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Topics - Hugonaut

Pages: 1
Regiments / 29th Worcestershire Regiment of Foot
« on: May 16, 2022, 06:04:59 am »

We have to iron out the details of the extent of our participation. As of now and probably always:
We are not recruiting.

We have no ranks.

We just do massive events.

If you were 29th at any point, contact us.

If you want to come and say hello, Our discord link is:
NW FSE post:

The Mess Hall / List of best Galactic Regiments in order
« on: December 08, 2020, 08:23:53 am »
So here's my list of top MM-2015 all time best regiment in order.

Thundersnow's 00th Intergalactic Space Regiment
 For literally controlling the galaxy and killing us, and his own men for nothing more than sport.

Noting follows



Regiments / Hugo's Guide to leading and maintaining a Regiment
« on: May 30, 2017, 09:25:28 pm »
"Ohh man it's Hugo!? what's he been up to!?!?"

Life is good! Turns out starting your life and not spending it behind a computer screen is eventful. So I joined the army, and went back to school, and travel a lot.

"Who's Hugo?"

Hi...I'm Hugo. I lead the old 29th for 2.5 crippling years back in the glory.... life draining days of MM and NW.

 I started this paper in 2014 and touched it up and finished it last year to pass down to people I deemed fit. However, I feel like it would do better as a community resource rather than hidden information. I'm just realizing I should just be nice, and not horde my knowledge. I don't have any loyalties to this game or any specific regiment. so I don't feel like it's a big deal to dispel this info. Even though I'm going against my own ideals about sharing info.

 It's not grammatically perfect but just roll with it. It's an attachment so go ahead and do what you do. Also if you want to add to it go ahead. I'd say I'd amend it and add things you write or I deem fit to add but I won't. Also if you have questions PM me. I'll get back to you in 3-4 mont...years. In all honesty though, I do occasionally stop by and look to see whats going on. This community is like my really weird autistic family that I hate, but oddly want to spend time with, but can't, because it leads to self destructive decisions and bad habits that will inevitably lead me to be worthless in all aspects of life except on the internet. So if you do PM me I'll realistically probably see it within 3-4 months. Because nostalgia, and checking up is fun.

This is a substantial chunk of my knowledge regarding leading a regiment.

Let it be known that I still highly advise that you quit the game now.

Lastly, God bless America

P.S. I saw the "Hall of fame" thread and I'm upset that I'm not in it....I need to talk to a supervisor.

Community / Hugonaut's one day graphic workshop.
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:38:13 am »
So for one day. 7/3/14 I'll make some signatures, website backgrounds, forum headers, steam and FSE profile pics. If you sign up after 7/3/14 it's a no-go.
Go ahead and fill out however much you want of the format below. If it's not enough info I won't do it. And if I feel something important is missing I'll improvise. And I'm a minimalist. So they won't be over bearing. And If I hate you. I won't make you one..... You know who you are....

Also took two years of graphic design so you're safe here.

All I need from you:

What am I making?:
Regiment name:
Player name(if applicable):
Quote or motto:
Images you would like me to use:

I'll accept all. for 24 hours

Previous work! Some are sigs, some are website backgrounds, others are full sized posters.


Off Topic / Post America Love. If you disagree you're a Communist!
« on: March 11, 2014, 06:28:06 am »
I have so many guns. And I love burgers....Almost as much as I love America.

Better dead then red.

Regiments / 29th Worcestershire
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:05:47 pm »
Reserved under decree of the 29th Worcestershire!

Media / The 29th. Celebrating two years of linebattleing.
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:15:29 am »

Community / Regball!
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:03:30 am »

First off i would like to say that this is not meant to offend. This is simply a tool to make silly comics with using regimental representatives.
So, have you ever heard of Poland ball? If not here is one.
This is Regball. But i could use some help. If you can paint your own  that would be #SWAG. Make your own regiment and give it a personality. But these are the regiments that immediately came to my mind and have a personality that I noticed. If you are offended by this in any way and they're not true, I can remove them. If you feel like editing your ball feel free. But not too much. Make your own. Put them on the thread and i will put them In this initial thread as characters. Post your creations here!

Do not break any forum rules. Do not do anything that will really offend someone elses regiment. Do not slander. If you get mad you loose.

Individual players will not be Regballs. It is the whole regiment. Not just someone. (exception made for Milkyball)
Regball App:

Regball name:

Synopsis and personality:

Things the Regball might say:

Regball img. (go ahead and use circles. This is regball, not polandball)

All Regballs can be edited and personalities may be altered based upon a changing personality or something new.

These are NA Regballs. EU balls are bigger than all NA balls. Make your own. 

29ball! (29th)
The 29th ball is super posh. Before the 29th talks he says PTS. Then continues with his speech bubble. He has no tolerance for trolls and feels he is the dominant ball regardless of weather or not he is or not. And has no problem throwing his #MASSIVE self into the fray. (29ball is the biggest ball NA.)

29ball says: PTS-Lets just throw 60 guys at it Grumble grumble grumble.


EPIBall! (1stEPI)
EPIBall has somewhat of the same ideals as 29ball. EPIBall is very descriptive and slow talking in Gerenglish. He is also really old. And respected. Almost like a grandfatherball. Also perfect at everthing he does. And everyone knows it.

Things EPIBall might say: Ve Vill Flank ze enemeez of das prussia in das doppelt rankist kompany. After Ich takist das nap.


No one likes 12ball. Everything they say must be hash tagged. Because in all sense they are YOLO fags and 12thyear olds. They are good at melee and they are big headed. They are bad at spelling and always stoned.

12ball might say: Yo #niggas. We be rollin dis #blunt wit ower beyonettes #yoloswag..Oh shit bro, we gots blud in ower weed stuff. Shit man #Smokedatshitenywey


It's all about fun for the 54th. Big booty bitches and booze. 54ball will often leave in mid sencence to go get booty. 54ball doesn't really care. Also has a mild case of ADD.

54th ball might say: So i have a li.....


MilkyBall!(Millander and his regiment)

This represents millander. Because he is never with one regiment he is just milkyball. He is super docile and monotone. He over uses the word dude, dudes, dudettes, and any other prefix of the word dude. Swag must also be used in all text. He will also reenact all over your ass.

Milkyball might say: Hey dudes. If you could linebattle us that would be swag.


Ball9 is the odd ball. They are trolls and they know it. Nothing they say is serious. And no one takes them serious if they do. They are borderline handicapped and they always find away into a fight. Even if they have to charge all the way across the map.



79ball comes in comic 2. As 29balls big poop. That is all.
79ball says *Splash*

The ooball is everyones freind. And no one knows why. He walks around in a outlandish shako and claims he saves the universe everyday from foreign space invaders. If it was up to 29ball he would be in a padded room #Forever. But who knows. Maybe he isn't crazy. Maybe he really does save the universe.

ooball says: Tango tango this is oothball actual, one niner reporting in. Space command do you read. We have lost the Sacred Quintessence of Salsbury. I repeat, we have lost the Sacred Quintessence of Salsbury. We require more reinforcements to be beamed down immediately.  OH MY GOD WERE BEING OVER RUN! Ahhh *Wilhelm scream*! And then he walks away like nothing ever happened.

This regball is crapy kind of like our skillez and our jokes.
Things we might say: Worst NA, Korn is My Porn,and Shrek likes to be screwed
Big Money,Big Women,Big Fun...that is all



63ouiBall is a nice ball. He always talks in a french accent and loves cheese. Also is a Diplex fanboy till he dies.
63oui ball might say: Oui,  *Snort, takes a bite of his cheese wheel* Viva la diplex!

Synopsis and personality: An old, tough regball that doesn't take crap from anyone. Basically it has bark and bite. Not always the biggest or brightest, but always has a tough spirit that is willing to take on the world and generally does.

Things the Regball might say: "No retreat, no surrender, and always protect you sir!", "Tactical 8th Inbound!", "Operation Redmist!", "NO SCREW YOU!", "Don't text and lead!", "I need some more Mikey's"

Regball img. (go ahead and use circles. This is regball, not polandball). It would be this (But red instead of black) with this hat.

Here's my rendition of 8ball

InsanelyhistoricalyinacurateBall! (3eVolt)
IHABall is also a nice ball. They talk in a Canadian accent and are Really loud. They often talk over other balls. They also like to change their mind about everything.

IHABall might say: Eh? This linebattle is awesome!...*5 second later*....OMG I HATE THIS LINEBATTLE. Im sorry. eh?

Comic One: 12ball wants to #linebattle 29ball.
Comic Two: 29ball takes a duce.
29ball does this a lot.
29ball meets 33ball.

Comming soon!
ooball (00th) done
Coldball (2ndCS)
79ball(79th) done

General Discussion / XXte?
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:38:23 am »
So I understand what it is. But on translation sites, and forums the Germans used either Nr.XX or straight up XX. How did XXte come into play? I would just like a simple elaboration.

Regiments / The Royal Army [North American British Coaliton]
« on: September 25, 2013, 10:46:22 am »

    General Information

    The Royal Army has no Commander. Each regiment is led by its own leadership. The purpose of the Army is to cooperate when on the battlefield, and to work together in training and other events. In army battles a commander may be elected as the situation arises from amongst the Regimental leaders.
    In addition to this, The army does not enforce any sort of rank schemes on any army regiment. New Members retain their already entrenched ranking systems of their regiment.  However, as Englishmen, all members will be expected to act with discipline on and off the field and a standard will be enforced within the regiments. All must represent their regiment and Army well. We run a mature atmosphere, and will not tolerate any sort of childish behavior. Having said that, trainings and line-battles are always an enjoyable experience when there are other regiments to work with. It will be up to the regimental commander to enforce the standard of discipline within their unit.
    The Royal Army is involved in weekly army trainings. We openly extend an invitation to any army regiment to attend the army training while it is not mandatory. we host regular community line-battles, as well as, army wide events and battles between other community groups. There is a server provided for all Regiments in the Royal army to train on and use as desired. 
    The army is open to Infantry Infantry groups. Any British regiment who would like to get involved with the Royal Army will be encouraged to message a Regimental leader of an already serving Royal army regiment for discussion between all leaders before a decision is made.

    While in the Royal Army there is a standard of honor and integrity. In Teamspeak there is to absolutely no pornography, trolling, or stealing members. This is a necessity for all Regiments to abide by to create a clean, honorable, and friendly environment. All members and Regiment leaders must show respect towards other Regiments and its members. Failure to do so will result in banishment. Further rules will be added or removed based upon regimental standards.

    The above has been directly stolen from the Prussian Army's thread. With their permission (I will get a hold of them on the 26th of Sept.) I hope we can maintain use of it. Also, I would gladly help fix the bottom of the Prussian army's thread with all the *[/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]* at the end. Maybe a trade? However, we will use it in the mean time and will make it our own soon.

    29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot [29th]

    The 29th is a well respected well oiled North American Killing machine. We are comprised of two highly prestigious and well trained companies, able to work in perfect unison to achieve the goals given to us by our officers... (A and B) Both lead by a Captain, with years of experience under they're belts, and are able to give clear and defined commands to suit any situation. When join the 29th, you come for professionalism, line readiness and to win (And all the other fun games we play in the TS).

     When we play the game we uphold a strict tradition to valor and courage, ready to face any challenge given and to that effect, we play to win in style. To perfect and maintain line cohesion, we do not speak mere words to other regiments, ensuring no gaps in the lines are made by frivolous typing, to achieve that, we do not allow any chatting in type. (More on this found in rules and regulations on the forums) Further more, to make sure officer commands are heard and followed correctly without pause, a strict PTS system is in place, for your benefit and those around you. Our training and Line Battle events are scheduled around you, the working man, AOL's can be posted if you are unable to attend. The 29th strives to have a fun and exiting community inside and outside of Napoleonic Wars. At the same time our main goal is complete battlefield dominance. I can and will assure you that you will enjoy yourself whilst in the ranks of the 29th Worcestershire.

    Website :
    Thread :
    Leader : Colonel Hugonaut the Divine

    54th West Norfolk Regiment Of Foot [54th]

        The 54th (West Norfolk) Regiment of Foot is a Mount & Blade NW Regiment that focuses on courage, dedication and discipline. We participate in as many events as we can get our hands on, Line-Battles, scrims, melee tournaments, and shooting tournaments. In battle we show courage by taking up lynch-pin positions and reacting to a changing battlefield by communicating and cooperating with our Royal Army brethren and never running from a good fight.
    We show dedication by having regularly scheduled events at least 2 or 3 times a week and boasting 20-30 men in two lines almost every time.
    Discipline is paramount. We know how to cut loose and have a good time, but when it's time for battle we practice pure discipline. As best we can, anyhow.  Generally, after an event we vent all that pent up rowdiness in a madhouse, no-rules Deathmatch.We drill our lines at every possible opportunity to ensure we run as one well-oiled fighting-machine to make our Royal Army Brothers proud. We try to drill our lines to the point that they can practically play with their eyes closed, just by responding properly to spoken commands. We do not use PTS, you are expected to know when to blab and when to zip your lip. We don't burst out into TKing after a match and we stay out of the Troll-Chat. In this respect, we try to be an example for other Regiments. We do not ask that a player brings any real skill to the Regiment. Those lacking, or those looking for improvement, will be shown the basics. Those interested will also be shown more advanced tricks of the bayonet-poking trade. We conduct regular melee drills focusing on team-fighting and defensive tactics. We have a solid core of Veterans that have been a part of this Regiment since it's conception way back in Mount & Musket through all of our previous incarnations starting with the 49e, the 1stRS, and now in this latest iteration, the 54th (West Norfolk) Regiment of Foot. We have a progressive system for ranks and rank advancement with a structured and effective chain of command. We've been around a long time now and we've learned a few things. We feel that our focus on courage, dedication, and discipline are the most important ingredients to bring to the table when the time comes to crush your foes and bring glory and fame to the Regiment and the Royal Army.

    Website :N/A
    Thread :
    Leader : Major Stox the Mindful

    More to be added!

    Events: EU / Battle Of the Colonels. [N/A] Cancelled!
    « on: August 31, 2013, 04:47:15 am »
    Oh my!

    Community / Regiment nick names.
    « on: August 20, 2013, 06:13:14 am »
    Some regiments just make nick names pop into your head. For instance when Millander had the 1stFKI they were getting a 40 man attendance. I ended up calling them the Black Death. Seeing 40 Freikorps in a big line is pretty bad ass. Another one was the 60th when Wbtrex lead them. We called them the Shittyeth.  Do you have any nick names for other Regiments? 

    Events: EU / The 29th's Two Time Event!
    « on: May 06, 2013, 10:02:32 am »


    The 29th has decided to host a North American two time event for regiments to attend. This event will only consist of two dates. May 19th. And June 2nd(both on a Sunday). The reason for only 2 events is to make sure we are not taking away a player base from other linebattles. Instead, have the freedom to invite regiments that could not be permitted to dedicate to a weekly event.

    Event One:
    On May 19th The game mode will be siege.  The map will be the Alamo[Pictures to come]. A gritty, close quartered action packed siege. Focused on making the fighting as compact and fast paced as it can be.

    Event Two:
    The 29th will be experimenting with a new linebattle map called Urban. The map consists of dirty, skinny streets with a big street down the middle. Lines will be forced to fight in urban situations with difficulties making your whole unit effective at once. This will force for leaders to maneuver, sentimentalize, and maintain order over a orderly small group of men firing  down an alley. This will ensure choke point action. And  close ranged fire into compact enemy formations.

    1.) The maps artillerists will be predetermined

    2.)The attackers must move out in lines of 6 from spawn and defenders can move out but must leave and stay in a 6 or more man line while outside the fort. If at anytime the defenders out of the fort are not in active melee and are less then 6, they must route back to the fort.

    3.)The attackers can only use the artillery provided, as well as the defenders. The attackers can bring artillery trains to reposition arty once all valid targets are out of site.

    4.)Regiments may FoL.

    5.)Sappers can be utilized by only the defending team.

    6.)Attackers use only 2 cannons. Defenders can only have 4 loaders and 2 officers

    7.)All positions on the map are garrisonable by both teams.

    8.)There will be no team killing under any circumstances. If someone must be slayed or kicked, ask the admins.

    Regiments will be invited. But vacancies are open to everyone. First come first serve.
    To apply for a slot fill out the quick application. (Regiment leaders must apply!)

    Regiment Name:
    Estimated Attendance:
    Make me laugh:

    Attending Regiments:
    36th Kings German Legion
    1st Royal Scotts
    29th Worcestershire


    Community / The history of you and your Regiment
    « on: April 09, 2013, 09:19:33 am »
    This thread topic did somewhat well on TW so i though may as well throw it here, with all the new people and such. (I would enjoy it if your story isn't about you being a ranker for 3 weeks.)

    Well guys. I was looking around a bit and i didn't see anything about people and their MM/NW regimental experiences. how they got into it, what they did to achieve where they are today etc. For example, I know a lot of people from being in various regiments and gained their friendship and support over the years. How did that affect me and how did it affect what i have become in this game. So basically a rundown of what regiment you were apart of, when you were apart of it, and what prominent people you met along the way who you had no idea you would cross paths with them again and became very good friends. i will gladly start this out by giving you my MM/NW story. Ill bet if you are prominent now you may actually be in it(if you are NA), as a role model or something completely different. but anyways i encourage you to share your stories, because i personally find them interesting how it affected your life in game and maybe even IRL. And also i find it extremely interesting to see people who have crossed paths and maybe had no idea until now.

    Hi, I am Hugonaut. Right now i am the leader of the 29th Worcestershire regiment of foot. But I didn't just start a regiment. it took about a year or so of watching, listening, and just being around prominent people.

     My whole Linebattling career started in the game of BG2(maybe even BG1) about 5 or so years ago. Just on my friends computer one day, downloaded the mod and played. Out of nowhere the admin announces there will be a lb. i had no idea what it was but i stuck around anyways.  After playing a few rounds of it i was completely hooked. from then on my purpose in life was to linebattle, but to do that i had to get a computer. I then was completely blue balled from the whole linebattling aspect for several years, until i was a Jr in High school. And that is when i finally got my computer. The 1st thing i installed was Empire Total war and was intrigued by that for several weeks. I then became bored and remembered BG. Bought Counterstrike and downloaded BG2. The 1st server i happened to join was the 29th server, the best and the most bad ass of the whole BG community. My friend who was on this escapade also joined a regiment, the 21st PA.  Led by none othere that Crawford (Col. of the 2nd CS...Be aware i had no idea..and thats why this reg history stuff is so interesting to me.) So i dont want to get into to much grueling detail but i played that game untill my eyes bled, and then i kept on playing. Then i heard about this game called Mount and blade warband, and it happened to have a mod called Mount and Musket. I researched it a little bit and finally decided to buy it. Somewhere in that same time frame i got a job, and had to quit the 29th due to the Euro training times. Again, Joining the very first server of MM i came across a guy who was asking if anyone would be interested in joining the 16th Kampfgruppen. I had no idea that the person who recruited me would be such a prominent person to me in the future. I then Linebattled time and time again under the command of DaMonkey, fighting along side 8th Col Jorge, 00th Overlord Thundersnow, 35te Obrst Branok, Oculus, Piew Piew, 35te Lt Nihlist, and many more. and most of all Hasan.

    After being subjected to being a Soldat (Pvt) for what seemed to be forever. i went back to BG and went on the 21st PA server, happened to talk to Crawford about my friend who was very inactive. i then informed him i was heavily into MM, He responded by telling me he was Going to make a MM reg. I then asked monkey if i could help him in this creating of the 12th regiment of foot. He of course said yes and i was on my way to becoming the leader that i am now. After a short period of me being a Captain, Crawford Disbanded the regiment for various reasons. I coincidentally happened to be on a month long vacation and was unable to protest the disbandment. When i returned i came back to a regiment in shambles. half went with Crawfords LtCol. Hellstorm and half were just confused. i quickly rounded them up and attempted to merge them into the 16th. I successfully did so, and was promoted to Uffz(Sgt). Litterally 4 hours later some one complained (because of the "no one being promoted" thing i was talking about earlier) and was demoted back to Sdt. I was somewhat distraught and pissed at the compaintent so i brought my men to join another regiment, the 60th Rifles. At the time the 60th rifles were in a army called the HM. This is where i met Heinrich(who lead the 60th), Hypern, and millander(xoxo). Millander had actually just left as the Lt of the Regiment and i was given his place. I was a Lt for several months. After the short time i found myself very frustrated with all of the drama that was in the HM army and quit. (as you can see that i was a quitter) Right after that i contacted hasan and asked if he would be interested in making a regiment with me. At this time he was just promoted to Sdt in the EPI and was eager to move up in the world. He asked me if i wanted to join and i said sure. A couple of weeks went by and i was verry displeased with it, The regiment itself was great, but i felt like a number. so i quit. (again) I was then completely and utterly angered by MM and the regimental system and quit for several months.

    One day instead of playing gears of war i decided to boot up the o'le mount and blade and play once again. Almost instantly being messaged by hasan, he informed me that he had quit the EPI and was interested in making our own regiment. We brainstormed and thought about how the regiment will work and what it will be like. we settled on the name "29th Worcestershire Regiment of foot" Due to my massive respect for the BG 29th. At the same time Crawford decided to make another regiment(2nd CS). And also Tico(2nd QF) was a newcomer to the "leading a regiment aspect". At this point i knew nothing about tactics, commands, and i found myself panicking a lot. But i kept on going. After several months of learning and becoming the commander i wanted to be: max quit, leaving the regiment in shambles. People followed in his exedus, and it took time to know exactly how to command 100% by my self. with no backup, or advice. But i kept on going. We then recuperated and were at full strength. Fielding about 25 per LB. Then, The holy of holys, the next update was announced for MM. Everyone was really exited. Then the regiment heard that we had to pay. and all hope was lost. Not a soul in the regiment wanted to buy it. i basically kissed the regiment good bye and asked crawford that if the reg dies im going to the Coldstream. (thats just how serious the situation was) Shortly after and close to release due to the videos and knowlege we had recieved the regiment understood that it was not simply a update for 10 bucks, it was a DLC. And it ended up saving the regiment because everyone wanted to buy it now.


    When NW released it was Glorious! we had our server running at full capacity commander battles and were flocked with Recruits. getting up to 40 players in a singe training/lb. I felt that i had created a very successful and loyal regiment. But good things only last for so long right? Soon after one of my Cpts. took half the regiment due to just being plane power hungry, nothing more. they actually knew i worked on Sundays and wasn't on until LATE so they staged it on Saturday when i logged off. the regiment once again was at half mast. and moral was at a all time low. But coming to the rescue to help with moral support was basically everyone that i had ever encountered in the MM community.  it was at that time i realized how much the community cares about things, that is unheard of in almost any other gaming community out there. In the heat of it. Hasan came back to help like a good guy would. and i just kept going. and so did the regiment. Since then we are better than we were before. And the regiment has WAY exceeded my expectations. I could not have asked for more.

    To everyone who ever helped me: Thanks a lot. like really. You seriously helped a lot.

    To everyone and anyone ever intending on making a successful regiment: don't quit. The only one who can truly stop you is yourself. no one else can stop you.

    Special thanks to: Maximillian(Hasan) Millander, Hexon, Sixgun, Augustus and the common dandy. and everyone else.

    Regiments / 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot [12/29/11-8/15/14]
    « on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:11 am »

           Regimental Summary
       The 29th is a well respected, well oiled North American Killing machine. We are comprised of four highly prestigious and well trained companies, able to work in perfect unison to achieve the goals given to us by our officers... (A, B, C, and R) All are lead by a Captain, with years of experience under their belts, and are able to give clear and defined commands to suit any situation. When you join the 29th, you come for professionalism, line readiness and to win (And all the other fun games we play in the Teamspeak).

     When we play the game we uphold a strict tradition to valor and courage, ready to face any challenge given and to that effect, we play to win in style. To perfect and maintain line cohesion, we do not speak mere words to other regiments, ensuring no gaps in the lines are made by frivolous typing, to achieve that, we do not allow any chatting in type. (More on this found in rules and regulations on the forums) Furthermore, to make sure officer commands are heard and followed correctly without pause, a strict PTS (permission to speak) system is in place, for your benefit and those around you. Our training and Line Battle events are scheduled around you, the working man; AOLs (Away on Leave) can be posted if you are unable to attend. The 29th strives to have a fun and exciting community inside and outside of Napoleonic Wars. At the same time our main goal is complete battlefield dominance. I can and will assure you that you will enjoy yourself whilst in the ranks of the 29th Worcestershire.

    Enlistment and Requirements

    What we're looking for:
    Mature, and responsible individuals.
    Active players.
    Anyone interested in belonging to a professional regiment.
    We would prefer you lived in North America.
    We would also prefer a functioning microphone.
    Also no negative history in the NW community. (Bans, troll complaints ect.)

    The taste of metal in my mouth. I hated that taste as it signified dread. The bangs of thunder in the distance, the smoke filling the air like London fog, that's what brought that taste. Death, all around us as we march forward into the walls of lead and blood that awaited us. I was a ranker, sent to die for my country, bravely was preferred but not required. A man dropped next to me, it was strange how he just fell without words, dead in an instant, I thought about his wife, what would she think about such an undignified death? But now I looked forward, seeing the lines of blue, the French, eagerly awaited our blood to spill the ground, I hope that I can take one of them with me into the depths of hell, at least I'd have some compan- *Dead.* -From the journal of a ranker in the 29th.

    When you join the 29th, all applicants start out as a Ranker/Recruit. The reason for this is quite simple in nature. In order to perform duties as an Officer, NCO or just a simple member of the 29th, one must first understand the way of the common soldier. With this you learn the maneuvers of the line and how it operates as a whole. As time passes and you become more familiar with the each aspect of regimental life, you will be promoted to Lance Corporal, or LCpl. The rank of LCpl is also the highest rank you can achieve without a microphone. As you ascend the ranks of the regiment your duties will change from silence and killing to doing tasks in and out of game. Some examples: Corporals are at the end of the line and perform wheels. While Sergeants Take attendance and promote activity whilst in the regiment.  These tasks are expected of NCOs (non-commissioned officers).

    The taste of metal in my mouth, oh how I loved it. It signified the great gentleman's game was at play. I looked down to my feet for just the slightest of moments, my marching was in tune with my men, satisfying it was to know our training hadn't gone to waste, they looked to me for command, for bravery, for victory. All rested on me, one false order, a poorly shouted command and it could all be over. But one can't dwell on such things. 'In the moment by George' would call my Colonel to his commissioned officers such as we, and in the moment we would be. Though now I look to my men, seeing a couple drop now and then, pity racked my soul each time, that they would not see our glorious charge, our victory, or flag waving above the enemies broken bodies. Trust, I asked, only trust, and if it was given in full... Victory would be ours. -From the journal from a officer in the 29th.

    Officers are the nails of the regiment. All major decisions are decided upon by the officers. Officer meetings are weekly to discuss promotions, changes within the regiment, and scheduling. To achieve the rank of officer one must show excessive leadership skills, charisma and activity. The commanding officers of the 29th can assure you that we will be one of the most disciplined, respected, and skillful regiments in the NW NA community.


    To Arms in Defense of England! As already stated we strive to be a disciplined and mature unit as well as efficient in our organization. If you wish to learn more about our regiment read below. If you would like to try us out take a look at our website. If you wish to join fill out your enlistment papers at our website or if you are curious or on the fence about us you may join our teamspeak and speak to me or any other officer. Our website and teamspeak address can be found at the top and bottom of this thread.

    However there are requirements that applicants must qualify for if an applicant is to be accepted into the company. As stated we strive for a mature environment. To make this happen we must have qualifications for our members. This is a list of requirements every applicant must heed to.

    • All applicants must be at least 15 years old.
    • Trolling and indiscipline is not allowed. Ill discipline and disorderly conduct during events will cause a member to be kicked. Trolling especially if the victim is a person who does not have membership in the company is completely forbidden and will have consequences ranging from demotion to being mustered out from the Regiment. A detailed code of conduct can be found on our website. If a member breaks his oath of abiding by it that he swore in his application it will be treated as if he lied on his application. However bare in mind the vast majority of members will never have a problem with these rules but these things are required to have the atmosphere we wish to achieve.

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