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Topics - AngelofWar

Pages: 1
Official Server Bans and Unbans / Mute Appeal
« on: May 01, 2023, 11:57:56 pm »
Muted for 7 days, which is excessive. This once again shoes Francis hatred toward me and his prejudice towards his punishment. While he continues to kill the game, he should not be allowed to kill my involvement in the game. Romulus has screenshots.

General Discussion / Too Close
« on: May 06, 2022, 07:13:20 am »
Can we get this changed please. It should be 'too close'.

General Discussion / Casual Player Base
« on: May 06, 2022, 07:03:30 am »
The casual player base has been getting worse, we all know this, but want to look the other way. I know this game is focused on regiments / line battles (so trying to be nice here). I think there is opportunity with the casual player base, but we need to streamline the way the servers work. We have played humans vs. BOTs before, but his needs to be automated. Servers of 5 vs 4 do not work.

General Discussion / Night Battles
« on: March 10, 2022, 12:45:32 am »
Who's brilliant idea was it to have night battles? You cant see anything and its absolutely pointless to try to do anything.

Suggestions & Bug Reports / Suggestions
« on: March 08, 2022, 06:52:51 am »
1. Bayonets - Please give an option where you do not need to remove them after every spawn.

2. Bayonets - Can the person be allowed to put on / remove the bayonet while walking at least. The need to stand still seems silly.

3. Shot gun - I dont remember which one I was using, but two enemy were rushing me practically shoulder to shoulder. When I shot at them, roughly 10 yards away, I didnt even get a hit. This definitely needs to be reviewed.

4. River - I walked into a river and couldnt get out. Sorry I dont remember the map. I did ask other players for suggestions, but eventually had to respawn.

5. Weapons - Any chance we could increase the speed of cycling through the weapons / items while in the game?

6. Kills - Several of my kills were not counted. In the game it stated I killed someone, but when I checked the scoreboard, it was not added. I supposed this doesnt really matter since I couldnt find anywhere with career kills.

7. Medic - Is there a way to identify who is injured and who I need to help as a medic? I wasnt able to determine who was injured and who was not.

Thank you for reviewing the suggestions above.

Pages: 1