Sub Categories (in alphabetical order)
Countering Anthony AsianP Godfreid Rafael Runepkyz
| Stuns Achilles Anthony Havoc MATT Suns
| Chambering Godfreid JackieChan Maple Suns Yoshie
| Blocking Anthony Cwater Gavin Piktonss Sleek
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Feinting *Emo*Celestia* Maple RitZ Superb*Pedro VetroG
| Spamming Chev Sanders Theodin VetroG Yoshie
| Footwork Jaax KovyJack Sanders Theodin Yoshie
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All Time (in alphabetical order)
Tier 1 AsianP BillTheButcher Godfreid Havoc JackieChan RitZ RussianFury Tammo Yoshie
| Tier 2 Alexander AP0CALYPS3 Anthony Cwater DJOverJoy Fireboy Ghost Jaax KovyJack Mang Maple MATT Pinoy Puppytron Rafael Runepkyz Suns VetroG Wastee Yoloswag
| Tier 3 Achilles Breaches Coconut Colonys22 DarthJezus *Emo*Celestia* Horse KnightofSaintJohn Krastinov Lithios Mathias Exia Oatmeal PJ Pointblank Sanders Skinny Sleek Swerp Steven Vortex Who- Zorkoth Zzehth
Tier 4 Armada 5hine BabyJesus Blade Blood Chev DragonPuff Gavin Ghostrider7811 Hellomoto Karth KillerShark Maccle Maniac Mitchell Piktonss Pyscho Red Viper Risk Rogelio Saltyy- Scopes Serpenta SerWall Superb*Pedro Svenypoo Theodin Tico Xeroth
| Tier 5 Antonio BonJ B00B Cade Camden CSDerp Doxy Dodge Fallout Fartknocker Gamechanger GLman Hunter Jorge Krittixx Mexicant Mikey Monty North Ramzey Redrum Rere Red Wall Rex Ryner Rico Ritz407 Shinto SilentMan Stryker Thompson Zach Attack
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| | | | 1. Lutzow's Freikorps Infanterie Bataillon
The 1. Lutzow's Freikorps Infanterie Bataillon, led by Millander and DoctorS was one of the most important regiments in early competitive NW. The 1stFKI's roster was an all-star lineup homegrown. Most of NA's best were in this regiment and the 1stFKI would soon meet a fatal blow at the end of its life, but during its prime it was an unbeatable group, and the regiment paved the way for competitiveness. Millander and DoctorS lead one of the most dominate regiments in all of NA NW history and it set the boundaries that we have today. Eventually, a lot of players left the 1stFKI to make their own group, the 9y Leib Gvardii creating another monster melee regiment. The 1stFKI had a gigantic community impact bringing record setting numbers to events, competitiveness play style, and most of all their rich history of all-star players.
Leaders: Millander & DoctorS Reign: 2012 - 2014 Key players: Coconut, DarthJezus, GLman, Gooner, Lithios, MackCW, Pointblank, Ramzey, Saltyy- Record/Achievements: Unknown Record
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| | | | 12th (East Suffolk) Regiment of Foot
The 12th East Suffolk, led by Tico and Breaches, was the most important regiment in early-years NW bar none. Their roster was an all-star collection of some of NA NW's most legendary names, their record of 45-2 is the most lopsided ratio on record, and their players were integral in shaping regimental culture and talent development ideas that are still in practice. Unlike other notable regiments of their era like the 54th & 63e, their recruitment practice of selection and development/integration in constrast to the company-based approach is a model that regiments followed almost to a tee when the player base began to decline. Players from the 12th went on to become top leaders, players, and integral members of the wider community. The best example of the power of this regiment was in its later reforms, where Tico was able to call from inactivity massive chunks of the original roster, a sign of the loyalty and respect Tico and the 12th deserve. The 12th ES was simply the most influential and impactful regiment the NW community has seen.
Leaders: Tico & Breaches Reign: 2013 - 2014 Key players: Breaches, Coconut, Ghost, JackieChan, Mathias Exia, Tico, Who-, Zorkoth, Zzehth Record/Achievements: 45 Victories - 2 Defeats | NANWL Season 1, League 2 NANWL Season 3, League 1
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| | | | 9y Leib Gvardii
The 9y was simply one of the biggest melee stacks of all-time. The 9y fueled and ignited regiment stacks for years to come on NA. Most of the 1stFKI's top players left the regiment to create this new regiment. Although the 9y wasn't around for a long time, it was a regiment to be scared of upon the field. The 9y were notorious for their charges across the map and winning despicable odds that looked impossible to win, but the 9y always pulled them off. The regiment disbanded in 2013 and would later reform in 2014 known as the 2te Garde under Saltyy's leadership.
Leaders: MackCW & DarthJezus Reign: 2013 - 2013 Key players: AP0CALYPS3, DarthJezus, GLman, Lithios, Pointblank, Psycho, Ramzey, Sleek Record/Achievements: Unknown Record
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| | | | 71st Highland Regiment of Foot
The 71st (Highland) Regiment of Foot enjoyed a 3 year stretch of being arguably the strongest regiment in the community and was essential in the development of modern linebattle and groupfighting tactics while churning out an impressive amount of melee talent. Many of the best players in NA NW today trace their formative years to competition either within or with the 71st, with players like Yoshie, Jaax and RussianFury beginning their primes under the direction of Cheeseypants. The 71st was buoyed by melee talent from the 12th when that regiment disbanded, and members like JackieChan, Zzehth, and Ghost were directly responsible for pushing 71st members and the regiment as a whole to their respective levels. But it wasn't just melee - a 178-21 record in linebattles, with winning records against legendary regiments like the 3eVolt, 63e, 54th, and 5th, was a direct result of the groundbreakingly aggressive style of leadership implemented by Cheeseypants and a collection of NCOs. The 71st was the only regiment that could stand up to prime 63e and prime 58e, and their wins in the extremely competitive NANWL S3 and TNWL S1 served as the icing on this particular legacy.
Leaders: CheeseyPants, Blade & RussianFury Reign: 2012 - 2016 Key players: Achilles, Blade, Ghost, JackieChan, RussianFury, Skinny, Tacoman, Theodin, Zzehth Record/Achievements: 178 Victories - 21 Defeats - 4 Ties | NANWL Season 3, League 1 NANWL Season 4, League 1
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| | | | 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
The 63e did the most with the least thanks in part to some of the greatest leadership the game has seen. One of the most successful regiments in the competitive scene, they were also the most active in the casual side of things. Karth and the NCOs ran a smooth ship with regards to their recruiting, training, and discipline. The long time largest regiment in the game had the most populated NA server for nearly half a decade which was a pipeline for recruiting most of the thousands of players that have been in the regiment. Much of the community was once a part of the 63e, and its legacy will remain forever.
Leaders: Karth & Offizer Reign: 2012 - 2017 Key players: Crazylegs, CSDerp, Curtis Shuttler, Fartknocker, Fireboy, Karth, Krastinov, PJ, Redrum, Ryner, Skyz, Steven, Thompson Record/Achievements: Unknown Record | NANWL Season 2, League 1 NANWL Season 4, League 1 NANWL Season 1, League 1 NANWL Season 3, League 1
| | | | 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale
The 3eVolt is an infamous name in NW that holds an air of prestige for those who wear their tags. A regiment that started in 2012 by AsianP, the 3eVolt quickly made a name for themselves with their stacked melee pressence. With carries like RitZ and Exodus at their forefront and a masterful tactician like Grimsight behind them, the 3e destroyed most of their competition. Even past the early days of NW the 3eVolt continued and thrived rotating between Grimsight and AsianP as leaders and continuing to be a top 3 regiment no matter what era they were in. The legacy and impact the 3eVolt left behind in the NW scene is one that only a few other regiments can hope to match.
Leaders: Grimsight & AsianP Reign: 2012 - 2014 / 2015 - 2017 Key players: AP0CALYPS3, AsianP, Bick, Blood, Godfreid, Maple, Monty, PJ, RitZ, Suns, Vortex, Xeroth Record/Achievements: 96 Victories - 16 Defeats | NANWL Season 6, League 1 NWGL Season 1, League 1 RGL Season 1, League 1 NANWL Season 1, League 2 NAPL Season 3
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| | | | Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III
The Leib-Grenadier-Regiment (LG) was the culmination of the regimental tree that Tico grew back in the 12th. Former 12th member Wastee, who ran and led the Nr37, and former 71st officer RussianFury started the LG after the 71st finally disbanded, creating a powerhouse that would dominate the NA scene for the next 4 years. The regiment followed in the footsteps of the 71st in terms of its aggressive style in 1v1s and emphasis on melee development, but truly made its mark in its community building - the combination of Russian and Wastee brought together what were completely different player pools with different attitudes into a cohesive machine. The LG was truly the first dominant regiment in both the groupfighting and 1v1 sphere, putting up overwhelmingly positive records in both areas. Not only was the regiment dominant, but its players were dominant, sweeping tournament trophies for years. The LG also stands on a significant pedestal in terms of major tournament victories, with two NANWLs and a host of other independent tournaments like NAPL and ICRL. Not many regiments can truly say that they were "era defining", but the LG can safely claim that title.
Leaders: RussianFury & Wastee Reign: 2017 - 2018 / 2019 - 2020 Key players: DJOverJoy, Fireboy, Havoc, Jaax, Pinoy, Rafael, RussianFury, Sanders, Theodin Wastee, WorstNANickCole, Yoshie Record/Achievements: 172 Victories - 36 Defeats - 5 Ties | NANWL Season 7, League 1 NANWL Season 9, League 1 NAPL Season 3 IRL Season 1 RGL Season 1, League 1 RGL Season 2, League 1 NWGL Season 1 NAPL Season 1