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Messages - Lecourbe

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 93
Regiment name: 48th Reg. of Foot
Estimated attendance: 8-12
Regiment leader(s) Steam link:
Line infantry or cavalry?: Line
Regular?: Yes
Are you ok with all the rules?: Yes

Regiment name: 8th (King's) Regiment of Foot
Estimated attendance: 6-12
Regiment leader(s) Steam link:
Line infantry or cavalry?: Line Infantry
Regular?: yes
Are you ok with all the rules?: yes

You are both...

Regiment name: 10 pulk Kirasjev
Estimated attendance: 8/10
Regiment leader(s) Steam link:
Line infantry or cavalry?: Cavalry
Regular?: One for now
Are you ok with all the rules?: yes



- Information -

The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne is proud to present his new event!

Due to the lack of EU conquest events on Napoleonic Wars, we decided to create our own one, based on this game mod.
Called simply "61e Friday Conquest Event", it will be hosted one friday every two weeks, at 19:00 GMT.

As conquest is the game mod and FiC allowed, we would try to manage a 50 minutes event that should be a little bit more "relaxed" for both players and leaders.
The aim of the event is to force the teamplay between regiments/groups to win. Communication and organisation are the keys of victory.

Especially to avoid the massive lag, we'll limit the number of slots to 110, but this may change in the future. To start, we'll try to not accept more than 120 player each week, but sometimes, some groups can bring more people than expected and so we can't guarantee you a slot if you're coming at the last minute. The server we'll be up 15 minutes before the beginning (18:45 GMT), on a siege or battle. You're galdy welcome to join earlier with your guys!
Each week, we're going to balance as much as possible the teams.

We're going to play 1 map each week. If we estimate that a round was really too short, we can do one more.
The event should last around 50 minutes (5 minutes are counted for possible issues).
The friendly fire will of course be turned on.

Pay attention that there is no particular role/class for this event. 1 Officer will be allowed for each group/regiment,
and 1 special class (drummer, fifer, backpiper, flag, medic) for each regiment/group that take part.
Also, light infantry, skirmishers will be forbidden.

Details will be Steam messaged to each regiment leader 30 minutes before the beginning of the event (18:30 GMT).

- Registration -

Regiment name:
Estimated attendance:
Regiment leader(s) Steam link:
Line infantry or cavalry?:
Do you want to bring in a sapper or medic (specify wich one)?:
Are you ok with all the rules?:

- Organisers -

Head Organisers:
[61e] Lt. Lecourbe
[61e] Lecourbe™

[61e] Sgt. Kikiri

[61e] CplFo. Ekek
[61e] Cpl. MisterBoy
[61e] Cpl. Anr0k
[61e] Cpl. Saurus

Thanks to Herishey for the thread template!
- Attending Regiments -

- Rules -

Minimum for line is 10 people. ✪
✪ You can only spawn at your base (first flag), even if you took other flags. ✪
✪ You may leave your base in group of 5+ men. ✪
✪ Dismounted cavalrymen must join a friendly line. ✪
✪ Cavalry can't engage if split in 2 or more groups. ✪
✪ Cavalry isn't allowed to capture flags alone at any costs. But, they can engage ennemies around a flag.
✪ 15 men max allowed for cavalry regiments. ✪
✪ You aren't allowed to capture the ennemy base in any case. ✪
✪ Infantry has to move in line. ✪
✪ Fire in Carge (FiC) is allowed. ✪
✪ Reload in Charge (RiC) isn't allowed. ✪
✪ Crouching isn't allowed unless behind a man-made cover; fences, walls, sandbags... or inside a building.
✪ You may have one officer. ✪
✪ Each team will have 1 sapper. He will have to follow the regiment he's assigned to. ✪
✪ Be polite, respectful with the other participants. ✪

Ptn stop spamm notre thread bande de ksos.

Vous êtes tous des rdm.

Discussions Publiques / Re: Vos Musiques
« on: July 02, 2019, 01:15:12 pm »

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Conquest [EU]
« on: July 02, 2019, 12:59:02 pm »
Regiment Name: 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Expected Attendance: ~15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once to try
Leader's steam profile link: //
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yup

I know it's full, but if you have a free slot, just tell me!

Topic et roster mis à jour.

Askip y'en a qui veulent rejouer..?

Des morts revenus à la vie ?


Rebienvenue  ;)

Genre tu joues encore toi?

Events: EU / Re: 15thYR/91st Wednesday Line only
« on: June 16, 2019, 02:47:24 pm »
Regiment Name: 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental contacts (provide two):
Expected attendance: 10~15
Have you read and accept the rules?: Yup
Weekly: Once to try first :)

Name of the Regiment: 61e Régiment d'Infanterie
Expected Attendance: ~10
Preferred class: Light infantry
Would you like to come once or weekly: Once to give it a try :)
Regimental Contact (please give steamID or Link):
Have you read the rules and do you agree on them: Yup!

Events: EU / Re: 9e Thursday Line Only
« on: June 16, 2019, 02:39:19 pm »
Still active?

Topic et roster mis à jour.

Askip y'en a qui veulent rejouer..?

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Friday-Siege [EU]
« on: June 12, 2019, 03:58:29 am »
Regiment Name: 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred faction: Any
Class (Line,Artillery): Line infantry
Expected attendance: 10~15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Once, to try :)
Regiment leader's Steam name: [61e] Lecourbe

- Nom de la Maison: Wildlings (On changera s'il faut)
- Château souhaité : Bah le fort.
- Nombre attendu : ~10
-Leaders /Representatives Steam:
-Avez vous lu et vous engagez vous à faire respecter les règles à travers votre Maison ? : Ye.

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