Author Topic: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot [12/29/11-8/15/14]  (Read 287195 times)

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29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot [12/29/11-8/15/14]
« on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:11 am »

       Regimental Summary
   The 29th is a well respected, well oiled North American Killing machine. We are comprised of four highly prestigious and well trained companies, able to work in perfect unison to achieve the goals given to us by our officers... (A, B, C, and R) All are lead by a Captain, with years of experience under their belts, and are able to give clear and defined commands to suit any situation. When you join the 29th, you come for professionalism, line readiness and to win (And all the other fun games we play in the Teamspeak).

 When we play the game we uphold a strict tradition to valor and courage, ready to face any challenge given and to that effect, we play to win in style. To perfect and maintain line cohesion, we do not speak mere words to other regiments, ensuring no gaps in the lines are made by frivolous typing, to achieve that, we do not allow any chatting in type. (More on this found in rules and regulations on the forums) Furthermore, to make sure officer commands are heard and followed correctly without pause, a strict PTS (permission to speak) system is in place, for your benefit and those around you. Our training and Line Battle events are scheduled around you, the working man; AOLs (Away on Leave) can be posted if you are unable to attend. The 29th strives to have a fun and exciting community inside and outside of Napoleonic Wars. At the same time our main goal is complete battlefield dominance. I can and will assure you that you will enjoy yourself whilst in the ranks of the 29th Worcestershire.

Enlistment and Requirements

What we're looking for:
Mature, and responsible individuals.
Active players.
Anyone interested in belonging to a professional regiment.
We would prefer you lived in North America.
We would also prefer a functioning microphone.
Also no negative history in the NW community. (Bans, troll complaints ect.)

The taste of metal in my mouth. I hated that taste as it signified dread. The bangs of thunder in the distance, the smoke filling the air like London fog, that's what brought that taste. Death, all around us as we march forward into the walls of lead and blood that awaited us. I was a ranker, sent to die for my country, bravely was preferred but not required. A man dropped next to me, it was strange how he just fell without words, dead in an instant, I thought about his wife, what would she think about such an undignified death? But now I looked forward, seeing the lines of blue, the French, eagerly awaited our blood to spill the ground, I hope that I can take one of them with me into the depths of hell, at least I'd have some compan- *Dead.* -From the journal of a ranker in the 29th.

When you join the 29th, all applicants start out as a Ranker/Recruit. The reason for this is quite simple in nature. In order to perform duties as an Officer, NCO or just a simple member of the 29th, one must first understand the way of the common soldier. With this you learn the maneuvers of the line and how it operates as a whole. As time passes and you become more familiar with the each aspect of regimental life, you will be promoted to Lance Corporal, or LCpl. The rank of LCpl is also the highest rank you can achieve without a microphone. As you ascend the ranks of the regiment your duties will change from silence and killing to doing tasks in and out of game. Some examples: Corporals are at the end of the line and perform wheels. While Sergeants Take attendance and promote activity whilst in the regiment.  These tasks are expected of NCOs (non-commissioned officers).

The taste of metal in my mouth, oh how I loved it. It signified the great gentleman's game was at play. I looked down to my feet for just the slightest of moments, my marching was in tune with my men, satisfying it was to know our training hadn't gone to waste, they looked to me for command, for bravery, for victory. All rested on me, one false order, a poorly shouted command and it could all be over. But one can't dwell on such things. 'In the moment by George' would call my Colonel to his commissioned officers such as we, and in the moment we would be. Though now I look to my men, seeing a couple drop now and then, pity racked my soul each time, that they would not see our glorious charge, our victory, or flag waving above the enemies broken bodies. Trust, I asked, only trust, and if it was given in full... Victory would be ours. -From the journal from a officer in the 29th.

Officers are the nails of the regiment. All major decisions are decided upon by the officers. Officer meetings are weekly to discuss promotions, changes within the regiment, and scheduling. To achieve the rank of officer one must show excessive leadership skills, charisma and activity. The commanding officers of the 29th can assure you that we will be one of the most disciplined, respected, and skillful regiments in the NW NA community.


To Arms in Defense of England! As already stated we strive to be a disciplined and mature unit as well as efficient in our organization. If you wish to learn more about our regiment read below. If you would like to try us out take a look at our website. If you wish to join fill out your enlistment papers at our website or if you are curious or on the fence about us you may join our teamspeak and speak to me or any other officer. Our website and teamspeak address can be found at the top and bottom of this thread.

However there are requirements that applicants must qualify for if an applicant is to be accepted into the company. As stated we strive for a mature environment. To make this happen we must have qualifications for our members. This is a list of requirements every applicant must heed to.

  • All applicants must be at least 15 years old.
  • Trolling and indiscipline is not allowed. Ill discipline and disorderly conduct during events will cause a member to be kicked. Trolling especially if the victim is a person who does not have membership in the company is completely forbidden and will have consequences ranging from demotion to being mustered out from the Regiment. A detailed code of conduct can be found on our website. If a member breaks his oath of abiding by it that he swore in his application it will be treated as if he lied on his application. However bare in mind the vast majority of members will never have a problem with these rules but these things are required to have the atmosphere we wish to achieve.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 04:42:19 am by Hugonaut »

Offline Hugonaut

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:23 am »

Line Battles
Tuesday 8:00 PM EST
Thursday 8:00 PM EST
Friday 8:00 PM EST

No Sieges
Monday 8:30 PM EST

Trolling is a kick-able offense and is dealt with immediately. There is NO: Trolling, Teamkilling, Verbal Abuse, Speak of religion, or Politics. These things only cause problems and will not be tolerated. We are comrades in arms!

PTS- PTS is Permission to speak. We use this so no one is talking while commands are being given.

Age Policy-Our age policy is what makes us the 29th. (16+)(Sophomore in HS) We take great pride in having NO "squeakers" in our regiment. If we figure out you lied about your age in the application you will be removed from the 29th regardless of what rank you have achieved.

We have our own Teamspeak 3 server. Also our own in game server.
Further information is given when you join.
1. Be respectful to everyone.

2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.

3. Follow Orders. It is vital for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Officers are followed to the letter and without question or argument.

4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 04:01:22 am by Hugonaut »

Offline Hugonaut

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:34 am »

In 1768 the 29th along with the 14th Regiment of Foot were sent to Boston, Massachusetts, where on the evening of 5 March 1770, men of the 29th Grenadier Company under the command of Captain Thomas Preston took part in the Boston Massacre. Five colonists died during the riot in front of the Boston customs house. Due to the incident, the regiment earned the nickname the Vein Openers for drawing first blood in the American Revolution. The men involved were tried for murder and were defended by John Adams (who later became President of the United States). Two of the men involved, Hugh Montgomery and Matthew Kilroy, were found guilty of manslaughter and branded on the thumb. Captain Thomas Preston and the other men involved were found not guilty. The 29th left Boston in 1771 for British controlled Florida before returning to England in 1773.
The regimental badge of the 29th and later of the Worcestershire Regiment show the influence of the Coldstream Guards on the regiment. The Coldstream Guards and the 29th are the only two regiments to have the elongated star and garter of the Order of the Garter as their regimental badge with its motto "Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense" translated "Shame be to him who evil thinks" earning a third nickname The Guards of the Line.

In Game History
The 29th Worcestershire was formed in December of 2011, with the sole intent to create a troll free, disciplined, eternal, and skillful Regiment. On that glorious day in late December our eternal leader Hugonaut, set forth with his comrade of many years, Hasan, in creating the most serious, and disciplined Regiments in the whole of MM. The Regiment grew and became respected at a faster pace than we had ever expected. But the work we put into it was priceless. Several months later after smooth sailing Hasan left the Regiment. This was a time of strife and decisions. Was Hugonaut to continue with the Regiment even after the loss of his comrade and frend? or was he to leave it be and let the Regiment fall? The answer is simple. Hugo, the glorious, broke free of his chains and continued with the regiment! And named Hexon his second in command. Thus began the age of the 29th in late MM. During witch time Hugonaut and the officers of the 29th (Hugonaut, Sixgun, Augustus, Clockwork, and Delta) Decided to maintain the 29th until the end of the MM community. 

The Dawning of NW
When NW was announced a rallying cry of happiness screamed from the teamspeak. A new, and fresh way to experience the realism of the Napoleonic Wars was upon us. Within the first week of NW we were able to field 40 men per event. With a maximum of 46. But there are some who despise peace. Two officers of the 29th (who shall not be named) gave us a domain name and a awesome interactive website. Soon after they released their treachery upon us and changed the URL to their own clan website, witch they had newly formed. This was by far the hardest time for the 29th. We were reduced to only being able to field 10-15 men, and moral was low.  But the remaining Officers of the 29th did not falter nor did they waver. They remained vigilant! To the cause witch had sucked away countless hours of their life in the name of fun for themselves, and for others. Months past and the 29th was only a speckle of what it used to be, with only the vigilant, and the loyal remaining, they continued on the journey to creating the best, and most disciplined Regiment in all of NW. Once again through determination, handwork and awesome members, the 29th was back to it's former glory. Now the 29th is the biggest and the most reliable Regiment in North America and will continue to do so with your help.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 05:56:48 am by Hugonaut »

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:46 am »
Empty Space
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 09:27:51 pm by Hugonaut »

Offline Hugonaut

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:59 am »

Join date:Dec 2011

Introduce yourself:
I'm 21, and i work in a meat Dept. mutilating animals. And I enjoy frolfing, gaming, mustard, and alcohol. And I did Kill playful preist cat. (not kidding) It was with a hammer and sickle.

In game history:
Started playing BG2 in early 2011 with the 29th in battlegrounds 2. fell in love with linebattling and the whole serious atmosphere of it. saw of video of MM and couldn't resist the 250 man battles. Started to work full time and was unable to attend BG events. had to quit. Joined the 16th and had a blast. Eventually left because it wasn't for me. Joined the 12th under Crawford. That regiment disbanded and i was sad. joined a couple of regiments to see what I liked. Couldn't find it so I started the 29th with Hasan. Now I have been here, leading for damn close to two years.

Why the 29th is best regiment to invest your time into:
Well, I understand that I am me and I trust myself. But I honestly LOVE line battling. And especially when it is with a good group of like mined gentlemen. Alot of people in the 29th have a simple love for linebattling. And with a strong officer staff and fine and dedicated chap like myself, i see no reason why the entirety of the NA community should merge into the 29th as recruits.

And what you feel you bring to the table:
Honesty, Integrity, Forgetfulness, and a passion for linebattles. And a ball of lead for trolls.

Why did you chose the 29th and why you do to this day: Because every day is something new and exciting. With new people from all around the globe the amount of interesting people you meet who have the same mind set and passions as you. And straight up serious line battling. I honestly can't stand regiments that claim to be "disciplined" but are literally the exact opposite.

Why should you join?:
Do it. Best gaming decision of you life. that is if you have the love for LB's

Rank: Lieutenant
Name: Castleguy
Join date: June, 2012

brief personal info/ introduction: I'm 22 years old, a senior in Florida International University currently studying criminal justice. I got one semester after this one to finish. I work in the kitchen of a chucky cheese it sucks but I get money.

In game history: I have pretty much played games all my life but at the moment I don't play much outside Linebattles and some time off I might have here and there since classes and work take up most of my time.

Why the 29th is best regiment to invest your time into: I'ts a very fun community, a lot of great people to play with. Not just napoleonic wars but just about any other game.

And what you feel you bring to the table: A fun and positive attitude, while still remaining serious and objective when required.

Why did you chose the 29th and why you do to this day: The 29th has been the only regiment I have ever played with I got into the regiment around one week after getting NW, i'm still in this regiment because I enjoy playing with fellow members and honestly I can't see myself in any other regiment lol.

Why should you join? I'ts a serious regiment with disciplined movement of the line in linebattles and also a very fun regiment when hanging out in teamspeak.

Rank: Lieutenant
Name: Canuck
Join date: April, 2012

brief personal info/ introduction:
I'm a 17 year old senior from rural Saskatchewan.

In game history:
This regiment was pretty much my introduction to computer gaming, MM and NW in particular.

Why the 29th is best regiment to invest your time into:
Great group of guys.

And what you feel you bring to the table:
Very little.

Why did you chose the 29th and why you do to this day: .
I was studying Napoleon in history class at the time, and was dealing with a busted leg and shitty Canadian winter. I found a few MM linebattle videos online (Millander's actually) which led me here, and I've been here since. I started gaming with some of these guys, talked and played games with them almost every day for over a year and a half, and I see no reason to stop now.

Why should you join?
Might as well give it a shot. What have you got to lose?

Name: FXF_Tails

Rank: CSM

Time spent in Regiment: 1 year 6 months

Why you chose the 29th: I was literally looking for a regiment, and this was the very first one i came across

Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: Simply a great community with its own unique identity, rules, and good people

Best part of the 29th: Discipline, professionalism

Name: william
Rank: company sergent major
Time spent in Regiment: 1 and 1 month
Why you chose the 29th: want to be in a large regiment
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: to become a officer some day and to give the 29th 100 members one day xD
Best part of the 29th: numbers and good officers

Name: Spork
Rank: Serjeant
Time spent in Regiment: Nine months, minus a couple in the middle when I went to China.
Why you chose the 29th: Saw the two-niner standing like statues in the calm before a reset & live, not a single head bobbing up and down.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: I like quietly taking orders and not fooling around, this is the perfect place for me.
Best part of the 29th: Watching the scoreboard light up with flurries of 29th kills.

Name: Tillius
Rank: Cpl
Time spent in Regiment: About 5 1/2 months
Why you chose the 29th: To be in the most professional and organized Regiment.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: I have showed you that im here to stay, I love this regiment.
Best part of the 29th: Being the best Regiment (NA) that there ever was.

Name: Wimpie

Rank: Sargeant

Time spent in Regiment: A year and 2 months

Why you chose the 29th:Reasons in why I joined the 29th were that i was a small boy. Hidden in a huge world of Regiments looking to join a regiment. Hoping that i could join a winning regiment i selected the 29th for it would not be the only 29 love i have in my life. My current baseball number is 29 and I figured I would love the reg as much as I love baseball. I was correct

Why you continue to be apart of the 29th:If it ain't broke. Dont fix it

Best part of the 29th: Before I joined the 29th I was (as I stated) a small boy filled with immature thoughts and had a racist vocabulary full of vulgar things I could of said. I realized that in my time being here I would have to keep those words censored and kept out of my vocabulary. So I could say the best part would be me becoming smarter and more dedicated to the things and ideas that I do and have.

Name: brandonbuff007
Rank: Sergeant
Time spent in Regiment: A year and a half to a year and 8 months.
Why you chose the 29th: Professional, Organized, Fun
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: A pact with the blood god that says I will stay until the end of time, & to continue the perfect attendance streak.
Best part of the 29th: Everything

Name:Playful preist
Time spent in Regiment:forever
Why you chose the 29th:hugo held a gun to my dog, didn't believe him then he killed my cat so i joined......
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th:for my dogs life
Best part of the 29th:the Australian musician corps

Name: Vintage
Rank: Private
Time spent in Regiment: I lost count, I've been on and off.
Why you chose the 29th: Best Regiment 2k13. Seriously though, no regiment gets better than this.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: It doesn't get any better. This is the best regiment in the community, they get exactly the right balance between fun and seriousness.
Best part of the 29th: The community outside of NW. Everyone is always very friendly and open to making new friends and playing games with them.

Name: Zippollini
Rank: Drummer
Time spent in Regiment: 1 year, 9 months (or around that)
Why you chose the 29th: Because the 29th chose me!
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: Because i know that there isn't a more reliable, professional reg around.
Best part of the 29th: Playing dem aussie beatzbydrdre for ya'll

Name: Christopher
Rank: Private B Company
Time spent in Regiment: A couple of weeks
Why you chose the 29th: Wanted to join a disciplined regiment especially with pts.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: I enjoy playing with the discipline that we demand and enjoy even more how opening people in the regiment are to meet you, gets rid of any nervousness you have when first joining. I also enjoy the challenge that comes with the meleeing in the regiment.
Best part of the 29th: The community and the discipline

Name: DeathWolf
Rank: Private A company
Time spent in Regiment: 6 months and 5 days
Why you chose the 29th:Thought it was a fun group of guys to play with, seemed professional.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: .....Good question. Best answer is I like a few folks...And I can't figure out where I would even go.
Best part of the 29th: Watching the guard wipe out 3 entire lines with 9 guys

Name: Edward
Rank: Recruit
Time spent in Regiment: I just joined a week ago.
Why you chose the 29th: Because of regwilliam.
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: I love how this regiment is good at training and fighting, with blocks and lines, and etc.
Best part of the 29th: the friendly people.

Rank: Rct
Time spent in Regiment: About 3 weeks
Why you chose the 29th: Better times for training and line battles, plus a lot of funny guys
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: It is disciplined and organized which I love to see with groups I join
Best part of the 29th: It has to be the beard checks and the random stuff we do after AAR

Name: Notice<3
Rank: Recruit
Time spent in Regiment: almost a week
Why you chose the 29th: Fun group of guys to play with, professional
Why you continue to be apart of the 29th: I enjoy the people here, very respectful, fun to pub with ;D
Best part of the 29th: Watching William clutch against 20 guys LOL

« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 06:10:28 am by Hugonaut »

Offline Hugonaut

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2013, 07:45:13 am »
Forum Signatures.

On the top right click "Quote" And choose witch one you want.

Standard 29th Signature With Garter Star on left.

29th Signature with Garter Star on left, as well as sideways 29th.

29th Signature with Garter Star in the "O".

29th Signature with Garter Star and Officer

29th Signature with Garter Star And NCO

29th Signature with Garter Star and Ranker

29th Signature with Garter Star in center. And additional "Regiment Of Foot."

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 06:46:58 am by Hugonaut »

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2013, 08:09:04 am »
This is a mighty fine thread you got here. Keep up the good work!

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 10:17:46 am »
As a member of the 29th, I support this message.
"I am a prototype of a much larger system."

Offline Sparvico

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 11:15:36 am »
Just following orders.
Lieutenant Sparvico, Reserve Company

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 02:08:24 pm »
Orgasmic thread, Hugo.

Needs more Gooby, though.

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2013, 02:16:51 pm »
I must say, Hugo, it is a rare occasion I am able to experience a thread as nice as this.

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 03:36:38 pm »
I was once a member in a very trolly, very headbang-friendly regiment of little kids, and I was bummed out, because all I wanted was a nice orderly battle unit. Nearly on the verge of quitting regiment life entirely, I then came across the 29th, the most self-disciplined regiment I've ever seen, and have been happy ever since. Most regiments have similar rules against douchery, but these guys actually follow them.  :)

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 03:53:26 pm »
Nice and ambitious!

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 05:01:23 pm »
Glad to have orginized the format of the thread hugo!
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

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Re: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot---Recruiting NA Players---
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2013, 05:44:47 pm »
I thought you guys were disbanding when I saw the deleted thread  :'( Glad you didn't.
Great looking thread, Good Luck!