for admins to ban admins. this will have to be done through scripting by uncommenting the code.
- Added a new admin weapon; Cannonball launcher.

- Improved the player hitbox, should reduce pokes.
- Redone the cannonball hit detection a bit, balls hit much more acurate now both buildings and players/horses. if you crouch it is taken in account and a horse can be shot away under you.
- Revered some of the changes of last patch in regards to melee
- Reduced number of light infantry, partizani, and pirate numbers in cb
- Gave rhine artillery train the correct swords.
- Lights and rifles have the same stats in CB
- All arty troops should receive a buff from the arty officer.
- Bandages swing faster and can no longer do a down attack.(cant block)
- Build props were changed to make it easier to see where they will be when built. also changed their col meshes to make building easier. (example, the fence posts can be hit to build them)

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed an issue with skirmishers with regards to class limits.
- Fixed competitive scoring. in combination with for instance slays.
- Fixed a bunch of issues with the admin panel setting the wrong settings.
- Fixed an error message regarding highlanders in CB.
- Improved teleporting doors.
- Improved Rambo feature. you have an increase of 50% range of the rambo range when you have less than 4 bots. so if the range was 50 meters, you now have 75 meters. if you are the last one, you can attack where you please.
- Fixed a bug with the royal prop boxes + fixed some strings for them.
- Fixed doors not having physics after reset in some game modes.
- Changed officer bonus to cav to only work on horseback and tweaked the bonus it provides in non CB modes. It now increases the speed of horses.
- Made default custom maps better.
- Fixed issue with the amount of custom maps you can select in the admin panel.
- Fixed preset arty not working on the first round of a map.
- Added some new sapper messages for planting props to show if your planting too fast, or on a bad location.
- Fixed issue with musicians speed changing when it shouldn't while playing a song after getting a speed buff.
- Fixed auto beacon not working properly when there were 2 players left.
- Fixed birds not moving.

To test it, simply download this zip file:

Unpack the mm dev folder in your mount and blade warband/Modules folder
And run the game with the mm dev module selected.

It will work on servers too. in the same way, run the server with -m mm dev

If you wanted to test around with it, here is the current source for this patch; it will change more naturally but you could have a peek and see what is changed.

if you have any questions ask them here:
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Herishey on August 31, 2018, 05:40:29 pm
Sounds awesome. Good idea to let us test it first this time too. :)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Aztir on August 31, 2018, 05:43:24 pm
Woop woop less pokes!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on August 31, 2018, 05:44:11 pm
will servers get automatically updated when it's official?

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Herishey on August 31, 2018, 05:46:20 pm
I imagine must like the last patch you will need to update the server(s) yourself.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on August 31, 2018, 05:46:47 pm
will servers get automatically updated when it's official?
When the patch drops it will be pushed over steam as usual, however servers need to manually update as always.

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm
Is the one in this mm dev better?
If not, your free to fix the translations and send us a better one, you can find it under languages/tr folder
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Light on August 31, 2018, 05:55:31 pm

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm
Is the one in this mm dev better?
If not, your free to fix the translations and send us a better one, you can find it under languages/tr folder

I'll do it. It was about time someone fixed it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Fralla8 on August 31, 2018, 06:01:57 pm
- Fixed auto bacon not working properly when there were 2 players left.

Delicious :D
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Sleek on August 31, 2018, 06:04:11 pm
Excuse me but I don't see that double x was reintroduced into the game, could that be added for quick paced fights?????????????
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on August 31, 2018, 06:07:44 pm
Excuse me but I don't see that double x was reintroduced into the game, could that be added for quick paced fights?????????????
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Sleek on August 31, 2018, 06:43:04 pm
Excuse me but I don't see that double x was reintroduced into the game, could that be added for quick paced fights?????????????

Nw down the drain
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Killler on August 31, 2018, 06:57:13 pm
Cannon rifle is cool. who did this?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on August 31, 2018, 07:01:59 pm
Glad to see this! I’m excited
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: J. Campbell on August 31, 2018, 07:22:13 pm
I didn't even know you were still updating this game after the Rhine patch. Sweet!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on August 31, 2018, 07:34:59 pm
This is actually an old bug, but prop mm_hugo_12 has a spot that people get stuck on, it's pointed out here, I've fixed it with just barriers in some of my maps, but I forget where I have it in all of my maps.

Also people get stuck on mm_la_haye1 almost the same spot upstairs

So I'm not sure if you're doing client side things again, but I'd at least point it out.

Thanks for all the hard work!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on August 31, 2018, 07:43:59 pm
Cannon rifle is cool. who did this?
I made that lol.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on August 31, 2018, 09:01:06 pm
Woop woop less pokes!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Killler on August 31, 2018, 09:06:59 pm
Cannon rifle is cool. who did this?
I made that lol.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: |Viper| on August 31, 2018, 09:12:22 pm
When is the actual release of the patch though?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Edwin on August 31, 2018, 09:17:10 pm
Where are my sky towers Vince >:(
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: HakanPasha on August 31, 2018, 09:21:12 pm
ı wish there is indicator like holdfast,how far away we killed our opponent.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Matt_ on August 31, 2018, 09:24:02 pm
Woop woop less pokes!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Frickingpac on August 31, 2018, 09:27:14 pm
Looks nice :)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Fascist Invader on August 31, 2018, 09:44:05 pm
I am so glad to see this Vincenzo! Good luck for developing game!

I make Turkish translation, i know Turkish because i was lived one year in here :)

Turkish Version
Yeni Özellikler

- Harita seçiminin solunda, tıklandığında, mevcut tüm haritaların bir menüsünü gösteren bir düğme eklendi. Bir haritayı seçtiğinizde, seçilen haritayı kullanarak yönetim paneline geri döner. Bu, özellikle sabitlenen panelde seçilebilir özel haritaların sayısıyla harita listesinin daha kolay gezinmesini sağlayacaktır.

- İstediğiniz zamana bağlı olarak otomatik dost ateşi açılıp kapatıldı. Eğer sayıyı 0'da bırakırsanız, ayarları kapatıp kapatmayacağı ayarlanacaktır. Yuvarlak bittiğinde dost ateşi kapanır. (açıkçası tam çeviremedim fakat dost ateşi ile ilgili birşey.

- Adminlerin adminleri yasaklaması için bir sistem eklendi. Bu kod server dosyalarından açılıp kapatılabiliyor. Yani artık herkese perm atan adminleri diğer adminler atabilecek! Sonunda!

- Yeni bir admin silahı eklendi; EL TOPU!


- Oyuncu can bar'ı iyileştirdi, pokları azaltmalı. (tam çevrilemedi)

- Top mermisi isabeti biraz azaltıldı, toplar artık hem binaları hem de oyuncuları / atları daha da arttırdı..(?) eğer Z'ye basarsan top senin kafanın üzerinden geçecek, yani eskisi gibi eğilsek bile ölmeyeceğiz.

- Son yamadaki bazı değişikliklerin usülüne göre yapıldı.

- CB'de(açılımını bilmiyorum) Hafif piyade, korsan ve partizan sayısı azaltıldı.

- Ren Konfederasyonu topçusu artık doğru kılıçları kullanıyor.

- Işıklar ve tüfekler CB'de(?) aynı istatistiklere sahip

- Tüm topçu birlikleri artık topçu subayından bonus alıyor.

- Bandajlar daha hızlı sallanır ve artık batırma vuruşu yapamazlar.

- İnşa halindeyken nerede olacaklarını görmeyi kolaylaştırmak için yapı parçaları değiştirildi. Ayrıca binaları daha kolay hale getirmek için col(?) kafeslerini değiştirdi. (örneğin, çit direkleri bunları oluşturmak için vurabilirsiniz.)

Düzeltilen buglar

- Sınıf sınırlarıyla ilgili olarak avukatlarla ilgili bir sorun düzeltildi.

- Skor tablosu düzeltildi. Örneğin bir oyuncuya slay atarsanız veya düşerek ölürseniz artık -1 kill olmayacak.

- Admin panelinde yanlış ayarları belirleyen bir dizi sorun düzeltildi.

- CB'deki(?) yaylalarla ilgili bir hata mesajı düzeltildi.

- Düzeltilmiş ışınlanma kapıları.

- Geliştirilmiş Rambo özelliği. 4'ten az can barına sahip olduğunuzda rambo aralığının %50'lik bir artışına sahip olursunuz. Eğer aralık 50 metreyse, şimdi 75 metreye sahipsiniz. sonuncusuysan, istediğin yere saldırabilirsin.

- Kraliyet (Birleşik Krallık) patlayıcı kutuları ile bir hata düzeltildi + onlar için bazı diziler sabitlendi.

- Bazı oyun modlarında sıfırladıktan sonra fizik olmayan sabit kapılar.

- Süvari subayı diğer süvarilere bonus veriyor.

- Varsayılan özel haritalar düzeltildi.

- Admin panelinde seçebileceğiniz özel haritaların sayısıyla ilgili sorun düzeltildi.

- Topçu bazı haritaların ilk round'unda çalışmıyordu, bu düzeltildi.

- Eğer bir yere inşa edilemeyecek bir şey inşa etmeye çalışırsan veya hızlı (spam) inşa edersen bunun için yeni mesajlar eklendi.

- Müzisyenlerin bonusları çalışmıyordu, bu düzeltildi.

- 2 oyuncu kaldığında beacon sistemi bazen aktif olmuyordu, bu düzeltildi.

- Bazı haritalardaki sabit kuşlar artık hareket ediyor. Yani animasyon eklenmiş.

Yeni şeyler eklenmesi yerine daha çok düzeltme üzerinde olmuş.

Yani çevirebildiğim kadar çevirdim. CB nin ne olduğunu bilmiyorum fakat bir şey olmaz herhalde.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: soonational on August 31, 2018, 10:07:43 pm
will servers get automatically updated when it's official?

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm

Turkish Translations they corrected a little

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Edwin on August 31, 2018, 10:34:34 pm
Woop woop less pokes!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Yoshiee on August 31, 2018, 10:57:29 pm
thank you
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on August 31, 2018, 11:03:09 pm
How about bringing back sapper bridges?

Just had a chance to try the new patch, hitboxes is much better and there are less pokes but melee looked a bit lesser smooth to me.

If you want to try to new patch, download the .zip file in the first message, extract it to your modules folder like a mod, then select it in launcher. There's a server named 88th_Backup, you can try new patch there.

Edit: Just tried the new Cannonball Launcer

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 01, 2018, 12:37:01 am
How about bringing back sapper bridges?

Just had a chance to try the new patch, hitboxes is much better and there are less pokes but melee looked a bit lesser smooth to me.

If you want to try to new patch, download the .zip file in the first message, extract it to your modules folder like a mod, then select it in launcher. There's a server named 88th_Backup, you can try new patch there.

Edit: Just tried the new Cannonball Launcer


Sapper Bridges are already there still. it's like pontoon_build or something. I have a few of them up on a few maps, but they only go like 10-15' out. (sorry I'm american) There's also the sapper build tower where they can build a watch tower, but there's no ladder that goes along with it, so you have to map out a ladder also that will go up to it, either on the inside in the little hold or the outside over the edge of it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Steinmann on September 01, 2018, 02:31:16 am
Maybe i can actually become good now when pokes have been fixed
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Maple™ on September 01, 2018, 03:30:56 am
Can you make upstabs faster
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Romulus76 on September 01, 2018, 12:14:29 pm
I am thankful that pokes will be a lesser problem, it was getting a little ridiculous. Great work on getting another fix out for us - time to test everything will still work on our servers though! Now I also won't hear the cry of "why the limit for rifles admin?", thank god.

Was that weird water glitch that turned it black fixed at all?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: QuinnML on September 01, 2018, 01:25:10 pm
Add Lancers to UK, it fits the period ( and it will be hilarious watching the community reactions ;)

Also give KGL 1st Hussar Officers white horses, I swear I am not biased
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Mohawky on September 01, 2018, 01:59:15 pm
Make the default starting status for bots "melee charge" not "fire at will"  - would make a big difference to bot games.

So I loaded the patch and tested it on existing server maps - good to see that the prop changes will not necessitate any map rebuilds.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 01, 2018, 02:25:42 pm
Not sure if there's an NA version of this up, but I'll be putting up one NA side to mess around with for the BBG, I'll just call it BBG_PatchTest, and obviously you'll have to download the folder and run that module to find the server if you want to mess with it.  Message me on steam if you want to test the admin out, if I'm available, I can change the admin pass so you can test.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ibsocal on September 01, 2018, 07:41:19 pm
Add Lancers to UK, it fits the period ( and it will be hilarious watching the community reactions ;)

Also give KGL 1st Hussar Officers white horses, I swear I am not biased
As far as I can tell atleast, that regiment never actually used lances in the Napoleonic wars. They were reclassified as lancer after ending their run in the Napoleonic wars, while they themselves didn't hear about this change until 15 years after their fight ended in Europe.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: nytek on September 01, 2018, 09:25:26 pm
Now, before you make the update official I (including a large number of users in the cavalry community) would like you to add one thing. I think you should go back to the old stats for heavy cavalry, as it is too tanked atm. No one wants to play against heavy cavalry anymore and that's sad because I think it would not have been this way if it wasn't changed in the first place. And really, the only effect it will have is heavy cavalry regiments having problems of entering events such as 1vs1 and line battles. Just my own personal thoughts on it, I am sure there are some that will disagree but I know an awful lot of members in this cavalry community that would like to see a more realistic system.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: King Stannis Baratheon on September 01, 2018, 10:30:37 pm
I agree with nytek on this. The hussar vs heavy cavalry matchup drastically changed after the last patch to be in favour of heavy cavalry in a competitive environment. They just have to play together in a defensive formation and from there it's a waiting game, testing the endurance of each hussar players who will instantly die from any mistake capitalised on. This is while they tank most hits hussars are willing to risk attempting, 1 hits requiring difficult positioning that is easy for the heavies to defend each other from and potentially kill the hussar from risk of cav block. Even heavy dismounts are useful as they can very easily kill a hussar horse, tank hits and have a longer sword to make use of, while hussar dismount's are one of the worst positions to be in from a class perspective. Previously both hussars and heavy cavalry could compete together in a very even manner so reverting to the stats from the previous patch would very much be a good thing for the competitive community.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 02, 2018, 07:49:22 am
I agree with nytek on this. The hussar vs heavy cavalry matchup drastically changed after the last patch to be in favour of heavy cavalry in a competitive environment. They just have to play together in a defensive formation and from there it's a waiting game, testing the endurance of each hussar players who will instantly die from any mistake capitalised on. This is while they tank most hits hussars are willing to risk attempting, 1 hits requiring difficult positioning that is easy for the heavies to defend each other from and potentially kill the hussar from risk of cav block. Even heavy dismounts are useful as they can very easily kill a hussar horse, tank hits and have a longer sword to make use of, while hussar dismount's are one of the worst positions to be in from a class perspective. Previously both hussars and heavy cavalry could compete together in a very even manner so reverting to the stats from the previous patch would very much be a good thing for the competitive community.
I don't agree with bold at all.  Hussars were kings for years.  Even when they weren't the best, they were competitive.(i remember the days HC was even scarier)

Anyways, out of all the buffs HC got, there is one i am willing to undo, and that is the horse health.(back to 115 or 120 from 125) I find the other buff, how well they maneuver makes the class a bit more comfortable to play.(med horses got this one as well)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 02, 2018, 08:43:45 am
I'm not sure if this has been previously mentioned, but I think the royale_ammo props got their names mixed up, so pistol = musket ammo and vis versa....not sure if this has already been fixed.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ibsocal on September 02, 2018, 09:04:04 am
I agree with nytek on this. The hussar vs heavy cavalry matchup drastically changed after the last patch to be in favour of heavy cavalry in a competitive environment. They just have to play together in a defensive formation and from there it's a waiting game, testing the endurance of each hussar players who will instantly die from any mistake capitalised on. This is while they tank most hits hussars are willing to risk attempting, 1 hits requiring difficult positioning that is easy for the heavies to defend each other from and potentially kill the hussar from risk of cav block. Even heavy dismounts are useful as they can very easily kill a hussar horse, tank hits and have a longer sword to make use of, while hussar dismount's are one of the worst positions to be in from a class perspective. Previously both hussars and heavy cavalry could compete together in a very even manner so reverting to the stats from the previous patch would very much be a good thing for the competitive community.
I don't agree with bold at all.  Hussars were kings for years.  Even when they weren't the best, they were competitive.(i remember the days HC was even scarier)

Anyways, out of all the buffs HC got, there is one i am willing to undo, and that is the horse health.(back to 115 or 120 from 125) I find the other buff, how well they maneuver makes the class a bit more comfortable to play.(med horses got this one as well)
Heavy horse to 115 would be a welcome change to me, it would make sure the heavies have to at least attempt to use that great quality of life maneuverability buff they got and make sure the class itself a bit less frustrating to play against.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Amit_ on September 02, 2018, 09:42:59 am
Looks like some cool shit; can't wait to try it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lorucas on September 02, 2018, 11:22:18 am
Add Lancers to UK, it fits the period ( and it will be hilarious watching the community reactions ;)

Also give KGL 1st Hussar Officers white horses, I swear I am not biased

Disgusting Quinn.. and talking about the lancers, their attack speed with the lance is too much in my opinion, maybe reduce it? :P aswell do something with heavies...

And apart of all of this, are u thinking in introduce any new fac? for example.. Spain ;) would be nice :P
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: King Stannis Baratheon on September 02, 2018, 12:16:02 pm
I agree with nytek on this. The hussar vs heavy cavalry matchup drastically changed after the last patch to be in favour of heavy cavalry in a competitive environment. They just have to play together in a defensive formation and from there it's a waiting game, testing the endurance of each hussar players who will instantly die from any mistake capitalised on. This is while they tank most hits hussars are willing to risk attempting, 1 hits requiring difficult positioning that is easy for the heavies to defend each other from and potentially kill the hussar from risk of cav block. Even heavy dismounts are useful as they can very easily kill a hussar horse, tank hits and have a longer sword to make use of, while hussar dismount's are one of the worst positions to be in from a class perspective. Previously both hussars and heavy cavalry could compete together in a very even manner so reverting to the stats from the previous patch would very much be a good thing for the competitive community.
I don't agree with bold at all.  Hussars were kings for years.  Even when they weren't the best, they were competitive.(i remember the days HC was even scarier)

Anyways, out of all the buffs HC got, there is one i am willing to undo, and that is the horse health.(back to 115 or 120 from 125) I find the other buff, how well they maneuver makes the class a bit more comfortable to play.(med horses got this one as well)

I think the only way hussars could be considered kings before was because most people played as them, inflating the number of good hussar players in the community. A top notch hussar player can defeat a heavy cav player any day of the week but when it comes to groupfights it's entirely different. Heavy cavalry playing defensively is a new meta that is difficult to defeat as hussars and easy to utilize as heavies. For me personally I think the change in manouverability is the main factor in why this new meta works out so well for heavy cavalry. Reducing horse health would stop them tanking so much yes, but at least reducing the maneoverability back a little bit could help hussars try to compete against this meta without being forced into a 3 hour battle of endurance that isn't fun for anyone to play against.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: AeroNinja on September 02, 2018, 12:21:46 pm
I guess the melee went from alpha state to pre alpha state. Omfg
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 02, 2018, 05:38:01 pm
I agree with nytek on this. The hussar vs heavy cavalry matchup drastically changed after the last patch to be in favour of heavy cavalry in a competitive environment. They just have to play together in a defensive formation and from there it's a waiting game, testing the endurance of each hussar players who will instantly die from any mistake capitalised on. This is while they tank most hits hussars are willing to risk attempting, 1 hits requiring difficult positioning that is easy for the heavies to defend each other from and potentially kill the hussar from risk of cav block. Even heavy dismounts are useful as they can very easily kill a hussar horse, tank hits and have a longer sword to make use of, while hussar dismount's are one of the worst positions to be in from a class perspective. Previously both hussars and heavy cavalry could compete together in a very even manner so reverting to the stats from the previous patch would very much be a good thing for the competitive community.
I don't agree with bold at all.  Hussars were kings for years.  Even when they weren't the best, they were competitive.(i remember the days HC was even scarier)

Anyways, out of all the buffs HC got, there is one i am willing to undo, and that is the horse health.(back to 115 or 120 from 125) I find the other buff, how well they maneuver makes the class a bit more comfortable to play.(med horses got this one as well)

I think the only way hussars could be considered kings before was because most people played as them, inflating the number of good hussar players in the community. A top notch hussar player can defeat a heavy cav player any day of the week but when it comes to groupfights it's entirely different. Heavy cavalry playing defensively is a new meta that is difficult to defeat as hussars and easy to utilize as heavies. For me personally I think the change in manouverability is the main factor in why this new meta works out so well for heavy cavalry. Reducing horse health would stop them tanking so much yes, but at least reducing the maneoverability back a little bit could help hussars try to compete against this meta without being forced into a 3 hour battle of endurance that isn't fun for anyone to play against.
a good hussar player almost always beat a good HC player back in the day.  I played against a lot of people who played both, or specialized in one or the other.  I played both a lot myself.  Witnessed a lot of fights, and 1v1s between the 2.  Playing HC was like driving a bus with flat tires.  the maneuver change was only a small 2 points making them a little more responsive.(11 less now than hussars)

anyways i committed the health change(to 115), which is a fair amount of health to lose.  i gave them 5% more bots in CB to make up for it.(so 1 more bot if you have 20 bots per squad selected.)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 02, 2018, 08:07:04 pm

Have you fixed being able to select more than 20 custom maps? atm, the max is still #20 despite there being a lot more available. I think you have, just making sure you have :)

Have you tied up the admin panel? You sorta spilled it out into different areas such as More Admin Tools etc making it a little bit too clustered.

Can you review siege mode? I've seen a number of maps where the flag dissapears, you can still hear it,  but its invisible and uncappable, I've tried raising or lowering the flag prop, makes no difference.

Additionally, you can currently pick up two guns despite that option being disabled :)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 02, 2018, 09:10:07 pm

Have you fixed being able to select more than 20 custom maps? atm, the max is still #20 despite there being a lot more available. I think you have, just making sure you have :)

Have you tied up the admin panel? You sorta spilled it out into different areas such as More Admin Tools etc making it a little bit too clustered.

Can you review siege mode? I've seen a number of maps where the flag dissapears, you can still hear it,  but its invisible and uncappable, I've tried raising or lowering the flag prop, makes no difference.

Additionally, you can currently pick up two guns despite that option being disabled :)
Yes.  and with the new map button to the left of the old map selection, you can quickly pick what map you want.   that way, you dont have to hit an arrow 100 times. 

we didn't touch admin tools really outside of adding a new toy or bug fixes. 

idk?  you are the only one i know of that has brought this issue up.  is there a quick way to recreate the bug?  are you sure the siege flag was set up properly?**  is it just that one map or is it all?  you said you were changing the prop, were you trying to test in scene edit mode or siege?  you generally dont want to be editing stuff in any mode, but only in scene edit mode.   and then test in siege.(or any other mode)

i haven't seen this one either.   i just tested picking up different guns/pistols several hundred times, and i could only carry one.  are you sure the setting was off?

sorry for all the questions, but we want to get this out sooner rather than later, so the quicker we can look into this stuff and be efficient at fixing any issues, the better. 

**in case there are people out there that want to make maps and want a good guide, here is the one i used for many years.  it might be a little dated, but it still works well.,228008.0.html
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 02, 2018, 11:23:01 pm

Have you fixed being able to select more than 20 custom maps? atm, the max is still #20 despite there being a lot more available. I think you have, just making sure you have :)

Have you tied up the admin panel? You sorta spilled it out into different areas such as More Admin Tools etc making it a little bit too clustered.

Can you review siege mode? I've seen a number of maps where the flag dissapears, you can still hear it,  but its invisible and uncappable, I've tried raising or lowering the flag prop, makes no difference.

Additionally, you can currently pick up two guns despite that option being disabled :)
Yes.  and with the new map button to the left of the old map selection, you can quickly pick what map you want.   that way, you dont have to hit an arrow 100 times. 

we didn't touch admin tools really outside of adding a new toy or bug fixes. 

idk?  you are the only one i know of that has brought this issue up.  is there a quick way to recreate the bug?  are you sure the siege flag was set up properly?**  is it just that one map or is it all?  you said you were changing the prop, were you trying to test in scene edit mode or siege?  you generally dont want to be editing stuff in any mode, but only in scene edit mode.   and then test in siege.(or any other mode)

i haven't seen this one either.   i just tested picking up different guns/pistols several hundred times, and i could only carry one.  are you sure the setting was off?

sorry for all the questions, but we want to get this out sooner rather than later, so the quicker we can look into this stuff and be efficient at fixing any issues, the better. 

**in case there are people out there that want to make maps and want a good guide, here is the one i used for many years.  it might be a little dated, but it still works well.,228008.0.html

try picking up an enemy gun :)

can you please tidy up the admin panel, its a bit of a mess atm

as for the siege problem, all edits are done in edit mode, then tested in siege mode with players.

What's the way to know the flag is setup correctly? I mean, it spawns in etc.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Nero_ on September 02, 2018, 11:44:31 pm
Muskets in groupfighting mode are polearms, not firearms
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 03, 2018, 01:39:06 am

try picking up an enemy gun :)

can you please tidy up the admin panel, its a bit of a mess atm

as for the siege problem, all edits are done in edit mode, then tested in siege mode with players.

What's the way to know the flag is setup correctly? I mean, it spawns in etc.
i did.  its working fine for me.  I tried all sorts of combos. 

Muskets in groupfighting mode are polearms, not firearms
yep, they are basically pikes, and not guns.  they wouldn't be considered firearms for the function to make you drop it.  they are completely different items in the files. 

admin panel seems fine to me.  you will have to be more be more specific. 

ive captured over a dozen flags so far, and even quickly made a siege map for myself, and the flag seems to act properly. i haven't seen one disappear. 

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 03, 2018, 10:36:48 am
can you upload a map that is known to cause this siege flag bug?

I don't think we will work more on the admin panel. sorry.

Is somebody working on a better turkish translation?
If so, edit the csv files in the languages/tr folder and make sure to save them as UTF8 format, not ANSI.
Do not use microsoft excel or something cause it will fuck up the format, best is to use a tool like notepad++;

You can upload the files here and ill include them.

Before you upload them, be sure to test them ingame if they work.

If you wanted to test around with it, here is the current source for this patch; it will change more naturally but you could have a peek and see what is changed.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Toffee on September 03, 2018, 11:01:17 am
I know exactly the map that the Kka gave the bug on smh kka
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on September 03, 2018, 04:39:56 pm
can you upload a map that is known to cause this siege flag bug?

I don't think we will work more on the admin panel. sorry.

Is somebody working on a better turkish translation?
If so, edit the csv files in the languages/tr folder and make sure to save them as UTF8 format, not ANSI.
Do not use microsoft excel or something cause it will fuck up the format, best is to use a tool like notepad++;

You can upload the files here and ill include them.

Before you upload them, be sure to test them ingame if they work.

If you wanted to test around with it, here is the current source for this patch; it will change more naturally but you could have a peek and see what is changed.

Turkish translation is better in new patch, Nedim said he used Windows Notepad to edit them but he fixed them later though, it's all good now. Just checked it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Riddlez on September 03, 2018, 04:54:56 pm
Hey guys,

- Revered some of the changes of last patch in regards to melee

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Light on September 03, 2018, 05:06:15 pm
Is somebody working on a better turkish translation?
If so, edit the csv files in the languages/tr folder and make sure to save them as UTF8 format, not ANSI.
Do not use microsoft excel or something cause it will fuck up the format, best is to use a tool like notepad++;

You can upload the files here and ill include them.

Before you upload them, be sure to test them ingame if they work.

If you wanted to test around with it, here is the current source for this patch; it will change more naturally but you could have a peek and see what is changed.

Yes currently I'm working on it. I have seen some of the dialogue files missing translation and couple of the files missing translation entirely. I'm going over the entire translation itself. Will take a bit. Thanks for the guidelines about UTF8 format though.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Comrade_Caucasian on September 03, 2018, 05:46:19 pm
I hope you guys fix that embarrassing melee system that you've changed within last update. In this update low ping players has much more advantage than ever. Slowing (down) bayonet attack animation or other changes in animation speed just killing the gameplay and adding nothing at all.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Romulus76 on September 03, 2018, 05:57:00 pm
This has been tested on the current release and test branch. When I breach these walls on this map (Is a siege map on Minisiege) it creates a weird invisible wall that blocks you from going up the staircase. I'm unsure what causes this, but when the wall isn't breached it lets you walk up and down just fine. If the map resets or their is another round it will still remain there even after these things happen. If you change to the map manually, the issue is gone. on This is the only map I've found that this happens on, but a very weird thing to occur at that. Below in the first spoiler is screenshots of the area it occurs in, attached is the download and second spoiler contains the terrain code.

Steps to recreate:
1: Download map & scene code
2: Go to the stairs to the left (When facing flag from inside fort, pictured in first image below in spoiler) and blow a hole in the small wall between the pillers.
3: Try to run up the stairs, game says no rip
(Ik they're simple but ye just incase)

The area in question:

Little wall between those 2 pillers seems to be the cause:
^Bottom half of the prop disappears, not sure if this usually happens but just pointing it out^

Forms a barrier as far as the wall from where I stand in this screenshot:

Scene code:
scn_mp_custom_map_1_minisiege mp_custom_map_1 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000003004ca5a00028c880000c14000001fef00009871

The prop name that I think that makes this happen is mm_house_wall_11, but it could literally be any prop in that area.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 03, 2018, 06:32:26 pm
This has been tested on the current release and test branch. When I breach these walls on this map (Is a siege map on Minisiege) it creates a weird invisible wall that blocks you from going up the staircase. I'm unsure what causes this, but when the wall isn't breached it lets you walk up and down just fine. If the map resets or their is another round it will still remain there even after these things happen. If you change to the map manually, the issue is gone. on This is the only map I've found that this happens on, but a very weird thing to occur at that. Below in the first spoiler is screenshots of the area it occurs in, attached is the download and second spoiler contains the terrain code.

Steps to recreate:
1: Download map & scene code
2: Go to the stairs to the left (When facing flag from inside fort, pictured in first image below in spoiler) and blow a hole in the small wall between the pillers.
3: Try to run up the stairs, game says no rip
(Ik they're simple but ye just incase)

The area in question:

Little wall between those 2 pillers seems to be the cause:
^Bottom half of the prop disappears, not sure if this usually happens but just pointing it out^

Forms a barrier as far as the wall from where I stand in this screenshot:

Scene code:
scn_mp_custom_map_1_minisiege mp_custom_map_1 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000003004ca5a00028c880000c14000001fef00009871

The prop name that I think that makes this happen is mm_house_wall_11, but it could literally be any prop in that area.

The problem seems that you have this object -scale on z.

Aswell as this prop:

I can look into why -scale doesent work.. but i dont see this as a very needed feature. overall it seems that our code works fine with - scale, but the physics engine goes not, which is not something i can fix.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 04, 2018, 12:22:47 pm
I checked the code, the Z scale in minus is properly detected, and passed to the engine,  on the spawn of the new object it is set on the new object, but for some reason it creates a problem with the collision body, which I am unable to fix.

So i can only say, don't minus -z scale please. :)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 04, 2018, 12:30:04 pm
I'll send you my dodgy siege map later tonight
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 04, 2018, 12:37:16 pm
I don't want to make this topic into a devs please fix my broken maps topic.

we wish to push this out of the door soon, so if you have any bugs that are actually on our side please send them asap.

Did some people test the build? also in melee combat? how is it?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 04, 2018, 02:32:12 pm
Well, that map is the one you wanted....  ::)

Sometimes the flag dissapears if you reset the round instead of starting the map, sometimes it doesn't then at a random point it will.

If the flag remains you can't cap it etc. I've tried lowering the flag etc.

scn_mp_custom_map_20 mp_custom_map_20 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 05, 2018, 09:08:20 am
I know i already said this, but just checking....the string names for royale_musket_ammo and royale_pistol_ammo got switched i think in the patch, so just checking that also got fixed...only a minor error really, but would be helpful if it was changed. Also, and i cant remember this clearly, but i think there was a bug with the "royale_ammo" where it would only spawn one type of ammo--had to edit it in the files to make it work properly.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 05, 2018, 09:23:47 am
I know i already said this, but just checking....the string names for royale_musket_ammo and royale_pistol_ammo got switched i think in the patch, so just checking that also got fixed...only a minor error really, but would be helpful if it was changed. Also, and i cant remember this clearly, but i think there was a bug with the "royale_ammo" where it would only spawn one type of ammo--had to edit it in the files to make it work properly.
if memory serves, i fixed those issues back in jan/feb.   just had to move the musket ammo string around with the pistol ammo to fix that issue. i too was confused when it said i would pick op one ammo or the other, and got the opposite. 

as for the boxes not working properly, i believe those are all working now in the new patch.  there was an error with how the math was done when certain settings were set on the prop, and that should be fixed.  if its not, let me know and i'll go back and look.  for now, its time for bed. 

edit @bobertini, we are looking into the siege thing.   
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on September 05, 2018, 09:30:35 am
will servers get automatically updated when it's official?

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm

So we get new servers Files?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 05, 2018, 10:40:47 am
will servers get automatically updated when it's official?

BTW, update Turkish translations too pls, it's horrible atm

So we get new servers Files?
Naturally you will have to update all servers at release, you can test it already now by putting the build uploaded in the first post into your server.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on September 05, 2018, 03:02:30 pm
i have made a German/Eu Server for testing
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~Felix~ on September 05, 2018, 03:18:23 pm
Pls more balance between Hussars and Cuirassiers
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 05, 2018, 03:24:34 pm
Well, that map is the one you wanted....  ::)

Sometimes the flag dissapears if you reset the round instead of starting the map, sometimes it doesn't then at a random point it will.

If the flag remains you can't cap it etc. I've tried lowering the flag etc.

scn_mp_custom_map_20 mp_custom_map_20 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe

So, after wasting another day on trying to check what is wrong, if it is the agent loop and so on it turns out you added another flag pole in your scene (spr_headquarters_pole_code_only), which obviously as the code suggest is for code only. SO DONT USE IT IN YOUR SCENE  ::)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: StephanGH on September 05, 2018, 03:32:06 pm
So the heavy cavalry horse will be reverted back to 115?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 05, 2018, 03:40:17 pm
i have made a German/Eu Server for testing

if you have the chance, please test extensively the sapper class, and tell me how you like the updates to it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 05, 2018, 05:13:32 pm
So the heavy cavalry horse will be reverted back to 115?
yes, the health was reverted.  idk if the build in the OP was updated with it or not.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 05, 2018, 06:40:54 pm
Well, that map is the one you wanted....  ::)

Sometimes the flag dissapears if you reset the round instead of starting the map, sometimes it doesn't then at a random point it will.

If the flag remains you can't cap it etc. I've tried lowering the flag etc.

scn_mp_custom_map_20 mp_custom_map_20 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe

So, after wasting another day on trying to check what is wrong, if it is the agent loop and so on it turns out you added another flag pole in your scene (spr_headquarters_pole_code_only), which obviously as the code suggest is for code only. SO DONT USE IT IN YOUR SCENE  ::)

Cheers for sounding like you care about the community :(

Not my map, we just used it and adopted it! But lessons learned :)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Olafson on September 05, 2018, 06:44:18 pm
Community, whats that...?!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dark_Knight on September 05, 2018, 06:45:14 pm
Community, whats that...?!

it means money
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on September 05, 2018, 07:11:46 pm
bring ottoman empire in next patch else i'll swim to malta from turkey and bomb ur house
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Olafson on September 05, 2018, 08:35:22 pm
Were not from Turkey.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on September 05, 2018, 10:05:56 pm
Were not from Turkey.

where do you live in? gimme coordinates
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on September 05, 2018, 10:07:52 pm
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: mmveteran on September 05, 2018, 10:19:50 pm
instead of putting our a patch for a patch that nobody even cared about
why not focus on putting your balls back in your skirts and telling us WTF is up with BCOF
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Toffee on September 05, 2018, 10:28:40 pm
Many of us do care about them fixing the game.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Fralla8 on September 05, 2018, 10:30:49 pm
instead of putting our a patch for a patch that nobody even cared about

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Olafson on September 05, 2018, 10:33:28 pm
Were not from Turkey.

where do you live in? gimme coordinates

Bomb this coordinates. A single precision strike will be enough.
35.876049, 14.509424

instead of putting our a patch for a patch that nobody even cared about
why not focus on putting your balls back in your skirts and telling us WTF is up with BCOF

We're working on it.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Edwin on September 06, 2018, 02:33:14 am
Were not from Turkey.

where do you live in? gimme coordinates

He's from Germany not Turkey, same demographics though.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 06, 2018, 03:04:23 am
Many of us do care about them fixing the game.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Riddlez on September 06, 2018, 08:49:45 am
Were not from Turkey.

where do you live in? gimme coordinates

Bomb this coordinates. A single precision strike will be enough.
35.876049, 14.509424

What are those coordinates? It looks like a poor apartment complex on Malta.... What is in there?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on September 06, 2018, 09:12:08 am
it's probably holdfast's developer office lol
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 06, 2018, 10:24:34 am
Cheers for sounding like you care about the community :(

Not my map, we just used it and adopted it! But lessons learned :)
Yes, I care otherwise i would not make a patch for a 5 year old DLC of a game that is 7 years old..  ???

Wasting my time with broken custom maps is however not the best thing you can do.

it's probably holdfast's developer office lol
Fake news.

How is the testing going? Things seem good and stable in the new patch?
did you guys like the melee and sapper changes?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 12:24:22 pm
can you create the flags as on the native to avoid cavalry fights too long?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~Felix~ on September 06, 2018, 12:54:09 pm
can you create the flags as on the native to avoid cavalry fights too long?

You can’t do that pls cuz Hussars vs cuirassiers are then unbalanced as fuck
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 06, 2018, 01:41:35 pm
can you create the flags as on the native to avoid cavalry fights too long?
what do you mean exactly?

That in battle mode if it lasts too long the banners appear that you have to cap?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 03:36:22 pm
can you create the flags as on the native to avoid cavalry fights too long?
what do you mean exactly?

That in battle mode if it lasts too long the banners appear that you have to cap?

exactly it would prevent to the delay and the match which owed 3 hours (and i have really played 3hours against a hussar's regiment)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 03:39:00 pm
in a cavalry match, it's easlier to delay. Too easy. imagine a hussar who is delaying a cuirasser..
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 06, 2018, 03:47:37 pm
Aren't admins for this reason existing?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~Felix~ on September 06, 2018, 03:57:19 pm
Aren't admins for this reason existing?

As Hussar you must play defensive. Otherwise you are forced to run into the blob of cuirassiers!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 04:01:38 pm
Aren't admins for this reason existing?

It can facilitate the work of admins and avoid conflicts. And especially avoid the extending(never-ending) matches which are boring and which return the disagreeable cavalry in the eyes of the infantry.

It's not only for cuirassers vs heavy. It's for all cav class.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dokletian on September 06, 2018, 04:05:42 pm
It shouldn‘t be the patch‘s task to weaken the hussar class even more. Heavies are running in circles through the whole map why would you force the hussar to run into them?????

Ah, btw: not sure if you plan to, but I‘d suggest to make the cuirassiers not as tanky as they are right now. Before the patch you were able to two-hit a cuirassiers - nowadays you need twice as many hits to even have a chance.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 04:45:25 pm
It shouldn‘t be the patch‘s task to weaken the hussar class even more. Heavies are running in circles through the whole map why would you force the hussar to run into them?????

Ah, btw: not sure if you plan to, but I‘d suggest to make the cuirassiers not as tanky as they are right now. Before the patch you were able to two-hit a cuirassiers - nowadays you need twice as many hits to even have a chance.

2hits for a hussar's horse and 3 hits for a cuirasser's horse. hussar have the speed and the heavy don't. it's not because the heavy class is OP that they win but it's because 14pk and 1erRC have skill. heavy are not running in a circle, if you see the CNWL video, you can watch that they are just playing together because they cannot follow hussar. it's all. 1erC won match whithout the patch.

this flag will be great thanks him hussars AND cuirassiers cannot delay anymore. (yes, a cuirassser can delay) 1vs1 cav vs cav is not funny when one member is delaying. with this flag : no more probleme
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dokletian on September 06, 2018, 04:58:48 pm
2hits for a hussar's horse and 3 hits for a cuirasser's horse. hussar have the speed and the heavy don't. it's not because the heavy class is OP that they win but it's because 14pk and 1erRC have skill. heavy are not running in a circle, if you see the CNWL video, you can watch that they are just playing together because they cannot follow hussar. it's all. 1erC won match whithout the patch.

this flag will be great thanks him hussars AND cuirassiers cannot delay anymore. (yes, a cuirassser can delay) 1vs1 cav vs cav is not funny when one member is delaying. with this flag : no more probleme
A heavy is far more likely to one-hit a hussar horse, which literally happens in most cases. While it needs about 4-5 hits to kill a heavy, that's way too many. I didn't even expect someone arguing about that.

I don't care about 1erRC or 14pk (but I think it is a bit odd that suddenly a heavy regiment is able to destroy everything after the patch including the best cavalry regiment of all time ???) but when I see noobs just charging a group of hussars head (cav gf e.g) and surviving while even one-hiting every hussar near him, that's just utter bullshit. Hussars have the speed yes, but if you would look up a video of hussars vs heavies from the hussar's perspective, you will notice very shortly that what a hussar is doing against heavies is nowhere near delaying. It is just looking for opportunities. And of course you need to use your speed to get in and out the fight, because in a large clusterfuck heavies will win every god. damn. time. That's why you need to circle around and it can lead to long matches, but you shouldn't blame hussars for delaying just because we need to have patience since that's everything we have left when facing heavies (after the patch).
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 05:21:53 pm
3hits only. and one shot when you come with speed.
4ehuss? we can speak about the "best regiment of all time" Which plays only when that arranges him (for exemple against All_stars, 7ehuss,  9ehuss or 5ehuss etc ...) and this regiment which created new rules (for example the rematch between 4ehuss and 5ehuss).
but it's an another debat. And your patch is a bad excuse. i let Rastignac answer about "heavy are too OP for hussar's":
As I keep hearing questions and speculations from various parties, maybe there's a need to clarify something.


14pk is not officially disbanded (as a matter of fact, it became such wide multi-game franchise that it can't be "disbanded" like a common regiment) but due to the negativity that arisen around us simultaneously to our success, it's not worthwhile for us to deal with your lot anymore.

And about the abovementioned negativity I can only say this - it's sad how some people who pretended to be friendly and supportive at the beginning, never having any trouble accepting 1v1 requests and playing with us (or even gladly borrowing our players for their official matches), turned hostile as soon as we got strong enough to beat them. From "it's great to have you around - heavy power is back!" to "you should be banned, cancerous heavies". And in some cases, it only took minutes after the CNWL match for the true colours to be seen, as a effect of uncontained rage. Clearly, the problem is not with us, but with people who can't deal with a lost game and need to attack people they lost to in every way they can think of.

Oddly enough, I've been in NW cavalry for ages but this whole concept of banning heavies is almost entirely new to me. I remember the very first season of CNWL, playing against the old 14pk as a member of 8e hussards. And I don't recall any of our officers bitching about the class differences. We just did our best. Just like we used to play competetive 1v1's against... yes, LANCERS. But that's maybe because the old "hussar gods" were far more skilled and versatile when compared to today's pretenders. And better people, too. And maybe because 8e's regimental motto was Quel que soit l'obstacle - No matter what are the obstacles while today, motto of some regiments and individuals is Ban the obstacles or we'll cry. This is what you're trying to do, the appearances aside - even if it means to strip the game to only one playable class (ridiculous), you'll just try to exclude the opponents you can't tackle. If you can still feel some unwarranted satisfaction, having done so - good for you.

The last CNC and recent CNWL completely re-defined the expression "bad loser" for me. But a bad loser loses twice. Once, in the match, second time - when he can't act with dignity afterwards. And in the end, he only hurts himself, because mistakes acknowledged are lessons learned. Ultimately, as long as there are no game altering cheats involved, your failure is your failure and you have only yourself to blame. Not monkeys with sticks. Not the OP heavies. Yourself and your own shortcomings. Many of you, however, are too petty and self-impressed to acknowledge this fact. That is why I enjoyed leading the regiment along Zahari - whenever one of ours tried to blame our failures on the opponent's luck/class/dubious playstyle, he was first to cut it short and say: no, if we lost, it's YOU/ME/US who fucked up. And here, gentlemen (if there are any around), is one of the true reasons we progressed and eventually got all of you under our heel.

But it's fine now. Those who been around, know I was hussar played to begin with. I can be perfectly happy never playing a cuirassier again, so I have no personal interest in defending the "heavy case" at this point. After we made hot mess out of all top hussar regiments (with the exception of 9e - RIP), 14pk can walk away, taking CNWL cup and a fairly won title of best cavalry regiment of 2018 along. I just feel sad for other cuirassiers, more dedicated to their class choice (stay stronk, 1erRC), for the prospects of NW cavalry as a whole and for having discovered some people to be complete wankers.



in this end of the video, you can watch the last round
and watch that the last hussar must make a force run. it's long. and the result is the death of him. 2 minutes for just one guy. yeah.

In the history, cav must win a ground And destroy the formation. it's a game true, but it can be easier with a flag.

After all, i am speaking after my match with Nr4 against 2ehuss. cav rounds are really too long : it's a fact. with flag, we can make more rounds and more fun.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dokletian on September 06, 2018, 05:33:20 pm
Cavalry matches are perfectly fine. If you want to have short(er) rounds go play infantry
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 06, 2018, 05:37:28 pm
If you want to have short(er) rounds go play infantry

hm, good idea :p
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~Felix~ on September 06, 2018, 07:25:15 pm
If you want to have short(er) rounds go play infantry

hm, good idea :p

Sorry I can‘t get it. So we Must run into your blob although you are mostly camping in a Map corner in the future and it‘s delaying to wait until you ride into the middle of the map?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 06, 2018, 09:26:08 pm
I don't know if this is a taleworlds thing or not, and I know this might be late in asking, should have been asked like a year ago, but since client might have some changes also, is it possible to have more than one beacon? Like they show up on whoever is beaconed and not turn off until toggled again over a player?

And I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate question and I'm not trying to burden you guys.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 06, 2018, 11:50:19 pm
changed a few things with regards to dragoons.

mainly, on med dragoon rankers and NCos, i buffed 1 hand and shooting by +5.(125 and 130 respectively)  officers by +10 1 hand. no change to shooting

light dragoons had the biggest changes.  officer 1 hand up to 130 from 90.  rankers to 110.

i gave light dragoons for rhine and GB a cav musket as an option.  that way they aren't forced to use a carbine.

to put it into perspective, HC have 140-150 1 hand depending on the type of HC, and hussars 160.    officers like say for lancers, have 150 1 hand.

thoughts?   are they over buffed?   they are imo one of the more well rounded units in the game with their mobility, shooting, and melee.  they may not be the best in one category, but they are better in several areas combined compared to the other cav.

i believe you can take these 2 files, and combine them with the OP build. 

edit, removed +5 shooting on med dragoons.  med horses are better at melee, lights at shooting.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 07, 2018, 12:07:26 am
changed a few things with regards to dragoons.

mainly, on med dragoon rankers and NCos, i buffed 1 hand and shooting by +5.(125 and 130 respectively)  officers by +10 1 hand. no change to shooting

light dragoons had the biggest changes.  officer 1 hand up to 130 from 90.  rankers to 110.

i gave light dragoons for rhine and GB a cav musket as an option.  that way they aren't forced to use a carbine.

to put it into perspective, HC have 140-150 1 hand depending on the type of HC, and hussars 160.    officers like say for lancers, have 150 1 hand.

thoughts?   are they over buffed?   they are imo one of the more well rounded units in the game with their mobility, shooting, and melee.  they may not be the best in one category, but they are better in several areas combined compared to the other cav.

i believe you can take these 2 files, and combine them with the OP build.

Nobody uses dragoons. :) *well not in competitive

I like the fact though that heavy cav can compete now with hussars. It's the hussar regiments that complain, If it's a problem, they can switch to heavy cav, but they don't because as one guy told me, "it feels like I'm riding a cow they're so slow". And their various other reasons. Basically a hussar used to go unchallenged in competitive, but now heavy cav can actually win.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on September 07, 2018, 12:28:36 am
I'm not following this thread too much but can someone give me a changelog for the cav so far for this patch im curious
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 07, 2018, 12:56:43 am
I'm not following this thread too much but can someone give me a changelog for the cav so far for this patch im curious
HC horses health was reverted to old patch, keeping current maneuver.

dragoon changes above. 

cav officer bonus was changed to change horse speed.  no longer applies when on foot. 
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on September 07, 2018, 01:16:10 am
I'm not following this thread too much but can someone give me a changelog for the cav so far for this patch im curious
HC horses health was reverted to old patch, keeping current maneuver.

dragoon changes above. 

cav officer bonus was changed to change horse speed.  no longer applies when on foot.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 07, 2018, 02:20:01 am
I don't know if this is a taleworlds thing or not, and I know this might be late in asking, should have been asked like a year ago, but since client might have some changes also, is it possible to have more than one beacon? Like they show up on whoever is beaconed and not turn off until toggled again over a player?

And I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate question and I'm not trying to burden you guys.
I haven't looked into it but it might be possible to have more than one beacon per team.  it is not something we will be adding tho, since this patch is more or less done.    I am hoping more people test it and give feedback on it before it is released. 

auto bacon was fixed tho.   so no more having only one guy get beaconed and not the other guy when its a 1v1 in battle with less than 3 min left. 
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: AlekoTheGreek on September 07, 2018, 03:26:59 am
Regarding the Heavy vs Light cavalry argument that has been going on. (pretty much since Mount and Musket days :P )

I see countless arguments regarding the "competitive" Cavalry vs Cavalry matches etc. I just wanted to point out that, regardless of what is the case in the end, this game also have plenty of instances where cavalry faces infantry. And when balancing changes are being made, that needs to be taken into consideration as well...
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dokletian on September 07, 2018, 09:17:41 am
Nobody uses dragoons. :) *well not in competitive

I like the fact though that heavy cav can compete now with hussars. It's the hussar regiments that complain, If it's a problem, they can switch to heavy cav, but they don't because as one guy told me, "it feels like I'm riding a cow they're so slow". And their various other reasons. Basically a hussar used to go unchallenged in competitive, but now heavy cav can actually win.
If you speak about NA, that might be true. But in the EU scene there always were competetive heavy regiments (14pk, 10ph, 3eRC, 8eCC and several nations cup teams) which always were succesful. That so many don‘t play heavies is just because there have always been mostly hussars playing and why change your class then if the main stuff is going on with the hussars. Same with lancers in the EU scene, they‘re pretty fcking good when played properly (look at the CNC e.g) but people don‘t really play it as well.
Just changing your class because the other one got buffed is a pretty dumb argument, tbh.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 07, 2018, 10:01:53 am
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 07, 2018, 10:32:34 am
Personally im affraid to do any balance changes at all.

you will always piss off somebody.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lorucas on September 07, 2018, 11:31:21 am
I remember one time before the last patch, like 1 year ago (because I'm not a veteran player here just almost 3 years). In Cav GF, u never saw any HC except MrAnnoying (for me the best HC ever) and some polish player (because they only like to play HC).

But suddenly the patch was released and then the HC was buffed, in my case, playing with the 8th vs 14pk preparing all ourselves for the CNWL we saw that changes, we won with no problems the first matches but then the 14pk won us ez after the patch, yeah maybe they improved their circle tactic (I hate that tactic so much, DragonKing if you don't like run behind a huss pony think how I feel when 10-15 HC play in circle and their horse can resist 3 or 4 hits..  :'( not funny). After that CNWL 14pk won it and any Hussars regiment want to play vs HC.

Yeah maybe the hussars were overpowered before the patch but now are the HC, that's why I and a lot of players want a balance pls :(. And if you can reduce the attack speed of the lance I will love you forever :-*.

I saw a comment about Dragoons as well, I was in a Dragoon regiment the best Spanish Cavalry Regiment, in my opinion. And I don't know why ppl don't use it, it's a really fun class to play.

And the last but not less important, are you thinking in introduce a new faction?, I would like to see Spain someday :-\.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 07, 2018, 11:51:53 am
Lorucas, i think that HC is not really bull shit. today hussars  and HC are equal. When we run behind a hussar we need 2-3 hits to kill his poney. if he don't touch the head of our horse before. For me, we have a balance.

i think that the hussar's tactic is only for the individuel skill. In a HC regiment we make teamplay, a big teamplay and a tactic based against the hussar's. The hussar's regiment are too accustomed at the 1vs1 against another hussars i think.

Since one year i was the leader of the 1erCrb and i was on cavgf every day. So Annoying and polish people was not alone to play HC on cavgf. And we can speak about the great 1erC or the KK_Nr4(heavy reg)

But hussars win of course. They don't want play against HC now because they are losing against 14pk or 1erRC(they are affraid to play against regiment who win). So the heavy horse will lose heal. You will have your balance to make again "master race hussars". it's funny to see that you are sad because we have a armour.. On mercenaries a men can tank 10 hits and you are crying for 3 hits :/

You can play heavy if you are not happy with hussars. "Oh no, they are too slow"...

I let Rastignac answer(one more time) about "heavy are too OP for hussar' but it's the last time

As I keep hearing questions and speculations from various parties, maybe there's a need to clarify something.


14pk is not officially disbanded (as a matter of fact, it became such wide multi-game franchise that it can't be "disbanded" like a common regiment) but due to the negativity that arisen around us simultaneously to our success, it's not worthwhile for us to deal with your lot anymore.

And about the abovementioned negativity I can only say this - it's sad how some people who pretended to be friendly and supportive at the beginning, never having any trouble accepting 1v1 requests and playing with us (or even gladly borrowing our players for their official matches), turned hostile as soon as we got strong enough to beat them. From "it's great to have you around - heavy power is back!" to "you should be banned, cancerous heavies". And in some cases, it only took minutes after the CNWL match for the true colours to be seen, as a effect of uncontained rage. Clearly, the problem is not with us, but with people who can't deal with a lost game and need to attack people they lost to in every way they can think of.

Oddly enough, I've been in NW cavalry for ages but this whole concept of banning heavies is almost entirely new to me. I remember the very first season of CNWL, playing against the old 14pk as a member of 8e hussards. And I don't recall any of our officers bitching about the class differences. We just did our best. Just like we used to play competetive 1v1's against... yes, LANCERS. But that's maybe because the old "hussar gods" were far more skilled and versatile when compared to today's pretenders. And better people, too. And maybe because 8e's regimental motto was Quel que soit l'obstacle - No matter what are the obstacles while today, motto of some regiments and individuals is Ban the obstacles or we'll cry. This is what you're trying to do, the appearances aside - even if it means to strip the game to only one playable class (ridiculous), you'll just try to exclude the opponents you can't tackle. If you can still feel some unwarranted satisfaction, having done so - good for you.

The last CNC and recent CNWL completely re-defined the expression "bad loser" for me. But a bad loser loses twice. Once, in the match, second time - when he can't act with dignity afterwards. And in the end, he only hurts himself, because mistakes acknowledged are lessons learned. Ultimately, as long as there are no game altering cheats involved, your failure is your failure and you have only yourself to blame. Not monkeys with sticks. Not the OP heavies. Yourself and your own shortcomings. Many of you, however, are too petty and self-impressed to acknowledge this fact. That is why I enjoyed leading the regiment along Zahari - whenever one of ours tried to blame our failures on the opponent's luck/class/dubious playstyle, he was first to cut it short and say: no, if we lost, it's YOU/ME/US who fucked up. And here, gentlemen (if there are any around), is one of the true reasons we progressed and eventually got all of you under our heel.

But it's fine now. Those who been around, know I was hussar played to begin with. I can be perfectly happy never playing a cuirassier again, so I have no personal interest in defending the "heavy case" at this point. After we made hot mess out of all top hussar regiments (with the exception of 9e - RIP), 14pk can walk away, taking CNWL cup and a fairly won title of best cavalry regiment of 2018 along. I just feel sad for other cuirassiers, more dedicated to their class choice (stay stronk, 1erRC), for the prospects of NW cavalry as a whole and for having discovered some people to be complete wankers.



Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lorucas on September 07, 2018, 12:17:36 pm
Man I played everything here in this game and I can confirm nowadays Heavies are op right now as Hussars were op and lancers always have been op. The thing is why the HC players can't see how op they are and say, YES WE ARE OP NOW AND WE LOVE IT, GET REKT HUSS PUSSIES. I don't care if I win or lose it's a game, I will say GG after the match as always I did.

And I will not discuss more because we can be here until the Bannerlord releases (I didn't have any problem with you DragonKing and I want to continue like that), just one more thing less attack speed for lances and Spain as faction!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DragonKing on September 07, 2018, 12:30:14 pm
i have a dream : bannerlord... ;D ;)
i considere you, Lorucas, as a friend :) so no problem :p
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dokletian on September 07, 2018, 01:11:44 pm
Again all hussars (which is a large majority in the cav community) are not willed to change their class just because the patch made them the 'meta'. No, we will keep playing hussars as we did the last years and no, hussars and heavies are not equal at the moment - that‘s why so many players are complaining and that has led us into this debate.

I‘ve never seen a heavy needing more than two hits (needing two is still rare) to kill a horse; on the ground a heavy can easily kill a dismounted hussar while the hussar doesn‘t stand a chance. Getting a dismounted heavy is way way more difficult. No wonder why at nearly every match there are several dismounted cuirassiers remaining.

Also, the good hussar regiments actually need more teamplay than you think (and I‘m 100% sure the Nr.6 uses more teamplay than the 1erRC - look at Nr6 v 4e for example).

Also, that the 'hussars are crying because of the huge success of heavies since the patch (!)' is a reaction of heavies tanking more + having more speed and maneuverability. As we faced the 14pk before the CNWL  literally everyone (even the guys that didn‘t know the patch notes) did notice those changes. In an argument where the one side is explaning why the other one is being buffed to drastically saying the the hussar side is just butthurt due to all the recent successes and invincibility of heavies is a bit paradox, imo at least.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: QuinnML on September 07, 2018, 04:00:02 pm
A subtle balance change will do the community more good than any rash changes in either direction.

 I suggest making it such that Hussars can shoot lasers out of their eyes, and Heavy Cavalry spawn with rubber swords.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lorucas on September 07, 2018, 04:04:33 pm
A subtle balance change will do the community more good than any rash changes in either direction.

 I suggest making it such that Hussars can shoot lasers out of their eyes, and Heavy Cavalry spawn with rubber swords.

Yes Quinn.. and lancers for UK... this boi... >:(
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Sleek on September 07, 2018, 04:06:34 pm
Imagine caring about cavalry in 2018
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: RussianFury on September 07, 2018, 04:25:28 pm
Imagine caring about cavalry in 2018
imagine being sleek in 2018
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 07, 2018, 06:58:28 pm
For those that have been around for a long time, when was the last time there was a large cav GF tourney where lancers were allowed on the EU side and people actually played them.(no. we are not touching lancers.  just curious)  have there been that many?

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lorucas on September 07, 2018, 08:27:13 pm
For those that have been around for a long time, when was the last time there was a large cav GF tourney where lancers were allowed on the EU side and people actually played them.(no. we are not touching lancers.  just curious)  have there been that many?

Last CNC, there were two national teams playing as lancers.. just reduce their attack speed!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caps on September 07, 2018, 11:13:29 pm
fix the downstab hitbox pls (on the start up)

it attacks a bit backwards
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on September 08, 2018, 01:46:47 pm
I have talked to a few people (artillery members) and they find the sapper good

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Koxxus on September 10, 2018, 11:06:36 am
For me, it'd be great, if french infantry would get another unit, in place of removed Bavarians. If you dont have time, you would use a custom skin made by community. I guess that the persons like Johny Nawalony would do something for you.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Johny_Nawalony on September 10, 2018, 03:56:51 pm
For me, it'd be great, if french infantry would get another unit, in place of removed Bavarians. If you dont have time, you would use a custom skin made by community. I guess that the persons like Johny Nawalony would do something for you.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 10, 2018, 04:07:13 pm
I have talked to a few people (artillery members) and they find the sapper good
That is great news. I'm glad these changes are liked.

For me, it'd be great, if french infantry would get another unit, in place of removed Bavarians. If you dont have time, you would use a custom skin made by community. I guess that the persons like Johny Nawalony would do something for you.
We will not add new units, sorry.

fix the downstab hitbox pls (on the start up)

it attacks a bit backwards
What do you mean exactly, I doubt it is something we can do without doing a lot in-engine which will be outside the scope of this patch.

We will soon finish this work and push it out the door, last chances to say something guys.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Aztir on September 10, 2018, 05:21:37 pm
Unicorn admin hoers?  :-*
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Ivan. on September 10, 2018, 05:50:21 pm
IDK if this is just an NW thing but the hitboxes of teammates are very inconsistent and buggy. Stabs can travel right through them particularly at longer range.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 10, 2018, 06:00:28 pm
IDK if this is just an NW thing but the hitboxes of teammates are very inconsistent and buggy. Stabs can travel right through them particularly at longer range.
It's a warband engine problem, try not to create a teamkill contest but instead have enemy vs enemy, for instance to run the gamemode as deathmatch when making training with your regiment.

Unicorn admin hoers?  :-*
if you supply a good model.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Shadow on September 10, 2018, 07:02:40 pm
:o :o :o
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: StephanGH on September 10, 2018, 09:33:39 pm
For those that have been around for a long time, when was the last time there was a large cav GF tourney where lancers were allowed on the EU side and people actually played them.(no. we are not touching lancers.  just curious)  have there been that many?

CNC had 2 teams play it, 1 dropped out and 1 won the whole thing to the entire outcry of the community. Since then no lancer has been allowed anymore and I believe that CNC won't allow it anymore either if it happens again
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: MaHuD on September 11, 2018, 12:39:09 am
IDK if this is just an NW thing but the hitboxes of teammates are very inconsistent and buggy. Stabs can travel right through them particularly at longer range.
Originally teamkilling was a bug in the Warband Beta. Because it was well liked, the TW devs decided to not fix the bug and instead keep it as a toggle off/on feature. Hence it is not surprising if friendly hitboxes (especially with polearms and short weapons like daggers) are not working optimally.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on September 11, 2018, 12:20:35 pm
how much longer do we have to test?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 11, 2018, 12:55:01 pm
IF you guys feel all is ok, I think we will push for release very soon.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on September 11, 2018, 04:05:22 pm
IF you guys feel all is ok, I think we will push for release very soon.

Can’t wait that melee revert will be nice
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 11, 2018, 04:31:29 pm
IF you guys feel all is ok, I think we will push for release very soon.

Can’t wait that melee revert will be nice
Did you try out the patch? how does it feel now?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on September 11, 2018, 05:57:02 pm
IF you guys feel all is ok, I think we will push for release very soon.

Can’t wait that melee revert will be nice
Did you try out the patch? how does it feel now?

Haven’t tried it but if it’s like the pre patch melee with less pokes I’ll be happy
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 11, 2018, 06:01:32 pm
So test it please.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caps on September 11, 2018, 06:46:17 pm
when will it come?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 11, 2018, 06:57:55 pm
Soon, really soon, please keep testing it I don't think it will be patched after.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caps on September 11, 2018, 07:05:17 pm
Soon, really soon, please keep testing it I don't think it will be patched after.

Will you patch the hitbox aswell where when you hit someone and force him to stumble his hitbox gets way smaller causing your ally to stab through the guy causing lots of tk
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dark_Knight on September 11, 2018, 07:37:17 pm
are frog's jumps back?!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 11, 2018, 07:54:50 pm
Soon, really soon, please keep testing it I don't think it will be patched after.

Will you patch the hitbox aswell where when you hit someone and force him to stumble his hitbox gets way smaller causing your ally to stab through the guy causing lots of tk
That is something in the engine that we cannot do anything about.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 11, 2018, 09:39:24 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: PapaBean on September 11, 2018, 09:50:24 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.

Who is left in native?!?!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Brap on September 11, 2018, 10:35:51 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Rikkert on September 12, 2018, 12:46:26 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 12, 2018, 12:52:26 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.
No sorry we will not do it, it will heavy imbalance infantry vs cavalry.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Rikkert on September 12, 2018, 12:53:32 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.
No sorry we will not do it, it will heavy imbalance infantry vs cavalry.
Not only that, it would completely fuck up groupfights.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Maple™ on September 12, 2018, 06:35:17 pm
Can you make upstabs faster
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 13, 2018, 06:45:19 am
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.

Who is left in native?!?!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caps on September 13, 2018, 03:12:44 pm
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.

Who is left in native?!?!

native is dead

tried vs some bots didnt feel much difference, maybe the hitboxes are a bit smaller?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: MaHuD on September 15, 2018, 01:29:19 am
Since this is the End of Life for the game, please allow Attacks mid-air. We need a true jump stab. It will re-energize the competitive community and new strategies for melee will be created.

I want NW to be able to compete with Native and their naked men with Great Sword's with 6k hours jump stabbing everyone.

This doesn't happen in Native matches.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 15, 2018, 05:46:40 pm
I uploaded on the same links the latest version of things.

So please test this version once again!

- There has been some minor balance changes on light dragoons as far as I know,

- We added some mod from Zauberfisch that will allow him and also other server side modders to add goodies.
Look for the screens here:
Server side modders could spawn training weapons and so on.

- We also added a map from Zebaad.
- I also worked a bit on cannonballs again but nothing major.
- The reported scene props with colision mesh problems were fixed.

Some other things were changed since last zip file, so just test in general.

To test it, simply download this zip file:

Unpack the mm dev folder in your mount and blade warband/Modules folder
And run the game with the mm dev module selected.

It will work on servers too. in the same way, run the server with -m mm dev

If you wanted to test around with it, here is the current source for this patch; it will change more naturally but you could have a peek and see what is changed.

Remember that right now is the last chance for any more fixes, and so on, release is really close.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zebaad on September 15, 2018, 05:49:33 pm
We also added a map from Zebaad.

Most important bit of that message :D
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: QuinnML on September 15, 2018, 08:15:12 pm
- We added some mod from Zauberfisch that will allow him and also other server side modders to add goodies.
Look for the screens here:
Server side modders could spawn training weapons and so on.

Nice! Props to Jetfire ( from KGL and Silen ( from 32nd for their contributing work on this stuff, looks and plays well.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 17, 2018, 04:10:10 am

- We added some mod from Zauberfisch that will allow him and also other server side modders to add goodies.
Look for the screens here:
Server side modders could spawn training weapons and so on.

Thanks for adding that! I think it is often the modding scene which really helps keep NW alive, and adding this, and especially new items really adds a lot of potential.

Is the pop up menu thing something clients will also be able to see as well, or just a server side thing?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 17, 2018, 05:29:19 am
My last request, though I have echoed this before, is to have map names pushed to the master server list and maybe the client as Native does, like you can see the map name will say "Iron Forest by blahblah" on the master server list.

Also if you need or want more maps I can give you some. All AI-meshed too ;)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 17, 2018, 11:12:36 am

- We added some mod from Zauberfisch that will allow him and also other server side modders to add goodies.
Look for the screens here:
Server side modders could spawn training weapons and so on.

Thanks for adding that! I think it is often the modding scene which really helps keep NW alive, and adding this, and especially new items really adds a lot of potential.

Is the pop up menu thing something clients will also be able to see as well, or just a server side thing?
It's a server side mod thing, so you can force by server anything really with your own string names, for instance you can have a custom vote coded server side with 3,4 or whatever options.. you could also use it for lets say you make a door and on use it asks you which of the x locations you want to teleport to, it has quite limitless possibilities for the server mods.

My last request, though I have echoed this before, is to have map names pushed to the master server list and maybe the client as Native does, like you can see the map name will say "Iron Forest by blahblah" on the master server list.

Also if you need or want more maps I can give you some. All AI-meshed too ;)
I dont know how that pushing names to server list works, native has this already working and somehow NW not?

I would love to have all the current maps with AI meshes, but then they have to be quite original and not all-out changed.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Nero_ on September 19, 2018, 03:35:16 pm
So there's a glitch, I'll try to explain how it occurs;

When you stab someone that is in the process of stabbing, his next attack will be instant

pls fix
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 19, 2018, 08:21:15 pm
Stop spawmming this thread.

Removed all comments that were useless and muted the people involved.

Anyone any problem with the patch right now, tried it, tried the melee and balance changes, and tried the new sapper class and everybody happy now?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 19, 2018, 08:47:28 pm
Maybe if I have time, I"ll try to recreate the spawn points of some of the other default maps I have that I AI meshed, and add doors back in.  Also, I'll try to find it now, but I remember there was a class limits problem with one of the cav units if class limits were on, like you couldn't pick dragoon for some reason even if the class limits were supposed to be ok with it. I"ll try to figure out exactly what it was.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Keita on September 19, 2018, 08:50:46 pm
Stop spawmming this thread.

Removed all comments that were useless and muted the people involved.

Anyone any problem with the patch right now, tried it, tried the melee and balance changes, and tried the new sapper class and everybody happy now?
imagine muting Nero for giving a genuine suggestion
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Olafson on September 19, 2018, 11:33:35 pm
He got muted for the other stuff he said in this thread.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Shadow on September 20, 2018, 12:37:59 pm
Feel free to point the individuals that disagree with the decision to Vince or myself.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on September 20, 2018, 03:33:26 pm
When this patch will be released? Cuz current one is really terrible.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on September 20, 2018, 03:50:02 pm
When this patch will be released? Cuz current one is really terrible.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: QuinnML on September 20, 2018, 04:24:19 pm
- There has been some minor balance changes on light dragoons as far as I know,

British Light Dragoon rankers can now take cavalry musket, which is really nice balance change, but in Commander Battle they still only equip carbines, which makes them still by far the worst dragoon option in this gamemode. Also the Dragoon Sergeant still takes only carbine without any option for cavalry musket regardless of the gamemode. Is this intentional?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Steinmann on September 20, 2018, 05:45:45 pm
Yay i dident get muted

btw nice patch!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 20, 2018, 06:45:28 pm
- There has been some minor balance changes on light dragoons as far as I know,

British Light Dragoon rankers can now take cavalry musket, which is really nice balance change, but in Commander Battle they still only equip carbines, which makes them still by far the worst dragoon option in this gamemode. Also the Dragoon Sergeant still takes only carbine without any option for cavalry musket regardless of the gamemode. Is this intentional?
GB and Prus Dragoon NCOs had their guns removed to be like every other cav/dragoon.  in CB both GB and Rhine Light dragoons get cav muskets.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 21, 2018, 07:13:34 am
Also for NA people, I updated the server to match this thread the other day, so if you want to test it, I put it on a rotation of groupfighting maps, also if you want the admin pass, just message me on steam.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 24, 2018, 04:24:32 pm
Oh have a bug I forgot

a config command for commander battle is not working when the server starts

commander_battle_no_spread <value>  # 0 is off, 1 is on.  disable line inf spread

On my server in the config I have

commander_battle_no_spread 1 # 0 is off, 1 is on.  disable line inf spread

but the server always starts with the loose formations Unchecked

So it's not taking the command for some reason.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 24, 2018, 05:19:06 pm
I guess that bug report is too late, but maybe it will be included in the server files.

Taleworlds pushed the NW patch to the steam beta branch, if you are on it you can not join any server anymore, therefore switch your steam to non beta branch and all should be fine.

I suppose the actual release is very soon.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: sirkaide on September 24, 2018, 05:23:23 pm
Why did FSE latest update simply copy everything of Jailbreak and Napoleonic Role Play? We spent years and 100's£ buying scripts for you guys to nonce us.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 24, 2018, 05:41:49 pm
Why did FSE latest update simply copy everything of Jailbreak and Napoleonic Role Play? We spent years and 100's£ buying scripts for you guys to nonce us.
What do you mean?  :o

I never even played on your servers, we simply implemented some requests people left at our door. sorry if you wasted money on things.

It's confusing anyway that people ask money for scripts, when i was a modder years ago we just made mods for free and stuff :/
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Dark_Knight on September 24, 2018, 05:43:52 pm
fun is dead nowadays :(
It's all about money... AND PING!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: sirkaide on September 24, 2018, 05:50:36 pm
Not to be rude. But FSE stopped bothering about NW for many years. We in NWRP and Jailbreak and minisiege invested alot of time and money building scripts to increase the player base. Keeping the game populated for many years. We never got a thank you once. We had to pay money to fix basic problems like the flag glitch. Due to FSE being unable to admin the forums. All the major servers had to move of FSE and host our own dedicated forum sites. There simply wasn't any modders around and willing to do it for nothing. Servers like NWRP and Jailbreak relied on public donations via skins. A player would give 5 £ and buy a custom skin. This would keep the server funded and allow new scripts. Such as medic, grenades, teleportation doors etc. I don't know who's responsible directly but we're not allowed to continue this practice any longer. Long-term I believe this is damaging.

It speaks volume that you never played on Napoleonic Wars Role Player server. Because we had the Holdfast Devs on the server and they took a special interest to our ideas and methods of creating 200 public player role-plays. Such interest that two of the NWRP team and 59th leaders went on to work with the AGS on holdfast. NWRP along with minisiege literally kept NW playable in the public eye. Because of Holdfast research and willingness to engage in RP and listen, the 59th along with other regiments moved to holdfast.

Its great that you're updating the game now. I am just confused and baffled as to why now? Just makes me angry that over the years, we tried so hard to get FSE to fix issues and we got nothing but silence. Then you come along and fix everything without a thank you. Us server managers and owners and admins deserve a big fucking thank you. Because this game player base decreased and we kept the game going for public players. Which in turn kept a regular feed for regiments. The official servers died a long time ago.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: lonedoge on September 24, 2018, 05:58:41 pm
why not update
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on September 24, 2018, 06:05:31 pm
Not to be rude. But FSE stopped bothering about NW for many years. We in NWRP and Jailbreak and minisiege invested alot of time and money building scripts to increase the player base. Keeping the game populated for many years. We never got a thank you once. We had to pay money to fix basic problems like the flag glitch. Due to FSE being unable to admin the forums. All the major servers had to move of FSE and host our own dedicated forum sites. There simply wasn't any modders around and willing to do it for nothing. Servers like NWRP and Jailbreak relied on public donations via skins. A player would give 5 £ and buy a custom skin. This would keep the server funded and allow new scripts. Such as medic, grenades, teleportation doors etc. I don't know who's responsible directly but we're not allowed to continue this practice any longer. Long-term I believe this is damaging.

It speaks volume that you never played on Napoleonic Wars Role Player server. Because we had the Holdfast Devs on the server and they took a special interest to our ideas and methods of creating 200 public player role-plays. Such interest that two of the NWRP team and 59th leaders went on to work with the AGS on holdfast. NWRP along with minisiege literally kept NW playable in the public eye. Because of Holdfast research and willingness to engage in RP and listen, the 59th along with other regiments moved to holdfast. Its great that you're updating the game now. I am just confused and baffled as to why now?
I see your argument and it's wonderful people like you are keeping the game alive,
however I personally don't like the fact that there would be one or two servers with the only chance to get population and exist.
Because then you have one person, or a clan in power of the public play of the game, which basically means trouble.
I can just imagine, clan fights, personal grudges, plenty of bans just for affiliation.. you name it.

If people have the ability to create alternative servers, that is good.
Naturally there should be a balance, where people can create unique servers with maps or mods, and actually what we did was adding plenty of the extra bits and bobs so server side only madders could do more..
Like custom input fields and buttons.. which is helping people create mods.

Though some things people asked us to make like groupfighting game mode, medics and so on, are basic features that now everybody can use.
I would say that improves the game for everyone?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Edwin on September 24, 2018, 09:53:09 pm
Not to be rude. But FSE stopped bothering about NW for many years. We in NWRP and Jailbreak and minisiege invested alot of time and money building scripts to increase the player base. Keeping the game populated for many years. We never got a thank you once. We had to pay money to fix basic problems like the flag glitch. Due to FSE being unable to admin the forums. All the major servers had to move of FSE and host our own dedicated forum sites. There simply wasn't any modders around and willing to do it for nothing. Servers like NWRP and Jailbreak relied on public donations via skins. A player would give 5 £ and buy a custom skin. This would keep the server funded and allow new scripts. Such as medic, grenades, teleportation doors etc. I don't know who's responsible directly but we're not allowed to continue this practice any longer. Long-term I believe this is damaging.

It speaks volume that you never played on Napoleonic Wars Role Player server. Because we had the Holdfast Devs on the server and they took a special interest to our ideas and methods of creating 200 public player role-plays. Such interest that two of the NWRP team and 59th leaders went on to work with the AGS on holdfast. NWRP along with minisiege literally kept NW playable in the public eye. Because of Holdfast research and willingness to engage in RP and listen, the 59th along with other regiments moved to holdfast.

Its great that you're updating the game now. I am just confused and baffled as to why now? Just makes me angry that over the years, we tried so hard to get FSE to fix issues and we got nothing but silence. Then you come along and fix everything without a thank you. Us server managers and owners and admins deserve a big fucking thank you. Because this game player base decreased and we kept the game going for public players. Which in turn kept a regular feed for regiments. The official servers died a long time ago.

kaide's writing style. not good. poor for many years. it speaks volumes of his intelligence. long-term I believe this is damaging.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Thunderstormer on September 25, 2018, 02:15:46 am
Oh have a bug I forgot

a config command for commander battle is not working when the server starts

commander_battle_no_spread <value>  # 0 is off, 1 is on.  disable line inf spread

On my server in the config I have

commander_battle_no_spread 1 # 0 is off, 1 is on.  disable line inf spread

but the server always starts with the loose formations Unchecked

So it's not taking the command for some reason.
seems to be working in my build just fine.  tried both several times, restarting the server after each change in the config.   changed it manually in the console and it changed in game. 
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on September 26, 2018, 11:15:24 am
what is the current status of the Patch? You are Finish or in Work?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on September 26, 2018, 12:46:02 pm
what is the current status of the Patch? You are Finish or in Work?

yes. Vincenzo posted earlier:

Taleworlds pushed the NW patch to the steam beta branch, [...]
I suppose the actual release is very soon.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Aztir on September 26, 2018, 07:39:35 pm
add native props so mappers can make loads of cool shit?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on September 26, 2018, 09:37:15 pm
add native props so mappers can make loads of cool shit?

I've been told it's not possible because there is a maximum amount of scene props that can be added to a mod, and that said limit has already been reached.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Maple™ on September 27, 2018, 07:57:32 am
Just tested it out, and good god the melee is so much better, it feels a lot more responsive. Chambers will actually have meaning now
EDIT: Glances/pokes still seem to be a big thing, but maybe just unlucky
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Oatmeal on September 27, 2018, 08:45:08 am
melee is very fun again!!! glances are  meh but not nearly as bad!!!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Pinoy12 on September 27, 2018, 08:48:19 am
Just tested it out, and good god the melee is so much better, it feels a lot more responsive. Chambers will actually have meaning now
EDIT: Glances/pokes still seem to be a big thing, but maybe just unlucky
Same experience for me, everything is more responsive. The game isn't boring anymore. Glances were still there but eh they been there forever. Overall I am happy with the progress. You aren't playing in quicksand anymore which is nice. Cant wait for the release!
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 27, 2018, 09:20:04 am
While patch seem to be fine, I think you should wait till there is big amount of changes before sending it. Like the one before.  Currently this gonna break server side mods for majority of populated servers. For few small changes.

Btw, I noticed that custom maps names rarely work, unless you actually compile game with them included.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on September 27, 2018, 10:36:17 am
Tbh the only improvement I see for the melee is that it is quicker. The glances and tanking from the previous patch is about the same.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 28, 2018, 03:17:11 am
While patch seem to be fine, I think you should wait till there is big amount of changes before sending it. Like the one before.  Currently this gonna break server side mods for majority of populated servers. For few small changes.

Btw, I noticed that custom maps names rarely work, unless you actually compile game with them included.

Sort of feel the same. While there have been some awesome additions, it is the last patch, and it would be nice to see as many new additions and changes as possible--especially modding wise--as this opens up a ton of new possibilities and ideas in the future. Personally I would really like to see more item additions (e.g maybe food items similar to native?).

I wasn't sure with the custom maps to what extent they are meant to work in terms of what clients can see...e.g are we meant to see the actual custom name instead of say "Custom_Map_1" in the games list? If not, is something like this possible? So far I only seem to see the custom name when selecting the map from the admin not sure if this is all it was meant to work for.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Maple™ on September 28, 2018, 08:35:08 am
I think they should remove pokes that stun your character, because they happen way too often and usually end up in you dying
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 11:39:57 am

Sort of feel the same. While there have been some awesome additions, it is the last patch, and it would be nice to see as many new additions and changes as possible--especially modding wise--as this opens up a ton of new possibilities and ideas in the future. Personally I would really like to see more item additions (e.g maybe food items similar to native?).

I wasn't sure with the custom maps to what extent they are meant to work in terms of what clients can see...e.g are we meant to see the actual custom name instead of say "Custom_Map_1" in the games list? If not, is something like this possible? So far I only seem to see the custom name when selecting the map from the admin not sure if this is all it was meant to work for.

Its not exactly what I meant. Modders are perfectly able to add things you meantioned themselfs. Problem I have with so small patch is that it will make all current server side mods  non-usable for some time. For rather little gain.

As for maps, the "custom" stuff are dummy maps added to game, so users could potentially replace their files with own maps. This allows for selection of new maps in admin panel.   This should also allow for naming such maps, but I found such way not really working. Only adding such map to game via compilation seems to work in 100% cases.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 28, 2018, 01:13:50 pm
Its not exactly what I meant. Modders are perfectly able to add things you meantioned themselfs. Problem I have with so small patch is that it will make all current server side mods  non-usable for some time. For rather little gain.

Yeah I understood what you were saying, was just adding on it  ;). I only mention new items because putting it in a patch would mean everyone could see them rather than just people with a mod.

As for maps, the "custom" stuff are dummy maps added to game, so users could potentially replace their files with own maps. This allows for selection of new maps in admin panel.   This should also allow for naming such maps, but I found such way not really working. Only adding such map to game via compilation seems to work in 100% cases.

So are these something different from the standard 100 custom maps?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 01:37:09 pm
So are these something different from the standard 100 custom maps?

Technically? No.

But adding map to game and compiling it together gives more controll, saves some chaos in files, and is generally more convinient. Also map names show always on server list. Effects of changing names via manual editing are inconsistent.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 28, 2018, 02:41:26 pm
Also map names show always on server list.

Not sure if its my game or something then, because I don't think I have ever seen the map names show up on the server list...standard maps yes...but custom maps for me only ever show up as custom_map_1 and so on.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 03:09:58 pm
Also map names show always on server list.

Not sure if its my game or something then, because I don't think I have ever seen the map names show up on the server list...standard maps yes...but custom maps for me only ever show up as custom_map_1 and so on.
It may be both server or your fault. I imagine that even if server has different name for map, your own game may override it on list. Or smth like that...
And this is exactly why I skip that "custom maps" way. Players always seen right name when I used "completly new map" approach.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 28, 2018, 04:44:42 pm
Also map names show always on server list.

Not sure if its my game or something then, because I don't think I have ever seen the map names show up on the server list...standard maps yes...but custom maps for me only ever show up as custom_map_1 and so on.
It may be both server or your fault. I imagine that even if server has different name for map, your own game may override it on list. Or smth like that...
And this is exactly why I skip that "custom maps" way. Players always seen right name when I used "completly new map" approach.

I've never seen any server have a custom map name in the master server list. Now I change my map file names, the .sco and then change strings so that the Vote for a new map is seen with a a new name in the server messsage at the the bottom and in the Administrator Panel, but it still doesn't change the client side menu of maps to vote.

Like for example I changed Arabian Harbour Night to The Black Gate, and file name is black_gate.sco and when a player votes for Arabian Harbour Night on their screen, it will say on the screen Player submitted a vote for The Black Gate with Nations United Kingdom and France.

But it still shows up as Arabian Harbour Night on their ESC menu, and on the master server list when players pick a server, it'll still say Arabian Harbour Night, it's not pushing Strings to the master list like Native does.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 05:03:34 pm
But it still shows up as Arabian Harbour Night on their ESC menu, and on the master server list when players pick a server, it'll still say Arabian Harbour Night, it's not pushing Strings to the master list like Native does.

Yes, in native it mostly worked, sometimes just it took some time to actually get updated on server list. In NW not so much. Players only seen my custom name if I added map to game as totally new one.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 28, 2018, 05:16:43 pm
But it still shows up as Arabian Harbour Night on their ESC menu, and on the master server list when players pick a server, it'll still say Arabian Harbour Night, it's not pushing Strings to the master list like Native does.

Yes, in native it mostly worked, sometimes just it took some time to actually get updated on server list. In NW not so much. Players only seen my custom name if I added map to game as totally new one.

You'll have to show me with a screenshot what you're talking about. Where do players see your custom map name in NW? On the master server list?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 05:22:56 pm
You'll have to show me with a screenshot what you're talking about. Where do players see your custom map name in NW? On the master server list?

Jailbreak players confirmed that map name has been visible for them. I seen it too. Lemmy start up server lil quick to screencap...
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: John Price on September 28, 2018, 05:32:57 pm
Tired, if you go into the Strings file on your server, you can change the names of your custom maps.

In the strings file it would be: Custom_Map_1(space)Grass_Flat_Hills (CTRL+F Custom and you will find it)

It then shows in the ESC menu and in the main server list. You can also change the name of the file for a map stored on the server from Custom_Map_X to Whatever you like in the Scripts file

(Its been a while, so I might have the Scripts & strings files mixed up but NickyJ said it worked for him when I explained it a few weeks back)

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 05:33:57 pm
You'll have to show me with a screenshot what you're talking about. Where do players see your custom map name in NW? On the master server list?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 28, 2018, 05:36:14 pm
That might be because you're hosting it, is it up right now? that server with that name?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: EmielRegis on September 28, 2018, 05:38:08 pm
That might be because you're hosting it, is it up right now? that server with that name?
Ye, its up now.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: John Price on September 28, 2018, 05:38:35 pm
That might be because you're hosting it, is it up right now? that server with that name?
Have you done what I posted above tired?

It always worked for both my servers. I would take an example screenshot but I don't have them anymore. Most of the time its because nobody bothered to add the names into the strings file after the latest NW update.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on September 28, 2018, 05:42:04 pm
Tired, if you go into the Strings file on your server, you can change the names of your custom maps.

In the strings file it would be: Custom_Map_1(space)Grass_Flat_Hills (CTRL+F Custom and you will find it)

It then shows in the ESC menu and in the main server list. You can also change the name of the file for a map stored on the server from Custom_Map_X to Whatever you like in the Scripts file

(Its been a while, so I might have the Scripts & strings files mixed up but NickyJ said it worked for him when I explained it a few weeks back)

Yes I change all my strings.txt but it doesn't push them, it might have to be a compiling of scripts?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: pete99 on September 29, 2018, 01:41:07 am
Exactly the same for me. I've done the whole strings changing thing, and it works to a certain extent, but I've never seen it work for the main server list for me or anyone else.

I did experiment with your way EmielRegis, and it does seem to work, so thanks for adding that...never actually realized you could just add new maps...though i am having some difficulty getting the map to show up in the admin panel, so not sure what i missed.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: netdomon on September 29, 2018, 01:44:00 pm
oh !! that nice
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on October 02, 2018, 03:29:54 am
well, as we say in Austria, all we can do now is

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Shadey on October 02, 2018, 05:20:26 pm
Fix these god forsaken pokes already.

Oh and the stupid tanking, ty  :-*
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on October 02, 2018, 10:20:29 pm
Good news, patch will probably hit this week according to Taleworlds.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Unitater on October 02, 2018, 11:08:03 pm
Good news, patch will probably hit this week according to Taleworlds.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Sgt.Winters on October 02, 2018, 11:14:19 pm
It took the Turks less time to sack Constantinople than give a go-ahead for a patch.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Shadow on October 02, 2018, 11:41:18 pm
Good news, patch will probably hit this week according to Taleworlds.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Steinmann on October 03, 2018, 02:59:11 am
Good news, patch will probably hit this week according to Taleworlds.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on October 03, 2018, 09:28:57 am
It took the Turks less time to sack Constantinople than give a go-ahead for a patch.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Golden. on October 04, 2018, 05:59:21 pm
Patch is out now?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: LeònDP on October 04, 2018, 06:00:51 pm
Patch is out now?

yes, can't play on gf anymore. Version 1.210
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on October 04, 2018, 06:13:52 pm
its only 18mb lol

edit: how do i update servers? there's no update servers on TW website
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on October 04, 2018, 06:25:43 pm
Patch is out now?

yes, can't play on gf anymore. Version 1.210


Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on October 04, 2018, 06:40:01 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: LeònDP on October 04, 2018, 07:01:09 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on October 04, 2018, 07:11:55 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?

To my understanding, auto admin through whitelist because it had a problem.
So admins have to enter the password. But if a bad actor gets his hands on the password, he will still be blocked by the whitelist.
(So think of it now as an addition to passwords for additional security and not a replacement for passwords)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: LeònDP on October 04, 2018, 07:17:02 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?

To my understanding, auto admin through whitelist because it had a problem.
So admins have to enter the password. But if a bad actor gets his hands on the password, he will still be blocked by the whitelist.
(So think of it now as an addition to passwords for additional security and not a replacement for passwords)

Ah, thank you.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Freestyler on October 04, 2018, 07:18:38 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

where did you get the links from? Source?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2018, 07:27:23 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?

To my understanding, auto admin through whitelist because it had a problem.
So admins have to enter the password. But if a bad actor gets his hands on the password, he will still be blocked by the whitelist.
(So think of it now as an addition to passwords for additional security and not a replacement for passwords)
Well having admin on all these servers just got more difficult again.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Golden. on October 04, 2018, 07:40:55 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?

To my understanding, auto admin through whitelist because it had a problem.
So admins have to enter the password. But if a bad actor gets his hands on the password, he will still be blocked by the whitelist.
(So think of it now as an addition to passwords for additional security and not a replacement for passwords)
Well having admin on all these servers just got more difficult again.

That kind of sucks tbh preferred not entering any pass
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Herishey on October 04, 2018, 07:43:25 pm
New updates for servers are here:

Thanks to Caesim

Server and maps work fine, but whitelist is broken. Any changes made to that?

To my understanding, auto admin through whitelist because it had a problem.
So admins have to enter the password. But if a bad actor gets his hands on the password, he will still be blocked by the whitelist.
(So think of it now as an addition to passwords for additional security and not a replacement for passwords)
Well having admin on all these servers just got more difficult again.

That kind of sucks tbh preferred not entering any pass
I mean if someone bad got on the whitelist it's only your own fault really. It's hardly hard to remove/add people or check who is on the list.  :-\
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: DarthKiller on October 04, 2018, 07:54:04 pm
On the minisiege server there are people running around drinking tea and out of bottles. Some run around with wooden gear and some even look like civilians. May anyone explain HOW?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Fwuffy on October 04, 2018, 07:58:51 pm
Is there any patch file without installing the whole module again for warband and NW? Cause I don't have the steam version, that updates it automatically.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Nero_ on October 04, 2018, 08:06:27 pm
non-steam version is a placebo

are there patch notes anywhere by the way?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caesim on October 04, 2018, 08:07:03 pm
Client patch:
Full installer:
Source code:
Server files:
Patch notes:
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on October 04, 2018, 08:07:51 pm
On the minisiege server there are people running around drinking tea and out of bottles. Some run around with wooden gear and some even look like civilians. May anyone explain HOW?

A number of new items have been added. They can be spawned using server scripts.
To avoid messing with the balance and normal behaviour of the game, it has been decided to keep those items disabled by default, so a server script needs to be created to spawn them or add them into a chest or whatever.

New items that I can think of:
- Bottle (by Jetfire)
- Key (by Jetfire)
- Wooden Training Weapons (by Jetfire & Silen)
- Cup (by Silen)
- Tea Cup (by Silen)
- Civilian Cloth (by Silen)
- Drill Cane (by Silen)

Hope I'm not forgetting anything.
I've also added example code in the module system for a number of things aswell, so it shouldn't be to difficult for a scripter to enable these new features.

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Caesim on October 04, 2018, 08:12:23 pm
What about Warband? Ist there any new patch file?

By the way, thanks Caesim!

I don't think so. You need to wait until they update their site.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Rikkert on October 05, 2018, 12:20:55 am
does the melee feel really slow for anyone else? it feels like im playing with 90 ping while i have 17 ping. Feels like all my stabs are delayed
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Eamon on October 05, 2018, 12:31:05 am
does the melee feel really slow for anyone else? it feels like im playing with 90 ping while i have 17 ping. Feels like all my stabs are delayed

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Rikkert on October 05, 2018, 12:31:29 am
does the melee feel really slow for anyone else? it feels like im playing with 90 ping while i have 17 ping. Feels like all my stabs are delayed

Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Ry@n on October 05, 2018, 12:54:19 am
ja timing are fucked up for like chambers and dat
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: ~NickCole~ on October 05, 2018, 02:50:59 pm
does the melee feel really slow for anyone else? it feels like im playing with 90 ping while i have 17 ping. Feels like all my stabs are delayed
On Fastest the melee got even quicker it feels like & the down attacks seems very fast compared to up attacks.

ja timing are fucked up for like chambers and dat
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Eamon on October 05, 2018, 02:52:38 pm
i love the melee now
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: |Viper| on October 05, 2018, 05:07:03 pm
I love the new patch! Good job guys.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: tired on October 05, 2018, 05:12:15 pm
Cav feels different, especially with officers, feel super super fast, and I have a harder time turning with officer classes now for some reason. 
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Golden. on October 05, 2018, 05:27:41 pm
People still complaining about melee  ;D ;D ;D lol you're just bad
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: lonedoge on October 05, 2018, 05:43:07 pm
People still complaining about melee  ;D ;D ;D lol you're just bad
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Pinoy12 on October 05, 2018, 06:48:42 pm
I love the new patch! Good job girls.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Knightmare on October 05, 2018, 06:52:26 pm
nice job listening to the eu junkies who are in disbelief when their left-click left-click left-click combo doesn't work and nas who don't matter when their comp community has less than a hundred people left
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: lonedoge on October 05, 2018, 07:01:45 pm
nice job listening to the eu junkies who are in disbelief when their left-click left-click left-click combo doesn't work and nas who don't matter when their comp community has less than a hundred people left
not like you are worth listening to  ::)
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Knightmare on October 05, 2018, 07:10:57 pm
nice job listening to the eu junkies who are in disbelief when their left-click left-click left-click combo doesn't work and nas who don't matter when their comp community has less than a hundred people left
not like you are worth listening to  ::)
neither are you, you masturbate to dogs
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Nero_ on October 05, 2018, 07:23:19 pm
nice job listening to the eu junkies who are in disbelief when their left-click left-click left-click combo doesn't work and nas who don't matter when their comp community has less than a hundred people left
not like you are worth listening to  ::)
neither are you, you masturbate to dogs
you eat dogs
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Janne on October 05, 2018, 07:39:37 pm
nice job listening to the eu junkies who are in disbelief when their left-click left-click left-click combo doesn't work and nas who don't matter when their comp community has less than a hundred people left
not like you are worth listening to  ::)
neither are you, you masturbate to dogs
you eat dogs
you eat cows
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on October 05, 2018, 09:26:41 pm
Dunno why but I was unable to change game mode today in my server
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: bobertini on October 05, 2018, 11:23:32 pm
Dunno why but I was unable to change game mode today in my server

Uninstall the one you don't want?

Should be easy enough to swap them over, whose your provider?
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: yecgga on October 05, 2018, 11:39:33 pm
Dunno why but I was unable to change game mode today in my server

Uninstall the one you don't want?

Should be easy enough to swap them over, whose your provider?

In game game types I mean
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Zauberfisch on October 06, 2018, 12:00:44 am
Dunno why but I was unable to change game mode today in my server
There have been reports of problems with people that had a client side mod installed before the update.
The update might only have replaced some files, but not all. So if your custom client mod replaced the other files, you might have compatibility issues now. I suggest re-installing the module or use validate game files if you have it through steam.
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Lilja Mariasdóttir on October 06, 2018, 12:15:41 am
The update might only have replaced some files, but not all.
That's the issue, the files get mixed up. Do what Sauberfisch said, or download and install the most recent version of the clientmod you used.
If you have issues with 'Wüstis Admintool', you can find the most recent version always here: (
Title: Re: New patch, test it before it's out!
Post by: Vincenzo on October 09, 2018, 05:46:13 pm
Patch is released;