Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > Servers

1812 Official Siege


Hello Everyone!! This is the post about the Official 1812 Siege Server.  If you have any Questions, concerns leave them here.  This is the Official Siege server for 1812 and I hope everyone enjoys it.  Enjoy the awesome Maps, and lets get this server populated. The Current rules stand like this:

No Trolling
Don't open gates as a defender
Admins rule is final
Have fun.

The Server will be open everyday and feel free to use it whenever you want. Any Unban request leave them here as well.  thanks!


My favorite server for the HQ of operations.  ;D


--- Quote from: usnavy30 on February 04, 2015, 05:10:11 am ---My favorite server for the HQ of operations.  ;D

--- End quote ---

tis a nice server indeed!


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