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Topics - DaCrowh

Pages: 1
Events / ★★★ Sullivan's Saturday Linebattle ★★★ |8pm GMT|
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:36:58 pm »

Greetings, every Saturday Sullivan's Militia Company will be hosting a Linebattle at 8pm GMT. The goal of this Linebattle
is to create a new experience for every regiment participating, hence we will try out new rules and maps.
If you have any suggestions feel free to state them.

Saturday 8pm GMT
on Sullivans_Saturday_Linebattle

Next Event: 5th September

No Officer Aim
No ramboing
Fire in Charge is not allowed.*
If dropping below 4 men, join another unit.
In order to sign up visit our Teamspeak at least
15 Minutes prior to the LB - 7.45 pm GMT.

Line Infantry:
Double Ranks if above 8 members*
May crouch (not while shooting / reloading though)
May not take cover behind defensiv positions.
Steam Contact:

Max 1 Cannon*
1 Sapper
5 Guards

Max 12 Members
Dragoons need to have a tight formation when firing.
Our Teamspeak IP:

Max 12
May keep 3m spacings.*
May use loose formations

The following regiments are attending:


20th Regiment of Foot ~ 10-15
85e Saintonge ~ 15
1stEvil Brigade ~ 15
32nd Continental ~ 30
44th East Essex ~ 15
7th Regiment of Foot ~ 25
14th Buckinghamshire ~ 15
Sullivan's Militia Company ~10


32nd Continental ~ 10
Royal-Deux-Ponts ~10


78th Highlander Regiment ~ 10-12


32nd Continental ~ 10
2nd Continental Artillery ~6-8

*         | marked rules are will be changing depending on everybody's experience

I am sorry to tell you but for now this event will be stopped due to private and intern inconveniences causing unnecessary difficulties to continue hosting this LB from my side.

Events / Community Event - ***Flag Ball***
« on: August 09, 2015, 02:53:23 pm »

Was ist Flag Ball ? Vielleicht kennt der eine oder andere das ganze auch unter anderem Namen. Kurze Zusammenfassung:
Zwei Team á 15 Kavalleristen stehen sich gegenüber in einem Showdown der Extraklasse: Wer wird am Ende siegreich die Flagge halten?
Eine Flagge. Zwei Teams. Auf Los, gehts Los. Massen Charge. Wer kontrolliert die Flagge? Wer hat die Kills?

In diesem Spaßspiel ist Kavallerie Skill nicht wichtig, denn es geht um folgendes: wer die Flagge besitzt sobald die
100 Punkte Marke erreicht wird gewinnt, d.h. jede Menge Kills, jede Menge "stacks" und ein unglaubliches Chaos.
Sorgt auf jeden Fall für Spaß.

Die Regeln sind recht simple:

Siegbedingung: 100 Kills UND die Flagge müssen im Besitz des Team sein

Alle Kavallerie Klassen sind erlaubt AUSSER Dragoner - die Menge der Leute in den jeweiligen Klassen ist dem Team überlassen.
Der Schiedsrichter ist am Anfang des Spiels nicht um zu reiten, er will ja nur die Flagge platzieren
Mindestens 10 Mann müssen und maximal 15 Mann dürfen antreten.

Gespielt werden 2 Sätze á 10 Minuten. Die Punkte aus beiden Sätzen werden addiert - das Team mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass diese Spiel neu für alle ist und daher eine nette Erfrischung. Theoretisch, je nach Erfolg,
ist eine Liga / Turnier geplant, doch da es bis jetzt zu wenig Informationen gibt, gerade was das Balance an geht wird das hier ein Art Testflug.

Am 22. August um 20:00 Uhr findet das erste "Turnier" statt, alle Teams, die sich eintragen spielen einfach
gegeneinander vor Ort - es geht um nichts außer Spaß und um zu gucken, was denn eigtl. dieses komische Flag Ball ist.

Erster Testlauf: 22. August - 20:00 Uhr.

Um an dem Testlauf teilzunehmen, einfach folgenden Code in diesem Thread ausgefüllt posten
[b]Team Name:[/b]
[b]Team Captain:[/b] ( Bitte auch ein Steam Link angeben )
[b]Team Vice Captain:[/b] ( Bitte auch einen Steam Link angeben )

bei Fragen oder sonstigen Problemen: Steam

P.S: War zu faul die Banner auf deutsch zu übersetzen, passt auch so.

Deutsches Forum / Naval Action - große Boote , viele Boote, Boote.
« on: June 13, 2015, 10:59:58 am »
Grüßt euch,

der eine oder andere kennt das Spiel vielleicht schon. Naval Action wird eine Art Assassin's Creed Black Flag Open World Multiplayer werden...also mehr oder weniger.
Es gibt eine massige Auswahl an Schiffen, die im 17. und 18. Jhd die Weltmeere besegelten. Die Schiffe sind so original getreu wie nur möglich dargestellt und verfügen natürlich auch über ein paar geile Kanonen.
Nun ja die folgenden Bilder und Videos sprechen für sich


in-game Screenshots der Schiffe


Regiments / nomore
« on: March 24, 2015, 06:22:20 pm »

Released Modifications / Kilts for Officers
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:11:18 pm »
Hey everybody,

Yesterday I was asking myself why are the officer and ensign classes of the Black Watch not wearing kilts?
So I did it myself.
This little mod is replacing your british, prussian and russian models because I did not want every unit to wear a kilt.
So if you already modified some of your models then they might get deleted with this mod so please always do a back-up.

On the other hand this mod works perfectly fine with all kinds of reskins for highlanders or any other unit. If you got any question or run into problem feel free to post here.

There might or might not be some bugs, if you run into any problems please tell me, so I can fix it asap!

so here we go:

Officer Kilt:

Ensign Kilt

Officer Kilt with Hinkel's 91st skin.

Download: Click me

Events: EU / 2Lhr Sunday Siege Event - "Siege and Conquer"
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:02:22 am »

Siege and Conquer

When ~ every Sunday at 7pm GMT

Where ~ 2Lhr_Batallion_Server

Teamspeak 3 IP ~, password: 2lhr


Hello and welcome to the new Sunday Siege and Conquer Event hosted by the 2Lhr, this is our third weekly event, the others being our Wednesday Linebattle and our Friday Linebattle
We aim to make this event as much fun as our other events.

We will play on custom siege maps that all require different strategies, we will play 2 rounds on each map, after one round sides will be swapped. The time limit will be set to 20 Minutes and the defender spawn count will be adjusted by the admin depending on the map.

If you want to sign up for this event then we ask you to join our Teamspeak on Sunday and post the following form in the Sign Up Channel
Regiment Name:
Preferred Faction:
Preferred Class:
Expected Attendance:
Once or weekly:
Regiment Steam-Contact:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:

If you have any question,please contact

This sunday, 19th October 2014 , we will be doing siege


-If you are less than 5 men you have join another unit
-Dont move out on your own, you can only move out if you are in a group of 5 men

-No teamkilling!
-No Trolling!
-No ramboing!
-No musketoons!
-No explosive crates

Line Infantry ( min. 5 - max. 40)
- You may not intentionally officer aim
- You may use buildings and any other defense to losen your formation and to be able to fire out of formation
- You may not fire in charge
- You may take cover
- If less than 5 men, you have to join another unit
Skirmishers ( min 5 - max 15 )
- Must keep a reasonable formation when moving.
- May use 5 men spacings in their line.
- May fire in charge.
- You may not intentionally officer aim.
- May fire out of formation
Cavalry ( min 5 - max 15 )
Not every map is ideal for cavalry so it is up to the officer to decide wether you go cavalry or infantry

- Must stay in formation unless charging.
- After dropping below 3 players they must dismount & join a line on foot.
- Dragoons can fire from horseback(when standing still in line formation).
- Dismounted Dragoons are classed as Line in terms of rules.
Artillery ( min 5 - max 15 )
- amount of cannons might be higher depending on the map, but minimum is 2 cannons.
- you may have as many guards as necessary, they are classed as line if too far away from the cannons
- may bring 1 sapper

Last but not least inside the fort you may fire out of formation if you are in a group of 5
men and not spread out like the 60th ( this rule depends on the map and might be changed in game ).

We hope to see you there!

Wildling attack on the Wall - 19th October 2014

Team 1 - The Night's WatchTeam 2 - Wildlings
Line Infantry
> 2Lhr
> open
> open
> open

Light Infantry
> open

> 2Lhr

> 2Lhr

> 2Lhr
Line Infantry
> open
> open
> open
> open

Light Infantry
> open

> open

> open

> open

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come"

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