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Topics - Xethos

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Events: NA / NA1 Christmas Memorial Server
« on: December 23, 2020, 08:52:58 am »

At the conclusion of the 21st's next weekly event (Wednesday the 23rd), NA events will shut down for a holiday break until the New Year. In lieu of these regularly scheduled events, I am putting up DaMonkey's server (as HMs_Memorial_NA1) with no password as a public battle server. The map rotation will be loosely based on an old official server rotation, and feature all of those standard maps that don't get used anymore.

It will remain up around the clock except for maintenance, but feel free to set informal times to jump on together.

This is a one-week for-fun substitute-for-event thing, so I do not want to deal with the baggage of public server administration. If you need rules to follow, use the official server rules as a guideline and expect completely arbitrary enforcement of them.

If you think you should have admin, send me a Steam message and promptly consult your local physician.

Events: NA / MOVED: North American Deathmatch (NADM)
« on: May 15, 2020, 04:35:48 am »

Events: NA / Saturday Blueberry Linebattle
« on: June 08, 2019, 12:24:57 pm »

The Royal Order of the Blueberry presents:
A NEW* and EXCITING** Linebattle!

The event will be held every Saturday at 8:00 PM EST/EDT indefinitely. Information for the event will be released a short time before the event on this Teamspeak 3 server: Events may be cancelled at any time, for any reason, and notices will be posted on this TS and on this forum thread.

Each event will run for roughly 60 minutes. If we start late, we will finish late within reason. Specialists will be determined by signing up on this thread at or after 9 PM EST/EDT every Wednesday. Regiments may sign up for multiple specs, but a single individual may only sign up for one (meaning that regiments/brigades will have to send multiple people to sign up). Note that the event organizers retain the right to ultimately assign specialties and may change them at any time. To sign up, post on this thread with your regiment's name and the name of the specialty. Nothing else is required. As of 7 September, artillery applications will not be accepted.

I have, in places, sacrificed clarity for completeness in the rules (some call this Jetch-proofing). Send me questions over Steam if something does not make sense, and if I do not reply within a few minutes, wait until I'm not in melee and tell me to read my messages. My contact information is at the bottom of the thread.

Do you like the server slightly more than all the other servers? Do you wish to support the King DaMonkey of Roxburgh? Ensure its continuity HERE.

  • Each round will last no more than twelve minutes. If the timer is allowed to run out, the team with the most players alive is declared the winner.
  • All units must maintain some semblance of cohesion.
  • Pistols are considered melee weapons for the purpose of the rules.
  • Lone soldiers may not attack another unit unless continuing a charge within reason.
  • No part of a unit shall be allowed to fire whilst another part of the same unit is in melee (which basically means DO NOT FIRE ON THE CHARGE).
  • If fewer than five (5) players remain on a team, combat rules will be waived until the end of the round.
  • Follow any instruction posted in global admin chat. Admin and event rule complaints can be sent to me on Steam or in TS or on the forums before or after an event. Complaints do not go into all chat; I will assume that you are not enjoying the event and want me to liberate you from regimental obligations.
  • Administrators reserve the right to limit the amount of putrid nonsense spewed into chat. Chat impersonation will be dealt with harshly.
  • Players must have tags for their respective regiments.
    • Exceptions may be made for exceptional circumstances (such as 5arge coming back) or on a full server.
  • Regiments that have perpetual trouble following the rules or break the rules en masse can be deleted in their entirety.
  • Admins reserve the right to change the event rules at any time.

  • This section applies to regular line infantry, foot guards, line militia, partizani, and (unless otherwise noted) Austrian Grenzers.
  • Must be in something resembling a stationary line of three (3) or more to fire; a panicked blob surrounded by enemies is not a line.
  • Proper spacing for infantry is less than one avatar’s width.
  • Infantry may only crouch if not in combat or in the front rank of a multiple rank line.
  • If reduced to fewer than three (3) soldiers, a unit must either charge the nearest enemy unit or immediately join another line. The remaining soldiers may not ambush another line and may only charge if sighted by the line they intend to charge.
  • A unit may include one officer and a limited assortment of musicians, sergeants, and medics. A unit may not bring a sapper.
    • On maps with buildings, a unit may bring one sapper. The sapper is not allowed to build defenses, but may plant and explode crates
  • Infantry may not act as artillery guard or as skirmishers, but may form a line of three with any type of unit.
  • Grenzers may not spawn with rifles unless otherwise noted. Musketoons are fine.

  • The section applies to riflemen as well as UK 51st, French 15e, Rhenish Hessen-Darmstadt, and Austrian Grenzers who are skirmishers for the event. Only regiments assigned to this role use these rules.
  • No more than fourteen (14) skirmishers may wield firearms at any given time on a team.
  • In addition, a unit may include an officer and a musician. They may pick up firearms so long as no more than fourteen are carrying firearms.
    • Pistols do not count as firearms
  • Proper spacing for riflemen is five avatars’ width; for musket-wielding skirmishers, it is three
  • Must be in a “formation” including three (3) or more within spacing to fire.
  • May crouch at any time
  • If reduced to fewer than three, the remaining soldiers must charge the nearest enemy unit or join a friendly unit. The remaining soldiers may take their spacing from friendly units so long as there are three within spacing.

  • This section applies to hussars, lancers, dragoons, light horse, cuirassiers, and heavy cavalry. Only regiments assigned to this role use these rules.
  • Regiments may bring no more than fifteen (15) cavalry. Any excess cavalry must follow line rules.
  • A unit may bring up to three officers and any assortment of flag and music cav (so long as they enable Play Together). These count toward the fifteen total.
  • Cavalry may not fire carbines, rifles, musketoons, or muskets from horseback.
  • Dismounted cavalry may continue a charge or join a friendly unit. They may fire using three man spacing so long as they are in a group of three or more. They may only initiate a new melee in a group of three or more.
    • Dragoons who wish to fire use this rule
  • Mounted cavalry must maintain cohesion at all times and may not split into multiple subunits to attack different areas. Attacking multiple units is acceptable if those units are adjacent to each other.
  • Cavalry may not initiate a new melee if fewer than three are mounted. They may join an existing melee.
    • Artillery horses count as mounts, but using an artillery horse does not waive the unit cohesion rules. Cavalry must enter melee with three horses, and, if they do not have sufficient numbers, may not leave their slow cav far behind to initiate melee.



  • FoC no
  • FoL no
  • RoL yes
  • RoC not really, don't be a wheyface and go fight with your line
  • OA is available
  • Max skirms 14 shooting + officer + musician
  • Max cav 15
  • Max arty 12, 1 howitzer, 1 cannon
  • No cav must dismount rule, less than three cav can only join existing melee
  • Pirates will be spit upon or banhammered with extreme prejudice.

Note that there are some actions not listed in the rules that are discouraged. If you charge all the way across the map, you're doing it wrong. If you split off from your unit to take a convoluted route to be a one-man flanking contingent, you're doing it wrong. If you run out in front of your line to dance just outside of melee range of an enemy line so that your own line can shoot them, you're doing it wrong. Cavalrymen that splits off from their main unit in the middle of a melee are considered to be lost and also doing it very wrong.

  • If you want to be an admin, talk to me about it. I tend to play fast and loose with the password within limits since I can remove admins at will. I will be very cranky if you use your admin primarily to goof off before the event and type garbage in purple text.
  • By the nature of the game in its current state, attendance tends to fluctuate. If there are well over 200 people attempting to enter the event, I will have the option of a second server.
  • There is no formula for map changes or maps that we play. If we pull a random map that is the greatest map of all time, we’ll play several rounds on it. If we keep a map that ends up playing poorly, we’ll only do a round on it.
  • Every regiment should have either the officer or an adjutant make sure they know all of the rules for their unit to explain them to everybody else. We can save a lot of grief by having people know the rules and the differences between this and other linebattles.

Want to join in? Copy and paste this form with the relevant information or just wander into the Teamspeak around about linebattle hour:

Regiment Name:
Contact Information:
Place for empty promise to follow the rules:



*Not actually new
**Not actually exciting

Community / MOVED: Fresh new regiment 4th Artillery Regiment
« on: January 25, 2019, 03:07:48 am »

Events: NA / A Thursday Linebattle
« on: March 13, 2017, 07:21:11 am »
A Linebattle that is on Thursday

Seemed like a neat image, don't have anything better to use on hand except race car pictures.

To fill something of a void in Thursday events, I'm hosting this one. First event date with either be 16 March or 23 March, depending mostly on how lazy DaMonkey is and how quickly everybody else breaks their prior Thursday commitments.

The event will be held every Thursday at 8:00 PM Eastern indefinitely. It will run for about 60 minutes. If we start late, we will finish late within reason. Specialists will be set permanently. They will be listed at the bottom of this post and may or may not be up to date. Specialists may be removed for single events at any time.

•   Each round will last a maximum of ten (10) minutes. If the timer is allowed to run out, the team with the most players alive is declared the winner.
•   All units must maintain some semblance of cohesion.
•   Pistols are considered melee weapons for the purpose of the rules.
•   Lone soldiers may not attack another unit unless continuing a charge.
•   No part of a unit shall be allowed to fire whilst another part of the same unit is in melee (which basically means DO NOT FIRE ON THE CHARGE).
•   If fewer than five (5) players remain on a team, combat rules will be waived until the end of the round.
•   Follow any instruction posted in global admin chat. Admin and event rule complaints can be sent to me on Steam or in TS or on the forums before or after an event. Complaints do not go into all chat; I will assume that you are not enjoying the event and want me to liberate you from regimental obligations.
•   Administrators reserve the right to limit the amount of putrid nonsense spewed into chat. Chat impersonation will be dealt with harshly.
•   Players must have tags for their respective regiments.
•   Regiments that have perpetual trouble following the rules or break the rules en masse can be deleted in their entirety.
•   Admins reserve the right to change the event rules at any time.

•   This section applies to regular line infantry, foot guards, line militia, partizani, and (unless otherwise noted) , UK 51st, French 15e, and Austrian Grenzers.
•   Must be in something resembling a stationary line of three (3) or more to fire; a panicked blob surrounded by cavalry is not a line.
•   Proper spacing for infantry is less than one avatar’s width
•   May only crouch if not in combat or in the front rank of a multiple rank line
•   If reduced to less than three (3) soldiers, a unit must either charge or immediately join another line. The remaining soldiers may not ambush another line and may only charge if sighted by the line they intend to charge.
•   A unit may include one (1) officer and a limited assortment of musicians and/or sergeants
•   A unit may bring one (1) sapper. Sappers tied to infantry may not build defences; they are able to heal
•   Infantry may not act according to skirmisher or light infantry rules under any circumstances
•   Infantry may not act as artillery guard, but may use an unsuspecting artillery guard to form a line of three.
•   Grenzers may not spawn with rifles unless otherwise noted

•   The section applies to riflemen as well as UK 51st, French 15e and Austrian Grenzers who are skirmishers for the event.
•   No more than fifteen (15) skirmishers may wield firearms at any given time on a team
•   Must be in a “formation” including three (3) or more to fire
•   Proper spacing for riflemen is five avatars’ width; for musket-wielding skirmishers, it is three
•   May crouch at any time
•   A unit may include a maximum of one (1) officer and one (1) musician

•   This section applies to hussars, lancers, dragoons, and heavy cavalry
•   No more than fifteen (15) cavalry may fight for a team at any given time
•   This fifteen may include two (2) officers and any assortment of musician and flag cavalry (so long as musicians enable Play Together).
•   Dismounted cavalry are considered light infantry
•   Dragoons must dismount to fire. They are subject to light infantry rules until they remount.
•   Mounted cavalry must maintain cohesion at all times and may not split into multiple subunits to attack different areas. Attacking multiple units is acceptable if those units are close by.
•   When a single cavalier remains mounted on a team, that cavalier is consider the entire unit and may attack at will.

•   This section applies to artillery crews and their accompanying foot soldiers
•   No more than ten (10) individuals may make up a crew. This includes rankers, trains, officers, sappers and artillery guard. Excess artillery guard must act as line infantry
•   May spawn one howitzer and one cannon. May spawn two rockets in place of one gun or four rockets in place of both
•   May fire within five paces of an active gun or rocket (one that is being loaded, aimed, or fired).
•   May crouch
•   Artillery guard not near an active gun or rocket are subject to line infantry rules.

•   FoC no
•   FoL no
•   RoL yes
•   RoC not really, go melee with your line you craven wheyface
•   OA is available
•   Max skirms 15 shooting
•   Max cav 15
•   Max arty 10, 1 howitzer, 1 cannon
•   No cav must dismount rule
•   Lines can bring a local doctor
•   Pirates will be spit upon or banhammered with extreme prejudice

Note that there are some actions not listed in the rules that are discouraged. If you charge all the way across the map, you're doing it wrong. If you split off from your unit to take a convoluted route to be a one-man flanking contingent, you're doing it wrong. If you run out in front of your line to dance just outside of melee range of an enemy line so that your own line can shoot them, you're doing it wrong. Cavalrymen that splits off from their main unit in the middle of a melee are considered to be lost and also doing it very wrong.

•   I will give out information in the FSE TeamSpeak ( some time before the top of the hour. There will be multiple channels below the public channels. The one with the descriptive name will be the one you want. Don’t panic if the password is not out as quickly as you think it ought to be put out.
•   If you want admin, you must be literate. What a lark, you say. You have to read all the rules to admin properly. There is no application because playing bureaucrat in a video game is the worst. Talk to me if you think you ought to have it. I will have some of Thunderstormer’s scripts on the server, which includes the ability for me to ban admins.
•   Specialist roles are permanent, as noted previously. If you want a specialist slot for a week, you will have to work out a deal with the regiment that has the slot.
•   I have no idea what to expect for attendance week by week. I don’t expect anybody to know for certain how many people they will have more than five minutes before the event, either. If it looks like there will be more than two-hundred people, I will make emergency decisions and will give preferential treatment to specialists and the longest-attending regiments. I will have access to multiple servers, which may or may not be useful.
•   When you spawn in with a musket, the game will tell you that you have 30 cartridges in your pocket. You actually have 15.
•   There is no formula for map changes or maps that we play. If we pull a random map that is the greatest map of all time, we’ll play several rounds on it. If we keep a map that ends up playing poorly, we’ll only do a round on it.
•   Every regiment should have either the officer or an adjutant make sure they know all of the rules for their unit to explain them to everybody else. We can save a lot of grief by having people know the rules and the differences between this and other linebattles.

Regiment Name:
Contact Information:
Place for empty promise to follow the rules:

Guest List/Specialties
Cavalry - Oprichniki
Cavalry - Nr5 Husaren
Skirmishers - 116th Perthshire
Skirmishers - Ziemian Royal Army, 1st "Malpas's Own" Regiment of Treehouse Dwellers, 2nd Battalion Co. Z
Artillery -
Artillery -
      Silahtar Guard
      Opolcheniye Pikemen

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests NA_1 (10 December)
« on: December 11, 2013, 05:52:17 am »
Running log as the night goes on. First screenshot is at 20:38 PST.

List is: [EQFL]Legio_Arlech; 12th_Rec_Werman; 1st_BootyGrd_Assy_McGee; 1st_BootyGrd_Sudenimu; REALLYHIGHMAN; ZILOT





12th_Rec_Werman (TK and then ID confirmation)


Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests NA_1 (7-9 December)
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:33:45 am »
Took some screenshots and didn't know where else to put them. These span over the last couple of days. If you want a specific timestamp for any of them in particularly, let me know, but I reckon most of these are one-time offenders who need to be put on record. All requests are for teamkilling/wounding

List is:  [AuG]THE_DOORS; 18thFb_Bryant; 1erRIMa_Mous_Yannmear; 1st_BootyGrd_Assy_McGee; 29th_Rct_SirJohn; 31e_Brosidieon; CTPAXOBCHIK; GOTTSHITZENZEEKAISERZZZZZZZZ; Jajenwawa; McMeekins-Rifles_Snowball; Myself; Ser_MhiefCaster; Whiterun_Guard




31e_Brosidieon, [AuG]THE_DOORS, Myself (end of round)


1st_BootyGrd_Assy_McGee, Ser_MhiefCaster




Total of thirteen inquiries. Have fun.

EDIT - Make it fourteen, I was informed that one of the yahoos in my screenshots was named "Negro_Lord_of_Fags". Ban him too.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests NA_1
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:06:53 am »
Mostly for teamkilling. There were some slurs in chat and some false accusations of hacking and even some wannabe-Beckinsale'ing going on too, logs will be either amusing or headache-inducing. Anything else will be noted. List is: Philcs007; Schmuckatelly; Old_Gregg;  HAMSTER; Lavish; KackNackSack; Toastdispenser; ZACH_THE_WOMAN. All times in PST.


00:47 (Trolling the artillery)










Honorary request for 29th_A_Ensign_William for posting two recruitment messages in a single map and then taunting me about it in the Teamspeak.

EDIT - Added specification

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request NA_1
« on: December 01, 2013, 07:15:52 am »
Reported Father for teamkilling. Happened just past 22:00 PST. I logged within a few minute, I don't know if he continued or not, so have some free work.


Clayton teamkilling intentionally right before that, but I didn't grab a screenshot. I suppose according to law, that didn't happen, but if you're perusing the time then and soon after anyway . . .

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests NA_1
« on: November 27, 2013, 10:55:04 am »
Late night, no admin shenanigans on NA_1. Not entirely sure when it start, was occurring in the 01:00 hour PST. Short on screenshots, but the logs are quite colourful.

1st_MEF_Pvt_Havok - Premeditated teamkilling


Cracko - Slurs and teamkilling


YourAverageScrub - Slurs and teamkilling

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Requests NA_1
« on: October 12, 2013, 11:16:55 am »
Ban requests are for Admiral_Simenadcz, Admiral_Thorpe, Khorne the Hodor and Barnaby_The_Camel. All are for teamkilling. All times are PDT.








EDIT - While the post is still under review, I'm going to reuse the post. Red_Dominion for teamkilling and d/c'ing at the beginning of a round.


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