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Messages - Dort

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In Development / Re: '1337-1453' A Hundred Years War Mod
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:50:09 pm »
Eagerly awaiting new footage!

reported to mods

In Development / Re: '1337-1453' A Hundred Years War Mod
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:49:08 pm »

In Development / Re: '1337-1453' A Hundred Years War Mod
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:35:56 am »
Find our new trailer here!

Alex is not part of the mod and is trolling me :(

In Development / Re: '1337-1453' A Hundred Years War Mod
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:33:24 am »
Dev diary coming soon lads. Thank you all for your patience

The mod is progressing nicely, I've recently dug up the Black Princes body and am willing to offer it as a preorder bonus for one lucky gamer

Regiments / Re: 4e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "L'Impétueuse" [EU]
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:28:06 am »
Only Hundred Years Mod kids will remember this reg

If it isnt solely made up of people from original 4e it'll be shit lmao

Regiments / Re: 4e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "L'Impétueuse" [EU]
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:19:56 am »
wew everyone like 'we' coming back, last I checked none of you boys were 1stFG at Borodino when we merged, btfo

Off Topic / Re: Need Your Help
« on: September 09, 2016, 06:41:58 pm »
Hello everyone. Really don't know if this is the correct strata I should be posting under or not, but I am in need of history buffs, especially ones on Napoleon. I am currently doing my Senior Thesis on Napoleon's Invasion of Russia and I was wondering and if anyone could give their insights, ideas of books or websites I should be looking at to help. Thanks so much!

Might be worth getting a copy of David Chandlers Campaigns of Napoleon, pretty sure the whole thing is on google books and is a well regarded piece on the Napoleonic Wars in general. Other than that, de Bourienne's memoirs of Napoleon are basically the go to source for getting the private opinions of both Napoleon and Bourienne, (a well respected if out of favour peer of Nap.) Hell if you need quotes on why the invasion failed check out Clauswitz and Jomini's theories of warfare, both take Napoleon as prime examples of both good and bad in the art of warfare and both served in some capacity during the Napoleonic Wars.

Side note: If you check out project Gutenberg and have a relatively decent grasp of French/Russian/German or a handy translation tool there is hundreds of memoirs from the time such as Marshals Macdonald and Oudinot, or for a more general overlook Marshal Marmont.

Hope this helped xoxox.

In Development / Re: '1337-1453' A Hundred Years War Mod
« on: June 02, 2016, 11:42:29 pm »
How is the mod progressing? I eagerly anticipate the Alpha release. I saw some leaked footage on LiveLeak and assumed the alpha is coming this year? Thanks and hope all is well.

The mod is coming on really well, I recently put out a call for beta testers and Diplex and Pewdiepie agreed to feature the mod m8. I've made a special pre-order bonus by stealing all the mud from irl Agincourt field so if you pre-order you get a sack of dirt as well, only £150.

Wew good going Herikid, I hope you upload this montage to utube. Also Im sorry about you losing your sight in a rare episode of when diving boards strike back Price, wishing you a speedy recovery bb xoxo.

We did it boys, wave Prices severed foot in victory as you guzzle le mountain dew.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite Historic Battles!
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:48:56 pm »
Borodino, its a battle very close to my heart. I stood in the centre of the French line as a roundshot tore sweet Rnady al Jafaar in two. Me and Donyel12 would have routed right there and then but the prophet appeared to us and we bayonetted thousands of Russian scum in revenge for our fallen brother. The poles put up a pretty good fight, my friend Milosh Kurwalski will gib you more deets if need be. At no time in history has their been an army as gifted in memers as was the grande armee in 1812. If only we had more mountain dew and naan breads we could have held Moscow, AND THEN ONTO BRUSSELS! (all information was sourced from the wikipedia page for North and South a series of novels by Luke Dutchy Holland.)

Just don't...

Trust a coward who didnt fight with us at Borodino to nay say, begone you cis scum. Only real loyal troops to L'Empereur are wanted here you Bourbon scum.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite Historic Battles!
« on: March 31, 2016, 11:12:02 am »
Borodino, its a battle very close to my heart. I stood in the centre of the French line as a roundshot tore sweet Rnady al Jafaar in two. Me and Donyel12 would have routed right there and then but the prophet appeared to us and we bayonetted thousands of Russian scum in revenge for our fallen brother. The poles put up a pretty good fight, my friend Milosh Kurwalski will gib you more deets if need be. At no time in history has their been an army as gifted in memers as was the grande armee in 1812. If only we had more mountain dew and naan breads we could have held Moscow, AND THEN ONTO BRUSSELS! (all information was sourced from the wikipedia page for North and South a series of novels by Luke Dutchy Holland.)

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