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Topics - Duke Of LongTree

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Regiments (Game Clans) / disbanded
« on: August 12, 2019, 04:51:51 am »
plz delete

North & South: First Manassas / Dukes Skin company
« on: March 28, 2019, 05:50:06 pm »
North and south is back alive i do re-skins here a link to my NW ones so feel free to gib requests

Regiments (Game Clans) / plz delete
« on: January 08, 2019, 02:29:02 am »
plz delete

Union / 11th Indiana Infantry Regiment "Wallace's Zouaves"
« on: August 20, 2018, 04:23:35 am »

Regiments / Fusilier Regiment von Lossberg
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:36:02 pm »

Fusilier Regiment von Lossberg was Founded December 9, 2016. We strive to be the most historically accurate yet fun fusilier Hessian regiment in Whigs and tories.

Lossberg's regiment arrived in the first division of Hessian troops. Although the regiment suffered particularly from desertion on the journey from America, Lossberger diaries indicate that the troops were relatively eager to teach the colonists a lesson for having rebelled against their rightful King. I have noted before the age of some of the more senior Hessian commanders, but Atwood uses Lossberg to show that whilst the presence of veterans in the ranks no doubt brought much needed experience, it was not just the high command who were "long in the tooth": of the regiment's 35 NCOs, 16 were over forty and 10 over fifty.

The regiment fought at Long Island, White Plains and Fort Washington. It distinguished itself in the attack on Chatterton's Hill at White Plains, earning the admiration of Cornwallis. However, the regiment was stationed in Trenton when Washington attacked at the end of 1776. The survivors of Trenton were placed into the Combined Battalion that was formed of those soldiers who had escaped capture, and which was present at Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. In 1780 the regiment was renamed Alt-Lossberg and transferred to Canada.

To join the regiment, add Oberst Longtree on steam!

Steam Group

Ranking Structure



Oberst Longtree
Oberfeldwebel Josanu
Unteroffizier Jango
Unteroffizier Hellboy
Füsilier Balter
Füsilier Pinecone
Füsilier Noober67
Füsilier Prince

Regiments / Marquis of Newcastle's Regiment of Foot - EU / NA
« on: February 09, 2018, 04:37:49 am »

Skins & OSP Resources / Duke's Cavern - new skins
« on: January 19, 2018, 05:58:01 pm »
3e Régiment Grenadiers Garde Impériale

Download Link

6te Silesian Landwehr

Download Link

Queens Rangers (1812) replaces the 41st

New Sound Mod

Download Link version 2

so i know kids are hungry for some sick ass skins and i am here to feed u kidos

Re-skin link





The 2e Grenadiers de la Garde is a North American based regiment, consisting of extremely experienced leadership coming from Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars. The 2e is looking for mature players who are willing to take the unit seriously and follow our simple rules. We are looking to be a very active, realistic, and serious regiment with drill and realistic linebattles. We will pride ourselves on being honorable on and off the battlefield and giving off an aura of respect. Within the 2e, we are looking to build a family like community in which players are encouraged to spend time with one another outside of our events. A friendly and mature environment will ensure for the utmost discipline and fun on the battlefield. Aside from in game professionalism, the 2e will have historical ranks and much more. If you are looking to join a regiment that will try to reproduce the glory of the Napoleonic Wars on a grand scale, the 2e is the place for you! Vive la France!

If you are interested in joining the 2e Grenadiers, simply click on one of the officer's steam link and add them. An officer will be in contact with you shortly. When joining, you will receive the rank of Pupil de la Garde and be trained and made into a fine soldier. Join us today for a great gaming experience.

Capitaine Gaius or Lieutenant Laffite

Sous Lieutenant
Sergent Major
Élève-Sous Officier
Grenadier Élite
Grenadier Veteran
Grenadier Prémiere
Pupil de la Garde

No Napoleonic unit marched into battle with more confidence and promise of military glory than the Imperial Guard. They embodied the physical strength and bravery that characterized anciet warriors. Chandler writes that the Imperial Guard was "one of the most celebrated military formations in history."
The Guard drew extra pay and allowances, they got better housing and enjoyed the highest prestige. Discipline was high, it was forbidden to brawl at the canteens or get drunk. The history of Napoleon's Guard is short but very colorful. A parallel unit appeared in 1796, when the newly installed Directory created a Maison for itself of 120 infantry grenadiers and an equal number of mounted ones, plus a 25 piece band drawn from the Paris Conservatory of Music. For his November 1799 coup d'etat, Napoleon used the Garde du Corps Legislatiff to chase its former employers out of the windows. He then combined it with the equally cooperative Guard of the Directory into a Garde des Consuls and added the guides he had brought back from Egypt."

2e Grenadiers Holding back the British at Waterloo

2e Grenadiers Marching at Waterloo

In 1804 after his crowning, Napoleon transformed the Consular Guard into the Imperial Guard (Garde Imperiale). Also the so-called Velites were formed. The Velites were sort of enlisted volunteers to remedy the last evil by drawing from them instead of the army. They were required to be young men of family. This was to obtain a certain amount of education and character, with which is usually joined a sense of honor. Allured by the splendid renown of Napoleon, dazzled by his numerous victories, young men flocked to the ranks of Velites. The infantry of the Guard also acquired more foreign elements. Thee Velites of Florence received Guard status in 1809, those of Turin in 1810. In 1809 the Guard participated in all great battles. At Aspern-Essling the infantry of Old Guard deployed from 3-rank deep line into a thick skirmish line and took advantage of numerous canals and ditches. They closed to the 50 Austrian guns and delivered a volley. It was a shocking surprise to the Austrian gunners, they limbered up and hastily withdrew all 50 guns to a position where stood the Austrian cavalry. The Guard fusiliers and Guard tirailleurs stormed the village. At Wagram despite extremely heavy artillery fire the Guard stubbornly held their ground. When casualties in the 102-gun battery reached critical point Napoleon called for 20 corporals and privates from each company of the Old Guard infantry regiments to fill up the gun crews. Coignet said everyone wanted to go. The increase of Guard came in 1810 from the incorporation of the Dutch Royal Guard.  The Guard's glory shined in every battle, even their final defeat at Waterloo.

Hommes de Troupe

Grenadier Veteran
Grenadier Prémiere
Grenadier Prémiere


Modifications / Range of Grass in NW
« on: April 16, 2017, 12:23:04 am »
If any one can help me i don't know how to

Regiments / Brigada Abraham Lincoln [English Speaking]
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:45:12 pm »

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), almost forty thousand men and women from fifty-two countries, including 2,800 Americans volunteered to travel to Spain and join the International Brigades to help fight fascism.

If you would like join the Battalion please add me on steam.

Commandante- LongTree
Political Officer- Harris
Sargento- Blue Cyclone
Volunteer- Stalin
Volunteer- Schulz
Volunteer- Pico

Union / 15th US Infantry Batalion
« on: October 06, 2016, 03:44:12 am »

The current 15th Infantry was activated during the Civil War on 3 May 1861 by General Order No. 33 with its headquarters first in Wheeling,42–48 West Virginia then Cleveland, Ohio, then on to Newport Barracks, Kentucky and finally ending up in Fort Adams, Rhode Island. At the Battle of Shiloh on 7 April 1862, the 15th Infantry was the first new infantry regiment to engage in battle in the Civil War. In April–May 1862, the regiment marched toward and fought in the First Battle of Corinth, Mississippi. By the end of the Civil War, the regiment had fought in 22 major engagements, including Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, and Atlanta as a part of  Brigade of Johnson's Division, XIV Army Corps of the Army of the Cumberland. The regiment was a key element of the only regular brigade in Sherman's Army. The regiment's crest includes the acorn, the symbol of the Major General George Thomas's XIV Corps, and the mountains of stone to symbolize the corps' firm stand as the "Rock of Chickamauga". The four acorns represent the four major engagements.

Contact Info


Lieutenant colonel

Teamspeak Ip :

Media / Duke LongTree's Youtube
« on: September 09, 2016, 01:21:36 am »
Newest Video

~Mount and Blade Warband~

~War Of Rights~

~Random Stuff~

Events / 😱 LongTree's event friday 8pm est 😱
« on: August 27, 2016, 06:27:43 pm »


- No Reload in Charge

- No Rambo

- When down to 2 men OR less, find a friendly line/unit

- All regiments that signed up will be able to recruit public players 

Line inf Rules
- Must be shoulder to shoulder (Gaps may be left when in a line and firing, and someone dies)
- Must not fire out of line/formation
- Cannot crouch, only when using man made objects as cover, or if you are out of combat.

Light Inf Rules
- May use a loose formation (5 man spacing max)
- May use all forms of cover
- May use bayonets (*)

Cav Rules
- May use a loose formation (must be close to the rest of the unit)
- Must dismount when 2 or less
- Must be at least two man spacing when firing 

Arty Rules
- 3 cannons Max
- Allowed to have a sapper
- Arty guard 3 man spacing max

Sign up template
Regiment name:
Leaders steam:
Have you read the rules and do you agree with them?:

Please note we will be using custom maps sign ups start at 7:30 est event beings at 7:30 pm est will in my  teamspeak IP

The original 14th Battle Flag

Organized at New Orleans under Colonel Valery Sulakowski, Lieutenant Colonel Richard W. Jones and Major Zebulon York

August 1861

The regiment lost 7 dead and 19 wounded in drunken rioting in Grand Junction, Tennessee, several shot by Colonel Sulakowski. The officers of the Franco Rifle Guards were forced to resign and the company split up and distributed around the regiment.

Battle of Williamsburg

The 14th Louisiana lost 194 men. Lieutenant Colonel York and Major Zable were wounded.

App to Join

Steam Link:
Do you have Teamspeak?

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