First off i would like to say that this is not meant to offend. This is simply a tool to make silly comics with using regimental representatives.
So, have you ever heard of Poland ball? If not here is one.
This is Regball. But i could use some help. If you can paint your own that would be #SWAG. Make your own regiment and give it a personality. But these are the regiments that immediately came to my mind and have a personality that I noticed. If you are offended by this in any way and they're not true, I can remove them. If you feel like editing your ball feel free. But not too much. Make your own. Put them on the thread and i will put them In this initial thread as characters. Post your creations here!
Do not break any forum rules. Do not do anything that will really offend someone elses regiment. Do not slander. If you get mad you loose.
Individual players will not be Regballs. It is the whole regiment. Not just someone. (exception made for Milkyball)
Regball App:
Regball name:
Synopsis and personality:
Things the Regball might say:
Regball img. (go ahead and use circles. This is regball, not polandball)
All Regballs can be edited and personalities may be altered based upon a changing personality or something new.
These are NA Regballs. EU balls are bigger than all NA balls. Make your own.
29ball! (29th)
The 29th ball is super posh. Before the 29th talks he says PTS. Then continues with his speech bubble. He has no tolerance for trolls and feels he is the dominant ball regardless of weather or not he is or not. And has no problem throwing his #MASSIVE self into the fray. (29ball is the biggest ball NA.)
29ball says: PTS-Lets just throw 60 guys at it Grumble grumble grumble.
EPIBall! (1stEPI)
EPIBall has somewhat of the same ideals as 29ball. EPIBall is very descriptive and slow talking in Gerenglish. He is also really old. And respected. Almost like a grandfatherball. Also perfect at everthing he does. And everyone knows it.
Things EPIBall might say: Ve Vill Flank ze enemeez of das prussia in das doppelt rankist kompany. After Ich takist das nap.
No one likes 12ball. Everything they say must be hash tagged. Because in all sense they are YOLO fags and 12thyear olds. They are good at melee and they are big headed. They are bad at spelling and always stoned.
12ball might say: Yo #niggas. We be rollin dis #blunt wit ower beyonettes #yoloswag..Oh shit bro, we gots blud in ower weed stuff. Shit man #Smokedatshitenywey
It's all about fun for the 54th. Big booty bitches and booze. 54ball will often leave in mid sencence to go get booty. 54ball doesn't really care. Also has a mild case of ADD.
54th ball might say: So i have a li.....
MilkyBall!(Millander and his regiment)
This represents millander. Because he is never with one regiment he is just milkyball. He is super docile and monotone. He over uses the word dude, dudes, dudettes, and any other prefix of the word dude. Swag must also be used in all text. He will also reenact all over your ass.
Milkyball might say: Hey dudes. If you could linebattle us that would be swag.
Ball9 is the odd ball. They are trolls and they know it. Nothing they say is serious. And no one takes them serious if they do. They are borderline handicapped and they always find away into a fight. Even if they have to charge all the way across the map.
79ball comes in comic 2. As 29balls big poop. That is all.
79ball says *Splash*
The ooball is everyones freind. And no one knows why. He walks around in a outlandish shako and claims he saves the universe everyday from foreign space invaders. If it was up to 29ball he would be in a padded room #Forever. But who knows. Maybe he isn't crazy. Maybe he really does save the universe.
ooball says: Tango tango this is oothball actual, one niner reporting in. Space command do you read. We have lost the Sacred Quintessence of Salsbury. I repeat, we have lost the Sacred Quintessence of Salsbury. We require more reinforcements to be beamed down immediately. OH MY GOD WERE BEING OVER RUN! Ahhh *Wilhelm scream*! And then he walks away like nothing ever happened.
This regball is crapy kind of like our skillez and our jokes.
Things we might say: Worst NA, Korn is My Porn,and Shrek likes to be screwed
Big Money,Big Women,Big Fun...that is all
63ouiBall is a nice ball. He always talks in a french accent and loves cheese. Also is a Diplex fanboy till he dies.
63oui ball might say: Oui, *Snort, takes a bite of his cheese wheel* Viva la diplex!
Synopsis and personality: An old, tough regball that doesn't take crap from anyone. Basically it has bark
and bite. Not always the biggest or brightest, but always has a tough spirit that is willing to take on the world and generally does.
Things the Regball might say: "No retreat, no surrender, and always protect you sir!", "Tactical 8th Inbound!", "Operation Redmist!", "NO SCREW YOU!", "Don't text and lead!", "I need some more Mikey's"
Regball img. (go ahead and use circles. This is regball, not polandball). It would be
this (But red instead of black) with
this hat.
Here's my rendition of 8ball
InsanelyhistoricalyinacurateBall! (3eVolt)
IHABall is also a nice ball. They talk in a Canadian accent and are Really loud. They often talk over other balls. They also like to change their mind about everything.
IHABall might say: Eh? This linebattle is awesome!...*5 second later*....OMG I HATE THIS LINEBATTLE. Im sorry. eh?
Comic One: 12ball wants to #linebattle 29ball.
Comic Two: 29ball takes a duce.
29ball does this a lot.
29ball meets 33ball.
Comming soon!
ooball (00th) done
Coldball (2ndCS)
79ball(79th) done