Author Topic: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...  (Read 35287 times)

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Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:38:52 pm »
So, today was the first day of Waterloo registration. As some of you might know, and some of you might not, it went disastrous. While I have not seen the document myself, I've heard from several who did that it's a badly written and unclear document, with a variety of stupid questions like 'How will you arrive, and at what hour exactly?'. As if we know that, a year in advance. Registration is individual, as opposed to with a group. Some say it's to scare away 'one-timers', but officials have said this is due to 'safety reasons'., On top of that, the site went down, presumably due to an overload of registration.

What we do know is that the event will be highly guarded - Re-enactors will get an armband that will be scanned before being allowed on to the battlefield. No armband, no entry on to the battlefield. People will also have background-checks run on them; once again, safety reasons. It would seem that a high amount of 'important' folk are going to spectate the battlefield, all of which are either related to some high duke present at the battle and therefor obviously necessary for the event, or politician and royals who suddenly care really much about this period and history in general.

We must arrive at 16 or 17 June, while the event doesn't start until the 18th, with only a 'memorial service'. 19th and 20th are battles and 21st is a parade. As one friend said 'It because means being an unpaid extra for 4 days in the most commercial event ever'.

Several people here already responded, but we have several Waterloo'ers that have not let themselves heard yet; most importantly our favorite Australian Zac - How are guys handling this out there? And in general; your opinions and expectations?

Offline Vincenzo

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 11:41:58 pm »
I looked through the form and formulated 12 questions of unclear selections or fields where it was not clear what to fill in.

these questions are now send off to the organisation by our groups events organiser.. Will see when reply comes in, and then still have to get the form up again to fill it in.

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 11:50:32 pm »
I think in all honesty it's looking pretty bullshit right now. Yes it should be a commemoration, but the person in charge of the reenactment really hasn't thought it through, in putting the battles at 8pm on the 2 nights... it means that by the time we're all back in camp, it's going to be around midnight if we get stuck behind the redcoats at their slow pace. That in turn means no noise in camp as per reenactment SOPs, which will lead to a lot of very pissed off reenactors
I think it's been turned into a political event. Yes it's nice that the wiff-waff want to get involved, however, my unit have said it from the start, let the bloody reenactors organise the living history side of things, it would run a lot smoother that way.
Not seen the "individual" sign up yet, but I think thats a load of bollox too. Some might say it's to scare away 'one timers' but units now should've closed recruitment to anyone looking to do waterloo, our unit did in May. If anything, signing up as an individual, rather than as a unit is going to encourage the one timers, and people without units to come along thinking they're Sharpe. Yes safety checks need to be made, however over here in the UK you already have to have a billion safety checks made against you before they even consider giving you a gun license. Why not just keep with what's happened in the past, have unit commanders sign the guys up, and provide the relevant information there. I can see this going badly with one timers getting the nod, but old hands, like myself, potentially missing out because the system is a load of crap.
I'm hoping that this farce gets sorted asap because to make a mockery of the 200th of Waterloo is going to piss a whole lot of people off, just to brown nose with some royals and army bigwigs
"[15th] Colonel Cenkris: A lazy officer who didn`t contribute anything to the success of his detatchment or the regiment disposed of after displaying incredible disloyalty and attitute problems towards fellow officers"
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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 11:52:09 pm »
Yep, its all politic stuff, also the signup thing was because of government wanted it well organized and signed up etc.
Pulled this over from the lets discuss thread, only just saw it

Vince you're right... but when in the past has the government EVER wanted anything to do with waterloo? lol it's stupid!
"[15th] Colonel Cenkris: A lazy officer who didn`t contribute anything to the success of his detatchment or the regiment disposed of after displaying incredible disloyalty and attitute problems towards fellow officers"
Aww thanks Cenkris for those kind words
Ex Leader of the 15th Rifle Detachment

Offline TWking

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 11:59:04 pm »
This is not looking good.
How did Gettysburg 150th(I think; late night = no maths+ no google) go. Did it have all this rubbish?


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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2014, 12:01:14 am »
its early, and will post more when I wake up fully,i cant even get the page to load,invalid link, but from what ive heard..its shit, and I currently dont know what im gonna do atm....

Offline Vincenzo

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2014, 12:04:09 am »
its a year before, for instance it was asking for my passport ID, My passport runs out in december this year so i will apply for one like in a few months, having a new passport ID... Ehm, now what?

Offline zac

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2014, 12:07:04 am »
Ye, ive been seeing alot of anger on FB, bloody belgians.... ;) :P , this isnt looking to good for Internationals, 7+ years of reenacting,waiting for this event...and Doubtful now be i ....

Offline Duuring

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2014, 12:09:30 am »
its early, and will post more when I wake up fully,i cant even get the page to load,invalid link, but from what ive heard..its shit, and I currently dont know what im gonna do atm....

Get some tea and get back to us when you're awake.  :P

I would like to point out that there áre re-enactors involved in the organization, re-enactors who deserve the utmost respect (Ron van Dyck, Vince knows who I'm talking about), but they can of course do only that much. The local and Walloon government have been organizing this thing for years and still they a 'meh' job.

Also, ticket prices are trough the roof. 36 Euro for a seat and 16 for standing. And you have to get a ticket for every battle and the bivouac. So where last year you'd pay 9 euro to see everything, in 2015 you will have to pay up at least 30.

Offline Barnesy

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2014, 12:12:39 am »
Ron organised hoogstraten didn't he?
He did a bloody good job I have to admit. They should let him get on with it and do it properly, not in a way that'll get the events nose well and truly covered in shit from all the brown nosing they're looking to do to the posh twats and politicians who are suddenly interested in this historic occasion
"[15th] Colonel Cenkris: A lazy officer who didn`t contribute anything to the success of his detatchment or the regiment disposed of after displaying incredible disloyalty and attitute problems towards fellow officers"
Aww thanks Cenkris for those kind words
Ex Leader of the 15th Rifle Detachment

Offline Duuring

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2014, 12:13:38 am »
Yeah, he did. He's awesome. He has the nickname 'Godfather of Re-enactment', and boy, that one is deserved.

Offline zac

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2014, 12:14:19 am »
*tea and biscuit* how did you know ;)

Ye,got him on FB :)

Ye, I can see what they are trying to do I think, but the problem is also with the very idea of individual registration, we do that here, and it hardly works well with under 200 reenactors...And our questions are sensible atleast, from what ive heard on the various FB groups, the registration will  be back up on 23rd, so we will have to see what gets changed etc.

The rego was apparently asking for alot of question that people dont have at the moment, especcially ones that internationals wont know, ye this is looking shit lol...

Offline Vincenzo

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2014, 12:18:31 am »
That organizer is a bloody legend, Hoogstraten best organized event ever.

But yes, this thing is gona be a mess, only reason you will go is because its so big and so many reenactors, but if you will have that much fun, not entirely sure.

Offline Barnesy

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2014, 12:21:07 am »
*tea and biscuit* how did you know ;)

Ye,got him on FB :)

Ye, I can see what they are trying to do I think, but the problem is also with the very idea of individual registration, we do that here, and it hardly works well with under 200 reenactors...And our questions are sensible atleast, from what ive heard on the various FB groups, the registration will  be back up on 23rd, so we will have to see what gets changed etc.

The rego was apparently asking for alot of question that people dont have at the moment, especcially ones that internationals wont know, ye this is looking shit lol...
From what I hear it's asking travel details etc. I'm sorry but I have no idea when in the day I will be arriving or what time that day I will be going to one of the portaloos to take a shit! Add to that I will have a new shotgun and explosives license so they won't tally up either it bodes well for me.
One thing I didn't comment on was the thing about armbands. They expect us to wear them do they. So all the official photos of the muster into the field will see thousands of reenactors with armbands on. Woop we iz gonna look so cool. Hopefully they look period correct!
"[15th] Colonel Cenkris: A lazy officer who didn`t contribute anything to the success of his detatchment or the regiment disposed of after displaying incredible disloyalty and attitute problems towards fellow officers"
Aww thanks Cenkris for those kind words
Ex Leader of the 15th Rifle Detachment

Offline zac

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Re: Waterloo 2015 - Well well well...
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2014, 12:22:24 am »
Red with little swastikas?